
Beyond Wellness Radio Q&A Podcast #13 In this podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Baris Harvey did a Q&A episode as they answer questions regarding various health issues and challenges from our radio show listeners as well as from the forum.   Concerns on hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances... Read More
Blood Sugar Regulation Podcast #12 In this podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani explains in depth the different mechanisms of blood sugar regulation.   He also discussed the negative effects of having very high and super low blood sugar measurements in our body and how important it is... Read More
Gluten Sensitivity and Brain Health By Dr. Justin Marchegiani What is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS)? Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a functional condition, not a disease. NCGS could, however, progress into a pathogenic disease. Imagine a scale with 0 being optimal health and 10 being disease.... Read More
Beyond Wellness Radio Q&A Forum Dominator 2 Podcast #11 In this podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Baris Harvey did another Forum Dominator where questions from the Paleo Hacks community were taken and addressed by providing interesting insights, useful tips and clear, detailed answers concerning various health issues.  Listen as... Read More
Sleep Podcast #10 In this podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Baris Harvey emphasize the importance of getting enough sleep and how it affects a person’s brain function, performance and overall health.  Listen as Dr. Justin explains in detail the phases of sleep, and... Read More
Male Hormones Podcast #9 Listen to this podcast as Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Baris Harvey take a closer look at the main male sex hormone called “testosterone”.   Learn how diet, lifestyle and stress can greatly affect this hormone and how to help boost one’s... Read More
Resistant Starch Podcast #8 Our gut is home to millions of good and bad bacteria.  The goal of resistant starch is to act like a prebiotic, where it feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut which then produces short chain fatty acids, specifically butyrate,... Read More
Is Candida Causing My Health Issues? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani What is Candida? Candida can be at the root of chronic health issues, chronic fatigue, and digestive issues. It can also be a sign that there are deeper underlying problems, such as a parasitic disease (e.g.,... Read More
Detox 101: How to Enhance Your Body’s Detoxification By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Did you know your body is detoxifying all the time? It’s kind of a misnomer to say you are going to “detox” your system; it does this naturally. However, there are ways to up-regulate detoxification and... Read More
How to Treat Gut Infections: Antibiotics or Natural Herbs? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Gut infections are common, and they can prohibit healing and cause a leaky gut. They must be treated to keep the body healthy, but are antibiotics the right choice for you? For some serious infections, antibiotics... Read More
Why You Keep Getting Sick, and What You Can Do about Those Flu Symptoms | Part 1 By Dr. Justin Marchegiani When most people start to get sick, they feel the flu symptoms start to come on, it's easy to feel paralyzed regarding what to do next. The common phrase, "Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!"... Read More
Adrenal Fatigue Treatment and Symptoms | A Brain Problem By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Adrenal fatigue is one of those catch-all terms in the functional medicine and paleo community. Let’s dig a little deeper into adrenal fatigue and adrenal-fatigue treatment. Adrenal-fatigue symptoms include the following: Dizzy when standing up fast... Read More