Top Three Gut Healing Nutrients: A Comprehensive Guide

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Hello everyone. It's Dr. Justin Marchegiani here. I hope you're all doing fantastic today! In our recent live podcast, we delved into the fascinating world of gut-healing nutrients, highlighting the top seven essential nutrients for optimal gut health. Today, I’ll share my top three picks from that list and dive into their benefits and mechanisms. Additionally, we'll explore some live Q&A from the session to address common concerns and questions.

Understanding Gut Health and Its Importance

Before we dive into the nutrients, it's crucial to understand why maintaining gut health is vital. The gut is not just a site for digestion but a complex ecosystem influencing overall health, immunity, and even mental well-being. Stress, diet, and lifestyle choices can lead to conditions like gut permeability, commonly known as leaky gut, contributing to inflammation and autoimmune issues.

1. Glutamine: The Essential Amino Acid

One of the major reasons for gut stress is catabolic physiology, where the body, under stress, breaks down amino acids essential for energy production and tissue repair. Glutamine stands out as a crucial amino acid in this context.

The Role of Glutamine

Glutamine is vital for:

Studies indicate that intense aerobic exercise can increase gut permeability due to the heightened cortisol and adrenaline levels, leading to a depletion of glutamine. This scenario highlights the importance of supplementing with glutamine to restore gut integrity and function.

2. Zinc: The Regenerative Mineral

Zinc, particularly in the form of zinc carnosine, plays a significant role in gut health.

Benefits of Zinc

Zinc aids in:

My GI Restore formula includes zinc carnosine, providing 10 to 20 milligrams daily, which is incredibly effective in repairing and maintaining gut health, particularly for those undergoing strenuous exercise routines.

3. Aloe and DGL Licorice: The Anti-Inflammatory Duo

Aloe and Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) are powerful natural substances known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Mechanisms and Benefits

These two nutrients work synergistically to stabilize cells and prevent free radical damage, promoting a healthy gut environment.

Functional Medicine Lab Testing: A Personalized Approach

Functional medicine lab testing offers a detailed and personalized approach to understanding and treating gut health issues. Unlike conventional tests, functional medicine tests aim to identify root causes by analyzing various biomarkers. This comprehensive testing can reveal imbalances and deficiencies that may not be apparent in standard tests.

For instance, tests like comprehensive stool analysis, organic acids tests, and food sensitivity panels provide in-depth insights into gut flora, metabolic function, and potential food intolerances. These tests can detect pathogens, evaluate gut permeability, and assess the overall microbial environment in the gut. By identifying specific issues, personalized treatment plans can be created, focusing on restoring balance and improving gut function.

Incorporating functional medicine lab testing into your healthcare regimen ensures that treatment is tailored to your unique needs, addressing underlying issues rather than merely alleviating symptoms. This approach not only enhances gut health but also supports overall wellness, making it a crucial component of an effective gut health strategy.

Addressing Common Gut Health Concerns

During the live Q&A session, several key issues were addressed:

Exercise-Induced Gut Issues

For those who engage in intense physical activity, it's essential to adjust exercise routines that overly stress the body. Supplementing with nutrients like glutamine and zinc can help mitigate the negative effects of chronic aerobic exercise on gut health.

Nutrient Deficiencies and Anxiety

Gut problems can deplete essential B vitamins and amino acids necessary for neurotransmitter production, leading to anxiety and cognitive issues. Ensuring a diet rich in these nutrients and considering supplements can improve both gut health and mental well-being.

Practical Steps for Gut Health

  1. Diet Adjustments: Cutting out inflammatory foods like gluten, refined dairy, processed sugars, and certain legumes can significantly reduce gut inflammation.
  2. Supplementation: Incorporating supplements like glutamine, zinc, aloe, and DGL licorice can support gut healing.
  3. Exercise Moderation: Balancing exercise routines to avoid excessive stress on the body and gut is crucial.


Maintaining gut health is a multifaceted approach involving diet, lifestyle, and targeted supplementation. By understanding the critical role of nutrients like glutamine, zinc, aloe, and DGL licorice, you can take proactive steps to enhance your gut health and overall well-being. Incorporating functional medicine lab testing can provide personalized insights, ensuring a more effective and tailored approach to treatment.

For those looking to take a deeper dive into their gut health, I highly recommend reaching out to me for a consultation. By visiting, you can schedule a free consultation to discuss your specific health concerns and explore a tailored treatment plan.

Let us know in the comments what has worked for you in improving your gut health. For more in-depth discussions, check out our full podcast and subscribe for more insightful content.



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