
Top 5 Causes of Bloating – Functional Medicine Solutions & Mold Bloating Connection | Podcast #282 Hello, everyone! In today's podcast, Dr. J talks about bloating and its connections with mold, low stomach acid, bacterial overgrowth, h. pylori, fungal overgrowth/candida and parasite infections. Mold and mycotoxins may also play a role in causing sympathetic and adrenal... Read More
Healthy Gut Function Can Boost Your Immune System By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Healthy gut function can help improve and boost your immune system.  It is your gut that helps to improve your body’s ability to fight infections. Our localized immune system is where 80% of your immune system... Read More
Telomeres: How to Have Younger DNA By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Can your DNA predict your lifespan? Well, maybe partially! New research on telomeres, a structure found on the ends of our chromosomes, may give us a glimpse into our health and longevity. What Are Telomeres? The... Read More
Natural Solutions for Seasonal Allergies By Dr. Justin Marchegiani If you suffer from allergies, you’re not alone–seasonal allergies affect an estimated 40 million to 60 million people yearly. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. There are several underlying factors... Read More
Antimicrobial Efficacy of Essential Oils & How to Use Them By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Essential oils are aromatic compounds extracted from plants, commonly through steam distillation or cold pressed methods. An essential oil from one plant may contain anywhere from a dozen to several hundred individual compounds. Even trace amounts... Read More
Coronavirus Updates, Herd Immunity, and Asymptomatic Population are Increasing | Podcast #281 Hey everyone! In today’s episode for Beyond Wellness Podcast, Dr. Justin and Evan give a live virus update, highlights on approaches for a good immune system support aside from the defensive approaches. This podcast will give a lot of information... Read More
How to Boost Nitric Oxide and Oxygenation in the Body – Can Help with Viruses | Podcast #280 We have another episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast. In this episode with Evan Brand, we discuss nitric oxide, how nitric oxide works and helps our system, as well as improve oxygenation in our bodies. As we all know, many viruses... Read More
Cutting Edge Healing Technology – The Neubie with Garrett Salpeter | Podcast #279 We are back to Beyond Wellness Radio! For this episode, we have Garrett Salpeter, producer of the amazing technology called Neubie. He works with professional athletes who are trying to recover from injuries. Check out this podcast to know more... Read More
Blood Sugar Issues and a Weaker Immune System – Blood Sugar & Virus Connection | Podcast #278 Hi everyone! Today’s podcast talks about blood sugar and immune system issues. Diabetes marks the second spot today in comorbidities, and more information about blood sugar regulation is coming right up. With current health concerns, it is also important that... Read More
Vitamin C and Your Immune System By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Loading up on Vitamin C is a great first line of defense during cold and flu season. Many know instinctively to reach for vitamin C at the first signs of illness, and that’s for good reason.... Read More
Healthy Body & Mind: Self-Care While Social Distancing By Dr. Justin Marchegiani I know it can be isolating and distressing to be cooped up in the house all day. It really throws a wrench into your normal routine, and is a constant reminder that things aren't right. Current... Read More
Top 5 Strategies to Handle Stress and Fear during the Current Global Health Concern | Podcast #277 Because of current global health concerns, stress is a common thing to most people nowadays because it affects businesses, economy, and so much more. Stress can affect our body negatively, but Dr. Justin and Evan Brand are here to help.... Read More