EMF: The Health Implications of the Invisible Fields All Around Us

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EMF: The Health Implications of the Invisible Fields All Around Us

By Dr. Justin Marchegiani

What is EMF?

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) come in two forms: native (nEMF) and non-native (nnEMF).

Native, or natural, EMF includes visible light, and also comes in invisible forms, such as infrared and ultraviolet light. You may be familiar with these as part of the spectrum of energy emitted from the sun. Additionally, the Earth itself resonates at frequencies called the Schumann Resonance. All living things, including humans, have lived in harmony with the native frequencies produced by the Sun and the Earth for all of the time. Native EMF is a good thing.

Non-native EMF is where we start seeing problems. nnEMF is emitted from electronic devices and appliances including cell phones, wifi, light bulbs, laptops, computers, tablets, TVs, smart meters, microwaves, radios, Bluetooth, fitness tracking gadgets, refrigerators, power outlets… you get the idea. Non-native EMF is everywhere in our society and is making us sick. The scary part is, this radiation is invisible, and most people are unaware that they are being affected.

To recap:

Native (natural) EMF comes from nature, including sunlight and the Earth.

Non-native (man-made, artificial) EMF comes from electronic devices and appliances, including x-rays, airport scanners, MRI machines, Bluetooth, radios, and microwaves.

EMF: The Health Implications of the Invisible Fields All Around Us

EMF and Our Biology

So what’s the problem with EMF? Well, the native kind is perfectly found—healing, in fact. Have you noticed how good it feels to take off your shoes at the beach and dig your toes in the sand? Familiar with the calm happy feelings when having a picnic outdoors? Well, when you touch or go barefoot on the Earth, you are connecting with the Schumann Resonance through a practice called “grounding.”

Why does grounding make you feel better? We are constantly being bombarded by the non-native EMF of our technological society. These artificial frequencies are much more intense than anything humankind has ever experienced, and the constant radiation is taking a huge toll on human health. When we connect to the Earth via grounding, we’re able to soak up the negative ions from the ground to bring us back to baseline.

Health Effects of nnEMF

The adverse health effects of man-made EMF exposure are all-encompassing: there are so many areas of health that are devastated by this radiation that it would be impossible to list them all. Here are a few of the most common consequences of EMF exposure:

Parents in California are petitioning for the removal of a cell phone tower at the elementary school after 4 children—students at this school—have developed cancer in just the last 3 years.

EMF: The Health Implications of the Invisible Fields All Around Us

Are you suffering from symptoms of EMF exposure? Click here for the help you deserve.

EMF: The Health Implications of the Invisible Fields All Around Us

How to Protect Yourself Against EMF

Learning about the biologic disaster of EMF is scary, but my goal is to provide you with practical strategies to protect yourself from the effects of this omnipresent radiation. Here are some easy-to-implement strategies that will help reduce the EMF burden on your (and your family’s) body:

Reduce EMF load with these supplements: iodine, Vitamin D, B vitamins, omega-3s, antioxidants, and mitochondrial support.

EMF: The Health Implications of the Invisible Fields All Around Us

If you’re in an EMF-toxic environment, click here for personalized help from an EMF Expert.

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