Natural Ways To Increase Your Glutathione Levels | Podcast #292

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Glutathione is an antioxidant that is capable of preventing damage to cellular components and also gives a lot of benefits to our body. For today’s podcast, the topic that came to mind is glutathione. Dr. J and Evan point a lot of information and tips on how glutathione is important in our health, how we increase our glutathione levels the natural way, the pros and cons, and a lot more. Read and listen below. Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

00:37    Glutathione as Tri Peptide

06:06    Conditions Associated with Low Glutathione

11:32    Glutathione in Helping with Treating Cancer

23:03    Food and Supplements

38:46    Tips, Ideas for Higher Glutathione Levels

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey guys, it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani here. Really excited to chat with y'all today. We got Evan brand here in the house, Evan, what's cooking my friend?

Evan Brand: Oh, not much. We cook some bacon and some pastured sausage earlier, but nothing is cooking at the moment beyond that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Awesome, brother. Well, I know we were chatting about topics that for today's podcasts in the pre show and glutathione was one of these topics that kind of came to mind based on challenges that we're seeing with our patients based on things that we're seeing in our comments section on our pages, and we decided glutathione will be a great topic for the show today. So really excited. Let's just start off the day what is glutathione? So glutathione is a tri peptide. What does that mean? Tri means three, Peptide means essentially amino acid. And there's three amino acids that make up glutathione. Glutamine, cysteine and glycine, those are the big three glutamine cysteine glycine. Now we really important because these are all amino acids. Sulfur rich amino acids and you're not going to find a lot of these amino acids by the way in in plant based products, you're going to find the mainly in animal based products. So for amino acids are much more rich from animal than you do plants. A lot of plant based products tend to be lower in sulfur amino acids and you actually have to combine them to even get them appropriately right. That'd be like rice and beans, right? Because they're missing certain amino, so you got to combine them just right. So glutathione really important try peptide, glutamine, cysteine, glycine, glycine, very, very high in bone broth and collagen. Right. cysteine very high and a lot of high quality animal products. Also whey protein. Okay. And then glutamine is obviously in a lot of gut healing supports glutamine is really important for the gut lining. Glutamine can also be more inflammatory, too. If you don't have enough B six, it can go down glutamate pathways without B six. So we also want to make sure we're getting enough B vitamins and we'll talk about glutathione metabolism. We'll talk about some of those pathways and what nutrients are needed to maximize glutathione and healthy glutathione metabolism besides just those try peptides, glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. Any thoughts seven?

Evan Brand: Yeah, I think it's all excellent. I look forward to breaking it apart more. Now, how do we measure glucose ion? One way is we like to look at organic acids testing. There's not a direct marker that says, glutathione, boom, that's your level. But using some of the metabolites that you can measure in the urine, you can get an indicator of it. And we know that when people are exposed to toxins, whether it's mold, or heavy metals or pesticide or herbicide, whatever it is, you're going to be reducing your glutathione levels. And as you mentioned, you know, people that are on veggie based diets, they're probably going to show up low. And so we can measure that on the oat test other other ways that you know, have to measure glutathione or is that what you use?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So yeah, the big ones, like you mentioned are going to be the pirate glutamate. The sulfate and the alpha hydroxy butyrate. Those are going to be some of the best ways to test it on the organic acids. Those are precursors to solidify own and a lot of the the sulfur nutrients cysteine, glycine, glutamine, those are big, big ways to do it. So when you look on the organic acids section, it gives you about five different organic acids that are that are very, very helpful at looking at glutathione the big three of the ones I just mentioned, I'll pull up a couple others that I use as well, that are more on the precursor side for glycine. So glycine is another big one. Because that's really important for glue to found as well then there are others that look at glutathione than the cysteine and the glutamine on top of that I'll pull that up in one second. So organic acids are great. There's also a red blood cell glorify on that you can do doctors day that does it. I think spectra cell does it.

Evan Brand: Have you ever done it or do you run it or do you think it's not worth it? If we're doing that oat.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I think if you already have a good look at the oat, there's four or five markers on there that you can elucidate from so I think the oat's fine, but if someone has a chronic condition chronic detoxification issues, I don't think it's a bad way to just kind of give it a an extra look, see, especially if you're struggling on the organic acids, or if the organic acids look good, but you're still having some detoxification issues, I don't mind running it. A lot of times I'll run an ion panel with some of my patients which will come with an organic acid and a intercellular nutrient blood test as well. So it would be on there and then also be on the organic acids so that's a way to kind of get a package deal on and kind of get two for one if you will.

Evan Brand: Yeah, I love the combos. Love the combos yes to like you mentioned the, like vegetarian sources where people are going to get sulfur to boost glutathione. I mean, that's going to be the cruciferous stuff. This is why you and I will use some of these like broccoli sprout extracts. There's some kale sprout extracts, things like that. There's different greens powders, and there are some encapsulated products that we use and I've used them with children were if they weren't able to swallow or they couldn't stomach like a encapsulated glutathione or maybe alive was almost like they didn't like the taste and some of the broccoli sprout extracts tend to work pretty good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally and on the organic acid just to highlight sulfate and pirate glutamate are the big ones for glutathione that's really big. And then the other ones are going to be to methyl hip right we'll really look at glycine and then the gluco re also looks at glycine so those are some of the other ones that can be ultra ultra helpful.

Evan Brand: This is why oat test is like I don't know desert island you only have one test to choose from between like a DNA stool and an organic acids. Oh, man. It's tough. I mean, I some days I go with the oat over the stools, my only test if I had to pick one.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well, it can be helpful because you get a good window into yeast and fungus, which can be really helpful. So that's really nice. And then also, we can talk about gluten if I own the different conditions that are associated with their other nutrients that help you recycled modifying and that are very helpful in the healthy metabolism of fluidify own and we have a nice handout here. I'm going to pull up so you guys can see I think it's under Very, very, very helpful. I'll pull this up here for you guys to see. So there's a bunch of different conditions that are associated with low glutathione. Everything from aging to all simers to cancer to chronic liver, cognitive issues, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, hypertension, any immuno deficiency and chronic viral issues, lupus, mental health issues, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative issues, Parkinson's, I mean, this is like through the freaking roof. It's unbelievable. The association with other conditions, it's not saying this is a direct cause they're just saying, hey, they test a lot of people for who to die on. And they just find this chronic association with these issues. Now, I would say there's definitely going to be there's definitely going to be a causation link there for me, it's hard for research to say that it takes a while for research to do a causation thing you got to do a metabolic war and you got to really take people in, give them Low, low defiant take people out, give them some glutathione and study the different it's really hard at metabolic Ward studies are tough. So it's you have to kind of look at more of associative studies versus metabolic Ward that really give you the causation. Let me show a couple things here for you guys to see. me pull this up for you guys.

Unknown Speaker: Okay, can you see my screen Evan? 

Evan Brand: It's loading. Yep, there it is. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, cool. So these are a bunch of the conditions here that are associated with low glutathione. And then there are the links here. So you can actually see the scientific studies right Alzheimers, the emerging role of glutathione and an Alzheimer disease, right? You can see diabetes glutathione synthesis is diminished and patient with uncontrolled diabetes is really important. And again, this is the article right here I wanted to highlight is called a review of dietary phytonutrients for gluten support. It's in the journal nutrients September 2019. So pretty, pretty fresh study. But this pathway here I really wanted to highlight for everyone. I think this is super important. When I get this just the right size, does that look good to you? 

Evan Brand: Yeah, looks perfect. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, cool. So let me kind of highlight a couple of things that are happening here so people that are listening, we got a video on screen so you guys can actually see the different pathways and how glutathione gets into the cell and works. So you have your three major amino acids you have cysteine right here, which can come from an acetylcysteine and can get converted from cysteine assisting right there, you have glycine, right very high and collagen and bone broth. That's why I like to do my 20 grams of collagen in my coffee every morning. Okay, and then you have your glutamate or glutamine inside the cell. So outside the cell, these are the big two amino acids and then inside the cell, you have your glutamine that gets conjugated here. Now also outside of the cell, look at the the green vegetables right the brassica vegetables, the high cruciferous vegetables. Some of the polyphenols like green tea are very important in this glutathione to conjugated, basically it helps conjugate a lot of these foreign chemicals xeno biotic means foreign chemicals, you know, biotics could be xeno estrogens that could be xeno neurological things from pesticides right? So basically they're going to be chemicals that are foreign to the body that are stressor on the body this can help with fluidify on to GST and conjugate Gosh, conjugate just means binding a protein to it, typically, so the body can excrete it via the stool or the kidneys or urine, right?

Evan Brand: Now, here's the thing. You mentioned that big list of conditions so it would make sense why cancer would be associated with low glutathione because this pathway you're showing if you've got a build up of all these toxic chemicals and hormone disrupting chemicals whenever if that pathway screwed up. I mean, it sounds like you're going to end up sick so it's not that like you said, it's not causation, but that pathway could be you know, if I were somebody like focusing on an anti cancer regimen, I mean, this pathway here would be a huge piece of the puzzle.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% and this GST stands for glutathione S transferase and they're actually making drugs that are glutathione s transferase in nature. So this GST is very very very important in excreting toxins and crap outside of the body. And we know this to like a lot of the things we may use on the brassica vegetable side, we may do broccoli sprouts, we may do sulfur rich compounds like dim, which is di n Dom methane, or we may do indoor three carbinol these are all going to be so for concentrated compounds, we may even do things like calcium to glucose rate. And these can help improve this clarify own clarify on s transferase pathway. Any comments there? 

Evan Brand: I'm trying to figure out what the I would love to learn about that you're saying they're using or they're making prescription drugs to work on this pathway?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, so let's um, let me see I can pull it up here on screen for you. Can you see this right here? 

Evan Brand: We're still on the image we still see the image of the pathways.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, let me just pull this up here this is an older study but you know I like to just show people what's going on so they can actually see it 

Evan Brand: Because here's if they're gonna make a prescription here's what they're going to do they're going to jack up the price 1000 X to do the same thing that in AC or DC now do yes sir.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, so you can see this the role of fluidify on s transferase. In anti cancer drug resistance. So it seems like this may be helping a lot of the cancer drugs work better. So they're talking about who defined as transfer rates are a family of phase two detoxifying enzymes that help catalyst catalyst is a gluten independent enzyme. And it basically helps when I say conjugate that means bind a protein to it, a variety of endogenous and exogenous toxin. So endogenous means toxins that are made by your body. exogenous means toxins that are come into your So think of mold and pesticides as exogenous. Think of maybe yeast overgrowth or bacterial overgrowth and those toxins being produced like acid aldehyde, maybe being endogenous. Does that make sense? 

Evan Brand: It does. I actually found something on this. I'm looking on this drug website, and actually found out here that for chemotherapy, doses of 1.5 to three grams of glutathione have been given in a 15 to 20 minute time period right before a chemotherapy treatment.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally makes sense. Yep, totally makes sense. So I'm trying to go down to the conclusion of this one study here. I haven't gone through it yet. Yeah, I'm just trying to look through this here. Alright, cool. I'll have to go through this here later on. But I mean, it just shows you how important glutathione is with detoxification, cancer and also we can talk about the immune system, right. There's the reason why that page had immune issues, AIDS and viral issues as being a low glutathione issue. Because gluten has a major, major role in immunomodulation and immune balancing any comments there?

Evan Brand: I just wonder where this conversation is happening in an oncology office though, hey, we need to boost up your clue to find out I want you to eat broccoli sprouts and take some extra NAC and vitamin C and some of the stuff we're going to get into. It's like, Where's that happening? I mean, maybe in a holistic oncologist office, but I feel like your conventional guys, it's still just the chemo model. It's not going to be anything like this. Exactly wrong. If you're, you know, cancer doctor out there, then let us know who you are, what you're doing. We'd love to hear about it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I mean, the problem is, people on the pharmaceutical side or conventional medicine side, their perspective when they look at things is how can we make a drug that modulates this pathway or interacts in this pathway? The problem is once you start making the drug, you're forgetting why these pathways are low to begin with. Right? Hay diet issues, digestion issues, stress issues, exposure to toxins, right They're forgetting why these pathways are low to begin with. And then number two, anytime you make a drug, you can't patent Mother Nature. So you can't patent the actual codify on building blocks, you have to do isomers, or different substrates that look similar, but may not be the real deal. And the problem is once you start deviating from Mother Nature, all drugs have what Evan?

Evan Brand: They have side effects, side effects. It's like the designer babies. It's like, oh, let's play with these genetics. We're going to make this baby have this color hair and this color scan and whatever there. It's not what nature intended. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. So once you start doing that, then you have an increased risk of side effects. And because you can't patent Mother Nature, you know, that's the problem. That's the big issue. You can't patent Mother Nature. Therefore, you have to go and create compounds that are isomers that look similar, they may work a little bit will never work as good as the real thing. And then you're going to have a whole bunch of side effects.

Evan Brand: Yeah, let's get back to that first paper that you and I have pulled up with the graphic on it because we wanted to go through some things that have been shown to help with this whole glutathione people think just pop glutathione pill in that scene of the day. But there's and that's true. You can do that. You could do your oral, your sublingual, your zomo, your intravenous glutathione. But there's other things along the way they can help, like NAC is a game changer.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So let me let's kind of let's work from the top and go down. Okay, so we talked about what's happening outside of the cell, right? We need cysteine. We need glycine, these are really really big pathways. We talked about maybe some of the sulfur compounds in the vegetables, we hit that right now inside. If we go to the top of this cycle and work our way down, you can see folic acid or we'll just call it full late. Okay? And you can see thf this is tetrahydrofolate and this goes to mthfr. Right everyone talks about methyl tetrahydrofolate reductase right mthfr right. So you need full A B vitamins, and then you're also going to need b 12 betaine, which is trying methyl glycine, so these are important nutrients that are needed. So this pathway can go around and essentially when you have an mthfr issue, this pathway up here, this enzyme is lower. Therefore, you need more of these nutrients here to run this pathway and of course not folic acid we activated fully, whether it's cat you know, folic acid or calcium D fully or mthfr folate, we need to activate it fully. And then you can see here I'm assigning gets stuck as homocysteine if we don't have enough of these nutrients and we know homocysteine can create vasculature inflammation, inflammation in the vasculature right? associated with heart disease. You can go look at the research of Kilmer McCauley over at Harvard, and we need enough of these nutrients to take pining to go to homocysteine and then go all the way down to cysteine down here so then you can see cysteines are really good sulfur amino acid cysteine then binds with glutamate or glutamine. Okay, and then you can see cysteine and glutamine go downstream to actually make glutathione and guess what else you need? Well, you know, if you look at some of these nerve pathways over here where you know, you know that multi level product called Protandim, right, it's got a lot of the phytonutrients the green teas ashwagandha fits in this category, a lot of bioflavonoids like resveratrol, vitamin e omega three and guess what? Magnesium. So these nerf two which is really important for binding that cysteine to the glycine and making glue to find magnesium is really important as well. And then you can see glutathione also is very Selenium dependent. So fluidify on gets utilized in the body, it needs to be two and then also when it gets reduced to reduce go to diet, it needs vitamin C and lipoic acid to bring it right back up and to recycle it. So if you don't have enough vitamin C or lipoic acid, which is a silver component, we may not recycle our glutathione and then Selenium is very important too because Selenium helps take the metabolism of Go to found it spits out a lot of hydrogen peroxide right here, h2o. And Selenium actually binds an oxygen off and makes it water. So it actually helps the metabolites of glutathione that are very inflammatory h2o to and it turns it in the water. And then we use a lot of these phytonutrients as well to buffer that oxidative stress.

Evan Brand: It's beautiful. It's a it's amazing how that happens. So you and I've talked about autism and behavioral issues and detoxification issues and all that and how it's related to mthfr defects. So what we're kind of showing here can show how just simply improving the methylation component of this picture can improve detox because methylation helps with detox on its own, but you see the mechanism downstream of glutathione. So this is why some kids that we work with even just by improving methylation, and as you mentioned, we'll give them like an activated, you know, l mt hf or something similar data We'll clear up some of the mood issues that will clear up some of the skin, it will clear up dark circles under the eyes. I mean, just improving methylation alone could be a game changer. My favorite part of this whole picture is the vitamin C, because in this paper that you and I were looking at, it was shown that even just taking 500 to 1000 milligrams a day of vitamin C for 13 weeks. So what's that give it three months or so led to an 18% increase in gluten ion levels? So that's it. That's such low hanging fruit. You and I are such huge fans of addressing low hanging fruit. I mean, how much easier can it get? You're boosting Bluetooth on 20% just by vitamin C. I'm rounding at 18 but I'm calling it 20. I mean, it's close enough.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I wanted to highlight this one study here so you can see it to kind of just dovetails with everything we're talking about. I want to just make sure that makes sense. pull this up screen here so you guys can see it.

Evan Brand: Okay, while you're doing that, I'm going to just keep ranting about other nutrients. So yeah, I just pulled up Selenium. I want to say one thing about that real quick. So Selenium. It was found that beautify on increases just by giving Selenium as well. So I'm not saying spot tree. But let's see someone had a thyroid issue were like, Hey, you really need some extra selenium, that alone could be boosting Bluetooth ion. So it's really, really cool.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And the nice thing is when we're looking at patients, we're testing all these nutrients because of course, yes, it's going to help but if you're deficient in one nutrient over the other, that nutrient could be the bigger linchpin for supporting your glutathione. Right. Now, this study, I thought was really important because one of the major mechanisms of glutathione and how it works with cancer is it modulates the immune system, better immune system, right? It controls cancer cell growth, right? What's cancer just cells growing out of control, and then it helps with oxidation, right? oxidation is when you lose electrons and cancer is very oxidative. It causes a lot of loss of electrons which then creates a lot of free radical stress and damage. To the DNA into the immune system, so really powerful abstract here, role of fluidify on and cancer progression and chemo resistance which means resistance to chemotherapy. It talks about codifying, placing an important role in the cellular process, including proliferation and a pop ptosis. That means cells growing and cells dying, so it helps cells so they don't grow too much until they die sooner. That's good. We need that. Then it talks about while glutathione deficiency or decrease in glutathione ratio leads to an increase in susceptibility of oxidative stress. What does that mean translation, you lose a lot more electrons, and that creates free radical damage and DNA implicated in the progression of cancer elevated glow to final levels increase the antioxidant capacity. That means it helps you take electrons that you've lost it helps bind to them and stabilize the cell and resistance to oxidative stress observed in many cancer cells. The presence highlights the role of gluta thiam as a cytotoxic That means it protects the cells from being damaged. Carcinogenic means means the formation of cancer. So it protects cells from being inhabited by cancer and the sensitivity to tumors to the cytotoxic agents, or the cytotoxic effects of anti carcinogenic agents, so what that means it's going to protect you from getting damaged by chemotherapy. And it's going to protect you from the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy. So that's kind of the the layman's translation as we go. So what's the moral of the story glutathione protects you from the damage of cancer, it protects your cells from growing into cancer and it protects you from the damage of chemotherapy. So three ways it's very beneficial.

Evan Brand: That's amazing and not that this was the glutathione cancer podcast, but hey, I'm sure everybody listening would agree that you don't want cancer. So, of course, you can't say glutathione prevent you from getting it, but man, it's an incredibly protective molecule.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% Evan, can you see me back on screen now? 

Evan Brand: Yes, sir. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: All right. Awesome. I think we hit that one really, really well. Let's keep on rolling though, if you don't mind. So we talked about that pathway, which I thought was really helpful. We'll put the links down below. So if you guys want to see it, why don't we talk about some of the big foods, so beautify on right cysteine glutamine glycine, so now we just back into it what foods are really high in cysteine, glutamine lysine? Well, of course, things like whey proteins and to be great as long as you're not ultra dairy sensitive whey proteins great sulfur rich foods are going to be helpful like a lot of your brassica cruciferous vegetables right bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, turnips, again, the problem is that's not going to really help you with a lot of the intercellular glutathione but it's still going to be helpful. Now what other other foods that are more high in some of those intercellular nutrients? Well, you're going to see all of your high quality animal products, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, all of these things. The higher quality the animals are, meaning the less hormones the West junk, the less toxins, the more they're fed high quality grass, the more nutritionally dense they're going to be.

Evan Brand: I found, I'm looking at a couple of like food data sheets. So in one large egg, you get almost 150 milligrams of cysteine. And who knows if that's even, I mean, that could have been a conventional egg. I mean, what about like a fully pastured organic egg, you may even get more cysteine you're talking almost I mean, if you do two eggs, you're at 100% of even over 100% of your daily intake for assisting with two eggs. Love sunflower seeds, and a handful, a one ounce handful of sunflower seeds. You're at over 100 milligrams of hemp seeds. You get a ton from hemp seeds as well. So like let's say you did a smoothie in the morning where you put in some collagen with maybe some hemp seed or maybe some hemp protein added to it. Maybe a grass fed way. I mean you're going to be stellar in the solidify on generating department.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Love it. 100%. So your animal products are always going to be the best way to go off the bat just because of how high they are and how nutrient dense they are. Also, when you look at amino acids and plants, you have to look at the digestibility of the amino acids, there are certain scales, you can look at that look at the digestibility because plants have a lot of anti nutrients that bind a lot of these amino acids up because plants don't have claws and teeth to fight or flee. So how they survive is they have anti nutrients which makes some of their nutritional compounds harder to break down which means they pass through the stool and then they can grow seeds and flourish and other parts of the soil. So they have to have anti nutrients so they can pass other animals digestive tracts right. Animals just have claws and teeth to fight and flee plants don't so there's a lot more anti nutrients that prevents some of the digestibility whether it's mineral blockers like fighting And oxalates, whether it's trypsin inhibitors that help decrease proteolytic enzymes, so their proteins can't be digested, whether it's lots of hard to process fibers, all those things are potential and could be, could play a big role in those amino acids not being fully absorbed.

Evan Brand: Well, here's a couple other things, too. So in that paper, they've got a table on there that talks about preparation of the sulfur rich vegetables. And apparently freezing of broccoli does reduce the sulfur. And then of course, if you are eating it overcooked, you're likely gonna it's like a sweet spot, right? Because we've talked about this before nutrient density of raw versus lightly steamed. So lightly steamed is going to be the way to go. But if you cook too much, then you've broken it down that way. If it's frozen broccoli, then you're already at a disadvantage state. So it sounds like it's just too difficult. I mean, I'm not saying that. veggies aren't important. I still eat a ton of veggies, but if I'm looking to it To increase glutathione I'm not just going to be doing a broccoli smoothie, I'm going to be focused on the way and the collagen. And also, here's an interesting one. Number one food for my pining king crab, one crab leg, you're over 700 milligrams of Matheny. It's the number one source. So if you like crap out there, there's a reason to like it because of them.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Love it. I love it. I think that's really, really awesome points. So a couple of kind of deal breakers, let's call it low stomach acid, we don't have enough high quality stomach acid, it's gonna be hard to break down a lot of these sulfur rich compounds. So of course, that's going to be a big, big problem. So if we don't have enough stomach acid or enzymes, we're not going to be able to digest a lot of those animal products, and also a lot of the sulfur rich vegetables. Let's be real, a lot of them are very high and fodmaps, right, fermentable oligo, disaccharide, mono and polyols. So guess what, if you have SIBO guess what kind of response to those vegetables you're going to have? Yes. A lot of bloating and gas, they may even disrupt motility they may even cause diarrhea or constipation. So you may not really be able to tolerate much of these vegetables. So a lot of people that are like on a carnivore template, a lot of times they have SIBO, and a lot of autoimmune sensitivities and they're really sensitive to a lot of the anti nutrients in these plants. So a lot of people kind of come down on people that are doing a carnivore template, but the reason why they do it is because they feel significantly better because of the anti nutrients and because a lot of times there's some SIBO going on and cutting out those fermentable carbohydrates or even going carnivore can help starve out some of those critters too.

Evan Brand: Yeah, and important. And let's point out that's not forever. I mean, if somebody is on a carnivore template, we're using that to stabilize those people until we can work behind the scenes on these other issues like the infections you mentioned. Yep.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And we may be able to add some other things down the road for sure. So a lot of your vitamin C rich vegetables are going to be awesome. A lot of the sulfur ones a lot of the lower sugar fruits are going to be awesome. Those are going to be great things to do off the bat. Of course, we talked about yourself. Millennium rich foods as well animal products, oyster seafood, high end zinc high in selenium, Brazil nuts can be excellent as long as you can tolerate the knots very, very high in Selenium. We talked about the stomach acid and the enzymes as being a rate limiting factor because of the fact that they need good acid levels and enzyme levels to be able to break them down. And also say we talked about this earlier. Vitamin D is really important for glutathione in the brain. Can you talk about that a little bit, Evan?

Evan Brand: Yeah. So I think the best way to talk about this and implement it is through the nebulizer. So there was a couple papers talking about increase included found in the brain. I don't have it pulled up. But long story short, I've looked into this. I've done it over the weekend. I will tell you, I get more energy, I get more mental clarity. I feel honestly I feel relaxed. I mean, it's almost like I snuck in a little bit of gamma powder into my nebulizer something because after breathing in the glutathione, I just felt relaxed. Maybe because I was like focusing on deep breathing and such while I was breathing it in. But I looked at a couple papers on the administration method. So just eating glutathione orally meaning in a capsule form like zomo, doing foods to increase it versus IV versus nebulized. The only way to get it in the brain is nebulizing. At we're talking at therapeutic levels now, the some of the glutathione made in the body get into the brain, probably, but we're talking if you want to just crank up brain power, let's say you have a traumatic brain injury, maybe you had a head injury or you're an athlete or a soccer player or you fell off a bike or you fell down a set of stairs or you have mold because we know mold damages the brain to me nebulizing with the sodium bicarbonate and the saline solution. It's a miracle cure, so I can't say enough good things about it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: No, I love it. I think it's really, really important. I wanted to highlight a couple more things that I thought were also very important. Let's talk about supplements. So we talked about a couple things when we review that solidify on pathway that you guys can see the video on. Alpha lipoic acid is very important in recycling clarify him. Also, milk thistle is a really good tone of fire and does help support glutathione levels as well. Vitamin C is really important, right? That helps with reduced glutathione and help activating it again, that was also very, very important. Oh-

Evan Brand: Here's one thing. Go ahead. Here's one thing I forgot to mention this was in the paper. So I kind of went on a tangent on the on the nebulizer. But in that particular paper, you and I were discussing it I was wrong. It is true that you can increase at least this was in rats. So is it the same in humans maybe. But by just giving an IV dose of NAC they were able to increase glutathione in the brain. So what about oral NAC? Does that increase glutathione in the brain? I don't know. But at least in that paper IV NAC did boost Brain levels include glutathione.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's great. Yeah, I imagine over time, I mean, those amino acids will eventually cross. I know sometimes the amino acids cross the blood brain barrier and then the glutathione converted in the brain I think glutathione maybe too big to cross the brain itself. I know some of the amino acids like cysteine Oh l cysteine. can cross the blood brain and can then convert to glutathione in the brain. So I know cysteine is a big one. I don't think NAC can but l cysteine can. 

Evan Brand: You think just because it's smaller? 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, smaller because NAC gets broken down into cysteine by the body and some people they say just take cysteine because I know a lot system is very important with adrenaline. And we know adrenaline is a really big, nervous system. amino acid right? And we know dopamine actually gets converted to adrenaline and we know dopamine to adrenaline. That pathway involves sulfur in particularly cysteine.

Evan Brand: So wonder, I'm just thinking out loud just for for my purposes. So I want to People that are having issues with anxiety, if they would be able to reduce the anxiety by boosting up that pathway working more on sulfur.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Sulfur can be really helpful. Now in my line, I have a product called detox and he knows that we'll have some cysteine some and acetylcysteine some calcium to glucose, which is a really good binder for mold and for hormones, refining, cysteine, taurine, glycine, so all the amino acids which is really helpful, I like that a lot. I'll also do a lot of the the phase one nutrients, a lot of the antioxidants, a lot of the B vitamins, milk thistle, those kind of things for phase one support. Phase One is taking toxins that are fat soluble and converting them to water soluble phase two is going to be water soluble, excrete it out the body and that involves lots of sulfur, all the amino acids I just mentioned. And with some people we may do a combination of El glue or lipids almost glutathione we may do glutathione, there's another good found has these little these little Bucky balls? Can you talk about that?

Evan Brand: Oh, yeah, I love I love the seat elated. Yeah, so there's a couple out there with the Bucky balls that basically the idea is to try to just shrink the molecular size of it, so you can kind of sneak it into the cell. So there's, you've got the light zomo where you're going to do like a sunflower and then you've got this buckyball idea now I don't know if it's a carbon molecule, if this is the same thing as the C 60. You and I've been talking about or what but but there are ways to to make Bluetooth ion smaller for me, I just look at the papers on it. And the acetal version is the one that I believe you have your own I have my own as well have an S acetal ad glue defi on. I've had people doing here just just a quick little debate. I've had people doing various versions of like Bumble glue defy on and liposomal vitamin C and I've measured them and many of these people are still low on the test for vitamin C and glue to violence. So when we switch them over to like an acetal ated and then just a mixed ascorbate I see the levels come up so it's not that I'm against the life was almost glutathione. But I'm just finding that the acetal works just as good if not better, and it's capsule because the lipids almost generally tastes like crap. Or if you've got a really sensitive person, there's going to be citrus oil or some other flavoring to cover up the terrible beautify on taste. And then those people don't tolerate it, and then they're not compliant and then they don't get better.

Dr. Justin Marchegian: 100% Yep, I totally agree. So right now, I use a lot of lipids almost, but you still do the seagull and you still get good results with that clinically?

Evan Brand: I do. Yeah, it works great. And I feel good on it. So I've done an experiment on myself where I'll go life as normal for a month and then I'll go acetal I feel just as good Now it could be because my acetal version has a gram of NAC added to it. So I'm kind of cheating because I'm really getting the NAC plus the gluten. Maybe that's why I'm I'm getting so much better. Oh, so while you were talking I just did a quick search on studies on glutathione and anxiety because you brought up this whole dopa mean endorphin thing and this is not for the podcast, but really more just Brain Candy for me. Turns out Yes, there's a link between glutathione and anxiety and bumping up glutathione been shown to reduce depression and anxiety. So there you go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I make a lot of that has to do with the catecholamine. The dopa means synthesis in the brain. So I think it's really really important to know. Dr. Marty hands I think he's over at neuroscience or neuro research. He talks about how sulfur is very important for synthesis of serotonin and dopamine and a lot of your adrenaline over time you will deplete it, especially when you get stressed and you're taking a lot of your dopamine and you're converting it downstream to adrenaline, you will be depleting a lot of your sulfur. Now, what does this matter? So this matters, because the more stressed you are, the more sulfur you deplete, which means you'll have less sulfur leftover. So now if you're stressed and now you're exposed to toxins, or you're living in a moldy home, you can see how stress can make everything worse because now you have less flow glutathione precursors to help you in that situation. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, speaking of stress, I've got a paper in nature right here. was called I'll give you the link in case you want it in case you want to show anybody but it was called glutathione depletion, mitochondrial dysfunction induced by chronic stress. And I don't know this is a rat thing so you know how they deal with rats they do something to them to stress them out but long story short stress in this paper had reduced glutathione brain glutathionr by over 35% so it would make sense why glutathione would help with depression too because you think about the toxicity I mean, heavy metals and such those can impact neurotransmitter function you can get depressed just for being toxic. So by reducing the toxicity, you're less depressed. I mean, I think that's really cool. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. Now a lot of people are asking well where can you get the nebulized glutathione right now the third natural site is sold out but would be where you can find that as the third natural site if not head over to or just put glutathione in the search and we have some of our own sulfur based compounds that we use in the lead As well mold based compounds we use so feel free to reach out to us, we'll put pertinent links down below for you guys as well. And then outside of that, just really make sure you have good stomach acid levels because you need good stomach acid to break everything down. And then we also talked about, you know, the animal products if you're vegan vegetarian, try to get some animal products in there, even if it's egg yolks, or if it's a little bit of fish, do your best on that and just try to make it healthy. And then really look at B 12. And fully, you're not going to get enough b 12. On the on the plant based side, you really need animal products to get b 12. So if you are really plant based, you need to make sure you're supplementing with the high quality methylated B 12. And maybe some activated full layers to be safe, because you need full eight and B 12 to run those glutathione pathways.

Evan Brand: Let's just do like a quick 30-second recap because those with brain fog are like oh my god, what am I supposed to do? Do I go like swimming? Am I in a pool filled with glutathione? What do I do? So whey protein, grass fed meats Good cruciferous veggies probably lightly steamed over raw, maybe some greens powders or greens juices if you if you just for some reason can't tolerate it like the broccoli sprouts, I think that'd be great for somebody that can't eat broccoli because maybe they have digestive troubles and you could go for some of the extracts, making sure you're doing enough vitamin C as you mentioned, adequate stomach acid, so making sure you're testing your gut for infections. If you have H. pylori, and other infections, you've got to fix your gut, so possibly extra enzymes, possibly anti microbials, antifungal, anti parasitic herbs to treat the infections, maybe doing an oat test to check in on your overall levels and getting some micronutrient panels run. And then if there's other issues that are keep depleting you then maybe looking into the mold, the heavy metals and the other toxins that are going to deplete glue to die on. That's kind of your recap.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% now, what do you need for sulfur amino acids a day? I would say you know 1500 to 2000 milligrams on some of the NAC and some The sulfur aminos I'll do one to two scoops, you know, 1020 grams of collagen a day, I think it's great on the vitamin C on the low side, you know, one to two grams, I think it's great if your diets amazing and you're getting lots of leafy greens and some low sugar fruit, maybe a gram or nothing is probably okay, if you're really great there, if not a gram or two on the vitamin C sides are great on the light bulbs almost go to file. And if you want to go that road, I think half a gram to one full gram is fine half a gram on the maintenance side. Or if you're just getting sulfur amino acid, that may be enough. But if you're under some stress with mold a half a gram to a full gram. And if you're dealing with more acute stress, right, a lot of viral issues today can really create stress in the lungs and glorify them can be very helpful with that long stress. You may want to go up to two grams on the glutathione more acutely and those are a couple of good first things go ahead.

Evan Brand: Yeah yeah don't forget about the NAC too. You and I did I don't know if we did a whole show or if we just kind of rained it on it for a little bit, but NAC in regards to immune health and NAC being very very protective so I'm usually at around a gram but you could go higher possibly 2 grams per day of NAC combined with that 500 to 1000 milligrams glutathione that is an awesome one-two punch. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, just be careful what the NAC cuz it's an expectorant it will dry out your sinuses and and your throat a little bit so it's great if you're really mucus ease but be careful if you're getting too dry you may want to pull back on it. So just kind of know that NAC is awesome for a lot of the excess post nasal drip excess mucus but if you go a little too much you may get a little bit too dry in some of those areas.

Evan Brand: I can confirm. I haven't had a nosebleed but when I was going higher like, two grams. Yeah I was pretty dry I felt like I could breathe better though, man I tell you my sinuses felt clean as a whistle.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, so if you're getting over a cold and you got a little bit of post nasal stuff going on, NAC you should be one of the first things you go to in your medicine cabinet specially if you get that little bit of a nagging post nasal drip cough and they cease the first thing to hit.

Evan Brand: Yep.Maybe that some Exley or nasal spray something like that you got anything.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh yeah, well you definitely the sign is flush with the X clear like that's number one, because you got to flush things up, and the number two, you dry it up and then you do those you're in good shape. Anything else you want to highlight Evan?

Evan Brand: No, let's wrap this thing up it was fun and if y'all have further questions or comments of course we always want to hear your experiments and your experiences- how did it go, what did you do with glutathione, did you do like me and then I called Justin in like 10 o'clock when I hey man I took like a double or triple dose of glutathione and I got a terrible headache I remember that so now. We're always being the guinea pigs and that's what we love doing and we are available clinically. So if you need help, you can reach out to Dr. J at, we work with people around the world. So, my website and we'll be in touch next week.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And when we talk about these things guys, this isn't theoretical for stuff. We see thousands of patients, tens of thousands over our decade-long careers and we know it works. We know it doesn't and if you're leaning into glutathione, maybe put a little bit of a binder in there an activated charcoal bentonite clay taking way away from food and supplements just to kind of soak up or kind of broom up anything that may be already liberated from your body. So that's kind of a good first step just to be on the on the alert and always start low taper up don't ever go over the top on it always start low work your way up try to make sure you're working with a

practitioner so you have ways to monitor, test and assess as well as figure out the best order of operations and addressing your concerns. And if you want to reach out to Evan,, myself Dr. J We are available worldwide for support and health consults and feel free and reach there. All right guys if you enjoy it let your friends and family know put your comments down below and what future podcast topics you'd like to hear about. Have a good one guys, take care.

Evan Brand: I got one final comment on that sure, I'm so glad you brought up the binder. So this podcast is not designed for people to go, hey I'm you know feverishly writing down everything that Justin said. This many milligrams of this is I'm gonna go do his protocol- no, that's not what he said. These are just guidelines okay because if you go and you do a gram of glutathione and you've never taken it you're probably gonna get a headache or feel like crap because you're mobilizing things. This thing glutathione helps push and I think of it as the push so when we're talking about a detox protocol it's kind of a push catch push catch repeat and if you don't have something in to catch it meaning something to upregulate phase 2 or potentially also in addition the binders like the charcoal the clay zeolite bentonite you know chlorella whatever it is you could get in trouble so please don't just go to glutathione, you've really got to have some sort of catcher's mitt in place or just help your you know allow your practitioner to guide you because you can have too much of a good thing.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Excellent point, Evan. We'll put some of our favorite products down below so you guys can take a peek and we're here to help you as needed Evan you have a phenomenal day.

Evan Brand: Great chat with you, take care. See you later. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Thanks, bye.


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