The top 5 toxins in your food that are hurting your hormones with Rob Edwards | Podcast #423

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The video script discusses the top five toxins in food that harm hormones and the nervous system, including chloroquat, glyphosate, mycotoxins, BPA, and trans fats.


🔍 Chloroquat, glyphosate, mycotoxins, BPA, and trans fats are all harmful toxins commonly found in food.

🧪 These toxins can disrupt hormone balance, impact detoxification pathways, and contribute to chronic health issues.

💡 Awareness and education about these toxins are crucial in making informed food choices and minimizing exposure.

⚠️ Avoiding processed foods, choosing organic options, and using safer alternatives to plastics can help reduce toxin intake.

🌱 Prioritizing a nutrient-dense, whole-food diet and supporting the body's detoxification processes are essential for optimal health.

🚫 Minimizing exposure to toxins is particularly important for children, as their developing bodies are more vulnerable.

🌟 Functional medicine approaches, such as personalized detoxification protocols, can provide effective support in reducing the toxin burden.



Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey guys, it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani. Welcome to the Beyond Wellness Radio podcast. Feel free and head over to justinhealth. com. We have all of our podcast transcriptions there as well as video series on different health topics ranging from thyroid to hormones, ketogenic diets, and gluten. While you're there, you can also schedule a consult with myself, Dr.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: J, and or our colleagues and staff to help dive into any pressing health issues you really want to get to the root cause on. Again, if you enjoy the podcast, feel free and share the information with friends or family and enjoy the show. Hey guys, it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani here today with Rob Edwards, again, a health coach and we're going to be diving in back and forth and having a conversation on the top five toxins in your food that are hurting your hormones and maybe your nervous system too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: We're going to dive into that topic here today. Rob, how are we doing, man? What's cooking?

Rob Edwards: Dr. Justin Marchegiani Good, man. Just having a good day today and relaxing, doing some study out there and saw this new this new study that came out from Economic Working Group that we're going to chat about today and yeah How you doing, man?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Doing good, doing good. Excited to dive back in. Had a busy day of patients already and we're ending the day with a nice little podcast interview. So been a pretty brain stimulating day. So excited. Awesome. All right. So we talked about out of the gate. We talked about this compound. It's considered like a growth retardant.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And it's, Wouldn't really call it a pesticide, but the drug name is chloroquine and it works on inhibiting this gibberellin pathway. I want to say gibberish, but gibberellin pathway, it's like short for germination and basically it's a that pathway is involved in elongating. Like a corn stock or an oat stock or a wheat stock and it inhibits that so then it, it shortens the stock up and it thickens the wall to make harvesting a lot easier and more manageable.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And so that is a toxin that they're finding in lots of grains. EWG study found urine samples in the last five years, it be, it being in a significant amount of grain products. Cheerios is a common one. And you can imagine if you're taking getting exposed to a medication, we'll call it a medication.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Slash pesticide implants. That's inhibiting growth. Can imagine. It's probably not helping your growth, your cells, health or growth and development and your kids health and growth and development. Cause you know, most of these cereals are going to be targeted to kids. So just another, another fun Phil toxin that we have to work on at being educated about and helping our kids avoid.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And they also, they also pointed out in 2023 is when they, they looked at a couple of different opiate Space products. One of them was Cheerios and the other one was Quaker Oats, but 92% of them had this inside of it. And so that's sort of a little bit concerning. Yeah.

Rob Edwards: Especially because they have, they have animal studies that link cl chlor, chlor quat to reduce fertility doing harm to the reproductives system and altered fetal growth. So you're finding what they're doing inside of the plants or in inside of the, the stocks and modifying those so that they behave in a certain way.

Rob Edwards: And the studies are starting to support that even from an animal perspective. And then of course we can probably make some correlations of what that's going to do to us. So this is very relatively new. So there's not a ton of literature out there on this, like something like glyphosate or some other kind of pesticide that we know more about.

Rob Edwards: We're sort of like a pinch hitting here in a, in untying this thing you know, live with the guys.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. Also too, looking at some of the studies, it seems like that Clormaquat works on inhibiting the cytochrome P four 50 oxidase pathways in plants. Now let's kind of break this down. We all aren't biochemists here, but that's cytochrome.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: P450 oxidized pathway is one of the major enzymatic pathways that works on detoxification in your body. And so it doesn't take a couple of steps to figure out, well, if it's inhibiting that in plants and I'm eating those plants, whether it's grains, cereals, et cetera, and that medication or drug is getting in me, how is that impacting my detoxification pathway?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I mean, logic would say that it's probably having a negative impact on your detoxification pathway. You inhibit that cytochrome P450 oxide pathway. These are the pathways we try to upregulate with B vitamins, methylation,

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Clorothione, glycine milk thistle, antioxidants. So a lot of these nutrients are, are involved in upregulating these pathways, but if we're inhibiting with the drug, it's going to make it really hard to remove.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Many different toxins outside of this Chloroquine, we can glyphosate all your other pesticides and heavy metals, et cetera.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And just even talking about like normal digestion, what is digestion for, right? And so one, it's nutrient absorption, but, but two is like toxin elimination. And so we try to do our best to give our body the building blocks that it needs to do what it needs to do to build the cells, to build the hormones, the amino acids can do their jobs.

Rob Edwards: And then, you know, our, our, Our metabolic processes can take place all the way down to the cell. And finally we can we can discharge that detox. So anything that's going to stress the system out like this or like glyphosate or like any other kind of toxin is, is something worth talking about and it's in oats and, and, and the same kind of culprit that we've seen over the years you know, we, and these other kinds of products have been.

Rob Edwards: Modified over the years and we've known about it

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: and they're heavily marketed to kids, right? They're convenient, right? What kid doesn't want to just go to cereal and it's easy for a parent to be like, all right, yeah, cereal. It's not involving cooking or the toaster oven. You won't burn down the house.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Sure. Like go get some cereal, right? But in general, I mean, people talk about getting their kids going gluten free and grain free and they feel better. But you know, is it really just the gluten? I think the gluten is a big deal. Did a big podcast with Tom. Yeah. O'Brien and we talked about gluten being one of the big things that activates the toll like receptors and increases the protein zonulin and opens up the gut permeability, but also what if part of the reason why we have improvements with gluten is we're getting less of these toxic laid in chemicals that are in most of the grains because that EWG studies, it said it's in a lot of the grains.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. Well, absolutely. I mean, I listened to that conversations you had with Dr. Tom Ryan as well. And just, you know, the, the conversation about, you know, how do you know that you have a gut issue? How do you know that you're, that you're reacting to gluten? How do you know this is happening? And a lot of times what we do is we focus on say, well, do I have a gut issue?

Rob Edwards: But the conversation, you know, leads, it's a little bit different. What's the downstream effect? You might not have gut issues. You might have issues. You may have issues, other areas downstream in your body. So that's something to consider. You know, the brain, the gut, they're, they're tied together.

Rob Edwards: So you can't separate the two. A

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: hundred percent. Yeah. And so we talked about that in that interview that you were eight times more likely with gluten sensitivity issues to have a brain issue, a mood issue, an energy issue, meaning it's not just digestive. So when people hear like foods impacting, you know, your gut, they're like, oh, well, if I don't have bloating or gas or this flatulence or burping, I'm probably fine.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Probably not. And so that's why one of the first things I work with patients on, you know, even with patients sometimes without digestive issues is we'll work on getting their body systems upregulated to break down and absorb their nutrients better because so many, so many people we see are just stressed, their sympathetic nervous systems in overdrive, whether it's from chloroquine or other toxins that they don't have the ability to break down their food optimally.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And if you'll get both the gut and then you look at the parasympathetic sympathetic, which is your brain or the nervous system. I mean, that's where you have, you know, opportunities for herbs. You know, you can use ashwagandha, you can use maca. You can use a bunch of different types of herbs that can help you to sort of regulate and get back into the parasympathetic mode, which is then it can help out the gut as well.

Rob Edwards: But let's talk a little bit about like food cross reactivity. Okay. Cause I think a lot of people think about gluten, can you sort of explain to people what, what what cross reactivity is?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well, I mean, just think about it as like you, right? And then think about, you know, you, how you, maybe your brother and your sister look, maybe have a little bit of family resemblance and then think about how aunts and uncles and cousins and, and, and fit as the family tree goes further out, there's still a little bit of a resemblance.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And when you look at gluten, right, we Gliadin protein, mate Primarily, we will put wheat under that umbrella. Some will put barley and rye as well. So let's say wheat, barley and rye are under the expanded gluten umbrella, but then we have things like rice that are gonna have a protein called horzonin in it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: The major protein that we consider gluten is gliadin. Then we have things like oat, which is a venin, or corn, which is zinc. These are other types of proteins. Proteins are prolamines under the, under the bigger umbrella of glutens. We'll call gluten is the big umbrella. And then the one that we associate with gluten is really the Gliadin protein.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And our immune system sees them, our toll like receptors, which are the centurion guard that sits there in the gut and part of our immune system that is going to call in proteins. Inflammatory cascades will increase onulin, create gut permeability if we have a stressor there and so you can have that immune cross reactivity.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Rice is one that's gonna cause that, maybe a little bit less if it's white rice, corn and oats more and then, you know, you add in some pesticide stress. Now you have a protein and then you have an agitated immune system because you're having toxins in there too, which could probably enhance the gut permeability, thus stimulate a stronger immune response.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Reaction as well downstream.

Rob Edwards: Yeah, and just clinically like you and seeing inside of our clinic, you know, it's it's the top six that we look at is dairy products, corn, millet, oats, rice, yeast, and it's different for everybody. I mean, you know, it's a bio individual. Some people might react. Some people's immune system might look at, you know, rice and react.

Rob Edwards: Some people might look at millet and react and some people's might not. So it really depends on the person and you know what their immune system is doing and what all the other cofactors are that are involved in that. And that's why like working with somebody that knows how to break these things apart, help you to understand how your body processing, what the biochemistry is doing is super important.

Rob Edwards: Because you know, at the end of the day, You want to be able to eat things and eat things that you enjoy, but generally speaking, taking gluten out is sort of, I don't know that I've ever heard a person that's in this field ever promote gluten. What are your thoughts on that?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I think there are some people that are, what's the word, when you try to be the opposite.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You just try to go, you try to be controversial, right? People just try to, Oh, it's not gluten, right? They try to polarizing and they'll just try to do the opposite and say the opposite just to get clicks. But in general, like when you look at foods like gluten, right? That they don't have any super nutrient or super antioxidant or super compound you can't get from.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Green vegetables. Yeah, there are starch. You could use another safe starch like a white potato or sweet potato or plantains that are, that are still going to have a good starch glucose load if you need it for working out or, or just exercise or cause you have issue with weight gain, right? You know, you're trying to gain weight.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Then you can do a healthy, safe starch. So I think that's good. Excellent. Now we talked about it. Quat Qua, right Quat. Funny name. I can say that. 10 times fast. Quat. Now we can kind of go into glyphosate or Roundup. That's another excellent one to look at. 'cause mm-hmm, many grains and soybeans are gonna be genetically modified, so they're gonna have that residue as well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Now this is interesting. I'm gonna pull up my screen here so you guys can see what I'm looking at here.

Rob Edwards: This is pretty good of a, a bit of a biochem lesson here.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. So this is cool. So can I hear the shikumit, shikumic acid pathway and glyphosate, which is the major pest, which is basically Roundup, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: This is a chelator type of a. Pesticide, it essentially binds and chelates and pulls away a lot of the minerals from the plant, which then allows it to which allows it to kill things around it. And so it'll, it'll essentially they'll program bacteria in the plant to be resistant to an antibiotic. And so then what they do is they create resistance in the plants and that allows them to come in and drop round up through a plane.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And so the difference with pesticides is. Before you could kill the plant with the pesticide. So you had to be careful where you sprayed it. They'd use a wand. They'd be very careful where it's sprayed. And of course you wouldn't want to use too much. Cause you wouldn't want to kill the plants around it that are healthy.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right? So now you go in, you genetically program the plant to be resistant to this pesticide, right? Glyphosate, and then you can blanket. Glyphosate everywhere. And so then you're using exponential more levels of pesticides than you would, if you had to actually be careful. And so then now it's, it's killing everything around it by chelating, by pulling the minerals.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well, the problem with that is minerals in the soil help the plants grow healthy and have a good. Nutrient proliferation or a nutrient expression. So for instance, if you grow like a plant with manganese deficient soil, you will have less vitamin C in that plant, for instance. And so if you start to key laid out and pull out a lot of these important minerals, it's a new express less nutrient density in the plant.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So that's one thing, but then toxicity wise, right? Glyphosate impacts the shikimic pathway. Okay. And if you go and look at chicken mick, this is the amino acid pathway. This is, it works on the aromatic decarboxylase enzyme. And this is the enzyme that synthesizes phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. Why is that important?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Phenylalanine and tyrosine go down the dopamine pathway. So very important for focus, feeling good, cognitive function. And tryptophan goes down the serotonin pathway. And serotonin goes down the pathway of, melatonin helps with sleep and mood. And so, big picture, right? Gotta zoom in, zoom back out.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: This type of compound that's gonna lower the nutrients in the soil, it's gonna block the shikimic pathway which blocks the aromatic decarboxylase enzyme which is gonna lower your ability to make serotonin in your body potentially, make dopamine, make neurotransmitters, make catecholamines. So you're not gonna have optimal neurotransmitter expression getting exposed to some of this potential roundup and glyphosate.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And would you say that that sort of correlates then with maybe even the depression and other kind of mental issues that we're seeing inside of not just children, but adults as well?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well, I think so, because the more you create inflammation, whether it's from inhibiting pathways or, or putting a toxic load on your body, it's going to create inflammation in the brain.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Inflammation in the brain is going to activate microglial cells. immune cells. And when those are activated, you're not gonna think clearly. You're gonna be feeling foggy, right? Because inflammation in the brain will express with brain, as brain fog, as mood issues, as energy issues, as sleep issues. And so, you know, anytime we have inflammation in the body, inflammation in the gut, it can easily make its way to the brain, cross our astrocytes, which are gonna be our blood brain barrier, BBB, blood brain barrier.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And that can then activate our microglial cells on the other side of the blood brain barrier, which are our immune cells.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And this, this kind of backs up to, to, to again, gut function, you know, leaky gut and, and a predisposed gut for bacteria, at least yeast or any other kinds of overgrowth. So it's not even just necessarily glyphosate itself.

Rob Edwards: It also predisposes its body or your body for other substances to get in and get into the bloodstream. Right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. And then glyphosate, interesting enough, it's a. Glycine molecule, they use a glycine molecule and they, you know genetically modify it and make it a chelator in a way. And the key is it's, it's making the plant resistant to it, which allows you to just blast pesticides everywhere.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And so that screws up the soil more, lowers nutrient density. And this is why I had Joe Salton on his, on my podcast a few years back. And he was saying that, yeah, he took his lab, his eggs. for joining us. To a lab and compared it to conventional eggs. And he found 20 times more folate in his egg than the conventional egg.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well, how does that happen? Well, when you're blitzing glyphosate all over the soil, right. And it's going to impact the grass. And then that's going to what he, who eats the grass afterwards, you know, cows and, and chickens, right. And so that's going to impact the nutrients of the eggs very, very easily.

Rob Edwards: It's the web, right.

Rob Edwards: Sort of the food web. And so it's going to have a downstream upstream. Effect, right? It goes both ways, but it's sort of like we always look at the food and we say, okay, well, we just assume that our food is good, right? Or there, there was an assumption. I think a lot of people are educated now with that, but we just assume that it's good.

Rob Edwards: It's filled with nutrients, filled with the things that it's supposed to. And then I eat that and like, and I'm going to be fine, but it's really, there's a correlation. We're starting to see this more and more literature is out there clinically. We're seeing it more and more that the food that you eat.

Rob Edwards: Okay. And that you put inside of your mouth or the water that you drink is, I mean, these are the basics, the basic building blocks. And I think there's also, it's really easy to to not understand it from a logical sense. And so I think there's a lot of value for people. To take something like an intro biochem course, or at least just look at a few different videos to understand the basics of this stuff.

Rob Edwards: And it starts to make sense. I think when something makes sense, you tend to have more cooperation with it, right? Instead of just saying, Oh no, our food is fine. My kids can just eat whatever it is that they're going to eat. And you know, there's not going to be any issues, but yet we're seeing like an increase in diseases and chronic issues at younger and younger ages, Alzheimer's is skyrocketing, cancer is skyrocketing.

Rob Edwards: I mean. Everything seems to be skyrocketing and. I think most people are starting to come to a point where they're saying, okay, like something's, something's going on and this is what we're talking about.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dude, by the way, just to kind of, you said, talked about Alzheimer's. I wanted to piggyback on my podcast last, or this Monday with Dr.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: O'Brien, he talked about a Blue Cross Blue Shield study that was released right at the top of 2020, right at the start of the year. I mean, it didn't really make it big because it was a little lone virus that was hanging out back then, 2020. We can all remember. Think about what that was without saying it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: But in that study, they looked at an age group of 35 to 45 year old people, a 300 to 400 percent increased diagnosis of Alzheimer's. So we had an age group of 35 to 45 year old men and women with Alzheimer's 400 percent risk. Right? Because our brains are aging and inflamed at such an accelerated level due to toxins, due to insulin resistance, due to inflammation or inflammation aging.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And so the fact that Blue Cross is putting that up a 400 percent increase in the 35 to 45 age group is insane. Like people need to be talking about this.

Rob Edwards: Well, I think what you're, what you're pointing, what we're talking about is sort of the mainstream is finally starting to lift up the curtain a little bit.

Rob Edwards: Right. And it's always been, you know, grassroots people talking about this stuff. And now you can actually see a lot of the studies out there that are being put out by, you know, grassroots By companies like blue cross, you're seeing the CDC put out stuff. You're seeing HWL put out things. You're seeing a lot of people finally saying, okay, yeah, there's a problem going on.

Rob Edwards: And that in the reality is you make a good point. He said, you know, you're not, you're not getting Alzheimer's in your fifties or sixties. You get it all the way back in your twenties and thirties. So these are things like the brain fog dizziness, dizzy spells, like you're just not quite feeling right.

Rob Edwards: Depression, all of these things are signs. Right. Not just, not just the ball's image itself, but anything in your body can, can be reacting. Not just that. So from a functional perspective we're looking at increasing the function of your body, detoxing some of that stuff out so that your brain can actually have, have space.

Rob Edwards: So they're going to heal again. But anyhow, I'll let you take this away. It looks like you've got to study up these pathways. Oh, there's the Alzheimer's. Okay. Is that the,

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, can you hear me here? Yeah. We bring the receipts in this podcast. This is the blue cross blue shield study that I mentioned right at the top of 2020.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. We bring the receipts, the number of diagnosed, the numbers diagnosed with these conditions increase 373 percent among 30 to 44 year olds, 311 percent increase among 45 to 54, and then one 43 among 55 to 64. So what's really crazy for me is, is this, this 30 to 44, because no one thinks about. Someone that young developing Alzheimer's, it starts, then Alzheimer's starts in your thirties and these are people that are diagnosed, not even like, so this person right here at 30 is starting probably at age 10, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's crazy.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. It's pretty wild. We're bringing

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: it back to like, you know, I know we talked about the top five toxins, but guess what? It's impacting your brain. And if you think talking Alzheimer's, so that's my grand grandfather's problem, right? No. It's our problem too. And it's your kid's problem too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I have a four and six year old boy, right? That's their problem too. We're starting now. Yeah, absolutely.

Rob Edwards: It's all of our problems. I mean, that's why you got to know what your body's doing. What are your hormones look like? What's your immune system doing? What's your detox systems doing? Where your digestive energy, like what are these things doing?

Rob Edwards: And I think this really shines a big light on functional medicine in terms of, Hey, we need to know how your body is functioning. Functioning so that we can help to support it, to get these things out and to get the right nutrients in, because this is just what the 21st century is giving us, right? This, this is what we have.

Rob Edwards: We go back a hundred years. This isn't the battle that we're fighting, but it's the battle that we're fighting now.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yep. No, I agree. I agree. So we hit Chloroquat, my favorite word, and we have the glyphosate

Rob Edwards: round

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: up and we have just the, the increased use of it and how it impacts soil and nutrients and how it impacts the aromatic decarboxylase enzyme.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then let's go into the next thing we want to talk about, heavy metals. Right. Heavy metals are a big deal. We're going to see it potentially in fish. We're going to see it in our mercury fillings. We're going to see it in certain kinds of rice. We'll see it potentially in lead pipes and things like that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You could think of the Flint, Michigan issue years back, right? These are all going to be major sources of heavy metals. And so of course, first thing we can do is get our water clean. Right. Clean water is going to make a big difference. You know, avoiding some, a lot of the process grains will also help being more organic because a lot of times pesticides could have a heavy metal residue in some of the pesticides.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And so being more organic will help significantly reduce a lot of that load and then with fish. I don't worry about this too much because I think the amount of good fatty acids that are in fish are worth it. It's more of a selenium to mercury ratio because selenium naturally increases glutathione and chelates mercury.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So if we get fish that are like a skipjack tuna or a good cow, you could quality like flash frozen wild Alaskan sockeye or salmon. We're going to be in a good place because that selenium to mercury ratio is good. It'll be the shark, the pilot whale, the swordfish, but we got to make sure that selenium to mercury ratio is good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And we'll put a link for that as well. In the, in the show notes.

Rob Edwards: Yeah, and then you think Yeah. Two things with that, with the water just adding back. Right. So if you have a Berkey system, like we have Berkey does a great job, but it, it does a great job on both ends, right? You're going to lose what's good and you're going to lose, you lose what's bad.

Rob Edwards: So adding back either some sea salt and or doing electrolytes during the day, you got to make sure that you're getting those minerals that your body needs that typically come from water. But if you've got a Berkey or you got something that cleans this stuff out real well you want to be adding that back or else you create an issue.

Rob Edwards: Long term somewhere else down the road. And then number two from the fish, I don't remember if you said this or not, but from a farm raised perspective, avoid the farm raised and a cold, what do you typically look for cold, cold water wild.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. I mean, you know, wild Alaskan saw a wild like flash frozen are going to be ideal just because of freshness, you know, it's going to be tough to get fish.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Fresh unless you're on a coast and they can be expensive. And so get some of the flash frozen ones are going to be pretty good. Sockeye is good. Salmon's good. Those are going to be great ways to do it. Skipjack tuna, really high in in, in selenium to mercury ratio. So those are some good. Easy sources out of the gate, you know, good can of tuna fish.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then they got some BPA free cans at Whole Foods. So you can avoid some of that. And it's still a good protein. It's still good fat. Like, you know, you got to say what's cost effective. I can get, you know, 30 grams of protein in a can of tuna fish for like under two bucks. I can add some olive oil or avocado oil in there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It's a mayo. I can, I can get some shredded, you know, kale in there. And I got a good protein, rich, a lot of nutrient dense meal. 30 grams of protein, good fat under three bucks. Right. So I'm just trying to think, like, what are some simple ways that the everyday person, because I created these meals because I was a poor college student for the longest time, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: In college for 10 years. Right. So I'm like, how can I eat healthy and do this and practice what I preach while not having, while living on in California, I think 15, 000 a year in financial aid. I think I, I was looking back then. It was like, you're, you're poor in California. You could be on welfare. Family of four for 140, 000 now.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And I'm like, wow, it was just me, 15, 000. So I'm like, how can I, how can I do this health thing and not be a hypocrite? Right. Chicken thighs with skin on, but skip Jack tuna, avocado oil, avocado base, mayo get a little, you know get a little avocado in there as well. Right. And maybe the pickles or some shredded organic kale is a great way to do it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So I like that.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. Well, and just kind of like piggyback off the conversation, you know, so we already talked about pesticides, but then, you know, you're, you're mentioning heavy metals now. So I think for, for people out there to just remember that sort of additive, right. It's Okay. We got pesticides, but now we got heavy metals.

Rob Edwards: So we're adding stressors, right? We're adding stressors. It's not less. It's not more. Look, and here's the deal. We're not trying to create hypochondriacs. All we're doing is saying, Hey, here's the reality of what we're seeing both clinically and in literature. And for you guys to know about it, right? And how do we deal with that in the 21st century?

Rob Edwards: What do we need to do? That's different now than maybe our grandparents didn't need to do, right? Because things have changed dramatically. I think people are starting to realize that. And that's what this talk is really all about. So we got heavy metals. We got pesticides

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: really didn't come about until after world war two, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Industry basically came up because we were Basically building bombs for world war two. And we had all these factories and things, and a lot of the, the chemicals we use, right. A lot of the MPK formulas that we use for fertilizers and chemicals, you know, we using to build bombs. Right. And so this is kind of a post world war two era where chemicals came into play.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Pre world war two, everything was really organic, you know, for the most part.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. So just right off the bat here, I'm looking at PBS. It says that there's more than 80, 000 chemicals registered for use today in the United States.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. And then they get a grass status, which means they have very little study to hit a grass status, which is generally recognized as safe grass.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. What was that thing that Dr. Tom O'Brien said when he, on the the conversation about how approval happens in the United States. I thought that was interesting.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. I forget. I mean, basically it's, it's it's innocent until proven guilty. In that sense, where, you know, What's that? Say it again.

Rob Edwards: You remember the 24 hour? How he was saying, like the way that we base it is based off of a 24 hour study. Like if it looks bad for you in 24 hours, but if it doesn't, then it's, it's fine. And I think he said 12 if I remember right, the U S

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I have to go listen to that again. It ignored the idea or the concept that these chemicals can bioaccumulate over time.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It's like, well, if it creates an acute issue, you know, like maybe a high amount of mercury or some kind of nasty chemical would, then okay, we'll, we'll keep an eye on it. But if not, we just kind of ignore the bioaccumulation concept. And

Rob Edwards: yeah, and the problem is. Yeah, go ahead, man. Go

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: ahead. No, go ahead.

Rob Edwards: The problem is when do you cross that line, right? When do we look back at the data again? At what point do you say, okay, it's been three years, now look good, or now it's been 10 years, or now it's been 15 years, but then it's like we can blame it on something else. Right. It's, it's much harder to see it then, but other countries are doing a lot better job at, at, you know, eliminating these things are banning these things.

Rob Edwards: So that's just something to be aware of that. We're, we're actually not doing a great job, at least in my opinion really taking a good look at these things. You

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: need longterm studies, right? You need to look at how, you know, how our bodies detoxify, you know, how does it, if it impacts our hormones in any way or nervous system anyway.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. We've got to be very careful of it. You know, how do we detoxify it? You know, can we run a test to see how it's coming out of our kidneys, out of our stool and how is it impacting our, our body? Right. And these studies need to be longterm. They need to factor in that you're probably getting these toxins with other toxins and what does that interplay look like?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right.

Rob Edwards: And

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: it's, it's tough. I mean, that's why as, a clinician, I mean, do you want to be a guinea pig? Just be organic, as clean as possible, you know, eat the way we've evolved to eat. Right. And I think you're, you're better off doing that now. So next I was going to be mycotoxins. This is a big deal. Now we'll see a lot of these things on corn, on grains as well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And I could tell you that a lot of farmers that have, that farm corn and grains have to use a lot of fungicides on the mole because mole can destroy crops. Absolutely. So when you have. grains and crops that are very mold prone. You get a lot of fungicide exposure as well. Alright. Now, mold in and of aflatoxins or ocotoxin, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Aspergillus, penicillin molds. These are gonna be major stressors on your hormones. You're gonna see here, it can significantly increase T4 to T3 or should decrease T4 to T3 conversion so it can lower your active thyroid hormone for sure. And that's gonna lower metabolism. It's gonna lower energy. Let me pull up one study here.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So here we go. We'll go share this tab instead. We'll bring you guys the receipts. All right. So pesticides with thyroid disrupting effects. I mean, you can see all the different pesticides here that can impact thyroid homeostasis. They can impact thyroid hormone production. They impact a lot of the Proteins in the liver, and again, the, the 5 deiodinase enzyme that helps activate T4 to T3, guess where it's made?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: In the liver. And so you can see here, we can clear the pesticides were placed on the market with insufficient testing other than acute or chronic toxicity. And second, the thyroid specific endpoints for neurodevelopmental effects in mixture assessments are largely absent. Absent from regulatory directive.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So they're just not really looking at thyroid function when it comes to a lot of these chemicals. They're not running these tests, even see if it's being negatively impacted. So interesting.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. I mean, and we got, so, I mean, now again, we're adding on top of everything, right? Like first we started with pesticides.

Rob Edwards: Now we got heavy metals. Now we got mycotoxins, right? Just adding on top of that. And the mycotoxins, you know, impacts the liver damage, like you're talking about, suppressing the immune system and really a potent carcinogen. So there's, there's all kinds of associations with metabolic issues, including liver cancer.

Rob Edwards: So there's a lot with mycotoxins.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Now when you talk about mycotoxins, how about in your home? How about in your home because you have a water leak, you never addressed it correctly, or you have chronically high humidity, or you don't have a good air filtration, and the dust that you have in your home is interacting with the moderately high humidity of greater than 50%, and then you're building wool that way.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And that could be an easy toxin exposure that's not even from food and processed grains, if you will.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. Mold has a, a, a lot of different ways that it can get inside. Yeah. And, and it is an issue, I think at this point, at least most practitioners understand that, that it's, it's a big issue. A lot of people have mold issues, whether or not they know it is another, is another thing.

Rob Edwards: But there are many, many people that struggle with that. I mean, it can, it can come out with, you know, headache. You could have migraines, you could have brain fog, you could have gut issues. I mean, wherever the weak link is inside of your body it can disrupt, you know? 'cause once it gets into the blood.

Rob Edwards: I mean, it's kind of game on at that point.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: A hundred percent. Hundred and ten percent, man. All right. So we hit the mold toxins. So of course that could be, this is why, like you, you don't eat grains. You keep gluten out, right? You get a lot of side benefits due to all the other toxic loads and the chloramide, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Mycotoxins, pesticides the aromatic decarboxylase, et cetera, et cetera. So, yeah. All these important things to keep in mind next let's talk about toxins and plastic. So BPA is a big one, right? People think, Oh, it's BPA free. It's like, well, guess what? It's BPS and that's just as bad. And you really want to stay away from plastics in general.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Now, I think sometimes plastics make sense, especially when you have kids, because things break and having glass, you know, shards everywhere isn't good. I think if you're dealing with plastics. Don't keep it something in there that long and don't expose it to UV and heat and don't heat it up. Microwave or stove, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: If it's just something quick and simple in a in a fridge, probably not a huge deal. In general, get Pyrex containers get a stainless steel water bottle, get a life factory glass water bottle with silicone on the outside. These are your load 80%, 90%

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And you use a little bit of plastic, not the end of the world, but ideally it's going to be UV heat and light going to be the big issues that are going to cause the BPA to leak out, right? When you do BPA and it's like a cold water and no UV, you're not going to really get much leakage. So just keep that in the back of your head.

Rob Edwards: But I'm just that's the way that plastics are processed, right? They're heated up so that they melt so they can be more malleable. And so the other thing that people do is, you know, the storage after dinner, right? The dinner is not cooled off yet. Everything on the stove, you put that right into a plastic container and it's that that's still an issue.

Rob Edwards: So, Yes. After dinner, if you're doing that, just buy some glass Pyrex or something like that with Justin, or if you can't do that, and that's not what you want to do, at least wait for it to cool off and then put it in there. It's about this consistent exposure over time, right? It's not about one time. It's about accumulation.

Rob Edwards: And you hit on that earlier. It's about I did it today. I did it for lunch. I did it for dinner. I did it tomorrow. You know, I did it all next week or I'm doing it all next week. Right. It's, it's the over and over and over exposure. And then we add on top of that, everything else that we talked about, right.

Rob Edwards: I'm eating Cheerios, let's say, and I'm going to get out of the plastic thing, getting plastic exposure. I've got heavy metal exposure. I've got mold exposure. And all of a sudden it's like, you know, you get sent symptoms and you're like, well, what's wrong with me. And you think it's that particular thing.

Rob Edwards: Oh, I got brain fog or I got headaches every single day. And what I need to do is take Tylenol. And that, that. That's not how we view it. It's more of an upstream issue than that. We're going to be looking at the gut, what you're eating, what you're drinking, what you're putting inside of your body and whether or not you can assimilate these things.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. And so we talk about, you know, BPA and plastics, you go to Starbucks, right? You're like, Oh, it's a paper cup, right? The hot coffee paper cup bowl, that steam is going up. It's hitting the top of the lid and that BPA is going back in to your coffee. Right. And this is why, like, if you're going to go out and get coffee, right.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You get there, take the lid off as soon as you can. If I go out, like, when we go to Starbucks, something, right. I'm going to get a nice coffee. Right. I don't have to worry about the heat. Right. So good, better, best. Right. You're not going to have much BPA leakage if something's cold. And you know, take the lid off or you can do it at home and put it in a clean canteen or go bring your Yeti mug or your clean canteen mug with a stainless steel top and use that instead.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's a better option.

Rob Edwards: Yeah, and especially again, if it's day after day after day, if you go get Starbucks every single day, it's accumulation. That's where it becomes a problem. If you're doing it once a week, once every couple of weeks, it's probably not as big of a deal, but it's lessening your exposure to it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yep, a hundred percent. So we talked about BPA and obviously with, you know, water and plastics, we worry about microplastic runoff in the water and, you know, we talked about Berkey's, you know, my personal favorite will be some kind of a good charcoal based whole house system and some kind of a reverse osmosis water filter.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Reverse osmosis is the gold standard. I recommend everyone, even if you have a Berkey or whatever, get a TDS meter on Amazon, 15 bucks. TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solid. You can see how many Total Dissolved Solids. That's all minerals. It could be lead, it could be fluoride, it could be calcium, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It's an, a look at. All solids in the water. And typically your tap water will be somewhere between 300 and 400 TDS. Okay. When you do an RO filter, you'll get it below 25. You'll get it 98, 99 percent reduction. And so it's good to see, okay, this is where my water is without a filter. TDS meter, put it in.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay. Three 50. And now I'm down to 25 ro. Now RO water comes out 25. Okay. It's a 98 90 9% reduction. That's great. So that gives you an idea if your filter's working, whether it's a Burkey or Lexapro Pure, or an ro, or a countertop filter, it gives you a good idea. Now, then you can add minerals back in. Bring that maybe TDS back to 200, but you'll at least know that that increase from 25 to 200 is good, healthy nutritional electrolytes, not toxins in there too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And plus an ro. Due to the filtration steps, we'll also get out a lot of the pesticides, the homeopathic drugs, and even knock down fluoride and any other hormone compounds in there from the plastics too.

Rob Edwards: Absolutely. Yeah, so I guess we should hit up our trans fats now as the as the final component here.

Rob Edwards: Yeah, but with

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: trans fats or and or omega 6. Fatty acids, you know, the junky inflammatory fats, we could put those too.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. I mean, so, so now we've got, we've got a number of things, right? So pesticides, heavy metal, mycotoxins, BPA or plastics, and then we've got trans fat. And so so let's, let's talk a little bit about the trans fats.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Excellent. So first off, like in chemistry, right? When you go to look at like, if you go to look at different molecules, right? When the hydrogen molecules are in the same direction, right? This is considered assist molecule when it goes opposite ways. This is called trans molecule. And when you look at the biochemistry of a trans molecule in your biochemistry textbook, see if mine's over there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: One of the first things it says about trans molecular structure is it provides better heat stability. Now, why that matter? Okay. So, why are we creating all these trans fats? Well, it's because when you have more heat stability, that means more shelf life, right? And it allows you to take these fats that would normally be liquid based fats, because usually vegetable based fats are going to be liquid at room temperature.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Think soy oil, canola oil. Safflower oil. It allows you to hydrogenate them, pump in hydrogens, create this trans structure. So now the hydrogens flip and go opposite directions. And then now it's gonna be solid at room temperature. So this is where a lot of the margarines and a lot of the process fats came into play.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So it could hold things, bakery products, processed foods together. But again, These fats are going to be very damaged in regards to their structure. And when you take in those fats, it's going to make your cell membrane, right? The outer part of your cell, that lipid bilayer, very inflexible. And it's going to make it so that inflexibility is going to decrease cellular communication.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Inflammation. When you have inflammation like that, it's going to impact insulin. It's an impact endothelial function inside the blood vessels, et cetera. So really important things to look at. So when you look at these trans fats, it's done for shelf life purposes. It's done to make liquid fats more solid so they could put them in foods to give them more solidity as well.

Rob Edwards: And historically speaking, we can, again, we can trace this back to world war two as well. I mean, what happened is they would, they would all of the food that was here in the U S they would send out to the soldiers in the U S they created these trans fats and other products as well. Like I think cheese it started or maybe when cheese it's a couple of those.

Rob Edwards: What they tried to do is to create food that would last longer and it wasn't meant to be a forever thing, but people just never went back. They liked their Crisco. They liked these trans fats. And so they stuck with it and that's how we have them today. But the problem is a biochem problem, right? It's not natural.

Rob Edwards: It's not natural. It's not doing what it should be doing. It doesn't break down. Right. Or it's very difficult to break down.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Longer. It takes a lot longer to break down. It takes years for those cell membranes to clear out. And it's just cheaper. Like you can get fat from butter or from beef tallow. That's much more expensive than factory farming monoculture soybean and canola and then shredding it and then running it through a process.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And that's our bodies, right? Our bodies, you know, they, they're processors. They're not like they, they continue to regenerate new cells. They regenerate new things. So anytime there's something in the body that's staying there and it's not doing anything, it's not moving oftentimes, not always, but oftentimes that's going to create an issue.

Rob Edwards: And so that's where this trans fat becomes an issue. That's where obviously heavy metals become an issue. That's where pesticides become an issue. All of these things are meant to be moved throughout the body, but they just, they. They're very difficult to move throughout the body. And so what happens is we start to get symptoms because we have pathways that are blocked or pathways that have issues in them that need to be resolved, but they can't be resolved alone on food alone, food alone can, can help with some of this stuff, but sometimes you need a little bit of extra support with your bio physiology or biochem.

Rob Edwards: So I get this stuff out in terms of detoxing drainage and everything else.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. A lot of that, just staying away from your process. Vegetable oils is going to be the best way. Almost all these fats are going to be in packaged foods for the most part. We have a lot better package food options today.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: People are more aware of like, I can go get, you know Boulder organic potato chips that are avocado oil. Organic potato and sea salt, like three ingredients. It's like, Oh my gosh. Or I can get my, you know, siete chips that are going to be cassava, yucca based, a little bit of olive oil or coconut oil, sea salt, like simple ingredients, like you can still have foods that are more processed and be healthy due to kind of manufacturing demand, capital, you know, demand.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Capitalism working, so to speak, you know, people are responding and you're seeing more options. Same with like some of the Mayo products, right? Used to be always soy and canola. And now you're getting avocado oil, which is going to be a better, higher quality, monosaturated fat, similar to olive oil. And so, you know, when you look at your fats, you want at least half your fats to be more saturated, saturated fats.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: They have single bonds between all the carbons and we're going to be less prone to oxidation and to breaking down oxidation is bad for fats. We want fats that are not oxidized. So then when we take them in, we're not building up our cell membranes with junky fats. Then the other side of the fence, you know, good omega three fats primarily from animal based sources like fish because the other fats, you know, if you get it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: alpha linolenic acid from let's say flax, you only convert five or ten percent of that to your long chain DHA, EPA, omega 3s that help with brain and inflammation. And so, you don't get convert a lot of that. So, vegans, vegetarians, make sure you're taking notes on that out of the gates. And so, then, you know, if you're doing plant based fats, you want fats that are not going to be processed.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: The problem with a lot of plant based fats is they're damaged in the processing. Think soy, things like that. Think canola. Think safflower. I mean, go, go into YouTube right now. Just type in, how is canola oil processed? There's a video that will walk you through the 36 steps of how it's processed. It's nasty.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It's gross. Do not watch it while you're eating. But if we could use fats that are cold pressed, like Dr. Justin

Rob Edwards: Marchegiani Or do watch while you're eating.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Evan Brand Yeah. Like, if you do fats that are like plant based that are cold pressed, like an olive or avocado, that's gonna be a much safer, better fat to do.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then you choose your healthy saturated, whether it's coconut palm or tallow or you know, grass fed, you know, beef kind of compound or like the fats you get in egg yolks, those kind of things are going to be great.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And I think you made a good point.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And again, either ghee, which is going to be lactose casein free or butter, it can tolerate a little bit of the lactose and casein.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And you make a good point. It wasn't, it wasn't long ago that if you went to the grocery store, you weren't going to find anything. It didn't have, you know, a ton of extra stabilizers in it. And extenders. Right. And, and that's the key. And that's what you're seeing inside of a lot of the vegetarian type stuff as well, though, if it's processed, it's likely got a bunch of different stabilizers in it to make it stay together and to do the thing that it's supposed to do.

Rob Edwards: I mean, you, you look at beef, it's like it's beef. Right. And now there's obviously there's other chemical processes in that. And you could, You know, make a list and say, Hey, look, these have a bunch of things in it too, that nobody knows we're talking about sort of more of a synthetic type of a stabilizer and, or one that just oxidizes which we don't want that inside of the body as well.

Rob Edwards: So so yeah, I mean, you know, starting off our conversation again, we, what was it? Chloro, chloroquine, chloroquine, there you go. Chloroquine went from there to talk about pesticides.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Organochlorines.

Rob Edwards: Yep. Then we hit up heavy metals hit up mycotoxins, mold, hit up BPA, plastics, and then again, the trans fats.

Rob Edwards: And so, there's a lot of different things that can, you know, create toxicity inside of the body. The body needs to be able to flush this stuff out. But what I think the takeaway from this is, You know, paying attention to what you're putting inside of your body and knowing what it's doing, you know, whenever you are doing it.

Rob Edwards: And so I think, like you said earlier, it's not so much that you can't ever do these things, but just know that when you do, things are happening, right? Like that's what it comes down to.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of reality. Shoot for 80, 20, the healthier you are, you know, 80 percent of the time should get you enough adaptability in your physiology and health where you can be off a little bit.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You know, I tell patients though, when you start doing 20 percent of the time, do you like it? Do you like how you feel? Do you feel inflamed where you're like, ah, I'd rather not do that. Then you just use for the healthy stuff too. Oh, okay. I'm going to have some chips. I'm going to do the avocado oil based chips that are going to have a good sea salt and they're not going to do the trans fats.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And if I have some alcohol, I'm going to choose a clean vodka that's charcoal filtered or, you know, you can go down the list with with fats or or if you're doing other oils, we're going to choose good, healthy fats. So if we're doing you know, Foods that are laden with pesticides. I'm at least going to do rice.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's going to be organic and not have the potential pesticide residue or mold residue. Right. So we try to just make better choices and the healthier we are, the more adaptability we're going to have with our health.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. And I think people want to get started. I mean, you know, one of the things we talk a lot about is, you know, test don't guess.

Rob Edwards: But if you want to try to get a good understanding of what's going on inside of your body, and in particular with heavy metals and all the things that we're talking about, what are a couple of labs that we would start at?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, I mean, we could definitely look at organic acids and get a window into glutathione levels because, you know, when we look at.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: the toxification and the pathways that we need to function well. I mean, a lot of them are gonna involve glutathione and they're gonna involve sulfur amino acids. And if we can get a window that these pathways aren't working well, that tells us that our ability to handle toxins is gonna be less. So, when we look at our phase two nutrients, right, this is our cytochrome P450 oxidized pathway.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It's mainly amino acids, right? Glutamine. Glycine Cysteine. Again, these are the three amino acids that make glutathione, right? You see glutathione over here a little bit as well or see Cysteine over there. But these are the pathways, right? And again, you're gonna see cruciferous vegetables, right? Sulfur.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: But these protein, guess what? If you have junky digestion, these phase two nutrients are gonna be significantly impaired. This is how we eliminate, you know, through our kidneys, our urine, through our bowels and gallbladder. We need these important nutrients. And so, if we don't get it through our food we're definitely not gonna be optimal.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, we can test organic acids to see what's happening in that area. We can also look at the gut function because so much of the gut. is responsible for absorbing and breaking down these important nutrients over here. We can look at it and see, you know, toxicity where you're at. We can do tests to see if we have plastic, plastics residue or pesticide residue or mold residue.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So we can see if that's an issue, but we can do a urinary challenge to look at heavy metals if we need. Again, you know, a lot of times if we see someone has a history of these foods, it may be better just to Get them to make diet and lifestyle changes first and then, and then test later because we can get so much of that reduction with just healthy diet and lifestyle changes out of the gates.

Rob Edwards: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. No, I think it's been a a great conversation. I mean, the takeaway to this is, you know, make sure that you have good food choices. Of course, the water filtration, we talked a little bit about that

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: versus osmosis is ideal or a good whole house carbon based filter and, and then test it, get a TDS meter as well and see where you're at before and after.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: See if you can get below a hundred or below 50 on the TDS before you add minerals back in.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. Do some of these things for the next 30 days. If you still have like a concern, you know, both Justin and I do these labs. Both of us help people unwind their, their issues that they're dealing with. Or if you feel like you're just chronically inflamed, you're just too far over, you know, you feel like you need help.

Rob Edwards: We're here for that as well. So we can get started anywhere with any of this kind of a process in terms of your health, any chronic issues that you're dealing with, both brain, gut, whatever Organs, any kind of systems that you have a an issue with. So, yeah, this is great.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And you can access Rob's information telemedicine virtual wise at heritage, health.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: life, heritage, health. life, and then you can get myself, Dr. Jay at justinhealth. com. There'll be links to access that for all of us here. If you guys need help, you know, to start. taking some of the information that we talked about in today's podcast, apply it. You're going to solve a lot of it by cutting out grains, by eating some kind of a good high quality organic paleo template, having some kind of a good carbon based or RO based water filter, something is better than nothing.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then we can work on getting an air filter or something to get the air a little bit clean there next. And then from there we can do some testing or add in some additional nutrients to upregulate these pathways. So everything we're talking about is. Upregulating physiology and getting healthier.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So hopefully there's some little bit that you can, you can take their nugget wise. Anything else, Rob?

Rob Edwards: Yeah, I think it's been great. I mean, it's a great conversation. It's something we'll be talking about again, cause Hey, it's going to be around. So we're just here to help you guys in your journey. We're here to help you, you know, to get to where you want to be, to, to, to return back to yourself if you're kind of too far gone, but yeah, it's been great.

Rob Edwards: Yeah. That's it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: All right, man. Good chatting with you guys. Enjoy your day. And then comments down below. We'll put links down below and give us a thumbs up and a like, and a share. Take care of y'all.

Rob Edwards: Bye now. Bye.

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