
Dr. Will Cole Video: Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s and Fatigue – Podcast #36 Hypothyroidism - The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. "Thyroiditis" is an inflammation of the thyroid gland. In this interview with Dr. Will Cole, we talk about thyroid dysfunction and how to fix it! Over 30 million Americans... Read More
Dr. Frank Tortorice – Blood sugar and Diabetes – Podcast #35 In this podcast Dr. Justin interviews Dr. Frank Tortorice on blood sugar and diabetes. Dr. Frank reveals the blood test he uses to reveal blood sugar imbalances. Dr. Frank also uses specific blood test to detect metabolic syndrome in the early stages so... Read More
Dr. Robert Rakowski – Functional Medicine and Human Performance – Podcast #34 Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Dr. Robert Rakowski on this podcast where he addresses the main issues that he's seeing in his practice today including fatigue, thyroid, and adrenal problems.  He also talks about The Magnificent Seven and his 5-minute exam.  They also discuss about viscerosomatic reflex, dysbiosis,... Read More
Micro-nutrients, Vitamins and Minerals Deficiency – Podcast #33 Dr. Justin Marchegiani gets into an engaging and informative discussion with Baris Harvey about minerals and mineral deficiency and how to test for minerals. Get to know about magnesium and selenium deficiency, as well as the importance of selenium to T4 and T3... Read More
Boosting Your Immune System: Avoid Getting Sick Naturally – Podcast #32 We live in a world that is filled with so many viruses, bacteria, toxins and other microbes that enter our bodies which can cause harm or even disease.  The immune system is our body’s best defense to protect against these... Read More
Dr. Andrew Hill Interview on Meditation, Neurofeedback and Brain Health – Podcast #31 Dr. Andrew Hill talks about neurofeedback/biofeedback as a way to improve brain health. We also talk about meditation and brain supporting nutrients including piracetam, oxiracetam, and PQQ. Listen to this podcast or watch the video to learn how to improve your... Read More
Vitamin D – Lab Testing and Supplementation – Podcast #30 Our body naturally produces vitamin D primarily though sunlight exposure or we get it from diet and supplementation. This vitamin which is also a hormone affects our body’s natural antibiotics, regulates our genes and boost up our immune system to... Read More
Hack Your Brain and Your Sleep – Evan Brand Podcast #29 Sleep plays a huge factor in one’s health, creativity and productivity.  The lack of it affects our blood sugar levels, hormones, ages our skin, as well as make our brain foggy.  Sleep problems can even lead to a more serious... Read More
Improve Your Mood Part 1 – Podcast #28 Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Baris Harvey reviews why your mood is off and shares with the listeners some simple things you can do to help get it back on track. Basically, this is a discussion regarding mood and neurotransmitter health. So if you... Read More
Detoxification 101: How To Enhance Your Body’s Detoxification – Podcast #27 Are you having skin issues, allergies or gut problems? Do you feel tired or sluggish? Or maybe are you struggling with weight loss? Perhaps a good detox program is what your body needs. But what exactly does detox or cleanse... Read More
Muscle Activation – Mike Hoban Podcast #26 In this podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Mike Hoban, a strengthening and conditioning expert to talk about the science of muscle activation in strengthening and enhancing athletic performance. Find out the methods to reactivate our muscles by pressing the neurolymphatic... Read More
Brain Hacking and Brain Supplements – Podcast #25 Do you suffer from memory lapses, mental exhaustion, or problems with concentration?  These can be linked to several factors like lack of sleep, stress, lifestyle and diet or even menopause for women. Find out in this podcast how one can... Read More