The Critical Role of Testosterone in Women’s Health

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The Critical Role of Testosterone in Women's Health

Explore the often-overlooked significance of testosterone in women's health in this in-depth article by Dr. Justin Marchegiani. Contrary to common perception, testosterone is not solely a male hormone but is also a predominant hormone in women, playing vital roles in various aspects of their well-being.

Testosterone: Not Just for Men

Testosterone levels in women are usually three to five times higher than many assume, making it the most dominant hormone in the female body. While men have about 10 times more testosterone, the hormone's function in women is critical and multi-dimensional.

Understanding Testosterone Levels

It's essential to comprehend the measurement units when testing testosterone levels in women. Testosterone is measured in nanograms, whereas other hormones, such as estrogen, are measured in picograms. This measurement difference means that testosterone appears in significantly larger quantities, although initial numbers might suggest otherwise.

The Functions of Testosterone in Women

Libido: Testosterone significantly influences sexual drive in women. Fluctuations in this hormone can lead to changes in libido, and maintaining balanced levels is crucial for sexual health.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): Elevated levels of testosterone in women can indicate PCOS, a condition often linked to insulin resistance and poor dietary habits. Managing carbohydrate intake and insulin levels can mitigate this condition.

Muscle Mass and Recovery: Testosterone is essential for muscle recovery and the maintenance of lean muscle mass. It also contributes to overall physical health and stamina.

Hormonal Conversion: Testosterone participates in converting other hormones, including transforming estrogen to testosterone, which is mediated by specific enzymes influenced by insulin.

Mental Health: Proper testosterone levels are associated with improved mood regulation and cognitive function, supporting motivation and playing a crucial role in stress management.

Functional Medicine Lab Testing

Functional medicine emphasizes comprehensive lab testing to understand and address hormonal imbalances, including testosterone issues. Techniques such as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) provide detailed and accurate hormone profiles, crucial for pinpointing specific hormonal imbalances contributing to health concerns.

Functional medicine seeks to identify and tackle the root causes of hormonal imbalances, whether they stem from enzyme deficiencies, glandular dysfunction, or nutritional deficits. These detailed tests are instrumental in crafting personalized treatment plans.

Hormonal Health and Treatment Options

Maintaining hormonal balance is vital for overall health. Imbalances, whether excessive or deficient testosterone levels, can lead to significant health issues. In women, optimal testosterone levels are essential for bone density, muscle strength, and mental clarity. Treatment options might include lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). It's crucial to manage these treatments carefully and monitor hormone levels regularly to minimize associated risks.

Call to Action

If you're experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance or are interested in a preventative approach to health, consulting with a functional medicine practitioner could be transformative. If curious about your testosterone levels or other aspects of hormonal health, I encourage you to schedule a consultation. Visit to embark on a personalized health journey.


In women, testosterone is not only crucial for libido and muscle maintenance but also plays a vital role in hormonal balance and overall well-being. Women are encouraged to monitor their testosterone levels as part of routine health care, particularly if experiencing symptoms such as menstrual changes, weight fluctuations, or mood disturbances. Managing testosterone levels can significantly enhance the quality of life and long-term health.

Embrace functional medicine to empower a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Don't hesitate to address your health concerns—start today by scheduling a consultation with a functional medicine expert.


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