Infections, Digestive Issues, Brain Fog and What To Do Next – Podcast #61Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about gut bugs and multiple gut infections in this interview. While you'll see some symptoms when a person's experiencing a gut infection, remember it's not always the case as there are times when people don't... Read More
Are You Making These Common Paleo Mistakes – Podcast #58Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand share valuable information about not burning fat when insulin is high and other important things to consider when reaching for Paleo treats. They share their favorite treats which are healthier compared to what others... Read More
Brain Chemistry, Mood and Amino Acids – Podcast #57Brain chemistry is the sum of all the chemical messaging that takes place in the brain, which allows it to carry out its daily functions, such as generating movement, speaking, thinking, listening, regulating the systems of the body, and countless... Read More