Luke Storey – The bio-hacking celebrity stylist – Podcast #80

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In today's podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani interviews Luke Storey who is a bio-hacking celebrity stylist. Luke shares his healing journey story and how he got to where he is now. He talks about lifestyle hacks where he helps people add all of these different practices and elements into their life through a fully integrated system involving sleep, water, cooking/cleaning products and personal effects, the interior of your car and the mattress you sleep on, as well as meditation practice, mindfulness, looking at spiritual principles and so much more. If you're interested in becoming healthier mentally, physically, spiritually, listen to this podcast. 

Luke StoreyLuke talks about how changing his diet and how he recovered by getting off of a high carb diet and a high sugar diet and avoiding gluten and soy as well as avoiding things that are inflammatory. Dr. Justin and Luke also discuss in length about the EMF load, the dangers of smart meters, and ideal lighting environments. Discover how mindset helps drive good health choices.

In this episode, topics include:

04:03   Luke Storey's healing journey

13:10   Diet during recovery

17:25   Coffee enemas and colonics

27:47   Celebrity house invasion/healing/detox

38:40   EMF exposure, smart meters, and lighting environments







Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hey, it’s Dr. Justin here.  Today, we have Luke Story on the podcast.  I met Luke, maybe 1-2 months ago over at the Bulletproof conference.  He’s a great guy and I think he’s got some really cool things to share with all the listeners today.  Luke, what’s cooking, man?

Luke Storey:  How’s it going?  It is definitely not cooking here in sunny Southern California.  We’ve been having a little bit of a storm spell which has been amazing.  So I’m–I’m actually feeling nice and wintery and cozy this beginning of the year which is great.  So I’m good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Love it.  Love it.  What’d you have for breakfast today?

Luke Storey:  What did I have for breakfast?  I had my supercharged Bulletproof coffee which includes some essential oil of cinnamon–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:   Some Hei Chou extract, usually some reishi extract but I’m out of that, and then grass-fed butter and/or ghee, some brain octane oil.  So that’s kinda what I’ll drink after I meditate.  But the very first thing I do is a glass of super cold raw fresh spring water, unadulterated, un-ozoned, un-UVed, just right out of the mountain which is amazing and I have that with a little bit of sea salt and a couple drops of Nascent iodine.  So that’s the first thing, then I have a really nutritious but highly disgusting kind of green–you can’t even call it a smoothie, because a smoothie implies that it tastes good.  You think of Jamba Juice or something.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  I had a buddy of mine down here for the–the New Year’s and yeah, every morning I get up and I want to share my routine so I’d make him this green drink and he real–honestly had like a really hard time drinking it and that will have couple raw pastured egg yolks, that will have some–this is all in a Vitamix–some fermented veggies, you know, some kind of sauerkraut, something just ground up in there, bee pollen, some liquid chlorophyll, some creatine, some aniracetam, some–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Smart drugs, I love it.

Luke Storey:   Yeah, some B vitamins.  Chia.  Chia’s what got my friend because I–I wanna like slow down the digestion process for all that stuff, otherwise it just tends to kinda run through you.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   All the spirulina and this nasty seaweed and all this stuff, so I’ll do like a chia kinda mulch and it makes it really gelatinous.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  And very difficult to get down, but it feels more like a meal.  And I’ll put some collagen protein in there.  Lemme see what else.  What else do I put in there?  Some lithium.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Nice.

Luke Storey:  Not like pharmaceutical but, you know.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, the–the orotate, right?

Luke Storey:  Yeah, yeah, lithium orotate, yeah.  Just, you know, I’m always experimenting with stuff like that, but it–I got–and then some Stevia finally to kind of like make it even palatable to me.  But I’m always kinda working on perfecting that getting some–some calories in, because if I just do the Bulletproof coffee, I’ll be so much like in ketosis for the day that I’ll–I won’t eat and I won’t really get any actual nutrition and I’ll just be living off straight ketones–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:  And fat, or ketones from the fat, and I’ll tend to get a little fight or flighty, a little bit weird.  So–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  I like having some, you know, a little bit of some good protein and tons of vitamins and minerals, lots of magnesium, all that kind of stuff in the morning, so that if I don’t eat, I’m not actually being robbed off the micronutrients.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Well, it’s a good thing you have a Vitamix because man, that’s a lot of stuff going in that–in that mixer.

Luke Storey:  Dude, it’s–it’s disgusting.  I gotta say like I would never be able to market this, you know, it’s like sometimes I’ll–I’ll think, “Oh, man, I gotta come up with some kind of, you know, stack or formulation and I can put it on the market and make a business out of them,” like everything I take is so nasty and–and not palatable because it’s so potent that it really would be–there’s no way to make it taste good to get the right dosage of stuff.  Like my sleep stack is really great, too, at least for me and the people I’ve shared it with but again, it’s so nasty that like a normal person would never be able to do it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   So it’s safe to say that Dave Asprey won’t be calling you to trademark that shake.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, I know.  He’s not gonna be carrying that on the site anytime soon.  Absolutely not.  Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Nice. Well, tell us about your story, because you told me about it in the past at Bulletproof, and your kind of healing journey, and everything that’s in this field has some type of story how they got here, whether it’s conventional medicine–they kind of banged up against that wall for a bit and found out it wasn’t helping them and they kind of, you know, bounced around natural medicine, nutrition, functional medicine, holistic medicine.  They–they found some things that work and got them better which got them, you know, really passionate about this field.  So tell people about your story and how you got to where you’re at today.

Luke Storey:   Sure, well, like most human beings I wasn’t willing to really change anything about my lifestyle until my back was against the wall and this is what I find with clients that I work with and friends and family, they’re not really interested in–in much of my health and spiritual shenanigans until they’re like at some kind of a bottom and there’s a crisis, you know, like–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-hmm.

Luke Storey:   My business partner for example.  You know, her dad was having some serious health problems so she went and got all of her labs done and found out she had some deficiencies and now all of a sudden, after being a partner of hers for 7 years, she’s like, “So tell me about these vitamins.”  You know–kinda like, “That’s what I’ve been telling you for 7 years.”  She’s like, “Yeah, but you know, I wasn’t ready.”  So my story is, you know, I grew up in the 70s, right?  I’m 45 now, so I grew up with a mom and a dad who were divorced but were both kind of health nuts in their own right at that time, so I was the kid that like if you came to my house, it totally sucked to do sleepover because there were no Cap/n Crunch berries, there was no Wonder Bread, there was no margarine, there was no white sugar, you know, health food at this time was like my mom would cook me a lot of beef liver and pork chops and–and then we ate a lot of granola then.  A lot of granola so it was like the–the health food, you know, there was like–the was bulk bins at the health food store and stuff like that and thank God the health food has progressed a lot but I had an awareness of, you know, supplements.  I think when I was 5 or 6, God bless my mom, she would hand me this gargantuan handful of pills to take and, I don’t know, she was kind of a hippie, you know, she was born and raised in Berkley and I think she was just exposed to sort of natural foods and supplementation and stuff, and then my dad was a–I don’t know, I never like to call him a redneck because he’s not dumb and he’s not racist and that’s–redneck implies that at first in some way.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  He’s a real smart guy and he’s a very open and loving guy, but he’s like a Colorado cowboy mountain man who he’s into rodeos and racing stock cars and he was just this rugged hunter-fisher kinda guy, but somehow way back in the day even in maybe–he was a little later, maybe in the 80s, he was really into health food and vitamins, and I remember when the first kind of health protein bars came out, they were those Tiger–Tiger’s milk bars.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  Those were like the first kind of health bars that were alternative to candy bars and he would buy those by the case and of course, that’s the wild meats, venison and elk, and even the occasional bear which is disgusting.  So I–I was kind of around that but, you know, I had a lot of emotional problems when I was a kid and there was, you know, some traumatic experiences that I went though.  Parents were divorced and just a lot of sort of weird stuff happened and you know, I just was kind of emotionally and mentally disturbed and had a lot of issues in school and was essentially a juvenile delinquent and had a really hard time getting along with people and was just very isolated and sad and just not a happy kid.  So as I got into my teen years I started to develop my own version of coping skills and I started to kind of escape through music and rock n roll and then as that world became appealing to me along came drugs and ways that I could just kind of handle myself socially and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-hmm.

Luke Storey:  Developed a lot of really unhealthy kind of coping mechanisms and kind of went into my own little world and you know, eventually as a teenager got some therapy and was sent away to this boarding school and you know, it helped me get a little bit closer but it really took up until I was about 26 of just totally, you know, living a–I don’t know how you could say, just a really unhealthy life, just partying and definitely not on the path, but even while I was kind of in a self-destructive lifestyle, I would still practice health stuff.  I remember I used to drink like, you know, wheatgrass juice and smoothies from the health food store and I’m smoking like 2 packs of cigarettes a day.  I’m partying like a maniac and playing in these rock n roll bands in Hollywood.  This is like into my early 20s and–and then I’d go get these like bitter melon juices.  I don’t know if you ever tasted bitter melon.  It’s an–it’s an herb, you know, from the Amazon and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-hmm.

Luke Storey:  You can juice it and it literally almost makes you pass out, it’s so strong.  So I’d be all hungover and I’d go get like a bitter melon juice, so it’s like I have these 2 lives going on where I’m–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  Really unhealthy and just eating the most toxic food, and you know, drinking tons of alcohol and just really like on a road to destruction but at the same time I kind of had one toe in the water of this awareness of health and even at that time, somewhat of an awareness of–of spirituality and things like that and eventually what ended up happening was I just became so riddled with depression, anxiety, lack of energy, just anger.  I was–I was so resentful, so hostile–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  Toward other people, toward myself, I mean, I was just a very emotional and physically dysfunctional person.  And–and so in my mid-20s I just–I kind of just hit this brick wall in the depths of my own personal hell and so it helped and then around 26, I just started on this road to recovery kind of in every way beginning with really developing, you know, some awareness of spiritual practices and meditation and picking up spiritual books and teachers and just researching and practicing that and then along with that becoming more physically healthy and that’s been a journey of 25 years of perfecting that from, you know, being a–a soy-based vegetarian.  Yeah, that was really sick and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  You know, I had like a 5-year period where I basically lived off soy and gluten because I, you know, heard that meat was bad for you.  You know, whatever.  I’d–there’s been a lot of misadventures and a lot of dead ends that I’ve tried in terms of improving my health and–and just general well-being and my mentality but I have managed to uncover a lot of stuff that works and so as I, you know, lived in Hollywood and worked in the entertainment industry as a fashion stylist and playing music and stuff like that, I started just kinda coaching and–and sharing my discoveries with them and that leads me up to today all these years later where I have a fashion school that I–I run.  I’m a CEO of a company called School of Style and that’s kind of my day job and then I have this newly blossomed business which is coaching people and helping people discover, you know, a better lifestyle.  I’m a lifestylist, you know, that’s my–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, you also have a–

Luke Storey:   Podcast.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, and your podcast is over at Luke Storey, where everyone can get a–sign up for that podcast, too.

Luke Storey:  Thank you for that.  Yeah, so now it’s–you know, it’s about helping people add all of these different practices and elements into their life and–and the word holistic is kinda played out but there’s no other way to say it.  Just kind of a fully integrated system where you’re looking at, you know, sleep, your water, what–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  You’re cooking with, the product you use to clean your house, what you put on your body, the interior of your car, you know, the–the mattress that you sleep on, your meditation practice, mindfulness, looking at spiritual principles, you know, just how you deal with emotional stress and all of these kind of stuff, how you find a connection to whatever your interpretation of God is for lack of a better term.  And I think it’s–it’s just a great time because so many people are becoming interested in just becoming more healthy mentally, physically, spiritually.  Even before I find they have to hit a real bottom and a brick wall.  I mean, I have people that are pretty high functioning, clients and friends, and I look at them, they seem fine, but they kind of see this crazy stuff that I’m up to, and they’re like, “Well, tell me a little bit about that.”  I’m like, “What’s wrong?”  And they go, “I don’t know.  I’m happy, but I wanna be happier.  I want more.”  You know, I think it’s a–it’s a really good sign that people are interested in being optimized, not just like, “Well, I guess I’m okay.  I got a job, wife/husband, white picket fence, kid, car–”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   “I’m secure.  Everything’s cool.”  I think on some level we know that it’s not cool that there’s more.  There’s more–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-hmm.

Luke Storey:  You know, self-expression available.  So that’s–that’s what brought me up to here was a lot–a lot of pain and suffering, you know, and a lot of guinea pigging, kinda like Tim Ferris.  He has this great line on his show.  I think it’s like, “Don’t try this at home.  Let me try it first.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   Some–something like that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  Someone was telling me, I was, “I get that.”  You know–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   I like that.

Luke Storey:  I’m willing to go in and you know, do the coffee enemas, the ionic food baths, the float tanks, you know, whatever to expand my kind of awareness and consciousness and find out what has a, you know, a lasting effect and then try to pass that on to people.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   That’s cool and you mentioned to me how important diet was.  I know you mentioned, I think it was the GAPS diet was a big one for you, kinda pulling you out of it, and you were partying a lot.  You were doing a lot of, I think you mentioned drugs.  You were kind of burning the candle at both end.  How was–how important was the diet piece to kind of your recovery?

Luke Storey:   Well, you know, it’s funny.  I–I wish that, you know, as I was just getting sober really and–and learning how to function without the crutch of drugs and alcohol in my life which was for a long time, honestly, like a really great way to cope.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  Like you’re angry, go to the bar.  You know?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  A few pints later, I’m like, “What was I worried about?”  I forget, it’s fine, you know, it’s like I think, you know, I had a lot fun and–and had some really crazy adventures and a lot of psychedelics, too.  I mean, I had a lot of spiritual experiences that were very real, exploring the psychedelic realm, and so you know, there were some value in it but at a point, you know, as I said, it got bad, but unfortunately at the time when I really became willing to find, you know, a more meaningful life in every way and started just you know, wanting something more out of life, the health scene back then was very much geared towards, you know, vegetarianism and–and veganism and things like that.  So that’s kind of the route that I went and raw food and all those kind of stuff.  This is back in mid to late 90s.  And this is like when people thought like, you know, soy products were good for you.  You know, like fake meat and stuff like that.  But the main problem that I had and what I know now that I didn’t know then, was that I was totally dependent on glucose for energy.  And for someone that’s in recovery that has a brain that’s literally Swiss cheese from God knows how many chemicals and you know, just I mean days in a row of not going to sleep literally, just like talk about burning the candle, burning everything at both ends, and figuratively and literally.  Then to–to come off that and then to live on sugar essentially, so my moods in the beginning when I first started this journey–my moods were so erratic and my emotions and just my mental state was so precarious and so kind of flammable, you know.  I was always in fight or flight because unknowingly I was just living off carbs.  I mean all I eat was pasta, bread, candy, ice cream, I mean, it’s like, you know, that was my version of health food which is just like 100% carb diet.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   And now it’s switched because you’re more–you’re using a lot more fat and ketones–

Luke Storey:  Oh, yeah.  Yeah, I mean, I, you know, I eat carbs very sparingly and I’m pretty picky about what I eat and what I’ve found in the past few years really is how much, hmm, more mentally and emotionally stable I am throughout the day in terms of mood swings and sudden outbursts because I’m really not spiking my blood sugar.  I’m not–I’m not fucking around with my–with my, you know, my insulin.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  I mean, I–you know, sugar is probably my weak spot at night.  I’ll tend to crave sugar and I’ll–I’ll down like a whole pint of Acai with, you know, raw cane juice, and I would like to say that I’m, you know, a champion and I’m totally sugar-free.  I’m not.  I have my moments and I’m very patient and loving with myself about my diet.  I really don’t wanna be too controlling and freaked about it because that’s whole other neurosis, but I have to say that the diet piece for me has mainly been getting off of a high carb diet and a high sugar diet and avoiding gluten and soy and avoiding things that are inflammatory.  Some–something, I mean, you know this stuff better than I do.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  It’s like I didn’t know for years I was eating a totally, totally inflammatory diet and that my brain was literally inflamed.  And it’s like, God, it’s amazing that I actually managed to kinda get my shit together and you know, have, you know, even a chance at sobriety and you know, a sense of well-being because you know, my–like I said, my moods just fluctuated so much.  I was so crazy because I had no fat.  This was in the low fat days.  This was like the, you know, the mid 90s, late 90s where fat was still the bad guy.  I mean, cholesterol and eggs would kill you.  And you know, there was all this misinformation and propaganda regarding diet.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, I mean, the diet, nutritional, you know, element is huge especially the fats because like you said, the 80s, the 90s, that low fat propaganda was really, really prolific.  So we kind of applied those things and you noticed big improvements with your life.  You also mentioned a little bit about coffee enemas.  I’m just kinda curious of your application with them.  I don’t do them too much with patients.  I know the value of them.  I think they’re a great, you know, physiological detox because you can stimulate the gallbladder and liver to dump a whole bunch of, you know, toxins into that coffee that’s in your colon and then basically get–get out of that fetal position, go to the toilet and have that toxins just kind of expel right out of you really fast.  What’s been your experience with the coffee enema element?

Luke Storey:  That’s funny.  Well, actually, you know, I–I’ll back that up by just no pun intended.  I’ll back that up by just saying, actually you know what, that was one of the very beginnings of my physical healing and recovery where I stopped getting–you know, dude I used to be–my immune system was so trashed from living through my teens and twenties.  I had the flu all the time.  I had colds all the time.  I was so toxic and really the first thing I did, and I have to give credit to Dr. Richard Schulze.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   He’s kind of an old school, American–he studied another Dr. Christopher–he’s like into the American herbs.  You know, like American home soil kind of local–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Was that him?

Luke Storey:   Local school.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Did he do the–the Schulze colon cleanse?  Was that him?

Luke Storey:  Yeah, exactly.  So he’s got a common American Botanical Pharmacy, which is strangely kind of underground like well, a lot celebrities–it’s in Venice, a lot of celebrity–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   Shop there and it’s an online business but he’s, for some reason, kept everything in house.  You can’t buy his stuff at Whole Foods or you–it’s only just direct to consumer, right?  But a friend of mine that I played in a band with, Greg Stuart, he worked there.  And he’s the one that first turned me on to Dr. Schulze and Dr. Schulze’s number one thing that he’d start you with was getting you regular.  And his whole thing was about getting your colon working and so he would do that through this bentonite clay cleanses where essentially you’d stop yourself up with all this clay then take all this–what’s that cara segarda–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  I forget the name of the herb, senna leaves–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   Stuff like that, senna leaf pod, like really pretty harsh laxative herbs.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, it’s a natural laxatives.  Yeah.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, where dude you’re like in your car in the freeway–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   It’s like, boom!

Luke Storey:   At 3–at 3 o’clock and you’re like, “Okay, well I guess I’m just soiling my seat.”  I mean, there was like sudden impact emergency EMP landing type stuff.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Crazy.

Luke Storey:   And–but you know, he–but his system worked and then–and then followed by that there was a serious of colonics and stuff so I gotta say and this is something so important and–and I think it’s kinda gone out of vogue because who wants to talk about their butt and poop.  It’s just like not sexy.  It’s cooler to talk about, you know, coconut oil.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.  I know, right?

Luke Storey:  So but the beginning of my health really was doing juice fast, juice cleanses, you know, sugar-free juices, just straight green juices.  I did one once for 21 days.  I went to a place called Angel Farms on the Big Island in Hawaii for 14 days.  I did 12 days of colonics with something called a Colema Board which is a gravity-fed form of colonic, so it’s–it’s very gentle and it’s very deep and it literally took about 11 days to get to the very end of the colon.  So in the first few days, a bunch of weird stuff comes out.  People have this like earthworm-looking parasites that pour out of me and they keep it all in a bathtub so you can look at it.  It’s disgusting.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Wow.

Luke Storey:  But you wanna know, like you–and people had little like cray fish-looking shit coming out of them.  I mean, just like the weirdest creatures.  I didn’t have any of that.  I just had old black, you know, like matchbox cars.  I don’t know.  Stuff–stuff I ate when I was a kid, you know.  They were in there and–and I thought, and then the water would go clear.  This was so shocking.  The water would go clear for me like around day 9, where you know, you’d look in afterward, and it was just whatever, you know, you only would eat smoothies and–and soup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-huh.

Luke Storey:  And then you’d get on this board for 2 hours a day and the water had ozone in it and had these great herbs in it, and on day 9 my water had clear and I told the–the woman who ran it, Cindy, I was like, “Dude, I think I’m done. I’m–I’m good.  I’m just gonna go you know play in the beach.”  She was like, “Nope, come back tomorrow.  There’s more.”  And I’m like, “This lady is crazy.”  Sure enough, day 10, this black–and I’m sorry you listeners, if you wanna tune out right now, if you’re–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Mute.

Luke Storey:  If you have uneasy stomach–yeah, hit the mute button–but I mean, just this black essentially like tar came out for the next two days.  And so I think by day 12 or 13, it had gone truly clear and–and I tell you, man, from that point that changed everything, and then I would do just periodic, you know, 3 day in a row colonics.  Just kind of standard colonics and stuff like that at clinics here in LA.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   And that was just a regular-based colonic–

Luke Storey:   Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  You get over at–on Hawaii?

Luke Storey:   In Hawaii, it was called a Colema Board which I actually bought one of those myself.  I still have it.  It looks like a big blue surf board and essentially it’s gravity-fed rather pressure-fed.  Most of the colonics–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   It was on an incline?  Are you like–

Luke Storey:  Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Inclined on it?  Okay.

Luke Storey:  Exactly.  And so–no, actually, you know your body is not inclined, it’s just that the bucket is elevated so it’s got just gravity pressure.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   I see.

Luke Storey:  And you’re laying–you’re actually laying flat with your butt at a slight incline and then it’s a very narrow, kind of like a Bic pen size 2–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  But again, sorry guys, I guess if they’re listening to your show, they can handle it, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   They can handle it, yup.

Luke Storey:  We’re not, you know, we’re not on Oprah or something, but it’s essentially like a Bic Pen about that thick and then it has 2 little holes in the end and it goes quite deep inside you like all the way up into, I guess you’re–what the very end of your colon?  The transverse–no, not tranverse.  It’s decending.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Descending.  It probably goes up the, well, obviously the rectum to the sigmoid part.

Luke Storey:  There you go.  There you go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Into the descending, yeah.

Luke Storey:  Okay, there you go.  So it goes way up there and it just gently allows the water in there and then you don’t like hold the water so it’s–it’s much less obtrusive than a water pressure-based colonic where you have a bigger tube, more water, and the water’s forced in with pressure.  So there’s no pressure and you don’t hold the water on a Colema Board.  The water just gently runs in and out.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   And this is similar to what you do with your coffee enemas, too?

Luke Storey:  Well, uh–getting–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Would you do your enemas that way, too?

Luke Storey:  Getting to the coffee enema, so I found out about those years and years later, and by the way if you’re gonna do a coffee enema–word from the wise–make sure that you cool the coffee.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Ah, yup.  Don’t wanna burn your colon.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, that’s not fun.  I’ve kinda come close to doing that.  But, you know, I’ve found about that way later in the game, so you know, it–it took years to get my digestion really working right, and you know, through using HCl and enzymes, and you know, just all sorts of stuff to get my, you know, bile production up and all that stuff, but I don’t really do the colonic thing anymore but by the time I got to the coffee enema, it was more just kind of an add-on and it’s something that I understood, you know, the basics of how it worked and so many reputable, really smart people recommended it and I’m just the kind of guy that’ll try anything.  Here’s what I learned about the coffee enema and that was a very long history of colonics but I–I think it’s really important for people listening to understand you can’t miss this piece.  It’s like, dude, if you’re–you can be taking the best adaptogenic herbs and supplements and super foods and cacao and goji berries and spirulina and fish oil, and you know, krill, like whatever your bag is, DHA, you know, out the yin and yang, but if everything’s just sitting in that pocket down there and just hanging out, you’re bummed, dude.  There’s no way to become healthy because you’re–you’re reabsorbing through the mucus membrane.  Everything that your body is like saying, “We’re done with this.  Get this out.”  And it’s just–I think it’s something a lot of people miss.  So to the coffee enema piece, it’s not something that’s become a regular thing.  It’s something I’ve experimented with at different times, with actually not great results because I miss the key piece.  So cooling the water down to body temperature so–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Body temp.  Right around 98 to 100 or so, right?

Luke Storey:  Yeah, yeah, is good, okay.  So that’s a start.  But the thing that I didn’t know is you wanna do a preliminary enema first to empty out.  To make sure that you’re empty, because it’s really hard to hold the coffee.  If you get the coffee in and you already kinda have a full house, it’s rough dude, and it’s like it’s really, really hard to lay there on your side and hold that coffee enema in, because it’s quite a few ounces.  I forget the recipe, but you–you’re taking in a bit of coffee like more than a cup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  And so I actually had a hard time with it until I learned that first you kinda have to clean out then you let that coffee sit in there, but you know, it just becomes one of those things where I’m not having any acute issues that–that ring the bell of you know, there’s toxicity, or you know, you know, impaired liver function or something like that so it’s not kind of part of my wheelhouse at the moment, just because it’s not that comfortable and there’s just things that I would rather do with my time than put stuff up my butt.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, that my mentor–my mentor Dr. Robert Rakowski, every time he always talk about coffee enemas, he’d always sing that Folger’s commercial, except he’d do the best part to waking up is Folger’s in your butt.  And it was just like–it was just one of those things that always stuck with me and I can never forget it so–

Luke Storey:   Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   A lot of good–a lot of good value with coffee enemas.

Luke Storey:   I–I mean, I think there’s a lot to it.  I mean, there’s enough research in it.  It just makes sense the biomechanics to me–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  From my elementary understanding of the body and it’s one of those things and like, “Hey, I should do that,” but you know, it’s just if it’s–if I’m not in a–in an urgent situation where something’s really wrong–like if I–if I were to come down with a cold or a flu or something like that, or you know, just had something seriously wrong, I think I would, you know, I would fast for a few days, do juices.  I would do some colonics, probably throw in a coffee enema because there’s a sign that something’s amiss.  For me, personally, if I get like “sick” which happens very, very rarely, so when it does, I’m like, “What the hell?  Something––”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  I’m not doing something right here.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:   Because I don’t–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Go ahead.  Yeah.

Luke Storey:   Yeah, I don’t believe the body is actually meant to get sick.  I don’t think that that–especially degenerative illness, I don’t really think that has to be part of your life.  It’s something that we bought into because what we eat and drink actually causes it to happen.  You know, it’s not like the body doesn’t just start getting cancer for no reason because it’s your turn.  No, it’s–it’s an abnormality and so is any kind of, you know, immune suppression or any kind of sickness to me is a sign that, like, “No, I’m not doing something right.”  So that’s when I’ll break out the weird stuff like that but it’s not, you know, I’m not waking up every day doing a coffee enema.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Got it.  Now with your business because you’re doing a lot with style, you’re also in LA, Hollywood, and you also work with a lot of clients that are pretty high-end and you’re going into their houses, these people, celebrities, probably people, you know, names that you know on TV, you’re in their houses, you’re basically detoxing their house. Getting all the crap out of their cupboards, their cabinets, their cabinets, their fridge.  What are some of the common mistakes or things you’re seeing these people are doing and how are you fixing it?  What are some of the low hanging fruit that people that have cupboards and fridges that are all messed up? What are some of the things you’re doing when you see them?

Luke Storey:  Well, this is how I got into this business, is I’m working with people for years, you know, styling celebrities, working in the entertainment industry in Hollywood, and I’m–I’m on this like extreme health path.  You know, I’m like meditating every morning.  I’m listening to spiritual audio books, going to Yoga all the time.  I’m, you know, hiking.  I’m in the outdoors.  I’m going to the hot springs.  I’m in the ocean.  I’m on super foods, herbs, and meanwhile 20 years I’m doing this, or however long at that time, I just figured the rest of the world is also doing that.  You know what I mean?  It’s like when you live in that paradigm and my friends and family are living that type of lifestyle and what was shocking is I’d work with these celebrities and they walk in drinking a Diet Coke.  And I’m sitting there going, you know, resisting being that a-hole that’s like, “Hey, do you know that aspartame is like bleh bleh–”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Luke Storey:  I mean, I went–I went through that phase and my friends are like, “Yeah, you were that a-hole, Luke.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-huh.

Luke Storey:  If anyone’s listening to this.  I admit it.  I’ve gone through the like I’m the food police phase where I’m like you order dinner and I’m sitting there, “Mmm, mmm, okay.”  You know, I’m nodding my head and looking at you with disgust, so that’s not a very good approach, but what I notice is people would walk in drinking Diet Coke and I’m thinking, “Okay, you just did a film and you got paid $41 million, like aren’t you smart?  Don’t you have people around you that tell you that Diet Coke is–”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:   “Literally rotting your brain.”  And so it started to become apparent to me that I could be very useful to people that are very talented and educated and worldly in many ways but they just–because they haven’t had something tragic happen, they don’t really necessarily know.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:  So what I’m finding is I do the switches–something I’ve done for friends for a long time, but it’s relatively new where I work with people on Skype or I go into their homes as I was telling you earlier and do–I don’t know what I’m gonna call it.  It’s either called a home healing or a home invasion.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   A home detox.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, a home detox.  But essentially what I find the first line of defense is the first thing I’m gonna look at is the water that they’re drinking.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Huge, yeah.

Luke Storey:  A lot of people, man, they’re using like a Brita filter.  They’re making baby formula with like Brita filtered tap water.  I’m–I mean, it’s just–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Tap.

Luke Storey:   It’s–makes me insane.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Fluoride’s still there.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, and all–and even you know, even expensive filtration systems often times don’t remove the fluoride and the–and then I mean, dude, there’s–I interviewed a guy the other day that has a really great filtration company and you know, we were talking about the pharmaceutical residues, the radioactive residues–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Residues.

Luke Storey:  From people on chemo, I mean, dude, you don’t wanna put anything made with tap water, I don’t care what kind of filtration it’s been through.  I ain’t drinking tap water, unless I’m in the desert drying, okay.  So first thing I do is just for bathing and if somebody has a steam room or they like to take baths, I’ll get them on a whole house filtration system that removes–in LA we have chloramine which is even worse than just straight chlorine.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   It’s really bad.

Luke Storey:  It’s chlor–it’s chrlorine and–and ammonia, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  And it’s just you vaporize that stuff in the shower.  You–you–it’s gas chamber.  It is gonna kill you one time?  No.  But how about thousands and thousands and thousands of showers, you know?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Accumulation.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, the bio-accumulation of that stuff, so and–and we don’t–and there’s no test on what it does when you vaporize it and heat it either.  You know, it’s like–it’s deemed as safe to drink cold or put on your skin cold, but you’re cooking it and breathing it.  It’s just gnarly.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  So the first thing I’ll do is get people’s home water filtered then get them drinking spring water.  In Southern California, it’s great because I have, you know, a friend.  My friend Mukhande, Fountain Of–I can’t remember the name of his business ever because I just know his name.  Fountain Of Truth proof–I’ll send it to you if you wanna put it in the show notes.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yes.

Luke Storey:  But he delivers amazing spring water to people here and you can even get Mountain Valley or Castle Rock, you know, water delivered, so the drinking water, the bathing water is the number one thing, because most people have no clue or they’re drinking like RO water, reverse osmosis water, or they’re drinking distilled water which even like World Hor–Health Organization has stated that that leeches minerals out of your body so you know, most people just don’t have a clue about water, and they don’t–they don’t understand, they just–the bio-electric system that are meets to this, that how crucial the type of water and–and the–the energy of that water is putting in your body.  So that’s number one, and then what I’m finding is as I said, I–I was liked shocked that everyone isn’t up to speed on this but I’m finding a lot of people, dude, they have a lot of MSG in their house still, because they don’t understand that monosodium glutamate is cloaked with all these hidden names.  I mean, there’s an actual conspiracy to keep this stuff in food to keep food addictive by the big food companies.  It’s like you have Big Pharma and you have Big Food.  And so there’s all these names like the one that people don’t know about a lot and it’s not 100% of the time MSG but one of the main ones is called Spices.  Dude, if you’re eating food that has Spices in it, then it would say oregano, thyme–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   It would say what the spices are.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, it was like–yeah, it would say like organic oregano, organic pepper, or you know, salt, whatever.  So something that has spices, yeah, it’s pretty suspect and then there’s you know, yeast extract.  There’s all these sneaky names that they use so even if someone’s aware of you know, MSG or monosodium glutamate, there’s all kind of hidden additives which are really, really dangerous.  And so–so there’s that piece then there’s that artificial sweet–artificial sweetener piece.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   I just wanna add one thing there.

Luke Storey:   Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   For my–one of my stocking stuffers that my brother-in-law got me for Christmas just 2 weeks ago was some barbecue spices, and he kinda knows, you know, how–you know, my–my inclinations towards health and all these things so he’s in Kansas City, and there’s you know, big barbecue in Kansas City, right?  So he’s at one of these big, big barbecue stores and he’s looking for a barbecue spice that does not have added sugar and MSG.  He told me out of the whole store he only found one spice out of hundreds, if not thousands, that was sugar-free and MSG-free.  And I couldn’t believe it.  This–Kansas City, Missouri, right?  This is like barbecue capital of the world.  So it’s really tough to find these things.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, it is.  It is and it’s–it’s funny you mentioned barbecue sauce because the last home invasion–I’m just gonna call it a home invasion because with most clients, that’s what it is.  I mean, I’m literally nuking their entire kitchen and really the whole house.  By the time you get to the EMFs and then no VOC paint and ripping out the synthetic carpet and everything else. I mean, it really is like potentially a whole remodel. But yeah, this one particular client who will remain unnamed to protect his anonymity, it was so crazy how addicted he was to MSG and particularly Liquid Smoke flavoring and barbecue sauce.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yes.

Luke Storey:  Those were the two things. Li–I was–I was taking them out of the cabinet and I look at it, I do, “Nope, out of here.” Corn syrup, MSG, just nasty boys in it.  I–I mean, literally you couldn’t force me to drink it.  You–if you were like interrogating me, I mean, that would be a way to help me give up the secret password or the, you know, the combination to the safe, it’s like make me drink that barbecue sauce.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   I don’t touch that Liquid Smoke, it’s terrible.

Luke Storey:  Oh, dude, but what was crazy is you could really see the–the neurological mechanism of that addiction at work.  He literally said to me, and I’m gonna go back there with a film crew and we’re gonna re-enact it because my guys couldn’t make it that day because it was so golden.  He said, “I’m putting it in this bin.”  He goes, “Let me just get one more smell.” Oh, yeah he told me this. “Let me just–let me just have one more smell, man. Well, can I just smell it once more before you get rid of it?”  I mean, he was like a junkie.  “One more–”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Just barbecue sauce.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, dude, I was like, I go, “I relate to that.”  I mean, you know, I’ve been there.  I understand, not necessarily from barbecue sauce but I know that, you know, compulsion so–so those are some of the big ones, and then it’s just like amazing that we’re in this paradigm even where and I know a lot of the people listening to your show, they’re like, “Duh, I’m not eating MSG or you know.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  You have a pretty savvy audience because you deep into this stuff, but it’s–it’s still astonishing to me that like people have anything in their home, in their fridge or their cabinets that’s not organic.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:  I mean, to me, it’s that–that we live in this paradigm where you can justify spraying poison on food and then you eat the–the poisonous food.  Like to me that’s just so weird.  Why would you do that if you have options?  Now that’s said.  The other side of it is, you know, I give myself a pass.  I–I eat out probably 2 or 3 nights a week and I don’t know that everything’s organic and doesn’t have canola oil or whatever, I–you know, and I love it.  I enjoy it.  I bless the food.  I bless myself and it’s amazing.  And I just–I love that flexibility.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   But you’re still probably eating real food though.  You’re not eating–

Luke Storey:  Oh, yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Synthetic crap.

Luke Storey:  No, no.  I’m eating like–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Supporting the chemical stuff.

Luke Storey:  For sure, yeah.  I’m eating farm to table, like really good quality food.  I’m not out at Jack In The Box. Yeah.  But I’m–I’m not gonna be that guy who’s like, “Um, I need to see what kind of oil you’re using.”  I know they’re using canola oil even at a good restaurant.  They’re not using ghee in the kitchen.  You know what I mean.  So that’s a big one with–with clients is the artificial sweeteners, the MSG, and then of course, all the seed oils, all the vegetable oils.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Mmm.

Luke Storey:  The inflammatory Omega 6 rancid disgusting oxidized oils.  I mean, it’s like I’ll walk–we have a store here called Ralph’s in LA and that’s kind of your low-end just average grocery store.  And I’ll go thorugh–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  The cooking oil aisle and there’s this huge jugs of canola oil, you know.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Never thought of that.

Luke Storey:  And I’m always trip–I’m tripping at them like really, doesn’t everyone know that this is so, so toxic?  Like you’ll feel it.  But if you’re–if you’re base level is already, you know, you have no energy and you’re run down and you’re–you’re inflamed and you have this base level of toxicity, I mean, I guess you don’t feel it if you chug some canola oil, you know.  Me, I just–my body’s become sort of refined and sensitive in a way that I do my best to avoid that stuff because it really impairs my performance.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   And the–and then the other thing that people are very largely unaware of and–and again, we’re talking about people that have the money to fix this stuff–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:  Is the cookware that they’re using.  They’re using Teflon still.  They’re cooking in aluminum. They’re cooking in inferior amalgam metals that are “stainless steel”.  They have no idea that they’re actually heating and cooking their food and infusing it with really toxic heavy metals. Then there’s the EMF piece.  There’s the blue light piece.  You know, when I go into people’s offices, I’m like, “And you work in here til 1 in the morning?  This place is like lit up more blue than a hospital operation room, you know.”  It’s just like–and no wonder you’re not sleeping, you know.  It’s the–there’s all these cascading issues that result from just really your home environment, you know, so I would say those are probably the top–the top issues that I run into and try and just get to the root of first.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   So just kind of recap, but we got a lot of the refined vegetable oils which we know will get rancid and create a lot of free radicals in the body.  We got the refined sugar.  We got the aspartame and the MSG and then also kind of the lighting environment, is that right?

Luke Storey:  Yeah, yeah, absolutely.  Yeah, the lighting environment and then–and then also just the EMF load.  The EMF pressure in one’s house, you know, man.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Do you have any EMF filters at all?

Luke Storey:  You know, I’ve done it filters–what I had to do to mitigate it for the most part, is I have everything’s grounded.  I have a grounding pad at my feet right now.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  My computer is actually grounded through a USB cable. I’ve got a grounding like half sheet at the foot of my bed so that’s the way I do it.  And if you take a, you know, like a skin test EMF meter and you touch it to your skin when you’re grounded, it actually neutralizes the EMFs.  But I live in an apartment now.  I was living in a house where I had no Wi-Fi signals, no smart meters, no cell towers close by.  Now I live in the thick of the city and dude, if you turn on, like I turn my laptop, there’s like 45 Wi-Fi signals, you know.  So–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   You see them all lined up, right?  The network.  It’s crazy.

Luke Storey:   Yeah, it’s just crazy.  I–and I–when I moved in here, I couldn’t sleep for about the first 2 months very well.  And it, you know, it could be psychosomatic.  I don’t know.  I mean, I’m paranoid of EMFs but I’ve–I’ve gotten a little bit more used to it, but I keep my Wi-Fi router on a timer so it’s only on–actually I–I manually turn it on if someone comes to visit but I’m hard wired when I do my work.  But if I do leave it on, it’s on a timer so it goes off when I go to sleep, but there’s not a lot I can do right where I’m situated.  We’re lucky enough to–no, we’re half lucky.  We have smart meters in LA and you know, if you let–people listening to this show there’s a documentary you have to watch and I–you know, I’d love if you put it in the show notes.  I have no motive other than to just enlighten people.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Let’s hear it.

Luke Storey:   There’s a–a documentary film you stream online for about 4 bucks and it’s called Take Back Your Power and it’s primarily focused on smart meters but there’s a lot of coverage on cell towers and just EMF exposure in general, but man, I gotta say, a smart meter’s–are one of the worst threats to our culture and civilization and health, man.  I mean, they are so, so dangerous and we’re lucky in LA in that we do have smart meters here but we’re not on a grid because the public awareness was high enough that we actually petitioned against the grid but so they have individual meters.  And those of you listening if you don’t know what this means, the old meters were analog meters and so they don’t generate radioactive frequencies like radio frequencies, the little meter maid would come by and like read the meter and write it down, right?  It’s old school, very labor-intensive and expensive for the municipalities, right?  I can see why you’d want something that just transmit the home usage signal to a master computer.  So and there’s–there’s two other levels of smart meter.  What we have at least in LA and Hollywood is we have smart meters.  They–they’re digital.  They look like a digital clock.  So if you go in the side of your house and look at your meter, if it looks like a digital clock instead of a bunch of little, you know, old school analog clocks, you have a smart meter.  Whether or not you’re hooked up to the grid really matters.  The meters we have here, they still have to send someone out to read the meter and they just scan it digitally and they can tell your usage so they can charge you.  But when you’re in a town or even a county or city that’s on a grid, what happens is each meter on each building is transmitting a signal up to 900 times as powerful in terms of radiation exposure as a cellphone.  So if you have a smart meter in the back of your bedroom wall, you essentially have 900 cellphones transmitting every few seconds to this master computer.  So a few miles away there will be these receivers on the phone polls and that’s the grid, right?  And then those phone poll receivers transmit an even stronger signal to the master receiver wherever the municipality kind of you know headquarters are or whatever, right?  I’m explaining this in very basic terms.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-hmm.  Uh-hmm.

Luke Storey:   Point is, this radiation is extremely powerful and extremely harmful to your DNA.  And that’s not a psychosomatic like tinfoil hat paranoia thing.  This is like go up to a smart meter, prick your finger, do a live blood analysis, look at your blood cells before, during, and after exposure for 1 minute in front of a smart meter and you will see in this film they do that and the many other experiments and your blood cells are toast.  And what you’re made of is cells, you know.  So, you know, there’s–there’s things you could do to mitigate that.  There’s, you know, legal actions you can take to prevent that from being in your home, but I find there’s things like this that the general public is and clients that I work with are unware of and that thing is sitting next to your office wall or like I said, your bedroom wall, and you’re having all of these seemingly unrelated health issues.  You might be totally organic, vegan, Paleo, whatever, doing everything right and you still can’t sleep.  You have headaches, mood swings, hormonal imbalances, all sorts of issues because it’s not just–it’s not just general EMF exposure like we all kind of get used to. This is acute powerful radioactive signals being blasted into you.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, I actually have an EMF meter at my house or an EMF smart–smart meter kinda thing at my house and I just found this out over the summer.  My buddy’s got a really high quality EMF meter that picks cellphone towers.  It picks everything up and we did some kind of studying around it, kinda like Ghostbusters, we were kind of following it from different angles and seeing how far the–the EMF went out and mine’s actually in my garage.  So it’s about 30 or 40 feet from my house and when you go up within 10-20 feet, it’s pretty active, but for me, I was able to do it when I was in my house, I could not detect anything with the meter.  But some people they have it right up against their office or a room that they’re in.  It can be really big issue.  There’s some things you can get that will–you can put over it that will help spread it, keep it kind of more isolated and such–

Luke Storey:  Right.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   But then you get your neighbor the next door, so if you got, you know, some good land between you, that’s okay.  In Texas, we got some land but other places, you’re right up close.  My buddy lives in a big, you know, skyrise and I went to the back of it and there was like maybe 20 smart meters all stacked up.  And I’m like–and it’s all in this one room, and I’m like, “That poor guy that’s behind that EMF smart meter has no idea what’s happening.”

Luke Storey:  Oh it’s crazy, man.  Yeah, and you’re–you’re fortunate that–that your signal is not, you know, that strong and as you said, well, see there’s difficulty–the smart meters also have different strengths so there are some smart meters that can transmit up to 30 miles away.  So if you’re 30 feet away from one of those, because the grid is further out, then they need to put a stronger transmitter on your building, so you might not need that strong of a transmitter and that’s–you might–you might not even be on a grid.  It could be the kind like I have here in LA.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Right.

Luke Storey:   I haven’t tested it with a meter because I just–I’ll–I’ll start obsessing and I’ll go crazy because I can’t change it.  It’s not on my building.  On my building, I put these little notes on.  We have a bank of like 4 smart meters on the side of a building.  I put a little note like by law, you cannot put a smart meter here, F.U., like you know, I will sue you.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, Yeah.

Luke Storey:  I literally did that.  You know, I’m nuts.  But listen, man, I care about my health.  It’s like–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Exactly.

Luke Storey:  I–you know, there’s so many things that you can’t control.  You gotta just live your life and be happy and as free as you can.  But if there’s something I can do something about and you’re right, you can actually–I think they sell them on Amazon now, there’s this little smart meter blockers.  They’re around $30 or $50.  They’re made of like mylar or like a screen kind of mesh and they’re super easy.  And you can just cap your smart meter and it eliminates up to 99% of the exposure, which is really cool.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Smart Meter Guard RF.

Luke Storey:  There you go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Smart Meter Guard RF on Amazon.

Luke Storey:  There you go, yeah. But if, you know, if you live in a building that has a bank of them–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Ugh.

Luke Storey:  And it’s next to your–your apartment or your unit, dude, you better move like–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Get outta there.

Luke Storey:  It’s–yeah, it’s intense, if you watch that movie, I mean, it sounds like crazy talk, for maybe for people that, you know, that this stuff sounds crazy to but when you see the empirical evidence and the anecdotal stories of say someone who, in that film there’s someone who lived in a dorm that had a cell tower on top of a building, so they’re like within feet of that–that cell transmission, and brain tumors, just over and over and over again.  It’s a very predictable result.  Brain tumor, brain tumor, brain tumor.  It’s just our biology is not set up to withstand that level of radiation on an ongoing basis.  You can drive by a cell tower, “Oh, there it was, it’s gone,” but to live next one.  It’s like I see office buildings in LA where there’ll be huge banks of–of those–you know, those cell transmitters, and then it’s like on top of someone’s office.  Like their office window, their computer is 6-10 feet away from those things.  It’s like I wanna put like copies of that film in–in their mailbox when I drive.  I’m like, “Oh, my God, it’s so sad.  They don’t know and they’re gonna, you know, potentially come down with a brain tumor, and think that it’s because they ate fried chicken their whole life.  You know, it’s like dude, you’re–you’re getting your brain cooked.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   And what’s that film called again?

Luke Storey:  It’s called Take Back Your Power.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Take Back Your Power.  And yet God forbid, you’re eating fried chicken and next to a smart meter, it’s like your chance is so much higher and I know anecdotally a lot of neurosurgeons will tell you that, you know, the older cellphones have the external antenna.  Now we have internal antennas but their typically the tumors would be on the side of the–the person’s cellphone that they would talk on right next to their ear or above that temporal area of their–their skull and it would be in the shape or in about the size of that antenna.  So–

Luke Storey:  Wow.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   It’s anecdotal, but you know, that’s been, you know, notated by many neurosurgeons.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, yeah. I recently got a case that–I mean, according to their claims, mitigates a lot of the radiation, it’s called a Pong case.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  P-O-N-G. And this–and what it does, it sort of actually boosts your antenna, too, but it sends the signal way from the front of the phone so it sends the radiation out the back of the way away from, you know, I always talk on the speakerphone and try to keep it, you know, a couple feet in front of my face.  But that’s great because it doesn’t look stupid and ugly like a lot of the–a lot of the cellphone protection devices.  There’s some little crystal with the, you know, sacred geometry thing on it.  It’s like really corny.  You don’t know if it works.  There’s no tests done on it.  It’s like all energetic.  It might work.  I believe in that stuff to a degree, but they also just look hideous on your phone.  This looks like a normal like sleek kinda modern case. So it’s–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  Much ease your cell, in fact some of my friends begrudgingly got that as a Christmas gift this year.  They’re like really dude, you’re just trying to like control me and you’re using a gift to do it, which may have been true.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   But you know, it’ll at least help benefit their health if they don’t get a brain tumor in 20 years then they can come back and thank you.

Luke Storey:   Yeah, I hope so.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Luke Storey:   Yeah, and even–even the blue light filters now, there’s quite a few brands that you can find on Amazon.  I think Bulletproof makes one as well but there are these great blue light filters that you can put on your cellphone, too, and they don’t look weird or ugly.  You can still see blue color on your phone like for, you know, editing photos or things like that, but it just doesn’t admit–emit as much blue light, so, you know, there’s–there’s all kinds of little gadgets coming out as–as the public awareness grows. The demand for this kind of products is–is growing and what’s awesome is people see that there’s a monetary incentive there.  There’s a company like, you know, I just saw the other day like Lay’s potato chips that are organic.  I’m like, really?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:   And they were–I mean, they’re still really nasty. They were still cooked in, I think, it was sunflower oil–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah.

Luke Storey:  Which is, you know, I would–I wouldn’t wanna eat that but it’s–it’s a good sign when you have organic food in Walmart and cellphone companies are now putting out this anti-radiation products and stuff.  It’s–it’s a good sign that we’re moving in the right direction and we can still take advantage of the technology and have the conveniences and this instantaneous communication around the planet without totally destroying ourselves in the process.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, my new 30-inch Viewsonic monitors here, they have a little button on it that I hit and it knocks out the blue light.

Luke Storey:  No way!

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, so–

Luke Storey:  It came like that stocked?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, yeah.  That–they were advertising it on Amazon for that.  So I’m like, perfect.  I know Asus makes one.  This is Viewsonic.  It’s like 205 bucks for a 28-inch and there’s a little feature on it where you hit it, it knocks out the blue light.

Luke Storey:  Oh, my God.  That’s amazing!  Yeah, I’m on a Mac so I’m using that F-Lux.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Oh, yeah. Flux. Yup.

Luke Storey:  Yeah, I’m using–I’m using that–if anyone, it’s a free app and it–what it does is it reads your timezone and it–when it’s dusk in the geographic location you’re in–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  It makes your computer turn to dusk, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  That’s good, too.

Luke Storey:  Which is cool, but you know, it kinda sucks when you’re watching a movie or something, you know, on your laptop, you’re watching Netflix, and like, get here, everything’s turning yellow.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah, there we go.

Luke Storey:  But I–I’ve gotten used to it.  I have my own–my whole house and this stuff I do for clients, too, as a–as a great solution is my whole house is wired where I have in every room 2 different lighting setups.  So I have like bright blue lights. I used full spectrum incandescent bulbs when I want blue light.  I try to avoid fluorescent or LED, because they’re you know, they’re lacking the natural full spectrum of sunlight, and then I’ll have different switches and different lighting setups in every room which has all amber bulbs.  So it’s pretty cool, you know, I’m able to avoid the blue light and not be a total freak and walk around the house with my blue blockers on every night.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Totally hear ya!

Luke Storey:   It’s not very conducive to dating.  It’s like–it’s hard to explain in the first couple of meetings.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Absolutely. So with all these things we’ve talked about today, all of the lifestyle hacks that you’re utilizing with your clients and all the things that you’ve utilized yourself, what’s one thing that the listeners here today could do and apply that would help them just perform better?

Luke Storey:  We’ve talked a lot about outward practices and stuff–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Uh-hmm.

Luke Storey:  Involving your body and what you put in it and what you put on and what you expose it to and–and that’s definitely an important piece, but for me, the number one is being mindful of–for me, mindful of my mentality and detoxing from negative emotions and negative thoughts.  And this is like, honestly, personally my life’s work is to develop a deeper sense of who I really am outside of my emotions and my thinking and this, you know, goes into meditation I guess you could say is one of the primary ways that I’ve been able to work on that within myself to where a negative emotion arises, a negative thought arises, and oftentimes I’m able to actually spot it and witness it as, I don’t know how to say this, but sort of a phenomenon outside of me and who I really I am.  You know, they call this in Buddhism the Witness State, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yup.

Luke Storey:  So developing a sense of one’s self that something other than thoughts and emotions and–and those lower–those lower states of ego or the lower states of kind of your animal survival self and so I would say, detoxing from negative emotions and thinking is the number one–number one goal for me and my life because I think that you could cheat a bit on your diet.  You know, you can give yourself a little bit of leeway but for me, personally, I can’t give myself much leeway in terms of energizing negativity, you know, fear, anxiety, envy, resentment, hostility toward other people, jealousy, self-condemnation, shame, guilt, you know, just those lower states of emotions that are so sticky and so tempting for some of us.  I think, you know, finding your own spiritual means by which to overcome those things and work on those things, the number one, as within so without, starting on the inside and–and then there’s a, you know, a positive cascade or domino effect that when you feel better emotionally and you have a more of a sense of connection, then I think it’s easier to not eat the chicken McNuggets and like, you know, do the green smoothie.  It just kind of–it’s start to–they start to feed each other where you–you feel better about who you are and you have more self-respect and self-love and you start to treat the vehicle a little better, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   I like it, yup.  Keep those good positive thoughts coming.  How do you fret out though, because sometimes things happen in our lives that hey, you know, we all gotta pay our taxes, right?  That’s something that’s we can maybe consider negative but we gotta do it. There’s things that we have to do that we may consider negative but we got to at least internalize it so we can take action.  How do you fret out things that are just, you know, a negative thought that you can kind of side step versus something that maybe negative but we gotta do something about it because if not, you know, there’ll be repercusions?

Luke Storey:  Yeah, don’t get me started on taxes.  There’s another great–another great documentary you can watch, and that it’s called America: Freedom to Fascism, directed by–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Aaron–Aaron Russo.

Luke Storey:   Aaron Russo, there you go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Yeah. Yeah.

Luke Storey:  That’s a good one.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   I’ve seen that one.

Luke Storey:  No, for me–for me, I–I’ve sort of categorized life events and things that happen to me or that I perce–that I perceive to be happening to me in 3 categories and that is:  Can I–can I accept it?  You know, can I really surrender to this event or this truth?  Is there something I can do to change it?  Or is it something that I need to reject?  You know, so say like in terms of a relationship with someone.  You’re having a problem in a relationship and you know, it seems like there’s no way around that.  Well, I might be able to change it by having a talk with that person and trying to communicate with them and improve our relationship somehow, but chances are I can’t change another person, I can only change my own perception of that.  So say, I realize that I can’t change that person.  They are who they are, then it’s a matter of, well, can I accept them wholeheartedly and lovingly the way that they are into my life and not be insane?  Or do I need to reject them?  And this could be any problem and oftentimes I find that it’s a matter of my own inner acceptance and–and letting go of control and letting go of the insanity of trying to control things that are totally beyond my control and then in some cases, there are situations where I just have to reject it.  Like I have to quit the job, I have to drop the client, I have to end the relationship or friendship or whatever it might be.  It’s like I recently had a car and it was–you know, I spend–I put a lot of money into the last year.  It was an old car.  It was like 10 years ago and I just kept accepting it every time it broke down.  I was like, you know what, I’m just gonna surrender.  I won’t feed this negativity.  I’m just gonna pay the bill and it’s a few hundred bucks, it’s a couple thousand dollars, and it started adding up.  And at one point, I thought, you know, it is kinda bothering me.  Let me look into it and I did the numbers, and I found that it didn’t make sense that I was putting that much.  In other words, I could buy a new car and have a car payment for the same price.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Same price.

Luke Storey:  So at that point I made a decision that no, I shouldn’t be accepting the situation.  I should reject it, get rid of this car and start anew.  So I think coming to a decision about which of those 3 choices I’m gonna make has been really crucial for me.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Like it, man.  I appreciate the mindset.  I think everyone needs a–a mindset reboot especially with the New Year here, I think it’s great.  And mindset helps drive good health choices so I like it.  And then everyone can get a hold of you, Luke., with the E-Y at the end.  Any other places people can find out your stuff or get a hold of your stuff?

Luke Storey:  That’s where my main site is and then on iTunes, hopefully by the time this show comes out, I will have my podcast up which is called the Lifestylist Podcast with Luke Storey and I’m also pretty big on social media.  You can find me on Twitter @mrlukestorey and my favorite social media channel is probably Instagram because I’m kind of a visual guy.  I like, you know, documenting all of my crazy biohacking adventures and misadventures in the world.  My Instagram is just my name @lukestorey, as you said with an E-Y.  And then you can find me on Facebook, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   Awesome! Thanks for coming on the show today, Luke.  It was great!

Luke Storey:  Thanks for having me, man, great chat.  I appreciate it, Justin.  Hey, and I wanna thank you, too, for helping my dad.  He’s really excited about the work you guys are doing and you know, I just really appreciate that you’re taking good care of him, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:   You got it, Luke.  Thanks so much!

Luke Storey:  Yup, bye.

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