Why Probiotics May Make You Feel Worse: Unpacking the Hidden Side-Effects

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Probiotics, touted for their many health benefits, have become a staple in the modern health-conscious consumer's diet. While they have a rich history of promoting gut health through fermented foods, they might only sometimes be the silver bullet for everyone. This article delves into why probiotics might make some people feel worse, focusing on their relationship with histamine production and fermentable carbohydrates.

The Deep-Rooted Connection Between Probiotics and Our Gut

The human gut, a complex system intertwined with our overall health, has always held a symbiotic relationship with probiotics. This connection dates back to our ancestors who, perhaps unknowingly, leveraged the health benefits of these beneficial bacteria. By consuming fermented foods like sauerkraut and pickled foods, they enriched their gut microbiome, paving the way for improved health outcomes. Among the myriad of bacteria, lactobacillus species stand out for their prominent role in bolstering our immunity. This becomes even more significant when considering that the gut is the primary residence for most of our immune system.

Historical Intake of Probiotics

A Glimpse into Ancient Diets

Centuries ago, our ancestors did not have the luxury of modern-day refrigeration. Yet, they discovered the art of fermentation, a preservation method that inadvertently introduced beneficial bacteria into their diet. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and pickled vegetables were staples in various cultures, from Asia to Europe. These foods extended the shelf life of raw ingredients and provided a rich source of probiotics, particularly lactobacillus species, that positively influenced the gut's health.

Lactobacillus Species: The Frontline Warriors of Immunity

The Role of Lactobacillus

Lactobacillus is a genus of beneficial bacteria abundantly found in fermented foods and the human gut. Various lactobacillus strains, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, have been shown to promote gut health, aid digestion, and enhance immunity. Moreover, these bacteria create an inhospitable environment for pathogenic bacteria by producing lactic acid, thereby ensuring that the gut remains populated by beneficial microorganisms.

Why Probiotics May Make You Feel Worse Photo 1_Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Connection to Immunity

The gut is often dubbed the “second brain” of the human body, underlining its importance. A large segment of our immune cells resides within the gut, making it a central player in our body's defense mechanism. When the gut microbiome is populated with beneficial bacteria like lactobacillus, it helps modulate immune responses, ensuring that our body can effectively ward off pathogens and reduce inflammation.

Modern Implications: Probiotics and Gut Health Today

Probiotic Supplements

Recognizing the immense benefits of probiotics, especially lactobacillus species, today's market is flooded with probiotic supplements. These aim to replicate our ancestors' health benefits from natural food sources. Such supplements are especially beneficial for individuals who might not regularly consume fermented foods, offering a direct way to introduce these essential bacteria into the gut.

Challenges and Considerations

While the intake of probiotics, either through natural sources or supplements, generally yields positive outcomes, it's vital to note that individual responses can vary. Factors such as existing gut health, specific health conditions, and probiotic type and strain can influence outcomes. It's always advisable to consult healthcare professionals before significantly changing one's diet or introducing supplements.

Histamine: The Unseen Culprit

Histamine, a natural compound in the body, plays a dual role. On the one hand, it's crucial for immune responses, regulating physiological function in the gut, and acting as a neurotransmitter. On the other hand, excessive levels can wreak havoc, leading to many symptoms. The relationship between probiotics and histamine is a double-edged sword. While the beneficial bacteria from probiotics promote gut health, their fermentation process might inadvertently increase histamine levels. For those individuals teetering on the brink of their histamine threshold, introducing certain probiotics might push them over the edge, leading to a cascade of unwanted symptoms.

Histamine: Role and Regulation in the Body

Histamine's Dual Functionality

Histamine is an organic nitrogenous compound involved in local immune responses. It also regulates physiological functions in the stomach and acts as a neurotransmitter for the brain, spinal cord, and uterus. This compound is vital in mediating itching, inflammation, and even gastric acid secretions.

The Body's Balancing Act

Our bodies are constantly in equilibrium, attempting to maintain optimal histamine levels. Certain enzymes, such as diamine oxidase (DAO), break down dietary sources of histamine. When histamine production surpasses the body's ability to break it down, histamine intolerance can ensue, leading to many symptoms.

Probiotics and the Histamine Connection

The Fermentation Process

Many probiotics, especially those found in fermented foods, are fermentation products – a process that can naturally produce histamine. As these foods are consumed, they introduce additional histamine into the system, potentially leading to an overflow.

Choosing the Right Strains

Not all probiotics lead to heightened histamine levels. Specific strains of bacteria are more prone to increasing histamine in the body, while others may help degrade it. Being informed about the different strains and their effects can help individuals make better choices, especially if they're sensitive to histamine.

Recognizing and Managing High Histamine Symptoms

Spotting the Signs

When histamine levels soar, the body responds with a range of symptoms. Common manifestations include dizziness, brain fog, headaches, hives, fatigue, and digestive issues. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step toward addressing the root cause.

Tailored Interventions

Dietary and lifestyle changes can significantly affect those with histamine intolerance or sensitivities. This might include opting for low-histamine diets, enhancing the gut's health to improve DAO production, or even choosing histamine-friendly probiotic strains. Additionally, consulting with healthcare professionals can provide tailored strategies and interventions to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

While histamine is vital in various bodily functions, its overproduction, sometimes exacerbated by certain probiotics, can lead to discomfort and health challenges. By understanding this connection and making informed choices, individuals can harness the benefits of probiotics without the adverse histamine-related effects.

Are you keen on understanding how probiotics impact your system? Consider a professional consultation and guidance. Knowing your body is the first step to holistic health.

Probiotics: One Size Doesn't Fit All

Probiotics, often hailed as the beneficial bacteria and yeast essential for gut health, have taken the health and wellness world by storm. As research into gut health expands, it's becoming increasingly evident that while these microorganisms can offer many benefits, there's no one-size-fits-all formula. The same strain that rejuvenates one individual's gut health might exacerbate another's symptoms. The key is personalization, understanding the individual nuances of one's body, and finding the probiotic strain that aligns with one's unique needs. Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of probiotics and how individual needs play a pivotal role in their efficacy.

Understanding Different Probiotic Strains and Their Benefits

Diversity Among Probiotics

Probiotics encompass a wide array of bacteria and yeast strains, each with its unique properties and benefits. For instance, Lactobacillus may aid in diarrhea prevention, while Bifidobacterium can relieve irritable bowel syndrome.

Strains and Specific Health Concerns

Some strains might be particularly effective for specific health issues. Saccharomyces boulardii, a type of yeast, is well-regarded for combating antibiotic-associated diarrhea and other infections.

Histamine Sensitivity and Probiotic Choices

Histamine-Producing Probiotic Strains

Certain probiotic strains are known for their histamine-producing properties, which can be problematic for those with histamine sensitivities or intolerances. Strains such as Lactobacillus casei or Lactobacillus bulgaricus can increase histamine levels in the body, potentially leading to symptoms like headaches or digestive discomfort.

Alternatives for Histamine-Sensitive Individuals

Those with histamine sensitivities might fare better with strains that either don't produce histamine or actively degrade it. Specific strains, such as Bifidobacterium infantis or Lactobacillus gasseri, might be more suitable for those looking to keep their histamine levels in check.

The Rise of Spore-Based Probiotics and Beneficial Yeasts

What are Spore-Based Probiotics?

These are a subset of probiotics characterized by their hardy spores, which can endure harsh stomach conditions and reach the intestines intact. Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis are spore-based strains known for their resilience and efficacy in promoting gut health.

Saccharomyces Boulardii – The Beneficial Yeast

Beyond bacteria, specific yeasts have also shown promising probiotic potential. Saccharomyces boulardii is one such yeast, distinguished for its ability to combat various gut issues, from infections to inflammation.

The diverse world of probiotics underscores the importance of personalization in health and wellness. Selecting strains aligned with one's unique needs and sensitivities is imperative, ensuring optimal benefits and minimal side effects. As our understanding of these beneficial microorganisms grows, so does our ability to harness their full potential for improved health and well-being.

FODMAPs and Their Role in Probiotic Intolerance

In recent years, FODMAPs – Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols – have gained significant attention in health and nutrition. While these short-chain carbohydrates are present in many healthy foods and play an essential role in our daily nutrition, they can also be the culprits behind various digestive woes. For some individuals, especially those with a sensitive gut or conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), FODMAPs can exacerbate symptoms. Even when introducing probiotics – typically beneficial for gut health – one must consider the potential impact of FODMAPs. Here's a deep dive into the complex relationship between FODMAPs and probiotic intolerance.

Understanding FODMAPs: More Than Just Difficult-to-Digest Carbs

Origins and Common Sources

FODMAPs are found in a broad range of foods, from fruits and vegetables like apples and broccoli to dairy products and certain grains. While naturally occurring, their fermentation in the gut can lead to gas and bloating in sensitive individuals.

Why They Cause Discomfort

FODMAPs are osmotically active, meaning they can draw water into the intestines, leading to diarrhea in some. Moreover, when fermented by gut bacteria, they produce gas, resulting in bloating, gas, and pain.

Why Probiotics May Make You Feel Worse Photo 2_Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Probiotics and FODMAPs: A Double-Edged Sword

Beneficial Bacteria vs. FODMAP Intolerance

While probiotics are heralded for their gut-boosting benefits, certain strains might increase the fermentation of FODMAPs, potentially worsening symptoms for those already sensitive to these carbohydrates.

Striking the Right Balance

Choosing a probiotic that complements one's dietary needs and sensitivities is crucial. For instance, some may benefit from a probiotic that doesn't exacerbate FODMAP fermentation, especially if they already consume a high-FODMAP diet.

Navigating Probiotic Intolerance: Solutions and Alternatives

Low-FODMAP Diet – A Path to Relief

Adopting a low-FODMAP diet can relieve digestive discomfort for those sensitive to FODMAPs. This means temporarily restricting high-FODMAP foods and gradually reintroducing them to identify triggers.

Digestive Support – Enzymes and Beyond

Enzyme supplements can assist in breaking down difficult-to-digest components in foods, including some FODMAPs. Enzymes can reduce gas, bloating, and other symptoms of FODMAP intolerance by aiding the digestive process.

The world of gut health is complex and multifaceted. Understanding the potential challenges posed by FODMAPs, especially in conjunction with probiotics, is essential for those looking to optimize their digestive well-being. By being informed and proactive, individuals can make dietary and supplemental choices that bolster their gut health while minimizing discomfort.

When to Dig Deeper: Unraveling the Underlying Causes of Gut Issues

For most individuals, incorporating probiotics into their diet improves gut health and overall wellness. However, introducing these beneficial bacteria can exacerbate pre-existing or hidden conditions for a select few. With the complex interplay of various microorganisms, enzymes, and physical processes, the digestive system can sometimes mask more profound issues that require more thorough examination. When routine solutions and dietary adjustments fail to rectify persistent discomfort or problems, it's time to delve deeper. Here's a closer look at the hidden factors that may be playing a disruptive role in one's gut health:

H. Pylori Infections: The Silent Invader

Understanding H. Pylori

Helicobacter pylori, commonly referred to as H. pylori, is a type of bacteria that can live in the stomach. While many individuals carry this bacteria without symptoms, others can develop problems like gastritis, ulcers, or even stomach cancer in long-term unchecked cases.

Interaction with Probiotics

Introducing probiotics to a gut environment already compromised by H. pylori can sometimes exacerbate symptoms. The change in the gut flora might stress the system, revealing the underlying infection's effects.

Parasitic Infections: Unseen and Underestimated

The Common Culprits

Parasites like Giardia, Entamoeba histolytica, or Cryptosporidium can sometimes reside in our intestines. Their presence can lead to diarrhea, bloating, and other digestive symptoms that can intensify with probiotic consumption.

Detection and Treatment

Stool tests are often the primary means of diagnosing these parasitic infections. Once identified, they can be treated with specific antiparasitic medications, usually relieving the patient.

Weakened Immune Response: The Overlooked Factor

Immunity and Gut Health

Given that a significant portion of our immune system is intricately linked to the gut, any compromise in immune function can directly impact digestive health.

A weakened immune system might make it harder for the body to maintain a healthy gut flora balance.

Probiotics and Immunity

In some cases, the introduction of probiotics can stress an already weakened immune system, highlighting the need for a more holistic approach to gut health that addresses immune function.


Probiotics, while immensely beneficial, might not be everyone's best friend. With potential histamine effects and FODMAP intolerance, it's essential to tread cautiously and choose strains that align with your body's needs. Always consult a professional to ensure your gut health is on the right track when in doubt.

Recommended Products:

Probio Flora – https://justinhealth.com/products/probio-flora-60-caps/

Sacro Flora – https://justinhealth.com/products/sacro-flora/

Megasporebiotic – https://justinhealth.com/products/megasporbiotic/


“The Historical Use of Fermented Foods” by Dr. Linda A. Lee ↩

“Gut Health and Immunity: Unpacking the Connection” by Prof. Maria Collins ↩

“Histamine Intolerance and Probiotics: What's the Connection?” by Dr. John D. Reeves ↩

“Tailoring Probiotic Supplements: A Guide” by Dr. Sandra Clark ↩

“The Wonders of Saccharomyces in Gut Health” by Prof. Elena L. Martinez ↩

“FODMAPs Explained: Digestion and Sensitivities” by Dr. Hannah Brown ↩

“Unpacking Gut Issues: Beyond Probiotics” by Dr. Sam G. Peterson ↩

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