Understanding Nausea: Causes and Natural Remedies

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Feeling nauseous can be a distressing symptom, reflecting various underlying issues in your body. This article explores the physiological causes of nausea and provides insights into natural remedies that may alleviate discomfort.

Why Do We Feel Nauseous?

Nausea arises from several bodily functions going awry, primarily related to digestion. Difficulty in breaking down proteins and fats can lead to discomfort, often felt before meals or during stressful times. Inadequate digestive enzymes, stomach acids, and bile are significant contributors to this feeling.

Digestive Dysfunction and Stress

When foods are not adequately digested, processes like fermentation, putrefaction, and rancidification occur, leading to an accumulation of undigested food in the stomach. This can result in increased stress levels and activate the sympathetic nervous system, the body's fight-or-flight response, exacerbating feelings of nausea.

Adrenal Health and Circadian Rhythms

Our body’s response to stress, particularly through adrenal health and circadian rhythms, plays a crucial role in managing nausea. An overactive sympathetic nervous system can divert blood flow from the digestive system, impairing digestion and causing nausea. Addressing adrenal health and ensuring a balanced circadian rhythm can help manage these symptoms effectively.

Natural Remedies for Nausea

  1. Diet Adjustments:
    • Liquid Meals: Smoothies or soups that are easy to digest can be less taxing on your stomach.
    • Low-Fat and Protein Diets: Reducing the intake of hard-to-digest foods can minimize nausea.
  2. Supplements:
    • Enzymes and Bile Supplements: Aiding digestion through supplements can improve stomach function.
    • Ginger Tea: Known for its soothing properties, ginger tea can help alleviate nausea.
    • Adaptogens: These can help modulate stress responses, beneficial for adrenal health.
  3. Hydrochloric Acid (HCL):
    • Introducing HCL supplements might help some individuals, depending on their stomach lining’s health. A preliminary test with apple cider vinegar can indicate if HCL supplements would be suitable.


The Role of Functional Medicine Lab Testing

Functional medicine approaches nausea with a root-cause perspective, often employing lab testing to uncover the underlying issues contributing to digestive and systemic symptoms. These tests can range from comprehensive stool analyses to measure digestive function and microbiome balance, to hormone tests that assess adrenal health and stress response.

  1. Comprehensive Digestive Tests:
    • Stool Analysis: This test provides insights into the gastrointestinal environment, including the presence of pathogens like bacteria or parasites that might cause inflammation or disrupt normal digestive processes.
    • SIBO Tests: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can cause symptoms like nausea. Testing for SIBO involves measuring the hydrogen and methane levels in breath after consuming a sugar solution, indicating the presence of abnormal bacterial growth.
  2. Adrenal and Hormone Panels:
    • Cortisol Levels: Since cortisol is directly linked to the stress response and can affect digestive health, measuring cortisol at various times of the day can help assess adrenal function and its impact on nausea.
    • Comprehensive Hormonal Panels: These panels include tests for hormones that influence metabolic rate, stress responses, and even gastrointestinal motility, all of which can impact nausea.

Interpreting Lab Results

The results from these tests can guide the development of a personalized treatment plan. A functional medicine practitioner can interpret complex lab results to pinpoint specific imbalances. For instance, elevated markers of inflammation in the gut might suggest dietary changes, supplementation with anti-inflammatory compounds, or specific medications. Similarly, abnormal cortisol patterns might lead to recommendations for lifestyle adjustments, stress management techniques, or adaptogenic herbs to support adrenal health.

Integrating Findings into Treatment

With a detailed understanding of a patient’s lab results, functional medicine practitioners can devise comprehensive, individualized treatment plans that address not just the symptoms of nausea but also the underlying causes. This might include dietary interventions, targeted supplementation, lifestyle changes, and even behavioral therapies to ensure holistic health improvement.

Citation of Evidence and Resources

In functional medicine, the use of scientifically validated resources and peer-reviewed studies is crucial to developing treatment protocols. Dr. Justin Marchegiani ensures that all diagnostic tools and treatment plans are backed by the latest research in medical science. This commitment to evidence-based practice helps ensure that patients receive the most effective and scientifically sound advice available. Publications, clinical studies, and guidelines from respected health organizations often inform the recommendations made during consultations, ensuring that patients have access to reliable and up-to-date health information.

Call to Action

If you're struggling with nausea and want a comprehensive approach to treatment that goes beyond conventional methods, consider reaching out to Dr. Justin Marchegiani. At his practice, you can expect a thorough examination that includes functional lab testing to pinpoint the exact causes of your symptoms. By understanding your body's unique needs, Dr. Marchegiani can create a personalized treatment plan aimed at long-term relief and health improvement. To learn more about how you can benefit from functional medicine, or to schedule a free consultation, visit www.justinhealth.com/free-consult. Don't let nausea control your life—get to the root of the problem with expert help.

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