Natural ways to improve longevity – The top 12 causes of aging and slow it down with Chris Mirabile | Podcast #407

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Chris Mirabile discusses the top 12 causes of aging and ways to slow it down. He emphasizes the importance of nutrient density, sleep, and avoiding nutrient deficiencies for optimal longevity.

💡 Nutrient deficiencies and inadequacies are common, even in those who eat a healthy diet.
💡 Potassium, magnesium, choline, vitamin E, and vitamin K are key nutrients to supplement.
💡 Nutrient density is crucial for optimal health and longevity.
💡 Calorically sparse foods can promote weight loss and better health compared to calorically dense foods.
💡 Chris’s interest in health and nutrition started at a young age, but his perspective changed after having a brain tumor and realizing the importance of overall health.




Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey guys, it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani. Welcome to the Beyond Wellness Radio podcast. Feel free and head over to justinhealth. com. We have all of our podcast transcriptions there, as well as video series on different health topics ranging from thyroid to hormones, ketogenic diets, and gluten. While you're there, you can also schedule a consult with myself, Dr.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: J, and or our colleagues and staff to help dive into any pressing health issues you really want to get to the root cause on. Again, if you enjoy the podcast, feel free and share the information with friends or family. Hey guys, Dr. Justin Marchegiani here, really excited to podcast today here. We're gonna be talking about anti aging and longevity strategies with Chris from Novos Labs.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Chris's website is NovosLabs. com and SlowMyAge. com. So we're gonna put all that stuff in the comments below. Chris, how are we doing today, man?

Chris Mirabile: I'm doing great. Thanks for having

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: me. Excellent. Very good. Well, nice to meet you here. Really excited to chat here. Big fan. Functional medicine's all about reducing inflammation, increasing nutrient density biohacking, improve, improving performance, the whole nine yards, optimizing hormones.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: All these things are, you know, I think is an end by product is going to help with aging. It's going to allow you to age slower, perform better. Heal faster. So, tell me, we talked about in the pre show here a little bit about kind of the top 12 reasons why you age. Let's just hit the top three out of the gate.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: What are the big three things that you see, people that come to you in your lab, what you're testing, they are assessing, what are the big three drivers that are accelerating someone's age?

Chris Mirabile: Dr. Justin Marchegiani yeah, I'm a, I'm a lifestyle basis. I think if we're just looking at, at the vast majority of people the biggest contributors are going to be number one most likely diet, the types of food.

Chris Mirabile: That people are eating, particularly here in the United States. The amount of calories you mentioned nutrient density at the Americans tend to eat calorically dense food which are, are void of nutrients. So that that's one thing. And then also just in consideration of, of the timing of those meals as well.

Chris Mirabile: You know, people are in this constantly overfed state. So that that's one significant contributor. And say, another one is. Is sleep and just neglecting sleep. So people oftentimes will, will stay up later than, than they should. They will wake up at different times or they'll have to wake up with an alarm clock you know, waking them up in the morning and, and, and, and, and.

Chris Mirabile: And that's not ideal. Ideally, people are just waking up naturally based on their circadian rhythm and they're getting adequate sleep which is reflected by them waking up naturally. And so inadequate sleep or inadequate, inadequate quality sleep is a contributor as well. I'd say also this one is, is a little bit more controversial, but I'm, I'm happy to defend it is, is nutrient deficiencies or inadequacies more to, to state it more accuracy accurately there is an abundance of, of nutrients inadequacies. Even if you are eating a very healthy diet, if you look at, for example, the N Haines study of more than 16, 000 Americans, and you look at individual micronutrients, you'll find that 100 percent of those 16, 000 plus people.

Chris Mirabile: had inadequate intakes of potassium. More than 90 percent had inadequate intakes of choline and vitamin D. 89 percent of choline. Yes. 89 percent of vitamin

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: D. Dr. Justin Marchegiani I would think if you're eating, eating grass fed meat or egg yolks, I figured you'd get enough on that. But I guess maybe they're just a lot of people that are consuming a lot of processed food, maybe.

Chris Mirabile: Yes. And so, so let's be clear on the difference between inadequacy. And deficiency. So deficiency is going to be defined as what, you know, the, the government has said as the RDA, which is like the absolute minimum you need to avoid a short term illness, like scurvy from vitamin C deficiency, for example and then inadequacy is defined as having less than ideal amounts of the nutrient intake.

Chris Mirabile: Relative to age and gender matched people who are healthy relative to, again, relative to your agent and gender. So looking at the healthiest people in your cohort, how much of these nutrients are they taking in? So this is more indicative of longterm health. And based on that, people are, are inadequate or taking in inadequate levels.

Chris Mirabile: And when it comes to choline specifically, as you know choline is a methyl donor. And so depending on your methylation and detox genes, like MTH, MTHFR and others you might need significantly more than even I'm accounting for when I say inadequacy, like for myself, I'm homozygous for C6, 7, 7, T.

Chris Mirabile: I need. About nine egg yolks a day, right? I'm not eating nine egg yolks equivalent per day, right? But that is what is ideal for me to be able to methylate properly. And so that's not even accounting for that in that figure of over 90%. Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Wow, that's crazy. So what were some of the top five foods?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You said choline, potassium is a big one. I think the daily recommended intake on that's like around 4, 700 milligrams. People just don't do that. I run, you know, I run like a chronometer on someone, run a sample breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most people are getting less than half. So, so you said potassium, choline, I imagine magnesium was probably up there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: What else? Well, vitamin D. Yeah.

Chris Mirabile: Yeah, we all know that people are deficient in, in vitamin D and what I'll say just quickly about potassium is, you know, the levels that you, you cited are, are, you know, are an ideal level, but if you consider just Historically, we've had much higher levels of potassium intake, especially compared to the sodium intake that we have now.

Chris Mirabile: So people can probably get even more potassium than that and still experience health benefits from it. And for that reason, I personally use light salt. In addition to already eating a nutrient dense, you know, whole foods diet, I use a light salt rather than regular sodium salt. So, light salt is 50 percent potassium, 50 percent sodium.

Chris Mirabile: So, that's also changing the ratio somewhat. So, it's like Dr. Justin Marchegiani I know there's new salt.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I know new salt Evan Brand New salt is

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. Yeah. So new salt is a hundred percent potassium. You just, you also don't want to overdo the potassium though, right? Like you, especially if you exercise and you are sweating out your sodium, you need to restore that sodium.

Chris Mirabile: Otherwise you can have heart issues if you have too much potassium, right? So I don't mean to say that potassium is the cure all and that you want to avoid all salt. Salt is critically important, but for the vast majority of Americans,

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: it could knock. I'm sorry. Go ahead. So potassium knocks the sodium down.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So. So if you're getting a lot of sodium, but you're getting at least potassium with it, that shouldn't throw the relationship to off too much. Exactly.

Chris Mirabile: And that's why I do the light salt and I'm eating veggies with, with it as well. So I'm getting some of the sodium, but then the ratio is higher on the potassium right here.

Chris Mirabile: Is that Morton's light salt?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yup. Yup. That's it. Oh, cool. I didn't, I didn't know they had one that does a 50 50. That's great. I knew about the. Yeah. And actually,

Chris Mirabile: yeah. The, the Morton salt you can find in supermarkets more, more easily than the new salt. A lot of supermarkets have it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I'll add that to my mix.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I like Redmond's real, so I like the sea salt, but yeah, those are a little bit low on the potassium side. So it's good to balance that off. That's awesome. Very cool.

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. If you want, you could do the sea salt, but, and then you would use the new salt with it. Yeah. Right. But that's a little more tricky to like figure out what's half and half or whatever.

Chris Mirabile: So the light salt, just, you don't have to think about it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. Awesome. Any other big nutrients come to mind in that NHANES study? Vitamin E.

Chris Mirabile: So 93. 9 percent of people. I had mentioned vitamin D before I have the numbers in front of me. I wrote an article about this on slowmyage. com. It's the diet and nutrition post about my own personal diet.

Chris Mirabile: But yeah. It, it begins with these, these facts and figures. So vitamin D was 95. 4 percent of people. What else when it comes to magnesium specifically, it was 60. 9. So actually a little bit lower than you would expect, like relative, everyone hears about the magnesium deficiencies or inadequacies, you would think that it would be higher, but no, actually potassium and vitamin E, vitamin D, choline.

Chris Mirabile: Vitamin K, 71. 1%. So again, higher than the magnesium. And, and so my, my position on this is that you are nearly guaranteed to have at least one inadequacy, at least one, probably multiple, even if you're eating a very clean, healthy diet. And again, it's not based on deficiency, it's based on inadequacy.

Chris Mirabile: What is the ideal intake, not the minimum intake to avoid a short term illness. Okay. Thank you.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. So that's kind of like the RDA versus like a daily recommended intake kind of thing. A daily recommended intake is more of like more optimal versus an RDA is kind of like the minimum to prevent disease kind of thing.

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. Yeah. So, so I would, I would look at it as like how to optimize our biology and make sure that we aren't too low on anything. Right. So, and, and we all, there are genetic factors that play a role as specific snips, that might mean that I need a higher level of riboflavin than you do. Right. And so like, how are you really going to find, discover that and how you can actually feel and your biology can actually be optimized too.

Chris Mirabile: Without actually, you know, adding in higher levels that is, is very difficult to do simply by eating a healthy diet. It, it, it necessitates some form of supplementation and you don't have to go crazy with it. You could go with a high quality multivitamin, a high quality multi mineral, and then make sure that you're getting adequate vitamin D.

Chris Mirabile: Because most multivitamins don't have enough vitamin D. So you might need to take another pill for that. But what, once you, once you take care of that, oh, and choline, choline is not typically in the vitamins either. So that you can get through the egg yolks or certain foods or even lecithin. Lecithin is grass fed meat.

Chris Mirabile: Lecithin is very high in, in choline and other phospholipids like inositol and phosphatidylserine and so on. So there's a number of ways to do it, but I would say, yeah, that's probably the four. things, plus fish oil, five things that you probably would want to supplement with for the

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: foundation. That's awesome, man.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Really cool. So if we kind of recap for the listeners, we have potassium, magnesium, choline, vitamin E. What was the last one? There's one more vitamin K, vitamin K high up on there on the list. Yep. Excellent. That's awesome. Yeah. I mean, nutrients are key, right? Because Your systems, your hormonal systems, your mitochondria, they run on nutrients, not just calories.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. Calories. If typically in the real world, calories come with nutrients and ideally organic foods and it'd be nutrient dense. But now in today's Neolithic age, we have a lot of calories with not a lot of nutrients. That's the problem. And that's just unlike how the body is used to working. Especially if they're sweet, sweet automatically meant more nutrition, more nutrient density, but now we have the opposite happening.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So I think it's the nutrient density aspect I think is so important. Anything else you want to add on that?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah, to your point about nutrient density there was a recent study that came out that looked at I believe it was called a caloric calorically sparse foods, right? So, so the foods that are very low in calories.

Chris Mirabile: And when you think about, well, what is actually something that's low in calories, basically all of the natural foods out there, other than a few exceptions, like maybe Like a nut butter or something is, is pretty calorically dense, but as opposed to eating the whole, the whole nuts or the whole seeds, right?

Chris Mirabile: They looked at mice eating either calorically dense diets or the calorically sparse diets and gave them, I believe the same number of calories. But those eating the calorically sparse diets or access to the name, the same number of calories in, in their, in their food the calorically sparse diet.

Chris Mirabile: The, the mice were obviously, you know, you would expect healthier gained less weight. And in fact, they were, they were lean as a result of being able to you know, you kind of fill up on the cellulose and you're getting the the nutrients in the diet as well from these like non calorically dense foods.

Chris Mirabile: And once you're eating these calorically dense foods that are also don't have many nutrients in it, that's, that's when everything goes wrong. And that's basically the, the, the problem that we see across, you know, developed nations, especially the U S right now. Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. It makes sense.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Now we started off today. We went right into the nitty gritty with some of the top nutrient deficiency, which I think is important, but start off a little bit more, give a little more background about yourself. I know we chatted about a health challenge that you had when you were young, walk the listeners through that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then what brought you here today? What What made you motivated to kind of get this information dialed in?

Chris Mirabile: Sure. So I've been interested in health and nutrition ever since I was 12 years old. I started exercising and installed a pill pull up bar in my basement and started eating a healthy diet and reading men's health magazine and so on.

Chris Mirabile: And so I was, I was into it from a very early age. So it was that much more of a surprise to me when at 16 years old, I suddenly had a seizure and it turned out that was caused by a brain tumor. I, I thought that, you know, being as healthy as I was that whether the chances for something like this to happen to me, it came as a shock to me and my, my family.

Chris Mirabile: Family, my friends, my classmates, and fortunately it was successfully removed, but that experience transformed my perspective on life, changed my perspective on health, which prior to that was admittedly a superficial perspective on health. It was about being in good shape, playing sports, well, being attractive.

Chris Mirabile: And I didn't really understand health is so much more than that until this experience. It's, it's, it's about biological optimization, avoidance of disease and so on. And so from an early age, I, I confronted death and mortality and never wanted to be in a hospital bed again, questioning whether I would wake up the next day alive or not.

Chris Mirabile: And so. Going through that kind of planted a seed in my subconscious. And throughout my career, I I've been an entrepreneur starting typically technology businesses, but in my personal life, I've, I've been a citizen scientist N equals one biohacker. Self experimenter. And I I've been doing this for, for, you know, throughout my twenties and through my thirties, I'm basically 40 years old now.

Chris Mirabile: And I've always been about collecting data and seeing what's actually working for me objectively and going straight to the source using PubMed to, to do the research and try to, you know, asking myself questions and then trying to find the answers through PubMed I came across a scientific study about 10 years ago called the hallmarks of aging, which was.

Chris Mirabile: Moments of epiphany for me, that was the moments where I understood that there is a scientific explanation for why we age and by extension, why we get diseases of aging. The number one cause of chronic illness is aging. It's actually not diet and lifestyle. It's actually the aging process. In and of itself.

Chris Mirabile: Now our diet, our lifestyle, our environment is going to accelerate or decelerate that, but there are these underlying biological processes that take place as we get older. And as we look at chronic illnesses and mortality risk, it goes up exponentially. In fact, it doubles every eight years, approximately after puberty or risk of death.

Chris Mirabile: So seeing that there are these biological causes of aging. Gave me this new lens through which I could look at health and look at my own health and my own lifestyle interventions to try to slow down this pace of aging and to be as young, biologically speaking, as I possibly could. And fast forward to about five years ago, I teamed up with some world renowned scientists at Harvard, MIT.

Chris Mirabile: The Salk Institute, people like Dr. George Church, who invented genome sequencing in 1984. He is a whale of a, of, of a geneticist. He's, he's the most respected in the industry. Dr. Matt Kaeberlein, who's famous for his work with rapamycin. He's been interviewed a number of times on Dr. Peter Attia the drive podcast and many others.

Chris Mirabile: And and a number of other scientists like this who are part of the Novo's team as, as scientific advisors. And we have our own scientists on board full time as well. And we launched this company Novos with the intention of helping people to slow down biological aging to essentially be as we like to say younger for longer.

Chris Mirabile: Awesome, man.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. You talked about your past being 16, being into health, right? Training, lifting, trying to be more fit. But it's really interesting. That community, there isn't like a big emphasis on food quality. It's like chunky, maybe whey protein shakes. There's no emphasis on organic. There's no emphasis on or artificial sweeteners, toxins, hormones.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: There's no emphasis on eating really cleanly, you know, soy protein, whatever it's protein. And so it's good that you kind of evolved your thinking and really looking at all the other toxins that are potentially in these food, other additives and such. I think that plays a really important role to health as well.

Chris Mirabile: Definitely. I mean, when I was a Teenager, you know, scrawny 12, 13 year old trying to gain weight. I was, I was taking weight gainers. I don't know if you remember this from like, you know, the, the nineties, it's like, like, you know, 1500 calorie drink, just full of carbs and starches and Kraut's

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: a casein too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Chris Mirabile: Oh yeah, exactly. Exactly. And, and so. Yeah. I, I evolved from that and into my, into my early twenties, still continuing to have like packaged foods, but like, you know, protein bars from the South beach diet or metrics and so on, you eventually protein and MSG,

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: right.

Chris Mirabile: Exactly. Exactly. And then in my late twenties, starting to understand the importance of the nutrients and starting to transition then into eating multiple servings of vegetables every day and getting my protein from salmon or from, you know eggs or chicken and so on.

Chris Mirabile: So, yeah. Trying to avoid that processed food, which didn't have the nutrients. And that's really when, when my journey evolved to such a degree that like, I felt like a different person, like I feel better now at, at 39 years old than I did as a teenager or in my twenties, like sharper, I have more energy, I sleep better, it's, it's a completely different existence, which is kind of crazy to think as I age.

Chris Mirabile: I'm feeling better.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah, that makes sense. You had a similar background with health issues and thyroid problems and all that and just banging my head up against the walls of conventional medicine and not really having a lot of options, only really providing symptom management and just hoping you can manage your symptoms where you're not getting to the root underlying cause.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And, you know, as you, if you're a detective and you're looking deeper, it's, it's easy to see that we're just covering this thing up. We're not fixing it. So it's great to have interventions that are really solving it. That's excellent. Now we talked about go ahead.

Chris Mirabile: No, I was just going to say I had a similar experience where I, I, I was seeing doctors trying to figure out why I was just chronically tired.

Chris Mirabile: I, I, like I could sleep for nine, 10 hours. This was in my late twenties, nine, 10 hours. And, and I, I wake up and in the middle of the afternoon, I'd, I'd feel, Like I had to sleep and I'd sleep for like an hour to two hours and wake up feeling exhausted. And I couldn't figure it out. And it turned out like I went to multiple doctors, endocrinologists ENTs, like everything.

Chris Mirabile: And no one had any answers for me. I had to figure it out on my own, which ultimately it turned out it was a few things. But one of them was, I have a sensitivity to nuts. So I was eating almonds and cashews and my immune system would flare up from it and make me really tired within a few hours of eating.

Chris Mirabile: Wow. And I didn't realize that until I did an elimination diet. The second thing was the MTHFR that I mentioned, I needed higher levels of methyl donors And certain forms of vitamin B. And the third was that I was borderline anemic. I was donating blood. And although every time I would donate the blood, they would test my iron levels.

Chris Mirabile: They didn't test other things like ferritin. And ultimately I was, I was borderline anemic without them knowing it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And as a guy being an addict, I must have some malabsorption issues in the gut.

Chris Mirabile: No, it's just because I was donating blood so frequently.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, oh, because you were giving blood so much it was lowering the ferritin.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, got it. Yeah, because, you know, an anti aging thing is you give the blood to keep the offset the high levels of ferritin because guys don't menstruate, but you were doing it too much. And it was driving it down too low.

Chris Mirabile: Exactly. Exactly. It was too often.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So you were already thinking, you're already thinking, let me try to Reduce oxygen.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So you already had that mindset, but you just overdid it a little bit.

Chris Mirabile: Yes, exactly. And I trusted, you know, the standard iron level test. It wasn't a comprehensive panel, including ferritin, and that's why it went undetected. Yeah. Makes sense.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Makes sense. So, in regards to the lab, right, you have, you founded Novus Labs.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Talk about some of the testing you're doing. What, what have you found to be some of the more sensitive kind of subclinical functional markers to assess health? Talk a little bit more about these markers.

Chris Mirabile: Sure. Well, so what, what I think is particularly exciting in the longevity space, which would be applicable.

Chris Mirabile: To, to, you know, more general medicine as well as the idea of biological age.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So we

Chris Mirabile: all have our chronological age. That's what we think of as our age is number of birthdays we've had, but we also have a biological age. This is essentially how young or old our biology is. And it makes sense. If you think about somebody who's 50 years old, but they look 60, and then you think of another person who's 50, but they look 40 and you hold those two people next to each other.

Chris Mirabile: The, the, the difference is so stark, that contrast of somebody who's biologically younger versus older. Now it's not definitively true without actually doing some, some biomarkers, which I'll, I'll speak about in a moment, but that is most likely true. Just by looking at a picture of someone, you can get an idea if they're aging have accelerated aging or not.

Chris Mirabile: Just like cigarette smoke will accelerate someone's aging and they'll look older. It actually literally is aging them internally as well on an organ level. So your biological ages is reflective of things like your morbidity risk, your mortality risk more accurately than your chronological age would be.

Chris Mirabile: And so it's also kind of like this North star metric. It's a single metric that is indicative of your overall health. Now, you can do these blood, comprehensive blood panels, which are important to try to zero in on specific issues that, that you, someone might have, but if you want to just have that North star metric of like, is this person overall very healthy or not, the biological age, Test is, is actually very promising.

Chris Mirabile: Now, how do you measure biological age? There's a number of ways to do it. And in different researchers and companies are, are releasing all different types of biological age markers. And so you're going to hear about it more and more, but not all tests are created equal. So there are some that might look at your microbiome, for example.

Chris Mirabile: Some might look at your metabolome. So I might look at you know your telomere length and so on. The, the, the most advanced form of testing for biological age at this point is looking at your epigenome, your epigenetics, and even within there, there's a lot of complexity in the sense that some are not high quality tests.

Chris Mirabile: In other words, their accuracy and precision is not particularly good. And then you've got some that have been academically scrutinized and are the, the top of the best of the best. So let, let me quickly clarify what, what the epigenome is and how these tests work. So you have your genome, your genetics.

Chris Mirabile: Everyone's familiar with genetics at this point. Mm-Hmm, . But what's perhaps even more important than your genetics, and this is where lifestyle and environment come into play, is your epigenome. So your epigenome is which genes are turned on and off. So if your genetics are like a piano. Your epigenome is like the piano player determining what song to play of your genes, right?

Chris Mirabile: And as you age, certain genes turn on that shouldn't and certain genes turn off that shouldn't. It's almost like striking the wrong key. Additionally, based on your lifestyle and things like, you know, You know, we mentioned before micronutrient inadequacies or cigarette smoke or excessive stress, not sleeping enough, so on and so forth your epigenome is going to reflect that.

Chris Mirabile: And so scientists have been able to put together algorithms. That can essentially determine your biological age or your, again, your morbidity mortality risk and your ability to like your cellular functioning based on these patterns within

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: your epigenome. So what are some of the markers you're looking at on the epigenetic side?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Is it different methylation markers? Which ones do you like?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. So it's, it's specifically methylation markers. So every algorithm is looking at different methylation sites. And, and accounting but, you know, the, the very first test your audience might be familiar with Steve, the name, Steve Horvath.

Chris Mirabile: So Steve Horvath invented the first ones about a decade ago. But but now we're, we're on to, those are first generation tests. Now we're onto third generation tests. The most accurate one to this point is one called the do need in pace. Test it was created by researchers at Columbia university and Duke university.

Chris Mirabile: And that is looking again, specifically at, at methylation markers. What's really unique about the Dunedin pace clock is that it tells you your biological rate of aging right now. At this point in time, based on the lifestyle you are living, you are aging at maybe one biological year per chronological year, or maybe 0.

Chris Mirabile: 8 biological years per. chronological year. In other words, 20 percent slower than the average person your age. For me, for example, my results were 0. 69. So I'm aging 31 percent slower according to this test than the average person my age would be aging.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Wow, that's amazing. And so what were some of those big markers?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I know CPG is another big DNA methylation epigenetic DNA marker. Is there any other big ones that just kind of come to mind that, that you're testing over at Novos?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. So, so we, we sell something called the Novos age clock or the Novos age kit. Within that kit, there's three different tests.

Chris Mirabile: So the first one is we have a license with the, the creators of the Dunedin pace clock. So that's going to tell you your, your pace of aging. The second one is biological age. It will tell you like an actual number. Of how old you are biologically. Now that's not as accurate as do need and pace.

Chris Mirabile: As I just said, do you need in pace is the most accurate, but people still want to check off that box. So we provide that. And then the third is telomere length and percentile by chronological age. So your telomeres are that protective end caps of your chromosomes. They protect the DNA. And as you age, they get shorter and shorter with each cell division, they're going to get shorter.

Chris Mirabile: You can imagine if you have a lot of DNA damage, a lot of cellular damage from things like inflammatory environments, oxidation, and so on, your telomeres are going to get shorter quicker because you need to repair those cells and create new cells. So your telomeres are getting shorter with each cell division.

Chris Mirabile: So it's not a direct marker of your biological age, but it is correlated with aging. It, it, it, the, the positive is that you can actually, and the same thing with epigenetic age, you can actually improve these numbers based on lifestyle interventions. So we can tell you your percentile by age. Ideally you're going to be at the higher end of that percentile.

Chris Mirabile: Now telomere length is It doesn't really matter too much when you're within the sweet spot of, you know maybe above the 30th, 40th percentile. But once you get lower below a specific number of that is when short telomeres can actually lead to a negative health outcomes. So there's a correlation between very low, very short telomeres and things like gastrointestinal cancer mortality and so on.

Chris Mirabile: So for this test, we really suggest that, that users look at it as, are my telomeres too short? If not, okay. As long as I'm within a reasonable percentile. There's not much more to, to look at. You can check off that box that your telomeres are, are at the good

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: point. And essentially our, our telomeres are like the little caps at the end of our shoelaces, so to speak, on our chromosomes.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Correct. Is that kind of Yes. Good summary of what they are. And essentially these things shorten as we age in accelerated fashion. What are some simple strategies that, that we can do? I mean, I'm, I'm guessing some of those nutrients that we talked about in the beginning may help. What are some simple things that come to mind that we can do to help lengthen those telomere?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. So when I was mentioning before the you know, general health supplements or the micronutrients, that's one part of the equation. The second part of the supplementation equation is longevity supplements. This is what we specialize in at Novos along with our scientific advisory board that I, I mentioned earlier, we created The first and only product to address all 12 of the biological causes of aging that I mentioned earlier from the hallmarks of aging scientific paper.

Chris Mirabile: And and so those 12 hallmarks, they include telomere attrition, the shortening of telomeres also includes genomic instability. As I mentioned, when you're doing your your genetics are, Our instable, in other words, DNA damage, you're going to have shorter telomeres as a consequence, because of all of the repair that needs to take place, right?

Chris Mirabile: So you go down the list of all of these 12 different hallmarks of aging inflammation cellular senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction, epigenetic alterations, and so on. They all, it's a complex web where they all play into each other. And so product like Novo score. which is our foundational supplement.

Chris Mirabile: It has multiple ingredients in it that directly impact telomeres in terms of helping to reduce their shortening, but also are synergistically working on these other hallmarks simultaneously. We based this formula on more than 400 scientific studies, which you can find. On novoslabs. com slash evidence.

Chris Mirabile: We make it all open source. There's a table there where you can actually search through those studies. You can insert keywords like for specific health issues that, that you might be curious about to see if we have ingredients that. That may impact those health issues. And and we've also done a number of in vitro and in vivo studies on it.

Chris Mirabile: So in vitro, we've looked at DNA damage. We've looked at cellular senescence. We've, we've looked at biological age in a case study. And we've reduced biological age. So I can talk about any one of those, if you'd like dig into the details. But the quick answer to your question is that. We have a formulation that could potentially slow down the, the shortening of telomeres and potentially even lengthen them.

Chris Mirabile: Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. Let's talk about maybe some of the top three to five nutrients that come to mind. Maybe I'll just pull one out. NAD is a big one. NAD, nicotinamide, adenosine, dinucleotide. Thoughts on that? How does that plug into healthy aging?

Chris Mirabile: Dr. Seheult Sure. So, NAD has, has really come to the forefront of, of the longevity.

Chris Mirabile: Markets mind largely because of Dr. David Sinclair at Harvard and the work that he has done on NMN nicotinamide mononucleotide specifically. Though he's not the only researcher looking at NAD, he's the most public facing one, but there are other very well respected researchers doing top caliber work on, on NAD and NMN and so on looking at their effects on aging.

Chris Mirabile: So with that said. NAD is involved in the Krebs cycle. And if, if you remember the, the Krebs cycle or the citric acid cycle is the cycle which leads to ATP production. So energy production, but there are other things that, that take place as well. For example, the production of sirtuins and sirtuins are, are specific molecules that are capable of repairing DNA after damage.

Chris Mirabile: So if you go out in the sun and you have UV radiation, there's damage being caused every second to your DNA. Perhaps millions of DNA are being damaged every second that you're out in the sun and you need to to repair that DNA. And so sirtuins are capable of doing that. Now, NAD levels, they go down significantly as we age.

Chris Mirabile: And pretty much from birth as, as we're aging, we have less and less NAD. And so NMN is basically a precursor. It is an ingredients, a molecule that our bodies naturally produce. That then leads to the production of NAD that then is involved again in energy production in protecting the DNA or repairing the DNA and so on.

Chris Mirabile: And so NMN is, is actually an ingredient that you can ingest and it is absorbed orally and we sell it as a product called Novo's Boost.

Chris Mirabile: And so that, that is one exciting ingredient, but there are many

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: others that are very similar benefit as NAD is NMM, or do they have specific benefits kind of unto themselves, unto their own?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So

Chris Mirabile: NAD, you cannot absorb or absorb it orally. So there are companies that sell NAD in oral form. It's not absorbed. You're, you're wasting your money. You need to take it in the form of either NMN or NR nicotinamide riboside. We believe that NMN is the superior choice for a number of reasons. If you go on novoslabs.

Chris Mirabile: com and you search for NMN versus NR, you'll see more than a dozen reasons. We believe NMN is better, but ultimately you need to take either NMN or NR to increase those NAD levels. It could be argued. You could also take niacin. Niacin can also. Increase NAD

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: levels, but

Chris Mirabile: there are . How about with Nigen?

Chris Mirabile: How about with Nigen? I know

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Nigen does the nicotinamide Ribo chloride. Is that one pretty well absorbed for NAD?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah, so, so, so Nigen a Chroma dex company, they, they have an NR product. What I would say is that they are they, they have a lot of money invested in, in, in trying to make the claim that NR is superior to NMN.

Chris Mirabile: But if you look at the academic literature it would seem that NMN is actually superior to NR.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it. Now I know I had notes actually from that podcast. I think he was that gentleman that you talked about, that talked about the sirtuin pathway out of Harvard there. I think Joe Rogan had him on a few years ago.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And I had some notes from that podcast. I wanted to run by you. He talked about a couple other things on that podcast. He talked about. Obviously, insulin resistance, you talked about metformin and how that I think that has similar input on those sirtuin pathways. Any thoughts on that?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah, so, so metformin, yeah, metformin is a prescription drug it's prescribed to diabetics to help them with insulin resistance and to be able to better cope with carbohydrates.

Chris Mirabile: And that works off more of the AMPK

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: pathway, I think, right? It

Chris Mirabile: does.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Chris Mirabile: It, it, it does work off more, more of the AMPK pathway. It's also, you know, it's, it's what's known as a dirty molecule. So it's got many different biological pathways that it impacts and we don't fully comprehend exactly how it works.

Chris Mirabile: But with that said, it, among other things, it is a mitochondrial stressor. So it is it's mildly toxic to mitochondria, but if you get the right dosage of it, it's most likely a hormetic stressor. So that little bit of toxicity then brings the mitochondria to a healthier state. So you'll have stronger mitochondria and more mitochondria.

Chris Mirabile: Now, the thing is about metformin is it's not clearly beneficial to all people in all walks of life. For example, I don't take metformin. The reason being that I'm very physically active. I am athletic. I weight lift. It's been found that Metformin can reduce the benefits of exercise. I'm already putting a lot of stress on my mitochondria through my exercise.

Chris Mirabile: So do I really need another stressor? Hormesis is all about balance and not overwhelming. The, the the system, right? And so I could potentially overwhelm the mitochondria by, by having both. And so I, I choose to be a little bit more conservative with it. Now, if you are overweight, have high blood glucose levels and your doctor prescribes metformin to you, it's probably going to be beneficial for you for the sake of longevity.

Chris Mirabile: There is a study. That looked at diabetics, taking metformin, diabetics, taking another prescription drug for, for diabetes and then non diabetics. And it found that the diabetics taking metformin had longer lifespans and lower incidences of cancer than the other two groups. So in other words, better than the nine non diabetics.

Chris Mirabile: And so that seems to indicate that it's metformin. It's not even necessarily the reduction of blood glucose because the other drug didn't fare as well. But it is metformin specifically that that can have that power. So it still needs a lot of research. It's not definitively going to, to help all people in all cases, but it is a longevity prescription drug, not as powerful as rapamycin.

Chris Mirabile: Rapamycin is another longevity drug in, in that it's actually the most powerful. It's considered the gold standard in longevity research is rapamycin. And

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: is that working on the mTOR pathways, the million targeted rapamycin. Now, when we talk about mTOR, reducing protein, intermittent fasting, these things play a role as well, but you know, how do you slice that as someone that's lifting.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: that needs that anabolic bump that protein provides you, how do you splice the fact that you need protein but it's also impacting some of these mTOR pathways?

Chris Mirabile: Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah. So, so I look at it as when I think about protein and the amount that I'm getting in and so on. First of all, I think of acute dosages.

Chris Mirabile: And I also think of what does my body need based on the stimulus I'm giving my body. So if I'm stimulating my body and in weightlifting it and, and my muscles. Are looking for that protein to be able to repair themselves and come back a slight bit stronger each time, which is essentially how muscles are built for me to then get.

Chris Mirabile: As the way I look at it as what is the minimum effective dose that I can take in of the protein to be able to maintain the, my body's needs, the demands for that protein without going above it. I also then do things like time restricted feeding. And occasionally we'll do a prolonged water fast of two, two days, typically sometimes three, sometimes one, but I I'll do that once every couple of months, once every two to three months which will also reduce the mTOR.

Chris Mirabile: Novo's core also contains some ingredients that will down regulate mTOR to a certain degree. And also stimulate AMP kinase, which you mentioned earlier about metformin. It'll also there are some ingredients that, that have been researched that can potentially increase Foxo levels. Foxo is a gene and a protein that is associated with centenarians.

Chris Mirabile: And our bodies can produce it, but centenarians produce more of it. Well, there's certain ingredients in Novo's that have been found to. Potentially increased Foxo levels too. So there's a whole host of different biological pathways that we're cognizant of in the formulation of our product that are associated with longevity.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Excellent. Now, what about intermittent fasting and, or I wanted to go back to actually, because on the sirtuin pathway, you talked about NAD or using NR. What about resveratrol? What about some of these antioxidants like resveratrol or curcumin? Where do they plug in on that sirtuin pathway for anti aging?

Chris Mirabile: So I have to say I, I'm going to shock some people. I am not a fan of resveratrol. Resveratrol is an ingredient that was made famous also by David Sinclair, who I mentioned earlier more than a decade ago. And there was a company that he, he had sold to GlaxoSmithKline called Sirtrus Pharmaceuticals.

Chris Mirabile: They had acquired it specifically for resveratrol and the promise behind it, but they were never able to replicate the mouse studies. And apply it to humans. And they essentially shut down that company after acquiring it for more than 700 million. And if we fast forward to today, there is no convincing evidence that resveratrol does anything for health for humans particularly for healthy humans, but in general there's no convincing evidence in humans.

Chris Mirabile: It's still being promoted largely because of, of David you know, promoting it, but it's actually controversial. If you search resveratrol controversy, you'll see a couple of articles written in videos produced by lifespan. io, a nonprofit in the longevity space that explores the controversy behind the resveratrol as an alternative to resveratrol.

Chris Mirabile: We're actually bigger fans of a molecule called terrestrial being terrestrial being is a relative. It's like a cousin of, of resveratrol. It looks very similar. Molecularly resveratrol is derived from grapes. It's the red wine molecule. Terrestrial being can be found in blueberries, for example, in addition to terrestrial being, being better absorbed orally, significantly better absorbed orally.

Chris Mirabile: It has a much longer half life in the, in the blood. And it also has three methyl groups attached in methyl groups. As we were talking about before, methylation and the epigenome, our bodies need those methyl groups to be able to properly methylate, to properly regulate the epigenome. And there's more convincing evidence of terrorists still being.

Chris Mirabile: Being positive for health than there is for, so it's controversial because there's so much hype around resveratrol based on the reputation that, that Dr. Sinclair has, has you know, brought for it. But if, if you talk to scientists behind the scenes, as we do regularly at, at Novos there's, there's.

Chris Mirabile: People who are most informed in this space actually are not fans of resveratrol and would promote terror still being over resveratrol.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: How about curcumin? What do you think about that? You know, a lot of benefits, anti cancer, immune wise, inflammation, anti inflammatory wise. What do you think about that?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah, curcumin is, is a, is a promising ingredients. I've, I've experimented with it somewhat as well. It, it definitely has health benefits to it. The only hesitation I have with, with curcumin is that oftentimes the forms that are being sold Are forms that are supposed to be absorbed at super physiological levels, like levels beyond what humans have ever ingested.

Chris Mirabile: And it's always presented as this is the better way to do things like a light, both spheric encapsulation, right? This is done with other, other molecules as well. But what I would caution the listener to consider is that our bodies are very good at regulating homeostasis and they know what they, what they need.

Chris Mirabile: Okay. And they'll take it in and they know what they don't need and we'll remove it through the liver. We'll pee it out and so on. Typically except for heavy metals, obviously, and fat soluble vitamins and so on. If you're taking something in, in a lipospheric encapsulation to get super high levels of absorption, Your body is probably going to be absorbing more than it otherwise would, and it's going to actually permeate the cell wall more so than it otherwise would.

Chris Mirabile: And so you might actually be doing, causing harm in the, in the longterm. I tend to be more conservative with all of this and allow my body to determine what the proper levels are and also look at scientific research and see. For example, we can go back to NMN. We talked about it before. NMN, the dosages that are typically used in scientific studies that show positive effects are between 250 milligrams and up to about 500 to 600 milligrams.

Chris Mirabile: It tops out at that 550, 600 milligram level. Once you go above that, you're saturated. Right? So now there are companies that sell lipospheric forms of this at a higher price at a premium, and people mistakenly believe that this is superior because it's absorbed better. But again, scientific studies show that you don't need to go above that.

Chris Mirabile: And if you do, it might actually cause harm too much. NAD can actually. Be a negative. It can actually be used in, in negative biological pathways. It's not only positive ones. So I like to give the body what it needs to then be able to determine for itself, what is the optimal use of it? And going back to curcumin, I think the same way, if you're getting natural dosages of it, maybe with some bio parent, essentially, you know, black pepper, okay, that's going to increase absorption and Maybe that's the limit.

Chris Mirabile: It's still natural, right? But lipospheric encapsulations and taking it to this whole other level, that's where I wouldn't take it that far.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Excellent. Very good. Well, anything else you want to leave here for the listeners, right? If you're someone who's like, man, I got to get my stuff in order. I want to be.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: healthier. I want to age gracefully. I'm hitting 40. What are some of the simple things from a supplement standpoint? You know, we know diet, we know sleep, we know lifestyle. That's like foundation, right? So let's assume that that's kind of maxed out. What are one or two supplements? If you're starting out, you're a newbie here, what would be the first one or two things you would reach for out of the gates?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. So I, I'd start with the general health side of things. And so what we covered before I'll, I'll reiterate now. So one is get a really solid, strong multivitamin. For example, the life extension brand has a two a day capsule. It's the right forms of biologically active nutrients.

Chris Mirabile: That's one example. There are other high quality brands out there. I wouldn't go for the cheap. Brands that you find at the drugstore go for a high quality one, typically only going to cost you 20 to 30 per month. So get that first and foremost. Second, make sure you're getting adequate potassium. Most people are deficient as we talked about near a hundred percent, according to N Hanes insufficient.

Chris Mirabile: So you know, integrate maybe some potassium salts, like the light salt that we talked about. Coleen, make sure you're getting enough through your diet. If you're not add things like maybe lecithin or grass fed meat, like you mentioned, or egg yolks and so on fish oil, get that and then make sure your vitamin D and K are balanced.

Chris Mirabile: Then typically you can buy that as, as a single supplement. That's the general health. And then if you want to take things to the next level, consider products like what we have formulated at Novo. So that's Novo's core and Novo's boost. As I mentioned, the, the first and only supplements to address all 12 of the hallmarks of aging simultaneously, we didn't get to go into the studies we did, but very quick summary, we were able to reduce DNA.

Chris Mirabile: Damage from, from irradiation by over over 70 percent in a human in vitro study, we were able to reduce DNA damage, double strand breaks from chemotherapeutics in another in vitro study that we haven't published yet. We're able to reduce the size of senescent cells, which are essentially zombie.

Chris Mirabile: Cells in our bodies that increase exponentially as we age and they cause inflammation in the body. We're able to reduce the size of those by the same order of magnitude as rapamycin, the prescription gold standard, and in, in in vivo. So a human case study that we did with our products, we gave the biological age test before Novoscorum boost and six months after taking it and 73 percent of participants.

Chris Mirabile: reduce their biological pace of aging by a statistically significant margin, and zero percent of people accelerated their biological pace of aging. So despite lifestyle stressors that you would expect some people to speed up their pace of aging, nobody did. And you can find all of the, the summaries of these studies at novoslabs.

Chris Mirabile: com slash evidence.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani And some of the supplements that you picked to formulate in some of your products were the NMR, right? What were the other kind of nuance? NMM. Yep. Got it. Which is kind of an NAD derivative you talked about. Any other big ones that you didn't mention to the listeners, but that were, that you've put into your products to formulate specifically?

Chris Mirabile: Yes. So alpha ketoglutarate is one specifically the calcium form, which is critical that's been found to reduce biological aging

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: and that plugs into the Krebs cycle a lot too, right?

Chris Mirabile: It does. Yes. What else? Glycine. Glycine is an amino acid. It's found specifically in collagen and gelatin. We don't get enough of it in our diets nowadays.

Chris Mirabile: It's extended lifespan in many different species with higher levels in humans are associated with, with heart health and lower levels of, of inflamed aging at the cellular level. They can support glucose metabolism and so on.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I've seen that also works really well synergistically with NAC as well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay. And are you familiar with the data on that?

Chris Mirabile: Yes. Yes. Yeah, that's particularly for for older people. Yes. Who for the sake of glutathione. So it combining NAC with glycine can increase levels of glutathione. The, you know very powerful antioxidant that our bodies produce.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: What was that

Chris Mirabile: next one, Chris? Terrestial being, which I mentioned before, which is the cousin of resveratrol, much more powerful. Fisetin. Fisetin is a molecule found in strawberries. It's also found to positively impact senescent cells, which I mentioned earlier, though, we actually have a more significant impact on senescent cells through the combination of our gradients than Fisetin does on its own.

Chris Mirabile: It's also. Potentially able to combat inflammation at a cellular level. Another one that's really interesting that, that people might be surprised to hear is micro dose lithium. So micro dose lithium, we're talking about the level of about one milligram per day, which is roughly what we could get through a.

Chris Mirabile: Very healthy, natural diet, including natural water from like well water, or, you know, San Pellegrino water, for example, has high levels of lithium in it. Yep. We've evolved consuming lithium in our diets, and now we have practically none of it. Now we're not talking about prescription levels of, of lithium where it's used for bipolar disorder, right?

Chris Mirabile: And it's, it's 50, 100 times higher levels. We're talking about very, very low levels, which are correlated with. You can find a lot of research about this. If you search for lower level. Of situation of like in communities that have it naturally in their, in their water supply, suicidal ideation, murder, rape.

Chris Mirabile: So essentially better psychological health. It's been considered to possibly be a potent antidepressant, though. I can't speak to that you know, for FDA reasons, but that it. That's something that, that people have considered. But it also has an impact on the epigenome and neurological health in the longterm as well.

Chris Mirabile: It's a very powerful, very powerful ingredient.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very cool. I know you're talking about lithium carbonates, the drug that maybe the orotate would be more of the supplement. form of that. You're saying there's low doses in the San Pellegrino.

Chris Mirabile: Yes. Yes. Lithium borotate, lithium aspartate. Yes. Those forms are not found in prescription drugs.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Great, Chris. Anything else you want to leave the listeners with today?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. So I, I just suggest that people, if they're interested in this, they check out Novoslabs. com. We're a public benefit corporation, so we offer a lot of free resources on our website. We have a questionnaire that once you fill it out, you'll have your own dashboard with personalized recommendations for the things that you specifically can benefit most from to slow down your pace of aging.

Chris Mirabile: We have something called face age where you can take a selfie and it will tell you how young you look based on artificial intelligence and then give you tips for improving your skin health markers. Awesome. We have more than 150 scientifically referenced articles written by PhDs and MDs. And then if you're really geeky about it, you can go to my blog, which is slow, my age.

Chris Mirabile: com. And that's where I blog about my personal lifestyle, my biological age results, which I've, I've tested with more than a dozen epigenetic clocks and metabolomic clocks, telomere clocks, and so on. And I've got results that the lab has said they've never seen before. And I've been covered in GQ magazine and.

Chris Mirabile: New York Post and Business Insider and so on. Based on the results that I've gotten. So, I share all of that on the website for free. Dr.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Justin Marchegiani That's excellent. That's NovosLabs. com. Novos with an S. Labs with an S. com. I'll put the link down below. And SlowMyAge. com. I love a lot of the nutrients and the compounds that you're talking for anti aging and longevity.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: They're very much research driven. They're cost effective as well. So, I like how you're Kind of taking these and making them very accessible for the average person. That's great. Just real quick, walk the listeners through just like your average day, like what does your day look like? You're this biohacker, anti-aging guru.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: What does your day look like? Like what time, how long are you sleeping? What does a breakfast, lunch, and dinner look for you or your typical meals?

Chris Mirabile: Yeah, so I, I'm sleeping a good amount. I'm in bed about nine hours and I'm sleeping for over eight of those hours. I'm tracking. It's great with my or Ring or with my Apple Watch.

Chris Mirabile: I make sure my, my bedroom is, is the perfect setting. So about 67 degrees Fahrenheit, I wear a sleep mask. I wear earplugs and and, and that, you know, reduces any distractions or, or you know, arousals from, from noises or, you know, my girlfriend's moving around or getting up before me and so on.

Chris Mirabile: My, my meals, I have my first meal at about 12 PM or 1 PM. And so I'm, I'm basically doing a 16, eight. Time restricted feeding window. And I I'm typically having three meals to sometimes I might throw a snack in there, depending on like, maybe I worked out really hard and I'm having that craving.

Chris Mirabile: But typically three meals it's, it's always a lot of vegetables, first and foremost, olive oil. Might be sardines. It might be smoked salmon. It might be cooked salmon. It might be you know, white meat chicken. I don't overdo protein, but I'm getting probably, I weigh about 175 pounds, I'm probably getting about 120 to 140 grams of protein per day, which is enough for me to maintain the muscle that I put on and the strength that I have.

Chris Mirabile: I do a lot of. Cardio and, and strength training. So I'm I'm running five days a week. I'm bicycling one day a week and I'm lifting three days to four days per week. So I mean, that's the high level. I go into a lot more detail on, on, on my website on slow my age. And in fact, one of the posts I referenced earlier goes specifically into my diet and all of the actual foods I'm incorporating, like the dark chocolates and the, and the, the foods high in polyphenols and so on.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's great. And then with the cardio that you're doing, do you like to do interval, kind of a hit high intensity, kind of high than rest, or are you kind of doing more of like a Peter Atiyah zone to keeping your heart rate in the low one hundreds at that talking ability, but, you know, slightly out of breath, if you will.

Chris Mirabile: Yeah. So, so it's, it's good. You ask, because when I said I, I'm running five days per week, it's, it's actually three of those days are on my lifting days. And on those days, I'm in zone two. So as you referenced, Peter Atiyah talks a lot about a zone two cardio on the non lifting days, that's when I'll go longer and I'll incorporate hit training in it.

Chris Mirabile: And I'm not going to stay in zone two in those, in those training sessions. So those sessions I might be in zone three, zone four, and then zone five for the hit side of things. So I'm probably running consistently at zone four for most of that run, maybe 35, 40 minutes of it. And then maybe 15 minutes of it towards the end.

Chris Mirabile: I'm now doing some interval sprints to finish up my run and make my way back home.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Chris. I really appreciate the information here today. Novoslabs. com, slowmyage. com. Links down below. Anything else you want to leave the listeners with, Chris? Dr. Chris Bounds

Chris Mirabile: Nope.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I think we've covered everything. Dr.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Justin Marchegiani Awesome, man. Well, great chatting with you. You have an awesome day. Dr. Chris Bounds You

Chris Mirabile: too. Thank

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: you. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Thank you.

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