The other reasons why you may be tired – Podcast #91

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand are connecting the dots as to why some people who have normal adrenals come back still a little bit tired throughout the day. This podcast touches upon the mitochondria and the thyroid, which are the major driving factors of why someone may be fatigued and tired even though their adrenals look good.

stressListen to learn more about dealing with fatigue and inability to cope with stress. Get a better understanding of the thyroid hormones and how they affect the body. Discover facts about fluoride and the effects of drinking fluoridated water. Also find out the benefits of adding mitochondrial support in this interview.

In this episode, topics include:

04:24   Fatigue and inability to cope with stress

11:23   Adrenal, thyroid, and gut issues

14:41   Fluoride

25:32   Mitochondrial support

27:43   Summary







Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hey there, it’s Dr. J. Evan, what’s going on this great Tuesday?

Evan Brand:  Hey, good morning, man! I’m drinking some vitamin C and I’m feeling quite—quite yummy.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Nice. Yeah, I got my butter and MCT coffee here, rocking it out, getting my ketones up so in a fat-burning mode today, feeling really good.

Evan Brand:  Great.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  How was your weekend?

Evan Brand:  It was great. My wife and I went to Cumberland Falls State Park. It’s the biggest waterfall in the south and I’m gonna be making like a little vlog on my YouTube channel of our adventure. We ended up coming home at like 4 a.m. on Sunday morning because the bed—we rented a little cabin—the mattress in this cabin was so freaking uncomfortable and because of her pregnant belly, she was unable to get in a comfortable position as it is, and it had the worse, like 19.000 springs in it. That–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Oh, my gosh.

Evan Brand:  It—it killed our back. So we tossed and turned until 4 o’clock, and then I said, “Babe, we need to just get up and go home because it’s a 3-hour drive, but we’ll still get more sleep there than trying to lay and toss and turn here.” So—but it was still fun. It did not hinder our ability to enjoy the—the rest of the time we had there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  That’s good. So you survived it. Very nice.

Evan Brand:  Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So I’m getting back in the gym again, just more frequently and lifting heavy again, doing a lot more—a lot more compound lifts like front squats and you know, deep dead lifts. So I’m feeling really just a good total body soreness. It’s a really good healthy soreness. So I like that feeling. I’m looking forward to bring in that back more frequently, kinda combining that in with some of the high intensity interval training and then some of the—the heavy lifting as well.

Evan Brand:  That is a great feeling, yeah. I’m gonna be back into the gym today. I took probably a week or so off just to—I pushed it a little too hard and that belly button pain where I thought I had a hernia–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Evan Brand:  But it ended up being an abdominal wall tear. I felt something—something give. So I was like, “Oh, I’m gonna take a week off and up the collagen.” So now I’m—revisit it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And I think, too, once you get your infections fully eradicated, what’s gonna happen is you’re not gonna have that viscerosomatic reflex—viscero meaning organ, somato meaning muscle. So when you have inflammation in the surroundings organs, they’re on the same 2-lane sensory nerve highway as the muscles around there. So I think what’s happened is the inflammation in those organs are refluxing to the sensory nerves that go to the surrounding muscles probably at L1 through maybe S2, regarding the spinal nerves, and they’re probably shutting off some of those muscles for support.

Evan Brand:  Ah, okay. So I should be increasing my ability to lift and not feel pain.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Absolutely. Yup, that’s one of–

Evan Brand:  Good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  The big ones. We can do a whole podcast on that piece alone.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, that’ll be fun.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I see a big connection between these organs and inflammation in the organs and the muscles being affected, and we all know this intuitively, right? Anyone that knows about like heart attack symptoms, you know, it’s that left arm pain, left jaw pain kinda thing, right? We see it with appendicitis in that lower right hip quadrant, we see it with gallbladders in the shoulder, we see it with every woman who has had PMS for the most part, they can empathize with some lower back pain right in and around menstruation.

Evan Brand:  Definitely.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So it makes sense, right?

Evan Brand:  Yeah, it does.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Well, we talked before the show and we’re really trying to connect the dots for our patients listening and people that are having health issues, so it’s a practical show, and one of the things that we talked about the last few weeks, we’re seeing people that have normal adrenals but are coming back still a little bit tired throughout the day, and why is that? So we’re gonna help connect the dots with that and we’ve done some other shows on this where we talked about the mitochondria and the thyroid which are some of the—the major driving factors of why someone may be fatigued and tried even though their adrenals look good. So refer back to those shows for anyone that’s listening for more in-depth info, but we’re gonna kinda connect the dots here, just so it—we’re putting everything in once place, because this is a common symptom that we’ve been seeing recently.

Evan Brand:  Yup, definitely. Yeah, so we’ll start the story I suppose with a patient story of mine, maybe you have one as well, and fatigue and inability to cope with stress were some of the main symptoms that we were working on. So we started out with just the adrenal test. Now in a perfect world, you and I would have all of the testing done at the same time so we can get the full complete picture, but sometimes it just works out to where someone needs to proceed with just one test and we have to prioritize that. That’s what we did here is we ran the adrenal test and it showed up pretty normal. I would not consider it adrenal fatigue, maybe some dysfunction because his afternoon level was really low, but otherwise, he was in range throughout the rest of the day and his DHEA level was really good, and so it’s like, “Huh, well.” I know what’s going in terms of the adrenal picture? Why are you only low out of rhythm one part of the day? But your DHEA looks good but you can’t handle stress and you’re exhausted. So I don’t have the results yet, but what I was sort of playing out in my mind is there’s gotta be something going on with the gut because I asked him, kinda went through some of the symptoms that I—I see, and you and I have talked about for GI stuff. I said, “Huh, maybe there’s some type of infection going on that’s, you know, stealing your amino acids and impairing digestion.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yup.

Evan Brand:  Because he did talk about some heartburn. So I thought, “Oh, okay, good. We have at least one—one clue here.” And he’s got the vertical ridging on the nails like I’ve had.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yup.

Evan Brand:  And so we’re running the stool test now. I don’t have the results but let’s just hash it out and say, “Maybe there is an infection or a parasite going on and that’s stealing his amino acids, and he’s unable to make energy from his food.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  It’s very possible. People forget like when we see low amino acids on someone’s organic acid test. And you know, some of those organic acid markers for low amino acids could be—off the top of my head—could be a lactate. That’s a marker that goes low. We see low amino acids. It could be cis-aconitase, that’s another one, or it could be pyroglutamate. These are sulfur amino acid markers. So when we see these low markers, we automatically go back to malabsorption, right? It’s the gut stuff. We automatically go back to stress, because the more we are stressed, our body prioritizes lean tissue.  It—it says, alright, so here’s the mindset of the body, of the epigenome, it’s saying, “Alright, we wanna get rid of the most metabolically active tissue because it takes the most amount of nutrients and rest and hormonal output to—to keep it there.” So we wanna get rid of the most metabolically active tissue in times of stress. It’s kinda like you’re going—you’re going for a hike, you know, at Mt. Washington, right? And your pack’s really heavy. Well, what do you do? You go into your pack and you pull out all the stuff that may not be a necessity. Well, that’s kinda what your body does when it comes to stress and muscle and tissue like that tends to be one of these things that becomes less of a priority, the more stress you get. And also people just say, well, if I have low amino acids, why can’t I just eat more protein? That’s a really good idea. That’s one of the things we work on, as we’re making sure we have a palm to a first to a full hand of protein at each meal. That’s important, maybe even adding a protein shake in, but a lot of times it’s not enough because of the fact that 50% of the energy of the protein that we take in actually goes to breaking down the protein. Protein is very energy depleting regarding just the digestive processes and a lot of people already have broken digestion, so we’re working on the 5Rs and supporting the digestion with hydrochloric acid and enzymes by adding in free-form amino acids, adding in the collagen like you were talking about is a great way to help fill in those gaps.

Evan Brand:  Yeah. Yeah, that’s common that a lot of people, I mean even if they came from like vegetarian or vegan diet, they have trouble adding this stuff back in. Their body is like, “Whoa! We have no resources available to actually start breaking down these meat.” So that’s kind of a slow moving process, too, that I’ve been dealing with over the past week as just trying to work some amino acids in to people that have not eaten meat for a while, and it takes a lot of energy. I mean, that is like throwing the big log on the fire and it’s definitely a little bit troublesome for some people if they’ve done it for 5 or 10 or 15 years, which is just crazy.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, and I personally believe this is the major reason why a lot of people go vegan and vegetarian because their guts really aren’t working and it’s just easier for them to process more vegetable-based things and they do the shake in the morning, very low amount of protein, maybe they add a tiny bit of MCT in there if they’re lucky, but most of them they aren’t doing it, and they’re avoiding it because their gut isn’t working to begin with. That tends to be the reason why.

Evan Brand:  You know what would be amazing if we could do and get him on board with allowing him—allowing us to run some testing on him would be Rich Roll. He’s got a top ranked podcast as well and he’s got a book about being a vegan and he promotes a vegan lifestyle. He’s got a huge, huge following with this ideology but he’s a skinny guy. So I guarantee if you and I reached out, and we said, “Hey, Rich! Let us run some GI testing on you, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if something showed up in terms of some adrenals issues, maybe some gut issues, maybe infections.” What do you think?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, it’s very possible. Now a lot of vegans and vegetarians, they could still get away with it if they’re using a ton of pea protein or they’re using a ton of free-form amino acids. Or if they’re–

Evan Brand:  Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Using a ton of—it depends—if they’re allowed to do collagen or not. Sometimes in a powder form they can—they can kinda rationalize to themselves, hemp protein, even rice protein, so if they’re doing a lot of extra amino acid—let’s say they’re supplementing an extra 100g a day, well, that’s a huge step in the right direction. So it’s possible if they’re using supplements to get that, the difference is as a meat eater, as someone who is omnivore who eats both, we can get the extra amino acids from meat, without all the extra carbohydrates. When you’re vegetarian, if you’re—forget using supplementation, if you’re just relying off of whole food, it’s really hard to get the protein in there unless you’re doing soy, pure soy, which we know the detriments of that—we’ll have to do a whole podcast on that and the phytoestrogen effect—but for the most part, you’re gonna be getting a whole bunch of carbohydrates with a little bit of protein so the people that tend to do–

Evan Brand:  Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Good on vegetarian diets are the ectomorphs because they can handle a lot more carbohydrate and it doesn’t affect them, but the mesomorphs or even the endomorphs, right? So go back to our body typing podcast and videos for that info—they tend to be more insulin-resistant and those extra carbohydrates and even some of the—the lectins in the gut, the anti-nutrients and some of those beans and other proteins that vegetarians eat tend to create a lot of gut inflammation.

Evan Brand:  Yup, definitely. So I guess let’s zoom back in to this issue here of why someone may have like a good adrenal results or decent, you know, maybe it’s not stage 3 adrenal fatigue like most people are. What would you first clue into maybe beyond the gut that could be going on?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Well, the first thing is we—we draw like the first layer I kinda draw a triangle, right? And in that triangle when there’s energy issues, we always look at the adrenals from the top. So kinda draw a triangle in your mind, put A on the top. That’s adrenals. Now, at the foundation let’s say we have adrenal symptoms but our adrenals look decent. So adrenal function is this nice cortisol rhythm, high to low cortisol rhythm, right? It’s where cortisol’s higher in the morning which give us energy and it slopes down throughout the day. So if we have adequate cortisol levels, you know, upper 20s to—to lower 30s and we have a good rhythm, well, then the next piece is we look at at the bottom 2 points, which are gonna be thyroid and the mitochondria. And we kinda already touched upon the amino acids because the amino acids are really important for the mitochondria. That’s a really important piece and when we see amino acid issues, we almost always see B vitamin issues because B vitamins tend to get depleted when there’s malabsorption in the gut. And then we also see other nutrients like CoQ10 and L-carnitine and a lot of the Kreb cycle intermediaries like succinate, fumarate and maleate. We’ll see those off on an organic acid test, and then if we go to the other side, that’s the T side, that’s the thyroid, we can see low thyroid function whether it’s primary hypothyroidism with elevations in TSH from the pituitary or whether it’s low T4, right? Your thyroid is not making enough active thyroid—or inactive thyroid hormone or it’s a conversion issue where we’re not converting T4 to T3, and that could happen from gut inflammation, autoimmunity. It could happen from liver issues and/or just low nutrients like selenium, zinc, and vitamin A and copper, etc.

Evan Brand:  Hey, I was gonna stop you there and ask what the conversion issues, you know, I know if you have some adrenal issues, maybe it’s not severe enough adrenal issues to have like a real diagnosis attached to it, but doesn’t that process cortisol and there some interaction there where you reduce the conversion of the T4 to the active T3?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Exactly. So there’s a couple things, right? If cortisol is too high, that can actually increase TSH and that can block the thyroid conversion T4 to T3. If cortisol’s too low, we need some of it to actually get into the cells and to actually help activate T4 to T3 as well. So it’s kinda like the Goldilock’s effect. We—we don’t want so much where it’s—it’s a sign of a stress response, right? Because when cortisol’s high, too high, it’s typically because your Fight or Flight mechanism, right? Your HPA axis—hypothalamus, pituitary, brain, adrenals are active because your body’s sensing stress, so we have that sign and we have it on the low side where we’re now in a chronic stressed out state and now cortisol’s low. So it’s the Goldilock’s effect. We don’t want acute stress happening and we don’t want chronic stress happening, so just enough to help convert that T4 to T3 as essential.

Evan Brand:  Right, and one other thing I wanted to mention, too, is you mentioned things causing issues with the thyroid and the lack of selenium and things like that. What comes to mind for me, too, is you know, a lack of iodine potentially, maybe a lack of some of the amino acids like we talked about like tyrosine specifically and then what about like fluoride and bromide that people are getting if they’re still eating some processed foods or drinking fluoridated tap water for example. Is that a big factor? I mean, is that something—it’s something on my radar but I just don’t know how big of a needle mover it really is compared to some of these other ones.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, I got a video lined up at my queue on my Trello board that I’m gonna do a video on fluoride for the thyroid because they’ve had an epidemiological study over in Europe come out last year where they looked at people who consumed fluoride water, based on the water systems, like they looked at various towns in England. And they found like the towns that had the—the more fluoride in the water had the higher incidence of hypothyroidism.

Evan Brand:  Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So more low thyroid function was present in people that were having higher amounts and more fluoride consumption in their water supply. So there’s definitely an effect there because fluoride is a—it’s a halide. I think it’s the 6–

Evan Brand:  Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Or 7 periodic table element. I’d have to—to look it up again. My—my biochemistry is a little but fleeting right now, but that—that group, that 7 periodic table, I think it is—is the halide family. Iodine sits there as well and basically, fluoride can get in there and kind of pinch hit and knock fluoride—I’m sorry, knock iodine out of its proper function and role of the iodenation process which is making thyroid hormone, right? When we see T, for T4, that stands for tyrosine. We see the 4 or the 3, that stands for the amount of iodine molecules that are there. So we know iodine is important building block for the production of thyroid hormone.

Evan Brand:  Yeah, the—I’ve been sounding the alarm on fluoride for a while, but I still feel like there’s not enough light on it, and so I guess I’ll do a video as well, and you know, the other piece of it that I looked at, which is maybe a little off-topic, but there’s a study out of China that was looking at children. Some that were exposed maybe different towns like you said, a fluoridated town versus non-fluoridated, and there was a difference of 7 IQ points. When the kids were fluoridated, 7 IQ points lower than a non-fluoridated town. So there is a huge impact on our intelligence as well and it’s no surprise that most of the United States is fluoridated except for 2 cities, I think it’s Portland and I wanna say it’s Houston, which sounds bizarre.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I think—I’m pretty sure it’s Half Moon Bay as well. I know Half Moon Bay up in the Bay Area is an—is a one water supply that was not fluoridated. We had a—when I was in doctoral school, we, a whole class, a whole Public Health class based on us going through the literature on fluoride and it’s pretty crazy the stuff that fluoride is linked up to in the hard core science that people don’t wanna talk about.

Evan Brand:  Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I mean, like the study that you mentioned, I’ve read Mexico studies. These studies that happened in Mexico where it was like 10 to 15 IQ points. Like just scary stuff and in that—that halide group there is also chlorine, too, and bromine. And bromine, you’re gonna find that in a lot of your conventional bakery foods, a lot of your conventional grains, right? That’s why more reasons not to consume grains. And then your chlorine you’re gonna get that in your conventional water supply as well, so it’s like a double whammy. You don’t just get the fluoride, you get the chlorine as well which are—are problems. And then also people that—that studied fluoride, I’ll have to have like Dr. David Kennedy come on board here or Dr. _____, they’re some great experts on fluoride. But when you get fluoride, it’s not just like sodium fluoride. It’s fluorosalicylic acid which actually has a lot more dangerous compounds in it than just fluoride. So again, those molecules can come in and pinch-hit in the thyroid and really downregulate the thyroid function and the 1940s in Germany, they were using fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism and that was—it was literally a prescription medication that was given to people that had Grave’s or hyper symptoms and because it would go in there and—and pinch-hit and knock down that thyroid function, kinda like reverse T3, you’ve kind of alluded to it. Reverse T3 is when we’re in a stressed out state. Your body will convert T4 to reverse T3 which is like putting blanks, metabolic blank bullets in your metabolic guns so when you pull the trigger, yeah, you get the sound of a bullet, but there’s no bullet that actually comes out, right? You get the hormone going into the thyroid receptor but you don’t have that same kind of metabolic effect, which means you’re gonna have lower thyroid symptoms, the more metabolic reverse T3 or are T3 blanks that that are produced because of stress.

Evan Brand:  Yup, so yeah, and I think I may have mentioned it before but in the concentration camps, in the same time zone around, you know, 30s, 40s, sodium fluoride was used in the water, probably high, high, high doses for the concentration camp victims to keep them very docile.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yup.

Evan Brand:  And very numb almost like operating like a sheep, so not to get conspiratorial here, but hmmm they’re—you know, a lot of our founding fathers said there should be a revolution in the United States every 10 years and it has been quite some time since we’ve had any type of major uprising, and our whole country generally is fluoridated and a lot of people are unhappy with what’s going on in the country, but we’re all fluoridated so it’s almost like we’re too numb to actually respond or actually get energetic enough to do anything about it, so that’s crazy.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Well, it’s do—it’s doing something. We know it, just like, you know, let’s just stick to the facts here, right? We know it’s affecting the thyroid. We know it’s affecting—we know thyroid has a big effect on IQ, right? You look at many women that are—that have low thyroid hormone levels, they’re hypothyroidism through pregnancy, right? We know that that can create lower IQ in the baby, especially if the thyroid problems are caused by very low iodine levels. We know that can cause a form of retardation called cretinism, right? That’s a—that’s basically a totally preventable form of mental retardation because of very low iodine levels. We know it’s affecting the IQ as well just in people that have—were born healthy but are just consuming a lot of it. And if you look at the drug, Prozac. Just look at the organic chemistry of it. Just go to and pull up the organic chemistry of Prozac, you’re gonna see the major molecule of the drug is centered around is a fluoride molecule. So we know that there’s a lot of things that that drug can do, not a lot of good things per se. Now there may be some things like calcium fluoride that are more mineral-based in the water, that are more natural. We’re—we’re talking more of the sodium fluoride and the fluorosalicylic acids that are synthetic, man-made, typically as a result of the—the fertilizer/bomb-making industry. These are a lot of the by-product of those industries and a lot of this actually came about after World War 2 from all the excess bomb-making material that was basically from all the industry, right? A lot of our industry went to making weapons for World War 2, and then this—all these residual things were leftover afterwards, and this is what we’re getting exposed to today. And some great books on this is like Christopher Bryson has a great book on fluoride. See I think that’s Paul Connett. He’s an organic chemist over at St. Lawrence University. We have Dr. David Kennedy, DDS, phenomenal guy, great stuff on fluoride as well. So lots of good information out there and also lots of studies, too. Just Google Harvard Study and fluoride. You’ll see fluoride will actually increase your risk of osteosarcoma especially in boys. These are like a bone and muscle tumors. So we know there’s an increased risk for these compounds and they can affect your thyroid and they can create some of these energy issues that we’re talking about outside of just adrenals.

Evan Brand:  Yup, definitely. So long—long diversion but that still ties in to exactly what we were talking because we’re not gonna be able to see specifically, “Oh, are you getting fluoride exposure?” So we’re just gonna have to kind of ask and pry you for this question and so if you do have fatigue, if you do have hypothyroid symptoms, this is something to really look at and make sure that you are being more diligent about filtering your water. I know Justin you have a whole house system and your water tastes really good. I got to taste your water, and you know, I’m typically going to be doing some type of spring water which does have some natural fluoride but like you mentioned, it’s not the same.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Not the same, yeah.

Evan Brand:  So, yeah, so really, you know, getting a good grip on your water. If that’s the only take away you get from this podcast today, then that’s—that’s fine because this is a factor that is still overlooked, and I can’t tell you the amount of people that I still see drinking tap water. One of my wife’s friends when we were down in Austin, I got on this whole subject with her and was talking about the science and all of that, and she goes, “Evan, I’m not scared.” And she goes over to the sink and pours a big glass of tap water and just starts drinking in, and I’m just like, “You’re not hurting my feeling by doing that, I’m just trying to help you,” you know? And so a lot of people are still—they think this is like a tin foil hat subject for some reason.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I mean, this isn’t that controversial. Just go to the CDC’s website and just look at—just google fluoride and cavity. The CDC’s admitted that the children between 13—or 10 and 14 or 10 and 16, the major cause –the major cause of cavities in that age group is actually—it’s called a dental fluorosis, meaning excess fluoride in the drinking water. That’s like the major cause of cavities in these younger aged children.

Evan Brand:  Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  It’s like, my gosh, I mean I have con—I have conversations with dentists and they aren’t even aware of this stuff, but it’s like the CDC—it’s like it’s admitted that it’s out there. I mean you can just google these things, just type in CDC dental fluorosis, major cause of cavities, and you get a whole bunch of studies coming up and you get the CDC even saying it. So we know it’s out there. It’s real, just you know, things don’t get talked about because there are financial interest out there that, you know, benefit by having that there. So we just wanna empower people, be aware of it. Do your own research, right? That old, Reagan quote, “Trust but verify.” So do some Google work. Pull up some of these studies on Google Scholar or PubMed and do your homework on it, but forget fluoride, right? We know that there’s a lot of other crud and crap in the drinking water. Pharmaceutical drugs are getting in the water, because we don’t have means of filtering these things out, that people throw the—the drugs in there, down the toilet or you know, emptying them out or we have pesticide and chemical residue that goes into the drinking water supply as well. So everyone in their home should have a water filtration system. I have two. I have a whole house water filter, as well as a countertop filter that’s reverse osmosis based that filters out everything and then infuses some minerals back in as well.

Evan Brand:  Yup, that’s great.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So any additional comments on the mitochondria part or the thyroid part, Evan?

Evan Brand:  It’s—it’s something to factor in for sure, you know, if you’re struggling with your program and it hasn’t been addressed. It’s something that you definitely wanna take in to consideration. The mitochondrial support, you know, we talked about the adaptogens a lot. That’s something that I like. I like some of the ribose and some of the PQQ and the other super mitochondrial boosters. It may not be necessary for you, you know, if you look and you get the organics run if you haven’t had it run, you know, by one of us, that’s something that you can have done. A lot of times we’ll see some mitochondrial issues on there and then we’ll know, “Okay, you do need some good mitochondrial support,” and then we bring it in and then the lights come back on and people feel amazing. So it’s always fun to really help people feel better. I think that’s the funnest part about my job is when you jump on the phone with somebody and we’re like checking in, you know, “How are you feeling?” And the energy has tripled. It’s like that is so priceless and it cost maybe $30 for a bottle of supplements that we just needed to prove that they needed and they feel better, so this—I’m just a huge proponent of what we do.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, and then again, right? The reason why we need these things are either because one, we’re burning the candle at both ends and we’re burning through these nutrients faster, and/or we’ve had a poor diet in the past so we have to make up for that, and/or because we’ve had malabsorption because of infection. So you know, we’re—we’re changing the diet. We’re getting to the root cause. We’re fixing the underlying lifestyle and dietary stressors and then also making sure our body is detoxifying, right? Toxins rev up our need for antioxidants and B vitamins and all these minerals that you’re talking about, too. So toxicity from the water. Toxicity from the air, poor food, all of these things are gonna deplete you as well.

Evan Brand:  Yup, definitely.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Well, any additional take homes here, Evan?

Evan Brand:  Not for today. I think probably have to break this up into more podcasts. I know you and I both gotta go to a call, but also there’s a lot of info just in here and we can kind of navigate the river and go down some more smaller diversion topics that we can break down further, but there’s always—there’s always next time.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So I think that the bullet—the bullet point take homes from today’s call is get your adrenals tested, number one. Get on an adrenal program that includes diet and lifestyle and supplement changes. Number three, if you’re not getting the results you’re looking for—5 to 10% improvement each month, then we gotta look at the thyroid. We gotta look at the mitochondria, be it the organic acids, and then once we have that dialed in, then the next piece would be the gut afterwards. Is that a good take home, Evan?

Evan Brand:  That sounds great.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Awesome, man. Well, best of luck with your patients today. You’re gonna knock them dead and we will talk really soon, my man.

Evan Brand:  Same to you. Well, hopefully, I’ll knock ‘em alive.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Knock–yeah, I’m sorry. When I say knock ‘em dead in a good way. We’re—we’re getting to the underlying causes of why they’re feeling the way they’re feeling, but yeah, I get it, man. Cool.

Evan Brand:  Totally. Same to you, my man.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Alright, you take care.

Evan Brand:  See ya.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Bye.

Evan Brand:  Bye.

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