Improving Your Kids Gut Health | Podcast #204

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In today’s podcast, Dr. J. and Evan Brand discuss different ways to improve your kids gut health. Watch as they tackle about unconventional methods in dealing with gut bugs, why your kids’ behavior at school might be related to their gut health, or learn the importance of having a stool test to address the root cause of various gut issues.

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

01:57    Herbal tinctures

08:33    Chewable probiotics

10:16    Dealing with bacterial issues in the gut

14:19    Paleo templates, the 6-R process

24:02    Substituting vs. removing


Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey guys, it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani back in the house. I am back from vacation– feeling uh– rested and recharged. A little cold on vacation, my son got a little sick. He's– he's f– first to second cold, it kind of blended together. We had some herbs and such with him– uh— with us. We packed uh– in advanced just to make sure we're on the– on— you know, had all our protective stuff there. Had activated charcoal probiotics, had a couple of herbal tinctures, uhm— which worked great. And I brought some stuff for myself so, it able to knock it out and get on top of it fast. So, feeling pretty good. How we doing today Evan?

Evan Brand: I'm doing pretty well. How did uh– TSA and all that did it? That go well, do they bug you about your supplements?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uh– I got global entry, and TSA-free. And I got it for my son as well. So, it's pretty easy for my wife and I to do all the travel 'cause we got that and then– that was nice. Pretty–

Evan Brand: Sweet.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: A good deal.

Evan Brand: Ohh.. Well life is good for me. Uh– we just got my s– my daughter's stool test back. This is her third stool test in 2 and a half years.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uh huh.

Evan Brand: And– we– showed up with some bugs, and you and I were just looking at that. Her stools have been loose for– at least a few weeks. And we did all the diet stuff, tweaking diet as much as we can. Thinking that it could just be something like eggs for example, which is a really common allergens for kids that she loves– you know, it wasn't eggs though. It was these bugs. And so, it's very important, if you have a kid, doesn't matter whether your kid's one year old, or– a hundred years old, your kid could still have gut bugs. And this is something that a pediatrician is not going to know about. And– I know this and Justin knows this as well because we have parents reach out to us all the time.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right.

Evan Brand: And we don't– we don't really market ourselves as like, “Pediatric functional medicine practitioners” but we'd have to become that because these pediatricians are telling these people that the only option are antibiotics, or– other type of pharmaceutical drugs. And that's not necessary because we can fix these issues with herbs.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100%. So, like, when I was in Mexico for instance, we brought down some tinctures. Uh– couple of the ones that I love is Goldenseal. That's an exce— excellent herbal tincture. Uhm– that– that works phenomenal, along with higher dose Berberines like Berberine HCL, Oregon Grape, uh– Barbarithes are great. So these are the one of the things that I was using while I was out at Mexico. I was also using a lot of like burdock, uhm— also using a lot of uh– grapefruit seed extract. These are really helpful. And also a lot of silver as well. And silver is great because– silver is actually a biofilm buster. So a lot of research on– silver helping knock down bacterial biofilms. And biofilms are like, these protective shields the bacteria will use to– prevent them from being attacked by the herbs or antibiotics. So, the silver's really helpful for reducing biofilms, and– 'cause they got a l— a mini cold for my son, you know, having the– putting down in such, you know, use really enclosed quarters and then flying, you know, you're breathing in recycled air at the– I think– my biggest stressor anytime I gets ticket typically has uh– component of flying, that's 'cause you're in distant– in a tube in the middle– middle of the air– uhm— breathing recycled air the whole time. And you got heap of coughing and then that gets recycled throughout the whole, entire cabin. So in general, uhm— silver, Goldenseal, uh– lot of Berberines, these are very-very powerful and then that my second biofilm buster is also ginger. So I'm gonna jump on instant carb. I'm gonna order some fresh ginger from my local whole foods, and I'm gonna juice it up, run it through a French press, filet it out, add a little bit of honey and. That's gonna make an amazing ginger tea that I use for a lot of my patients for dial if it's great for any other im–immune issues. Now at the resort I was staying at, they were making me ginger tea as well, and it's very helpful.

Evan Brand: Go to the– go through the logistics and making that again. You take your ginger. You–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Evan Brand: –cut it up. You said you wouldn't need a blender–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: –[crosstalk] two different pieces of it, so– couple ways you can do it, I mean, you can if you have to. You can cut it up real, real, real thin, and then add 12 ounces of hot water, and then run it through a French press or coffee filter.The best way is either gonna be– you can grate it too. The best way is to juice it– either juice it or run through a Vta Mixer or Ninja, and then add the water– the 12 ounces of hot water. You know, want about 16 ounces total. So fill like my– clean canteen mug if you will.

Evan Brand: I've never juiced it before. I literally just take chunks and then put it in the bottom of the mug. And then when I get to the bottom of the cup, I just leave the chunks there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, you'll not gonna be able to get all of the active constituents that are trapped in the fiber though. That's the big issue. So– you– you– you blend it up or you juice it as ideal. You can grate it too but that's a pain in the butt. Then once you get to the end you're kinda like saw and your finger's off–

Evan Brand: [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: –so I recommend using it or uhm— running it through a blender, like a high-power blender. Add your hot water to it, and then a little bit of your– your honey. And you could do Manuka honey which is really good anti-bacterial like a wild Clover honey's fine. And then a little bit of lime, and then– your client's optional. And then, you can put that– I recommend putting that in a French press. If you don't have a French press you can just put it in some kind of a coffee pot, let it stew for 5, 10 minutes or so. And then you can either pour it and run it through a, uhm— a coffee filter. Sit cup filter into it like a pour over. That way it takes all the fiber and the particulate out. So you're only taking in the active constituent. Or the easiest is a French press. Then you just press all the particulate out, and then you only pour the juice out.

Evan Brand: Oh, you know what I could've done too which I haven't, would be to get– I have one of those little stainless steel tea– balls where you put the loose leaf tea in. I can just put the– the bits of ginger and one of those little stainless steel balls and– like steep in a cup of hot water.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You could that, uhm— you just gotta make sure that– you blend it up really well though–

Evan Brand: Oh.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: –So you wanna put all the active constituents in there.

Evan Brand: I may get like one of the— a little– a small blender. I've got a big blender. I mean if I put two or three little chunks of– ginger in there, that blender– it's not even gonna hit it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It– it depends how powerful it is like my Vitamix, no problem.

Evan Brand: Even if it's just a couple pieces.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's it– yeah no problem– the Vitamix– the– that thing, you put your arm in there it would– it would freakin' liquify.

Evan Brand: [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You know what I mean.

Evan Brand: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: –that thing is– I think it's got– a 4 horsepower.

Evan Brand: It is.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Don't wanna mess around with it, right? So Vitamix or a Ninja or a Magic Bullet. I don't know with a Bullet, yours– it's still really good too.

Evan Brand: Okay, I might get one–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So cheaper option, just a Bullet.

Evan Brand: Okay. So how we got on this subject was because what we were looking at on my daughter's GI-Map, she showed up with some prevotella, which is interesting 'cause we find that a lot in clients–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uh-huh.

Evan Brand: –and have a joint pain. We know 75% of people with RA actually have prevotella infection. So if you fix the prevotella sometimes the joint pain goes away. Now obviously, you know, she's so little– she's not gonna understand, or be able to probably discuss joint pain to us, but it is there. And then also she showed up a small amount of H-Pylori, which some would argue as normal. But because of the– virulence factors that we see–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right.

Evan Brand: Those are not good. But her inflammation was still low, which is good because a lot of times we see the inflammation goes high when you see virulence factors.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, you're referring to like the calprotectin that came back on your test?

Evan Brand: Yup. It was fine. It was like a 27, so it's a little bit–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I mean, I still like that in single digits personally, so I don't wanna knock that down. And again, this– if you– get everything else down it'll probably fix itself. And then the ginger tea would also help 'cause that's really, powerful– a– anti-inflammatory as well.

Evan Brand: Yup. So we were talking about some uh– If– if you pro– hear sounds in the background, if like, “What the heck is goin' on?”. Uh– people are working at Justin's house, so if you're hearing that, that's what's going on. Uhm– but we were lookin' at— we were looking at her stool test result, we're comin' up with a game plan. Now– kind of a couple options with the kid, this is the– I guess this is the finesse of using herbs is that– you know, we were discussing using some kid's strength formulas where they're kind of a weaker dilution of certain herbs. Or you go with a higher strength, but is a lower amount. Now just because kids, they're so light, you know. She's 25 pounds so we don't know exactly how she's gonna deal with a full strength heavy hitting anti-microbial protocols. So what we've done so far is we were just started on some kid's formula at the appropriate dosing. Generally speaking, you're doing like a quarter of a dose for kids, or maybe a third of a dose for kids. And then we're just gonna try to graduate her up and see what happens. Now, what I noticed is, and what a lot of parents tell me is the same thing that I noticed is that, when you do start killing off infections in kids, you may see some symptoms that adults might not have. So for example grinding of the teeth. I noticed she was grinding her teeth last night. But that was it. We haven't had any other issues in terms of like, anger, or ___[08:29] 'cause lot of times mood issues happen–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uh-huh.

Evan Brand: –when you start killing bugs too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. Now with kids, one of the things we'll also do is some chewable probiotics. I mean, that can be phenomenal. There's a couple of brands that I use that work great.  So chewable probiotics can help especially ones that are higher in a saccharomyces boulardii, can also help knock down some of the H-Pylori. Also higher dose of lactobacillus and deferribacter strains can also help as well. They can also  help reduce inflammation– [crosstalk] beneficial things.

Evan Brand: I wanna probe you on this and I'm sure people wanna hear this too– you know, you've been doing probiotics for your son, I've been doing probiotics for my daughter but yet on the normal bacteria category all these beneficial bacteria, she still showed up low. Now you're thinking that's just due to competition or what else could be going on?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well number one, I mean, if you weren't giving it to her, the question is how much lower would it be, right? That's number one

Evan Brand: Right.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhm– number two, there's some other not so nice bacteria there, that could be ___[09:23] and out, so– knocking– and she's also doing some antimicrobials so– you know, I think knocking down some of the not so good bacteria would be helpful. Getting the stool more solid and solidified again would be helpful. And then really focus on reinoculation, repopulation. And again, these bacteria are forever kind of thing, right? But they'll, kind of come in there and be transient within about a month's period.

Evan Brand: Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then tryna add back in some fermented foods after it. I think would be great, you know, slip in a little bit of kombucha if she can. Or uhm— sauerkraut or some fermented food I think would be great.

Evan Brand: Yeah, her face I– I gave her a sip of kombucha, the gingerade one? [laughs] Her face when she drank it was hilarious.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, you could try–

Evan Brand: [crosstalk]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You could try the kevita one. Uh– the kevita one is– is a little bit of Stevia sweetened in it.

Evan Brand: Okay.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And it's still relatively lower sugar but it tastes a little sweeter because it's Stevia sweetened. So that could be that option too.

Evan Brand: Aah– okay– okay. Good advice. Yeah, so we kind of jump ahead and started talking about infections and herbs. Now we'll back up a little bit. Let's talk about children and some of the signs and symptoms that your children may have an issue. We talked a little about the cognitive stuff. So all these kind of repeat some of that just in case. Now we're talking thing that the parents may not notice that the teachers do notice at school. So this could be any like focus or concentration problems. This could be ___[10:39], the kid could be angry, the kid could have o– outburst– emotional outburst, they may have trouble controlling their emotions. You know, I've had– I had one woman who had two 5-year old twin boys. They were about to get kicked out of school 'cause their behaviour was so bad. And it turned out that they had a clostridia infection. And Justin and I did a whole show on this about clostridia and how it affects the brain. But these kids had to build up a dopamine. Their dopamine was off the charts; they're 5-years old. So all we did, we fixed the gut, the dopamine came back down on the retest and the mom said, “What the heck did you do to my children?”. I said, “What do you mean?”. She said, “Well they're a different kid. Now they can actually sit still in their chair”. And that was 'cause we fixed the gut.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And that dopamine going high, was that from clostridium, like what was– was that just from a– a stress response for the dopamine going high? What was the rationale behind that mechanism?

Evan Brand: I mean– I mean, probably both, right? It's probably a combination of all of it but we would point the biggest finger at the– HPHPA marker that goes up. I believe on The– Great Plains O-Test, it's number 16. That's a clostridia mark we looked for. And you and I did a show on this but it's messing up that enzyme. Dopamine beta-hydroxylase, it makes you sound smart when you say it. Uh– that enzyme gets messed up due to clostridia. Clostridia inhibits the function of the enzyme, therefore dopamine gets built up.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So that's pre– yeah, so the–the burning, 'cause that's not like a marker of dopamine but the– the burning of dopamine goes up really high, and it's affected by the not so good bacteria, uh– in the gut, or that clostridium bacteria. And so what you're saying is, uhm— by getting the clostridium down, you can have a major impact on dopamine metabolism and that can affect mood and behavior too, right?

Evan Brand: Oh, it's huge. So, like I said, the– the lady emailed me, you know, and she's like, “What did you do to my kid?”. And then I go to read the rest of– the email, and she's like, “Hey, this kid actually sits still, the teacher's so happy that the kid can focus now.” So, you know, before you go and you take your kid to a doctor that's gonna put 'em ritalin and or some other pharmaceutical drug to quote, “Calm them down”, you definitely wanna recommend getting a stool test on. And this is something the pediatrician honestly might not know. Honestly 98% of them aren't gonna know how to run a GI map, they're not gonna know how to interpret it, and they're not gonna know how to make an herbal protocol to treat these issues. The only option for, you know, conventionally, is gonna be– I mean, what would they do, I don't even know, do they refer them to a gastro doc? Or do they just prescribe the antibiotics themselves. What do you think?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well, it depends. Uhm– i— if they have a lot of bacterial issues, uhm— some of the more cutting edge one's well, right a SIBO breath test. And if positive, they may recommend rifaximin or rcifax which is the same thing, and the omicin

Evan Brand: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uh– some may just diagnose you're with IBS-D.

Evan Brand: Aaah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then just give her on some, maybe some imodium or some other, you know ___[13:18] or I think, to slow down uh– the BM, and give it more solidity. So it just depends. Not all doctors are created equal on the conventional level. Uhm– so you really wanna go on the functional side. Now, with your daughter's situation, I would also look at ruling out food allergens. I know, you're also feeding her, I think a little bit rice. Uhm– and I would also look at potentially cutting out nuts and things like that. So I would tighten up the diet as like, you know, means of addressing the low-hanging fruit.

Evan Brand: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: ‘Cause you don't wanna be going through all these stuff and– you know, they're kind of be like– and on the fence kind of primal paleo food there that maybe we could pull out and see what happens.

Evan Brand: Yeah, you're right. So we did, we did pull up the rice. We were giving her some organic white rice made it in the pressure cooker, which in theory help reduce lectin contents. So we did that once a week but we pulled it out. Also, almond butters, she loves almond butter. We pulled it out completely just because we thought, “Hey, maybe this is a factor”. Still no positive improvement after removing those, so hopefully once we start knocking out these bugs, we're gonna see some stuff happen, but it's not overnight.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. So, what else could we do for the kiddos? So, and then of course, uhm— a paleo templates' gonna be a great starting point. A lot of the good fibers and the good uhm— carbohydrates in there are gonna be helpful for the gut microbiome. Cutting out the inflammation will be very helpful to the microbiome. We could also add in some fermentable carbohydrates, uhm— afterwards, like the fructooligosaccharides kind of carbohydrates to help fetal out of the beneficial bacteria, whether it's a rribonolactone, larch tree, uhm— inulin, chicory root, some of these are really helpful, they help feed some of the beneficial flora. And again if you get a lot of bloat— really bloat because of it. I mean, really have to go work to that for a ____[14:57], right? First I remove the bad food, second I'll replace the enzymes acids stir it up, repair the gut lining, support the adrenals hormones. 4th R is remove the infections, 5th R is repopulate, reinoculate probiotics. So we gotta do it in that order. If you start doing a lot of the– the fertilizer, before you do the weeding, you gotta pull the weeds, before you drop down the seeds. And then you gotta drop down the seeds before you fertilize. So I think that the fertilizer is lot of the prebiotic fibers that help the seeds grow. We weed, we seed we fertilize. And the fertilizer is those prebiotic fibers. Some make sense?

Evan Brand: Yeah, it does. I'm gonna take that statement a little further 'cause this is why parents are confused. You know, they go the whole foods, they're trying to do the right thing for their kid, they go and they buy probiotics, or they buy this and that formula for kids, and they don't see the results they're getting. And that's exactly what you're seeing. you've gotta do it in this order. You can go to Whole Foods, or any place right now and buy consumer grade probiotics which are not as good as the professional grade stuff we provide for our clients. Just gotta note that. Quality is a huge issue. So, you could go and buy something that says, “Probiotics for kids”, and maybe it's not good enough, maybe there's extra fillers, maybe there's maltodextrin and gellan gum and guar gum and a bunch of other crap. They're stressing the child's digestive system, also reducing the availability and absorption of that product, so– that's why you wanna go really-really clean, with the nutrients. But also, it's not gonna fix it. If you just put in probiotics, that alone is not gonna get rid of parasites. She had a–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Evan Brand: –my daughter showed up with a little bit of ___[16:30] on there too. You can't get rid of that with just probiotics.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, that level wasn't too bad. Now again with parenting, in dealing with kids, you know, I have a– 15– almost 15 months– year old son. And, you know, we have– it's like a non-negotiable to– to eat bad food, right? It's this kind of like, you don't negotiate with your kid to put on a seatbelt in the car. You don't negotiate with your kid to put on a helmet when they ride their bike, right? I kinda look at food as the same thing. Now, there may be some ne— negotiables within that paleo template the ___[16:57]. So, for instance, on the vacation, my son was, you know, a little bit sick, not doing good. So we compromised a little bit with peanut butter.  Now, if I was at home, in my own house I would use almond butter instead. So that was a compromise. We compromised doing a little bit more easier fruits, so a little bit more water melon and berries. This appetite with salt a little bit which happens when you get sick. We tend to have like chicken soup and bone broth, so we– you know, we use some collagen peptides, we eat some simple– uh– fruits, we did some simpler uhm— easier to process kind of meats and such. So we did our best uhm— to handle that. We brought some green juice, I brought some collagen peptides, made a little smoothie for him, to make it easier on his tummy. When you get sick, a lot of times you get nauseous. And that nausea is designed to– to decrease your– your food intake. Uhm– There's some benefits with fasting, helping to regenerate and increase your– white blood cell and your immune cell population. So, part of that nausea and that feeling is just– it's– setting you up to fast a bit, to help increase the immune system. Now, last night, we found my son he ate a whole bunch of, you know, really good food to get his appetite back. So we had to compromise a little bit but we did our best within that template. Then we get– we didn't wanna feed him any refined sugar at least. We didn't wanna feed him any grains. We did a pretty good job at that. So, you gotta just work with what you have. Always tryna, you know, good– good, bad or best. And always try to find the healthier substitute if you have to switch.

Evan Brand: Yeah, good point about the refined sugars and– and the grains 'cause, all kids snacks, like if you go to like the “kid's section” at the grocery, it's all grain. Even if it's organic it's still all rice, and wheat, and barley, and quinoa, and hemp, and amaranth. And– it's not to say that those things have to be removed forever. Like maybe a little bit of hemp protein could provide some value. But generally speaking, we find that a lot of kids, especially– you know, uh– your son being as young as he is, his immune system and gut probably not fully developed yet. So you don't wanna put a bunch of grain in there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. And– and we eat peas like for dinner last night, and we were able to do a cauliflower pizza crust, with a little bit of dial almond cheese. And that worked out great. And that's really good protein, uh– very– very much in the lower carb side. And good proteins in there. I think there may be a tiny bit of rice, within that pizza crust, it's mostly cauliflower and egg. Uhm– but, you know, within our chit, that's a pretty darn good chit if we're gonna have pizza–

Evan Brand: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So that's, kind of like our way of– of substitute and things in there that could be much worse.

Evan Brand: You know what's funny is a lot of these uh– conventional pizza places that actually have all gluten free stuff now, like pizza hut Papa Johns– everybody's going gluten free, so that means education is working.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, and yeah. I don't– I don't wanna consume a whole bunch of carbohydrate either, right? I wanna still keep my carbohydrate in check. Especially if I'm like exercising as much. I really gonna be more careful with the carbs when you're more sedentary.

Evan Brand: Yeah. Uh– let's go to some of the– the questions or comments on here. There's one on here from a person that said, everyone researched the product for storing, google doctor Zach Bush, will be a God-sent for digestion issues. I had a client and–  this is not the first. I've had probably half a dozen or more of clients who've been taking that product for a year. And this is supposed to seal off the tight junctions in the gut and fix leaky gut issues as a silver bullet. However, I've had female clients with their IGA so low, that we know their gut barrier is not intact at all. And they were on that formula religiously for year

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uh-huh.

Evan Brand: –and it didn't worked.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I mean, that's the 3rd– a 3rd R, right? The third R is, repairing the gut lining, repairing the adrenals and the hormones, and– if you don't go to the full 6-R process, right, remove the bad foods – 1st R. 2nd R, replace enzymes acids and your bile salts. 3rd R, repair the gut lining and the adrenals or hormones. 4th R, remove the infections. 5th R, repopulate. 6th R, retest to make sure infections are gone. Sometimes on retest we see new infections that were buried in deeper. So you gotta work to that process. And that's why it makes sense that some peop—  I'm not saying products' bad, I think it's a good product. It's a mineral, kind of amino acid peptide that helps with the gut lining. But it may not be root cause well because it's not being plugged in to a comprehensive program. Part of the reason why functional medicine works, and good practitioners get results more frequently the most is because they're working with any a– a– a clinical framework. Well there's a whole journey here, we're not spotting and adding certain things in there to do patch jobs. We're working through it in entire framework that's a root cause based and system based if you will. Does that make sense?

Evan Brand: Yeah. Well, this is the same thing as if somebody's talked about some miracle probiotic, right? That would be skipping to l– let's see– let's call it step 5. Or R-5, right? As opposed to– this one we're talking about restoring the gut lining or just skipping to step three. So– so yes. There's– there's a lot of stuff in every step of the way that could be a great silver bullet, but none of it works in isolation. So, the order of operations– the whole product, that's a whole– you gotta have all of it. Uhm– let's see what else there was here on– on questions. Uh– there's some stuff but not really on the topic of gut, more stuff about hormones. Here's one from Gabe. Uh– he was asking uh– his kids crying to his teeth in the middle of the night, thoughts? Yeah, I would say get your— get your kid a stool test. I mean it's very probable there's parasites or other issues going on. Also stress, and that could be like EMF stress. You know, WiFi in the house, it's not turned off at night. It could be other stuff, but kids grinding their teeth– I've noticed like if we'd had a stressful day where we run my daughter around, we're real busy running air and just tryin' to keep up with family. You know, she may grind her teeth on those nights. So, it could be a stress component.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Absolutely. Uh– Simple thing you can do to help improve parasympathetic function is uh– put the– the mouth tape on. Put the mouth tape on, that forces you to breathe through your nose which can increase the parasympathetic uh– nervous system response which is the rest and digest. So that's a really easy one off the bat. And then of course looking deeper at the gut uhm— for infections and parasites, obviously some be really helpful. There's a– a technical term for grinding your teeth, I'm not sure.

Evan Brand: Bruxism?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah– yeah– bruxism. Exactly. And that's associated with parasites. We know that–

Evan Brand: It is.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: ___[22:56] even says that.

Evan Brand: Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: ___[22:57]. Yup.

Evan Brand: We see all the time. And he also added here. Gabe had another comment. His kid has a lot of sugar cravings lately and very bad stool. So there is your answer. I guarantee there's a candida overgrowth as well–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Or some yeast issues, and you gotta– cycle down drop the carbohydrates down or– and– and– and or at least shift to more whole food based carbs, at least uhm— there were sugar fruit, maybe a little bit of say for, starch in there. Just depends on how good or bad the diet is. Uh– if– if they're a younger kid and they're pretty active, I just sub out the carbs for whole food carbs. [crosstalk]

Evan Brand: I would in terms of supplements I would be doing some liver support, some adrenal support for kids can even be done like some eleuthero or some– some–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Evan Brand: –Siberian ginseng,

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Evan Brand: –and then also get the stool test 'cause there's probably candida and or parasites.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yup, that makes sense to me. Well anything else here Evan you wanna address today?

Evan Brand: Yeah, uh– one other– one other comment here, someone said, they have to wear a night guard every night due to the damage they've done in their teeth from grinding– grinding and clenching so badly. Get your gut looked at. I used to grind my teeth, my wife told me about it all the time. Said, “You grinded your teeth all night last night.” And I've ran the stool test, and look, there is the infections. Now I– now I no longer do that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Now, still if you have that issue, feel free to use– feel free and use a mouth guard just so you don't grind that teeth away, right? But, make sure you get to the root cause, right? Obviously the mouth guard is not gonna be root cause but use it in the meantime 'cause it's not gonna have much side effects. It's sound like a medication that's gonna– have a lot of negative uh– effects, so continue to use that while you investigate and get to the root cause and work to those full 6-Rs. Uhm– but, regarding the kiddos, uhm— we're gonna use a ginger tea, we're gonna use some herbal formulas that are gonna be dosed according to their way, and ideally they're gonna be reasonably palatable against swallow pills. We're gonna add in the right probiotics. Uhm– we're gonna add in some biofilm busters, and we're gonna make changes in the diet. We're gonna work within, you know, what the parents can do. But we wanna make sure, right? I wanna get kind of parent's head wrapped around this, your kid eating bad— your kids eating bad, it– it's– you're not gonna negotiate your kid with the seatbelts, or a helmet riding their bike, right? Most parents will probably say no. Same thing with food. And we may find a healthier substitute that gives your kid what they want but doesn't put them in the position to feel like crap or– let's just say get a lot of poor nutrition in like– let's say pasta, right? You see a lot of pasta. Well, you can go to something like zucchini noodles, you can go to something like miracle noodles as well and then just use a– a really good fat based cream on there to give it a lot of taste like you do some ___[25:22] or some coconut cream stuff as it's some really good things out there. So, there's always a substitute for whatever your kid is addicted to. And try to ease them over to that, and of course, the solution is, just don't ever open up pandora's box, right? If your kids never know it— it's there, it's always easier but, you know, most people I see, they've already opened up pandora's box. We just wanna find that healthier substitute, we don't wanna go to removal mode, we wanna go to substitute mode. People always feel better when they're substituting versus removing.

Evan Brand: Here's a funny story, and then we gotta go. Uh– we took my daughter to the zoo, uh– they had a little halloween event, not too long ago. And– you– you mentioned the whole pandora's box thing. So, you go around to these little booths, right? And they– give out little candy or snacks, or treats, or pencils or whatever for kids, right. You take your little halloween bucket, running around. Every single booth we went to, you know, we took– most the time we just said, “No, no thanks, no thanks. Keep it. But couple times we let 'em throw like a bag of skittles or– or– or like a– a Twix bar or something. And the– and the halloween basket, my daughter didn't even know what it was, she wasn't even interested at all. And then we get to the point where they give us like an Annie's organic granola bar. And she knew exactly what it was. And she says, “Bar, bar, bar”. That's the only thing she was interested in. The rest of the candy, she didn't even look at. It didn't even exist to her.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's funny. Yeah, when we went trick or treating, we didn't do too much. Uhm– because my son's not quite walking yet. But, I mean, we already have– the plan already dialed in. We have some high quality darker chocolate things. Uh– the Justin's darker chocolate peanut butter cups or some higher dark– dark chocolate kind of things that are organic. And hey, here's the– the halloween candy, that's gonna go to the ___[27:02] shelter. And we're gonna just swap out bags. And then you can pick, you know, one or two things a night out of the– the healthier bag with lower sugar and more antioxidants and– and not all the GMO high fructose corn syrup. ‘Cause remember, most of that candies that have high fructose corn syrup, it's gonna come from GMO corn which is gonna have a whole bunch of roundup residue which is not gonna be good for their gut lining. Part of the reason why uhm— gluten sensitivity is so prolific in today's environment. Uh– I think a lot of people are postulating I think Stephanie Seneff out of MIT has also said the stew is at the gut microbiome as being altered negatively by the roundup glyphosate pesticide, and that's having an impact increasing gluten sensitivity.

Evan Brand: Yup. And uh– go check out that podcast. I did a podcast with her. You should interview her too Justin if you haven't. Yeah, and just type 'em like Evan Brand-Stephanie, or Evan Brand-Stephanie GMO. We did a good podcast on that. Why, she believes we're seeing such a very-very sharp increase in autism too. So, uh– we'll wrap this thing up. But if you wanna reach out to Justin, or myself, our websites are, and you could go schedule a consult. Justin works with kids all the time, I do too. My website's, and we would love to help you. When share this information, spread it, give it to your pediatrician, you know, let them know that there's an alternative option. And the antibiotics are not the first thing that we wanna go to. We now know, researchers proving, there's permanent DNA damage and permanent changes, and methylation changes after using antibiotics. So, if we can prevent these kids, that– you know, before age 5 or 6, so many of these kids are getting put on antibiotics. I'd love to prevent that and get them on herbs instead. ‘Cause we've seen it before and after we've got the lab results to prove it. You can successfully eradicate these problems with using natural medicines. So this is not alternative medicine, this is what existed before the drugs did.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally. And then my summary, was Stephanie– Stephanie Seneff said– sound right?

Evan Brand: It did, yeah, yeah. The– the– yeah, that the increase in the round up is damaging the gut barrier which is changing how we react to the food. Yeah, so it was perfectly clear–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Perfect.

Evan Brand: And that's just the tip of the iceberg. So, like I said, there's a– there's more to that story if people wanna hear it. And then you should probably interview her 'cause she's– she's– cool lady to talk to.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, now that my summit's done, people head over to thyroid reset summit. My summit will be coming out this– uhm— winter– end of the winter, early spring, so really excited for that. So I'll have more live interviews on my podcast. Give us the share, give us the thumbs up, head over to You need more support or help, uh– feel free and follow the links there. Also head over to for more support and help. We get reinvigorated guys by your sharing, by your comments, uhm— and– it makes us wanna work harder to work to get more info to help improve all you all's lives. So thank you so much, give us the thumbs up, subscribe, alert. Anything else Evan you wanna add?

Evan Brand: No, that's it. Hope you're all well, we'll talk to you next week.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Alright then, you take care. Bye now.

Evan Brand: Take care, see you later.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Bye y'all. Bye.


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