Holistic Dental Health with Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS | Podcast #186

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Welcome to today’s podcast with Dr. Justin and Dr. Joan Sefcik DDS! Find out more about their discussion regarding dental health issues and debunking dental health myths. In this video, they talked about the connection with root canal inflammation to the different body systems. Excessive consumption of refined sugar and lack of vitamin intake may compromise your dental health and overall health in a larger scope.

Watch as they discuss the alternative healing method in this video.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS

In this episode, we cover:

01:55   Nutrition is Important to Dental Health

20:17   Epinephrine Anaesthesia Causes Cavitation

28:40   Heavy Metals and Infertility Rate

31:50   Do Not Give Your Kids Fluoride

47:15   Root Canals, Bridges, and Extraction




Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey, guys! Ot’ Dr. Justin Marchegiani here. Welcome back to the show. We have Dr. Joan Sefcik, my personal dentist, on the show today. Dr. Joan, it’s great to be here. How ‘yah doing?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Great. Thanks for having me.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Excellent. And, we’re gonna go in to just kind of the top major issues that people are seeing a dentist for. We’re gonna compare and contrast some of the conventional, you know, dentist procedures, and we’re gonna talk about some of the more holistic things. We’re gonna talk about some of the Do’s, the Don’ts, Root Canals, Fluoride, Cavities. We’re gonna go into it. If anyone wants to reach out to Dr. Joan, she’s over here in Austin– Austin, Texas. Go to austindentalwellness.com. austindentalwellness.com. We’ll put her link down below if you want to reach out. She sees patients as well. So, Dr. Joan, let’s dig in. What’s probably one of the first? What’s the biggest myth out there that you kind of want to highlight, that you’re having people come to see you with, that on the conventional side, and they’re— and they’re having a health issue; they’re having a concern? What’s that biggest myth that you’re typically dispelling on a daily basis?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I guess that the mouth— what’s in the mouth doesn’t affect the rest of the body…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Mm—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …because it does. Because it’s part of the— It’s not separate from the rest of the body. It…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …what’s in it? What’ going on in there? It affects everything else in— in your— in your health.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, there’s a massive connection between the mouth, the gut, obviously, the— the heart as well. We know like dental health issues can easily c— you know, have a major connection with Cardiovascular disease as well. Inflammation in the gums could be a manifestation of inflammation in the body, right?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And there’s also energetic connections.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  ‘Cause your tooth actually…

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …with the meridians, right?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yes. Uhmhm—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, do you notice that correlation if someone has like a Root Canal, or some kind of inflammation in a certain nerve root that look at— connects with maybe the heart meridian or the breast meridian? Do you notice connections with that people?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Oh! All the time. And even— even metal in that tooth can short-circuit that meridian.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, wow!

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uhmhm—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very cool. Now, talk about— ‘cause you talked about health in the mouth, how important is the diet? ‘Cause I remember how m— How important is diet to having healthy dental health? I remember, we— we chatted one time that a lot of people are just not getting enough Vitamin K2 or enough various nutrients or amino acids to build back that tooth. Build back the enamel. How important do you see the diet and— and the nutrients coming in to actual dental health?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: It’ very important ‘cause the tooth is a live organism. Unless you got Root Canal, which is a dead tooth. But, it’s being fed all the time so you need your fat-soluble vitamins, your D, your A vitamins, your K2, and you’d need to— you need to watch your refined sugars. Once you uhm— Eating sugars not only can cause plaque buildup but— but actually there’s a flow that goes from the tooth from the inside out. So, it flushes the— the tubules in the tooth, and when you eat sugar, it actually reverses that flow. So, all of the gunk that’s in your mouth starts going into the tooth and down the tooth.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh! Wow! And how many people like— what’s the percentage of dentist that are out there that actually understand that— that strong diet connection and are actually educating their patients in cutting the sugar out and getting the fat-soluble nutrients, and getting the Collagen and the— and the good uh— Glandulars? What percent, you think?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Not many. [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uh— I’d be generous at 20%.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And I imagine a lot of the educational information that you’ve gotten over the years, was that part of your— your dental curriculum when you’re in school or is that things that kind of read or got outside of the curriculum?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: No, not at all. Uh— It is all learned after— after school.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I think that’s probably the big thing. It’s a lot of— a lot of dentists and medical doctors, they kind of have this— this arrogance that if it wasn’t taught in school, then it can’t be important. So then, as they go out in— in the field and they’re seeing patients, they hear information and they kind of have a filter up like, “Oh! That wasn’t taught to me in school so it can’t be important.” They kind of just block out all this extra information. So, what’s separated you from others— you know, from putting out your— your hands and blocking it versus being receptive and taking it in, and then applying it with your patients?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Well, I’ve always been kind of a rebel so I think that helps.[laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [laughs]

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: But I could have a boyfriend who came down Cancer years ago.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I remember this. Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And, uhm— that motivated me to search all the alternative healing methods, and at the same time, there is uh— an MD in town that was doing Chelation and— and took me to lunch. And right be— It was right before that , and he started  talking about Mercury. He actually gave me a chart of Meridian Chart of the teeth. And that’s— This is before internet. [laughs] So, I look at the bottom of the chart and I saw it was the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine. It was an academy of biological dentistry back then. I called and went to the course, and started just learning, you know. We just had a good–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That’s great.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Seek out courses and find books and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And you were the former president of the iaomt.org, right?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: No, IBDM.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, got it. And h— how are they different?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uhm— IO— They’re both— I— I think IBDM is the original biological dentistry group, and they’re— uh— they’re–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Is that by Hal Huggins?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uh— Hal Huggins was— was part of it too. Uhm—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uh— IBDM has always understood the energetic connections between the teeth and they’ve always been anti— very against the Root Canal because they understand how they affect the rest of the body. But, both organizations are— are anti-Mercury, anti-Fluoride, and— and IAOMT’s coming along with the Root Canal stew now because they’re— they’re seeing the research.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: ‘Cause I think I found you via IAOMT like five years ago [crosstalk] so I know I saw you.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay. Perfect. Now, I’m just curious, right? We have like you know cavities, and then, we have the ability to like regenerate. And I had Dr. Steven Lin on the podcast last month, and we talked about— you know, how long do you wait for a cavity to kind of like continue to— to— to regress and get worse before you fill it, how much leeway does the body have to heal and recover, and at what point do you say, “Oh. It may be time to fill it.”

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: It depends how far it’s gotten into that dentin layer. You have the outside…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yes.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …part of the teeth, which is like the enamel, which is the hardest substance…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yes.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …of your body. And then you have the dentin, which is a little softer and it’s full of these little tubules.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, the problem with— the bacteria can get to these tubules and get to the nerve faster. It can hide out in there. Yeah. It depends how far into the dentin that it can repair itself.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. I think Dr. Steven Lin said like, “Once it’s through the enamel and it’s about halfway through the dentin, that’s where he typically will start to fail. He said he’d seen a lot of teeth. I— If it doesn’t go halfway to the dentin, he says ther— there’s a— yo— there is an ability to recover. You really have to up the Vitamin A, D, uh— E and K, and then really get— you know, good— good amino acids and— and uh— and minerals on board. Would you say that’s about right?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Exactly. And, I can hit it with Ozone. I use a lot of Ozone in the practice so [crosstalk] that helps to…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] Oh that’s great.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …kill the bacterial factor in it. So—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, that’s great. And so, with a lot of patients that you’re seeing, like to maybe a lot of dentist that are like really trigger-happy to fill it, but you may watch it a little bit longer and see if it continues t— to regress versus, you know, uhm— you know, give it a little more time.to heal and make maybe some diet and lifestyle changes?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Exactly. I’m really conservative, but u— you have to be really on it, nad uh—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: You got to— You have to just kind of see how the patient is with their diet and— you know, if they’re gonna still be sneaking the cookies in all the time. [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. So, you’re looking. You’re

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS:

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: saying, “Hey. You know, what’s your diet? Are you open to making these changes?” You feel like, you know, probably not. Then— Then you may be a little bit more realistic in your approach.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yes. As I’m not a big fan of Fluoride at all either ‘cause–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh! That’s great. We’re gonna go right into that next. So— And then, let’s just go into the materials that you’re using. So, of course, like in the past, there was Mercury Amalgam, which people kind of use Silver is the— the slang— the slang term but it’s really over 50% Mercury So, it’s kind of a—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It’s a little disingenuous calling it Silver when it’s really Mercury. So, that’s kind of still used by some dentist; more kind of progressing. What are the sources of— of filling that you’re using?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I use a uh— a non-BPA composite.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And some biocompatible composites and some biocompatible porcelains.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That’s great. And then, do you find that those like they don’t affect the nervous system as much? ‘Cause I know the metal right being next to your brain can have some effects. So, you find those two really well on a— from a Meridian standpoint?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Exactly. Actually, if I’m gonna take some Mercury fillings out, I’d follow Dr. Huggins Protocol. We actually checked the charges of each filling and we take the quadrant, the ones that have the highest charge out first because it keeps your body and parasympathetic, keeps you calm and relaxed. Because each of them has a charge and they’ve been— The saliva acts kind of like water in a battery.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: To keep this whole charge going on in your head and you want to gently get rid of those so you don’t cause too much destruction to the body.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And I remember when I had a uh— Not a Root Canal but I had a Crown. We took some of the top three to five materials that you like and we— we muscle test. So, we put it under the mouth. Let it sit in the saliva for a bit, and then you muscle test it. And I think it was the Zirconium material for the Crown test that’s the best.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: yes. Since it’s fairly compar—  compatible. Every once in a while you’re gonna get someone who doesn’t— isn’t compatible with something. You know–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And do you do any the— the Clifford Testing at all for the— for the compatibility too?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yes. I do. And I do— There’s another one, I do that one too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then, how [crosstalk] does it— How does it— How does it correlate with the Clifford versus some of the kinesiological testing that you do, where you put it in the mouth and let it sit too?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I mean, I can always do— I— I— I conduct tests on anytime…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hmhm–

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …but— but I like the Biocomp  a little better because Clifford is suitable/non-suitable, Biocomp is uh— most reactive, moderate reactive…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …and least reactive. So, it has a three stages out of a two stage.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it. Got it. And you find that the uhm— the composite BPA-free fillers are— are kind of like your go-to outside of Mercury now?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yes. And there’s some that are better than others. So, I— I’ve seen from the— from the compatibility charts which ones are the best. So, I generally use those.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very cool. And when I go in for my teeth cleanings uhm— every six months, a couple things I noticed is, number one, you’re not using Fluoride in your office. I know you use some essential oils and Ozone and such when I get my teeth cleaned Can you talk more about Fluoride and— and why you’re against it?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Well, Fluoride doesn’t exist anywhere naturally in the body. It’s— It’s not essential for life and you don’t need it for anything. [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm–

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, it’s actually a toxin. So, your teeth aren’t made of Fluoride. They’re made of Calcium, Phosphorus, Oxygen and Hydrogen. There’s no Fluoride in your teeth.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: People think that there’s Fluoride naturally in your teeth, and there’s not.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And that— Those four minerals make this perfect Hydroxyapatite molecule, and they link up and it’s this beautiful crystalline structure. But when you put Fluoride in there, which people tend to, you know, to make your teeth stronger, it— it pulls out one of the OH ions and makes Fluorapatite, which is kind of a deformed crystal. So, the teeth don’t— Actually, they may be stronger— Actually there’s the top surface of strength in it. It’s only one-tenth of a width of a hair…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Wow.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …that strengthens it. So you’re gonna— when you’re like— When a dentist is poking around and probing, it feels strong on the top, but it’s not that perfect interlocking crystalline structure, the way God intended it to be.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, you have these little microcracks in it. So, bacteria can still get down there, and what you get is called hidden cavities.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hmhm–

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, the top may be hard but you can get this cavity underneath, and you don’t notice until it’s huge and its top surface breaks through usually.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Interesting. And a lot of people don’t understand that, you know, a lot of the— the Fluoride that exist in nature is like Calcium Fluoride and a lot of the Fluoride that they’re putting in with toothpaste and such is Hydrofluorosilicic acid, which is— you know, a by-product of other types of— you know, fertilizer or bomb industries and such. People aren’t aware of that. And also, I think the second thing people aren’t aware of is— the number one cause of cavities in ten to 14-year old kids— is Dental Fluorosis, meaning an overdose of Fluoride.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Any thoughts on that?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Oh, you see those little light spots that’s from it?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: [stutters] That’s structure being deformed in the tooth. And it’s very pre— They said 41% of the kids have it now from drinking the Fluoride in the water, which they say eliminates cavities but, you know, the studies really show that it decreases decay. Areas that are non-Fluoridated and— and Fluoridated don’t have any difference in— in decay rates.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. And then there’s a study over in the UK, I think two years ago, that came out, where they saw that the uhm— the people that had consumed the highest amount of Fluoride water had the highest risk of Hypothyroidism. And I guess the— the main mechanism is that Fluoride’s in that Halide Group and can pinch hit for Iodine.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah. It could repla— Chlorine, uh— Boron—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Bromide?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …and Bromide and Boron, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: That’s why you get colitis with the Fluoride. Uhm— Yes, and it ruins your thyroid. It ruins your brain cells. There’s like 42 studies called saying it causes neurological damage. It’s, you know—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And you know—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: It’s [incomprehensible] for your body.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, yeah. I mean, in university, we had to take uhm— in Doctor School, we have to take a public health course, and we did like 15-hour deep dive in the Fluoride. And we went through all of the major studies, and— I mean, just go type in Fluoride and Low IQ. You’re talking about a five to ten-point drop in IQ, which is the Fluoride consumption. And that’s— that’s scientifically proven. And the other issue too is uhm— if you were to prescribe someone Fluoride, you have to pull out your prescription pad and write them a prescription, yet it’s in the water. And…

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Oh.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: …you can drink as much water as you want. So, that’s kind of like a medication that’s really not being dosed according to each individual. Take—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: [crosstalk] And a—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: …issue.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And a study of an FDA approved. [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. Right. And then— Again like for anyone listening too, just go look at your— your typical Crest or Colgate toothpaste. Go look on the back and see what it says. It’s gonna say, “a pea size of toothpaste.” Number one, who has a pea size? The commercials are— they— they will like lather it on. And then number two, it says if you swallow it, call poisoning control.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And you know when one tube, but toothpaste can kill a 9-year old kid with the aid of…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: One tube? Oh, really?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Unbelievable.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, number one, I— I like the fact that you— you’re educated on the Flouride. I think most— most dentists aren’t. Number two, you use essential oils and other natural herbs and— and various compounds, Xylitol, etc., to help improve dental health. Uh— Number three, your making the diet changes. You understand the minerals that have to go into the teeth. You understand, you know, the work of Weston A. Price, which we can— You know, you kind of already alluded to that anyway, which indigenous, you know, fat-soluble vitamins, nutrients, and then keeping all the refined foods out. Anything else you want to comment on that? 

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uhm— Yeah. you know, Weston Price did become the Father of Biological Dentistry because of the nutrition thing, and he speak on the Root Canals, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] Well, that’s a perfect segue. L— Let’s chat about that. Who needs a Root Canal and who doesn’t? ‘Cause this is the talk that I got patients coming all the time. It’s like, when could someone get away with the Root Canal? And then, if they didn’t do a Root Canal, would you recommend an Extraction and an Implant? How would you do that? So, like, when would you recommend a Bridge, an Implant, a Root Canal. Can you offer those scenarios?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Okay. So, you do a Root Canal when the tooth is either been killed from trauma…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm–

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …it’s— its blood supply’s been gone, or decay’s gotten into the nerve of the tooth and affected the nerve. So, a— one it dies, it gets in a irreversible process beyond the point of no return. Because actually, people will try to the herbs and do this and that, but the tooth’s dead. It’s actually just as bad as having a Root Canal. I’ve done— Dr. Huggins had some DNA lab where you can actually send a tooth in and see what bacteria in it…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Wow.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …which is pretty scary. And I’ve done actually dead teeth that have died from trauma, and they have the same bacteria as Root Canals.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Wow.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, it’s dead tooth?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: A dead tooth from trauma. If somebody has a dark tooth in front cause they fell 10 years ago, that can be just as toxic as—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And that can be a big harboring area for all these infections.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Well, it a burden…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: ..on your Immune System. So, if you’re fairly healthy and you’re not fighting anything or have any issues, you keep up, probably you’re body can take care of a root canal, or maybe two. If you’re ill in any way— Cancer, autoimmune, problems, I would get them out because they’re just uh— They harbor all these bacteria. They’re an energe— They’re an energetic blockage on that Meridian.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And… They uhm— Those little tubules that I was talking about in the dentin?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: When you take the nerve out, it normally, when the nerve’s in there, it’s flushing those fluids out.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: When you take the nerve out, it’s dry. So, nothing’s flushing those little tubules. If you take those little tubules in the— in the dentin in one tooth and stand them end to end it’s about three miles per tooth.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Wow.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, they’re tiny but bacteria can still go in there and hang out. So, they set up house. They’re like, “Hey! You know what, the blood supply— nothing can get to me. Antibiotics can’t get to me ‘cause there’s no more blood supply. So, they sit there and multiply and mutate, and spill up toxins. And everytime you chew, you squeeze them out in your body…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Interesting.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …cause you’re applying pressure. But your body can’t get into it ‘cause there’s no more blood supply. So, you know, they go to your weak organs, or— you know, it just spills out and can wreak havoc.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, can you describe the actual Root Canal procedure for most people. Some people, they— they’ve heard of it but what is the procedure consist of?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, you actually will go through the top of the tooth ‘cause each root has a canal in the middle.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm–

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And you go to the top of the tooth and you take these files and you clean it out. Clean it out. Disinfect. But, all the teeth just don’t have one canal. There’s accessory canals that come off the side.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And not only are those little dentinal tubules but you have little accessory canals that you can’t really clean out. So, those basically never really get cleaned out. And then…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] So, that’s the problem. It’s that you’re drilling in there. You’re drilling in there but it’s the accessory canals you’re probably not gonna be able to get ‘cause you’d have to drill in all kinds of directions and destroy the tooth, right?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And you can’t. You can’t see them, hardly. You know, it’s— it’s— And you don’t know which way they’re going. They can tree off like a delta— you know, the river. It’s— It’s crazy.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, is there ever a scenario where you would recommend a Root Canal?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: You know, you have to— if someone has their one tooth on a huge Bridge, and that’s holding a l— You know, you have to take the— you know, patient by patient into consideration, and how healthy they are and how— You know, if anyone has Cancer, I would definitely get all your Root Canals out ‘cause they actually can’t uh— Root Canals emit a toxin that inhibit a gene that kills Cancer cells.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, wow.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, I would get— definitely get a Mattified Cancer.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, what’s the scenario where you would recommend or you’d be okay with the Root Canal? Someone’s healthy and then what? Like what areas of the mouth would have to be on?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I actually quit dreaming ‘cause I can’t ethically do them myself anymore. I will inform the patient that that’s an option and it’s up to them, and give them all the pros and cons of what I— what I know. You know— But—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, if it was you, right? Le— Let’s say, you know, you’re healthy individual, right? Would you personally get one done yourself? You know—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: No.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay. So— So, you— So, in general, you— you probably wouldn’t recommend it. So, what would be the alternative?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: It’s to take the tooth out, and you want a biological dentist to take the tooth out ‘cause you want all the dead bone and infection cleaned out. So, that the area heals and the energy flows through there properly.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, this is great. So, this is great. I want to highlight one thing. So, just compare. So, if you’re gonna extract it— If you’re gonna extract the tooth, how would you do it differently than a conventional dentist, what kind of precautions would you take?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I actually probably spend more time cleaning to suck it out than taking the tooth out…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hmm—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …most of the time. I— I— uh— will drill it all out. I have uhm— I’ve extra special bone gloves I’ve got and I’ve cleaned out, and I make sure I feel good bone. I clean all the infection out ‘cause infection goes out into the surrounding bone, and it’s usually soft and we can feel it. I— I scrape it out. Clean it out. Uhm— I use Ozone. I use Ozonator water. I use Colloidal SIlver. You know—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, basically, you’re spending more time on the cleaning process. You’re spending more time using natural compounds to get everything kind of sanitary in there. And then, is there anything else you’re doing? Is there like a dental dam that goes in place? Is there any extra precautions that are made to make sure that debris doesn’t go down the person’s mouth? 

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: No. I never— never use Epinephrine on my Anaesthesia. That can cause the Cavitation. Never. Biological dentists usually never use Epinephrine in their Anaesthesia.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And, what’s the Cavitation?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Cavitation is area that had an extraction and either because of the Epinephrine, ‘cause it kills uh— bone cells, or because they’re not cleaning out the area completely, and it capsulated around it? Or if a patient has some clotting issues, if they’re Hypoclot or— or— or Hypoclotting, uhm— it just didn’t heal right, right? So, if you had a dry socket, chances are you probably had a uhm— you have a Capitation there. They say almost 80% of the bone teeth have Cavitations. So, the bone heals over. It’s a hole in the bone. And it’s like a— It’s full of bacteria. It’s septic. I’ve even— even go in there and clean them out. And I’ve actually, sometimes, gotten green gloves out of there or— or black tarry stuff.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh!

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: It’s amazing.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Wow!

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: It comes out of like, you know, wisdom teeth areas. And uh— And uh—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And those energetically go to the heart and the small intestine.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, my God.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Anyone with heart problems aor SIBO— Actually, I think SIBO’s a good place to look for in the wisdom tooth areas.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And how are you assessing the Cavitations? Are you doing the Cone Beam Testing? Are you just— Can you visually see?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: You can do that. You can usually visually see them on it. Actually, I’ve been doing it for long enough. You can— you can tell.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then basically, the solution for that or the cause is the Epinephrine during the extraction, but you’re gonna go in there. You’re gonna open it up. You’re gonna clean it better. Make sure any dead debris is out. Sanitize it. And then, you’re gonna— What precautions are gonna make so it doesn’t happen again?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uh— I try to make sure you have a— You solid up so it’s closed up so it will heal. So, there’s no chance of dental plaque coming out again.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And usually that’s easier to do ‘cause it’s already close. You can get primary closure because, usually, like going in a new area back. When I do extraction, it’s a little harder. So I usually do suture and make sure that the thing’s closed up.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it. So, for you, ‘cause you’ve done this so long. You don’t need a Cone Beams but a lot of people that maybe are inexperienced, they would need a Cone Beam?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: [crosstalk] Yeah, you can do Cone Beam too. Yeah. You can do a Cone Beam, too. You can even see around. You can feel it in there. Cone Beams are great ‘cause you can tell right away.  You know—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it. Got it! And so, let’s continue to talk about the Extraction. So you extract it, and then, you’re gonna basically put in a dental implant, and that would be your overall solution for uh— uh— Root Canal. Is that correct? 

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yes. You can do— First, you can leave a space but teeth may move.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: You do a little removable, which are made out of real biocompatible little Nylon. You can do a one-tooth removal , if there’s a tooth behind it. And that’s a real biocompatible uhm— replacement because it’s— doesn’t do anything to the other teeth. You can do a bridge, but you have to  crown the teeth on either side. Or you can do an implant. If you do an implant, I would only do a Ceramic one or Zirconia one, not a Titanium one. ‘Cause that’s— that metal short-circuits the Meridian of the Titanium.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally. Alright, so you go. You do this extraction. You do the implant. You’re choosing biologically compatible material. You’re cleaning things out really well. You’re taking extra bit of time to make sure all the dead debris— all that’s knocked out. When would you do a bridge versus an extraction? Can you compare those two and why would you do one or the other?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uh— You need a bridge after an extraction.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, can you talk about the difference?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: A bridge is— Say, you have a to— tooth missing between two other teeth. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: You actually crown the teeth on either side and then there’s a dummy tooth in the middle and it’s glued in permanently. So, it’s like two crowns with the— with the tooth in the middle, and then that’s glued in permanently.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, with an extraction, you wouldn’t just screw it right into the bone and it would stay. It would have to anchor to the teeth, left and right of it?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah, right into the bone is the implant.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, the implant goes right into the bone by itself, and that’s process has integrated into the bone. And I would also do a biocompatibility testing. Make sure you’re compatible with the Zirconium, ‘cause I had to have had a patient that wasn’t compatible.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: We found out later. He wasn’t— He wasn’t— He was rejecting his implants, and that’s why.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it. Got it SO, I want to make sure everyone understands it. So, we have the— we have the implant. We have it. Wee extract it. We pull out the bad tooth. We clean it really well. We— We implant that tooth in there. And then, every time there’s an implant, there’s always gonna be a bridge to anchor it in?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: No, no, no. You don’t have. So, you have a removable…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …you taking it out. That’s one way. The bridge is another way, but you crown the teeth on either side and glue it in…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …with— with the missing tooth. Or, you can do an implant. So, the implant goes into the bone. Now, Huggins— Some— Some say an implant is still for an object in your bone so it can create some autoimmune reaction and some people Dr. Huggins just say. It could be tomorrow. It could be a hundred years from now. [laughs] But, you know— ‘Cause it’s— Your spleen might be a little stimulated constantly ‘cause it’s going— [clears throat] What’s that— What’s that— that, you know, some people have no problem at all with them. And it’s like—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Which— Which option would you recommend?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Depends on the person, you know…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …but

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: C— Can you compare and contrast an implant versus a bridge? Who would be the better candidate for— for each?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I mean, if you don’t want your— If you have perfectly untouched teeth on either side and you don’t want to crowned, then you might want to go for an implant. ‘Cause if you already have crowns on either side, or big fillings and they could use crowns already, then it’s not that, you know—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] Got it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …what— you know, how much. And if you want to not touch any, you know, a little removable and they were just least expensive route to go anyway, uhm— it’s a way to go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And how would that anchor in. Would that be like a retainer kind of thing?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Well, it’s little— little clasps that hook on the teeth on either side and it— it snaps in.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it. So, what I’m hearing is, like kind of the more— the more your teeth are already maybe uh— have less integrity from previous fillings or previous— previous uh— crowns, then it may make sense to go with the bridge?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah. And it’s— Everyone has this. Some people love the little removable. Some people hate them. So, then they— If they hate them, don’t get a bridge or don’t do something else. It’s everyone’s— you know, has their own different—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Perfect.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: You know—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And what other procedures are we missing here? So, we went over the Root Canal ‘cause I get this all the times. We went over all the options there. Is there any other common procedures that just like, there’s a vast difference in what the conventional method is versus kind of more the holistic method. Anything else you want to add there?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Well, we— if we remove any Mercury in the mouth, we take…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh!

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …extreme precautions to protect the patient, and—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Let’s talk about that.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: So, uhm— if— if we’re gonna remove any Mercury, we will, of course, numb the patient up. And then, uhm— place a rubber dam. Seal that dam up. Cover up the patient. Put them on Oxygen. Uhm— We wear gas masks. [laughs] The assistant wears the gas mask, you know, and then uh— we take care of when we’re done. We use a special vacuums and— and water and special suction. And uhm— after we’re done, I actually take everything we have. The patient rinse with charcoal and take some charcoal. And I take everything. I literally put it outside. I take all the— The patient’s all covered up. We’re all covered up, and I threw everything outside.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That’s great. Are you doing any chelation compounds outside of the binders? Are you doing any DMPS or DMSA or EDTA along with that?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: No. I usually leave that up to the other physicians. [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Perfect. [crosstalk] And then, do you prepa— Uhmhm— And then, do you prepare it all, like couple days ahead of time? Do you recommend like any Glutathione or you’re just working with someone…

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: …else that’s helping with that.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Well, we do give them uhm— some Lypo-Spheric C afterwards…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …and we have Glutathione too. The office and I do Glutathione. [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] Okay. That’s good.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And when I do a patient history, I mean, I see so many patients that, they have the right thought process like, “Ooh, I have all these heavy metal fillings. I should get it removed. But then, they go and they see an untrained dentist, and they just do it the wrong way. And it’s so sad because, number one, the extraction method— you know, if you’re not using the coldwater pick, if you don’t have the dental dam, if you don’t have your own patient supply of Oxygen, the chance of getting toxic is really high. And then it’s even worse for the doctor because the doctor’s going through a lot more of these procedures than the patient and they don’t have their own Oxygen either. And I think that’s part of the reason why. I think, what was it? I think the dental profession had the highest suicide rate out of any profession. I think maybe the heavy metals could be a part of that. What do you think?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Oh! It’s— I’m sure. Also, there’s a Hyper— uh— infertility rate between female dentist and assistants, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, wow.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Because the [incomprehensible]. They’ve done— They’re doing studies on it now. But, oh yeah. If you— If you just uhm— get your Mercury move without any of the precautions, you have huge exposure to it. Huge. It’s a vapor itself. Inhaling it— the vapor itself. Plus, not— not only at that getting under your tongue and absorbing under your tongue and everywhere else. It’s— It’s not good. [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. We’ll put a video on the show notes. It’s called The Smoking Tooth by Dr. Kennedy, and he talks about just the simple, you know, drinking of coffee, brushing your teeth, uh— just simple daily activities you can see with— with the Fluoroscope that the Mercury vapor’s coming off. And, you know, you add a— you know, a drill in there and you don’t have all these other precautions like you’re adding in. I mean, you’re gonna get yourself, you know, way more toxic. So, that’s good that you’re making a whole bunch of other changes that other doctors aren’t.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah. That video is a great video.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] Yeah. It’s really good.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: It even— It even freak all of us. [laughs] We knew it already.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right? Yeah, totally.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: What other common procedures you want to highlight that for the individuals watching that— you know, they’re— you know, that they may encounter in the conventional side that may not be adequately addressed?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uhm— Well, we got Extractions, right? You need…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Use Extractions, [crosstalk] Root Canals—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …Root Canals, Fluoride, Mercury, uh— energetic enj— issues, I guess, you know, if there’s energetic issues in the mouth.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, I guess someone that may have had a previous Root Canal— you know, you didn’t see them. They’re coming to you with some health issues. They may have had some Root Canals. How would you assess if they need to have their Root Canals removed?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I’d say especially women, if they have any breast Cancer history, ‘cause a lot of the teeth go energetically to the breast. And if their— And that’s a factor, especially if they have an abcess tooth and I asked them— you know, when they’re trying to make their decision. And what’s the history of breast Cancer in your family ‘cause that tooth is on a breast Meridian…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …just so you know. And uhm— that that could be a factor in— And I’ve seen I’d say, probably, all, but two patients, I had that have breast Cancer, had Root Canals on their breast Meridian teeth. And the other two had issues with those teeth that weren’t Root Canals, but they had Periodontal issues around those teeth. So, it’s very common to have a— to see it in Cancer patients— the Root Canals.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally. Makes so much sense. Is there anything else you want to share with the listeners? Do you have a favorite brand of like toothpaste or a favorite kind of like— you know, toothbrush, and others like— you know, those like the electric ones, the conventional ones— any items that you use for oral hygiene that you want to highlight there, you think are the best?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Well, I use a lot. [laughs] I kind of have my spread of toothpaste. I use uh— anything from the charcoal ones to— [stutters] you know—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] Neem or Xylitol?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: I got the Thieves ones are…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: …uhm— You know, there are some with Silver now. Uh— Uh— I think anything that’s natural about Fluoride. Don’t— And s— Do not give your kids Fluoride. Oh my! Don’t give your kids Fluoride toothpaste, and don’t give them Fluoridated drink in the water. Do you know if you get— make baby formula with uh— Fluoridated water, the baby gets 400 times the amount of Fluoride per kilogram weight than an adult?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally makes sense. I mean—

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: And— And, yeah. You’re ruining the brain [crosstalk] and everything else.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: One hundred percent. Yeah, at my house, we have a full house water f— water filter that’s Carbon-based. And then, we have a Reverse Osmosis that everything comes to the countertop and then we have a— a trace mineral support that we’ll add a little squirt into our drinking water. We get those extra minerals back in. But, you know— a hundred percent, and if you’re a woman and you’re breastfeeding and you’re drinking tap water or Fluoridated water, that Fluoride’s gonna pass into the breastmilk and there’s research on that low IQ. So, if you want your kid to reach its maximum potential, we want to make sure that that’s out of there, for sure.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah, for sure. Anything that’s non-Fluoridated is good, you know.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Perfect. Perfect. I’m a big fan. I like the— the XyliWhite. I use the Cinnafresh. I like that one. It’s Fluoride-free. It’s got some— you know, some uh— Maluc— uh— not Maluca but the— the Tea tree oil.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uhmhm—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It’s got the Papain, some of the baking soda. That’s a really nice one.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uhmhm—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I like that

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Yeah, that’s a good one.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Awesome. So…

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: …if people are listening, and they’re like, “You know what, I live in other part of the country and, you know, could you— would you be able to just do a phone call and tell the people to review their history. Maybe review X-rays to kind of make recommendations on procedures or referrals? Is that something you do?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uh— I can. Sure.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. So, we’ll put your link down below, austindentalwellness.com. So, if you need to get history evaluation, you want to figure out treatment options, you want to get referrals to doctors in your area. Feel free and schedule a consult with Dr. Joan. Also, if you’re in the Austin area at all— I know people that travel, you know, far in wide, we had ____(name)___[33:37] just come up from Costa Rica to come see you from another continent. So, that’s pretty cool. So, feel free and check Dr. Joan out. She’s my personal dentist. She is great. I’m really happy that she’s on the show here, really sharing this great information. And also, the fact that you have this knowledge on the nutrition aspect and you’re combining that in, and you’re really trying to let a person’s own body be able to heal it and try to work with that, I think is phenomenal.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: That’s great. Yeah. Eat your butter. They say, two parts a day keeps the cavities away.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I love it.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Is there anything else you want to add? Any other like common myths or common questions that you get a lot that you wanted to spell here?

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Uuhm— You know, not that I can think of right now at the end.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Perfect.. Well, we went over some amazing stuff— Cavities, Cavitations, Root Canals, Bridges, Nutrition health, Mercury, Fluoride. We hit like a ton of great topics. So, we’ll make sure this show’s archive will be a full transcription of this, and all the links will be below. So, if you’re listening and you’re like, “Oh, man. I want to reach out to Dr. Joan.” Don’t worry. Click below in the description. You’ll see all of the links below. And Dr. Joan, thank you so much for coming on the show. We look forward to having you back for a round two soon.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Sounds great. Thanks for having me.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Thanks so much.

Dr. Joan Sefcik, DDS: Bye.



Weston A. Price

Dr. Huggins Protocol

The Smoking Tooth by Dr. David Kennedy

Chart of the Meridian Teeth by the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.



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