Health Longevity After 40 with Fit Father and Mother Project founder Dr. Anthony Balduzzi | Podcast #408

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Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, founder of the Fit Father and Fit Mother Project, discusses the importance of fitness and longevity after the age of 40. He shares his personal story of losing his father to cancer at a young age and how it inspired him to prioritize his own health and help others do the same. Dr. Balduzzi emphasizes the need for a structured meal plan and routine, as well as making sustainable lifestyle changes.


Dr. Balduzzi’s personal tragedy of losing his father to cancer at a young age motivated him to prioritize his own health and help others do the same.
The Fit Father and Fit Mother Project aims to help busy parents over 40 maintain a high level of fitness and health.
Dr. Balduzzi emphasizes the importance of a structured meal plan and routine for sustainable health.
The focus is on establishing a set meal timing routine and balancing variety and consistency in food choices.
The program encourages a lower carbohydrate approach and a moderate to high protein intake.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey guys, it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani. Welcome to the Beyond Wellness Radio podcast. Feel free and head over to justinhealth. com. We have all of our podcast transcriptions there, as well as video series on different health topics ranging from thyroid to hormones, ketogenic diets, and gluten. While you're there, you can also schedule a consult with myself, Dr.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: J, and or our colleagues and staff to help dive into any pressing health issues you really want to get to the root cause on. Again, if you enjoy the podcast, feel free and share the information with friends or family. Hey guys, Dr. Justin Marchegiani here. Welcome back to the podcast. I have naturopathic physician here, Dr.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Anthony Balduzzi. Really excited to have him on today's podcast. Dr. Anthony, welcome to the show. Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, MD Thanks for having me on, Dr. Justin. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Awesome. Well, you're the founder of the Fit Father and Fit Mother Project. So, as a dad of two kids, two boys, and you've been Energetic boys.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I know it's, it's important as you become parents, as you hit your forties, that you maintain a high level of fitness, longevity, not just, you know, feeling great, but having that energy to, to, to keep maintaining for decades to come. So I'm excited to have you on and chat a little bit about some of your strategies and some of the things that you do with your patients and clients as well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Love it. This is exactly what I do. Awesome. So, first off, tell me a little bit about your story. You have a unique background and you kind of came from an Ivy League background. You were a personal trainer, bodybuilder for a while. You have a unique past. Love to hear your story here.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: For sure. You know, I kind of got into fitness from, you know, a little bit of personal tragedy.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I was born in upstate New York and I grew up on the east coast of the United States and had a great childhood, you know, outside riding my bike, playing with my little brother. What was unique about my childhood though, was I watched my dad basically work himself to the bone. And I think like many parents, he just wanted to provide for us so much that he entered a high corporate career, a lot of stress, some of his health routines got put on the back burner.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And he eventually got a cancer diagnosis, very, very young in life. And I watched his health deteriorate through all of the traditional. Medical approach to cancer, the radiation chemotherapy, some surgeries. And he eventually died when he was 42 years old, I was nine years old when that happened.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And it, it rocked my world. As you can imagine to lose a parent that young, to see the impact that that had on me personally and on my mom, my little brother, but also it changed my psychology from a very young age. And I realized like immediately that health is so foundational. Like I saw my dad like trade his health effectively for providing and he wasn't able to balance his routines in the right way.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And in, in my nine year old brain, I was just like, Hey, I got to figure out how to make myself strong and healthy. So this doesn't happen to me. And so the, the real gift was my mom gave me a pair of my dad's old dumbbells and I started to train. Right after my ninth birthday. So I started to lift weights and I started to, to feel better.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And I found, as I started to exercise, I started to heal emotionally, spiritually, and it started to shift into this passion of like, how do I really maximize my health and wellbeing? And in time it went into personal training and bodybuilding and how do I help other people do the same? And so now the work that I do is I run the fit father project, which is primarily helping busy dads, just like my dad, guys who are over 40.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Trying to juggle work and family and life responsibilities while still being fit and healthy, like help them pull that off. And we have fit mother project as well. That does the exact same thing for the lady side. And I'm happy because of the tragedy of my dad, we've had over a hundred thousand people in over a hundred countries go through our programs and just see amazing results.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And that's amazing.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So tell me a little bit about your dad, like what was his profession? How much, how many hours was he working back then stress wise? And what was his diet and lifestyle? Like for sure processed food or standard American kind of diet.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Some of that. I mean, he definitely had a very high stress life.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: He was working in computer leasing during the time when computers were getting really big in corporate. And, you know, I remember him sleeping at the office sometimes and it was multifactorial with his cancer. You know, is it, is it absolutely true that he had a cancer too? He had cancer. Yeah. So stress and circadian rhythm, disbalance, like, you know, this regulation is, is is associated with pretty much all chronic disease.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And he was definitely on that train. It, could it have been different if he would have done different things? For sure. But, but who knows exactly what caused it? But what I found was striking is when I, you know, fast forward, I'm in naturopathic medical school. I saw so many people coming into my office with all, all types of like cardio metabolic chronic disease that was due to lifestyle and like, it's at the root of what's happening in Western civilization is we're not Our stress, our circadian rhythm, our nutrition inputs, our exercise inputs.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And we can't figure out how to get that all going. So my dad has had his own flavor of that. And everyone else listening to this has their own pressures and challenges with that. And so, yeah, I mean, it's lifestyle is driving most of our chronic disease right now. And, and the way to fix that is obviously some amount of information, but it's more about like habits and rituals and routines and like making the rubber hit the road and create a sustainable health plan.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So what are some of the foundational diet and lifestyle changes that you try to tweak out of the gates? I mean, cutting out processed sugars, grains trying to, you know, get inflammation down, trying to improve nutrient density. What does a foundational dietary shift look like when you're working with someone?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Love

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: it. Yeah, it's right. I mean, what you just said is, is the truth is the food input can either be, you know, creating health or it's creating inflammation and problems. You need to nail that. And the way we like to look at nutrition is people have a general sense of what healthy foods are. We're, we're looking at like less processed foods, you know, whole foods, but more importantly, we like to help people establish structure.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So before we get into the exact foods on our meal plans, we help people establish a set meal timing routine. So for some people, this is like the classic breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner. Like maybe that works well with their schedules and their families for other people, this might be intermittent fasting, where they shift back that first meal, or they have an earlier dinner and earlier breakfast, but we help people become proactive because what we find is most people struggle with nutrition because they get reactive because they don't have a plan.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And also because they can't balance these factors of both variety and consistency. And what we are big believers in is in the beginning meals of the day, particularly breakfast and lunch or meal one, meal two, is really good to be consistent, to dial it in, to have go to meals because you're busy, you're prepping the kids, you're doing whatever, like, just get stuff that agrees with you, you know, that has a lot of good micronutrients as well as the proteins, fats, and all the good healthy things you need, and I give you examples of what that might look like, and dinner is a time to have more variety.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So, I think it's actually more about the structure and the habits Then it is about the foods, but the foods that we do have just generally speaking terms, our approach is we are a lower carbohydrate approach in terms of our programming, but we still allow people to have carbohydrates. People are eating.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Some people who can tolerate it can need some organic sprouted breads. They can have berries, you can have squash and sweet potato. It's about the portions. And I'd say most people are keeping their carbs on the lower side. We're like a moderate. you know, moderate to higher protein intake. You know, I think like people are typically having some kind of protein with their, with their dinner meal paired with some kind of carbohydrate.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And, but we help people most importantly, like figure out the foods that work best for them, because there are certain foods that are just straight up inflammatory for my immune system, as you know, that, that are refined for you. So people need to kind of dial those things in. So we help people set a meal, one meal, two, and we give some frameworks and recipes for dinner.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And it's all about sustainability and creating the routines. That's great. Now your

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: story is just really interesting to me. So you had this role model of your dad working really hard for the family and then he passed when you were 12. Yeah. Well, I was nine when he died. And then for my 10th birthday. That is such a tough time to lose a parent, especially being a boy, losing a father figure role model.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's tough. And then. And then you went the training route and then you went to Ivy League Penn, right? Dr. Justin Marchegiani To get your, was it a, was it a master's or bachelor's? Dr. Justin Marchegiani That was, that was, I did my,

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I did my bachelor's work there and I studied psychology, nutrition, neuroscience at Penn and had some really cool experiences there.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And I was, I was bodybuilding at the time, yeah. Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's great. We were talking about a pre show like, you know, You go to what, you know, you're an establishment type of Ivy League school. Typically, that's a pathway to medical school or PhD. We talked about that earlier. How did you make that U turn to do something maybe less, you know, less conventional, right?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: On the naturopathic kind of natural side, people are like, Hey, why aren't you going to medical school? Why are you being a PhD? How did you make that, that shift?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: How did that happen? Dr. Justin Marchegiani I was, I was fortunate to do a couple things. One is like when I was at Penn, I did research at Penn Med and also And some neuro endocrinology labs.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And I got to see like the, the behind the scenes of like what real primary research looks like in the Ivy league and participate in that. And like, it was cool stuff. I mean, I was glad that I did it, but I also saw that like, man, it wasn't really moving the needle for people directly. Like I always had a little bit of a heart and maybe it's because of seeing my dad pass and going through this hero's journey of myself of like wanting to interface and help people like more directly.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So there was that. And then two, I was deeply into fitness and bodybuilding in my teens and twenties, like during this time, when I was at school, I was, I was into competitive bodybuilding. And what was amazing about that is you learn how to dial in your nutrition, your exercise, your supplementation, just such a degree that you see these profound effects.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: It has obviously on your body composition, but your performance, your energy, and just how important these habits and routines are. And this was not something that was steeped in Western medicine. I mean, it's coming around a little bit now, but like, a lot of I knew that there were some other aspects and other ways to have medicine that's based around these, these primary inputs which naturopathic medicine is, is one of those that is chiropractic medicine is another one that's, is, is a holistic approach of looking at the body systems, looking at all these inputs in a more holistic way.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And so I guess I was just kind of like primed for that philosophically, what was interesting is maybe there's some early seeds that were planted as well. When my dad was going through. His cancer and, and, and all the therapy there after some surgeries, he had some serious neurological issues. And so my family sought out all sorts of different therapies, including acupuncture, which was something that did help him regain some nervous system function, you know, after, after some of his therapies.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So maybe it was like already a little preceded, but I also had some good guidance from my mom who was directing me to, to, to these kinds of things. And I don't know, it was just my path to find this. And I, you know, I, I don't even say I would consider myself. Yes, I have a naturopathic medical license and I could say I'm a naturopath, but it's, it's just like, these are all tools to help and serve people.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I love natural medicine. I love fitness bodybuilding. You know, I love the psychology aspect of it. It's just a, just, I love helping people and these are just different ways to do it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That makes sense. And this was the insipidus. This was the motivation for you to create the fit father and fit mother project.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, for sure. Good. And so, you know, the average parent, right? They're probably exhausted. They're probably working hard. Today's kind of cost of living situation. A lot of times both parents have to work, which then means you got to come home, make dinner, still try to find time, spend with your kids. You're maybe feeling guilty because you're working so hard and you have no time for yourself.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So what are the first strategies that you try to implement with parents that are trying to get their health back in their hands, so to speak? What does that look like?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Well, you nailed it. I mean, that is the, that is the pressure cooking pot that all these parents, most parents who are struggling are in, you just, you feel like you don't have time to exercise.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: You don't have a really good set nutrition routine. You're stressed. You're looking for stress outlets. And oftentimes those are not very healthy. And then you're trying to manage your kids. You put yourself last all of that. It comes down to having and nailing a great daily routine and a weekly plan. And I think it comes down to understanding the priorities of what you actually need.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: First, spend your energy on like, first off, I'll just say this. A lot of people think they need to go exercise more. Exercise is so secondary or tertiary to your health and body composition and weight loss goals. You got to nail your hydration, nutrition, and sleep first. Yeah. Like it just needs to be.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Otherwise you're pushing a giant rock uphill, metabolically speaking. You don't need more high intensity exercise if your nutrition is crap or if you're not sleeping well. So understand the priorities can be a little bit freeing because we've had people lose over a hundred pounds just walking. Eating good nutrition and like not even doing formal workouts.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So like, it's obviously exercise is great when you can slot it in. And I'll, I'll, I'll touch on exercise cause I'm bringing it up here. I think it's important for people, especially busy parents to, to when you can schedule in even two, maybe three high intensity exercise sessions per week. And that can be like 20 to 30 minutes.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Like you can do these things at home. So you don't need to be like spending a ton of time in the gym to get profound benefits with the right kinds of exercises. And, and we, we prescribe the type of exercise that's using functional motions. The motions that you want to be strong at 40 and at 70, squatting down, standing up, pressing overhead, pulling and pushing towards your body.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And these look like swats, swings, shoulder press, rows, pushups. And we do these in circuit fashion with dumbbells or kettlebells. These workouts can be like 20, 30 minutes. They're incredibly effective. They can give you a metabolic effect for over 24 hours. And it's just a really good way to train. So, but like that's, you, you sprinkle that throughout the week.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: It's about nailing the daily plan. The daily plan starts off with what you do in the morning. Wake up morning, rehydration, know when you're going to have that first meal. That first meal might be eggs and fruit. It might be a protein shake smoothie recipe. It might be overnight oats or something like this.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: If you're doing a vegan vegetarian, but you got to have a slotted in first meal of the day, whenever that comes. Again, we like to standardize that lunch meal, which is often protein and greens. It's a healthy sandwich recipe on some organic sprouted bread. If that works for you, it's left over some dinner the night before.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: We help people establish go to snacks, non processed stuff, fruit and nuts, jerkies, some bars that aren't full of crap, but like it's pre planned. It's in there. It's good. So you have something in slot and then dinner. We teach people to build like a perfect plate, which is half the food is with some kind of fibrous veggie that you enjoy.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: For some good fiber, prebiotic fiber, a quarter is some kind of healthy protein and a quarter can be healthy carbs or healthy fats. So I know we're going quickly, but it's like this routine of the day. When you start to literally focus on getting a greater grass, I mean, it starts with the nutrition structure and the daily routines, you start to build momentum.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And momentum begets more momentum. And so that that's like the key. So you're looking at the daily plan, the weekly plan. So a busy parent, your plan has to fit into your life. It has to fit into your schedule. And so it takes a lot more thought than people just saying, I'm going to get on a fitness kick or follow something that's not sustainable and that's where you can get a lever on this, this whole busy chaos thing and get something that works with you and actually gives you energy and removes a lot of the thinking.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I tell patients out of the, out of the gates, if they're seeking out people like yourself. myself they're consciously incompetent. They know they don't know stuff and they are trying to find people that can help fill in that gap. And then, okay, now you start to know stuff, you're consciously competent, well that's like driving a stick transmission for the first time.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It's like, Clutch! Shift! You're looking down, look at the road steer, and it's It takes a lot of energy to do those things, but at some point in a few months, you're driving that standard transmission like it's not automatic, right? So, that's kind of where we're at. I just, I think framing it out to people out of the gate, knowing the first month or two is gonna be hard.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yes. Until you get these habits at that unconsciously competent type of state. And I think what you're talking about, keeping it simple and, and, and allowing, you know, the tasks that have to be done, making them simple and small and easy, I think really helps making more bite size and applicable, if you will.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: You nailed it. You win the day, you get that momentum, you focus on this, the rhythm, and that's your whole life effectively doing that. And it takes a couple months, about two to three months to get really into a groove. Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So when moms and dads come to see you, how does it work? So they sign up, is there, is it like a kind of a video kind of sequencing where they start off with diet or hydration or electrolytes or food?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: How does that work? And is there a customization involved to what that person needs? How does that

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: work? For sure. Yeah. So we have like, it's a, it's a whole like fit father and fit mother, like heroes journey completely laid out. So someone signs up on our websites, they say what they want to join the program for fit father, fit mother, they, after they've signed up, they get welcomed into our community, which is like a.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: An area like a community program and community area where they have basically the whole journey. And the first thing we start with before we even get them into the meal plan and have the videos and the recipe book and all that stuff is we have them do a journaling and mission statement because what we found is you need to get people aligned at like a very deep level for them to be successful over the long haul.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And so we have them go through a deep journaling and reflection exercise that culminates in them writing a mission statement. David, because this kind of comes back to some of my Ivy league training in psychology is we don't just operate from our logical prefrontal cortex. We have this deeper limbic system that has all of our emotions, our memory, and all these different aspects that ultimately drives unconsciously and subconsciously a lot of our behaviors.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And we want to get all those things aligned. We want to give the neocortex of a clear plan to follow. We want to get the emotional buy in from that limbic system. And then we want to clear the path with the right kind of environmental factors. These are things like food prep, buying the right kinds of things, getting around a supportive community.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So when these three aspects are together, you're very successful. So the mission statement is the first step. Then we get them into the nutrition plan. So this looks like a combination of bite sized video training, as well as the exact meal plan, all the done for you recipes. So people don't need to do a lot of things.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Thinking as they start to get up and going, they just kind of slot in the things they know that's going to work for them and they get going in nutrition. The cool thing about nutrition, you get this in, you can feel so much better in like a week to two weeks. First thing you'll notice is probably your bloat decreases, energy levels go up.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And then you just like, you're like, wow, this actually saves me time. So the nutrition is the first step. Then we get them on daily walking, which is we believe is so foundational. It's like humans are meant to walk high intensity exercises, icing on the cake, if you will, but daily walking formal workouts get sprinkled in and we teach them how to do that and then we help them build habits where we're checking in every single day for two to three minutes.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: You know, the period of the program, it's me in there as well as our actual coaching staff, making all the customizations and tweaks as people hit road bumps and obstacles, if they do, and in keeping everyone on track, and then we have a community of all the program members just feeding more inspiration, positivity, and that creates this amazing container for transformation.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So this is the process has worked for so many people and all the fit fathers are together and all the fit mothers are together. And our team is facilitating this all. And then we have a fun. Full year curriculum, as far as someone wants to go with their fitness journey, where we get into more advanced stuff, like deeper levels of intermittent fasting, different kinds of supplements for longevity.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: We talk about parasympathetic and getting deeper into that. So it's like a bite sized learning journey that takes someone through a complete transformation, mind, body, spirit. That's

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: great. And then when patients or people come to see you, are they interacting with you live at all, or is it just primarily through content that's already recorded?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Both. I mean, a lot of the whole, the whole baseline structure curriculum is like already recorded right there. Me and my team also do live calls. We're interfacing with people and we're in the chat groups every single day as well. So it's a nice hybrid combination of things.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Cool. Well, walk the listeners through like a day in the life for you.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: What time do you typically go to bed? What time do you wake up on average? And what does food, nutrition, hydration, movement look like for you in a typical day?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Beautiful. Okay. So, up around 6, down around 10 p. m. And I think it's interesting about that is that, is that, that changes seasonally. Like right now, I found that I've, I shift a little bit later and then there's times in the summer when it's getting bright out earlier where I might be up at like five and down at like nine.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So I like, there's a seasonal flux that happens, but as a time I was recording this, it's generally what it looks like. Okay. So wake up. First thing is rehydration. You know 32 ounces of water. I add some trace minerals in there. So, I add some humic and fulvic acids as well as some, some other kind of trace minerals.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I believe water and minerals is what the body needs first thing in the morning along with sunshine and in a little bit of light motion. So, what I've been doing lately is I have a cold plunge at my house. I'll get outside, get some sunshine in my skin and my eyes, and Get into my cold punch for three minutes and then get some more sun afterwards.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I think the benefit of that is you're just getting obviously a really powerful stimulus for your nervous system. And with the cold, it also gives you a lot of benefits and neurotransmitters and stuff like that. And then the light in the morning and trains this whole circadian rhythm. Very importantly, you're also getting that early morning infrared light, which is so beautiful on your skin.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So whole body sunshine is, is part of my routine. And I think a little bit of light walking around with a hydration. Now I don't always have a meal. like right away. It kind of is a little, I'm a little because I've been in the game for so long can be a little more flexible than some of our members and can auto regulate a little bit more.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And I'm not as sad. I'm like always eating at eight, always eat 11, but oftentimes I will intermittent fast and skip that first meal back. That first meal is typically a shake. And that shake often looks like this. It looks like a plant based protein powder. One that we manufacture walnuts, blueberries, some spirulina almond milk or coconut milk, maybe some hemp seeds, chia seeds, but it's mostly.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: plant based, tons of micronutrients, healthy fats. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Is it like a pea

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: protein or

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: hemp protein? Evan Brand We have a combination of pea, hemp, rice, and chickpea, like a blend. It's all clean, heavy metal tested and all that good stuff. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah. Evan Brand And that works really well.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And what I found just for me, I've been dairy sensitive my whole life, like not just lactose intolerant, which I do have since birth, but like casein for sure, and even whey. Like, I just know that dairy actually will create a mucus response for me. So, unfortunately for me, I just know that that's not ideal for my system.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And my mom is the same way. So, it's kind of Dr. I can handle, I can handle butter and ghee, interestingly. So, both of those work well. So, on that note, sometimes like if I don't have coffee every single day, but if I do, I will sometimes serve some MCT oil, maybe a little of like grass fed butter in, in, in, The coffee and that can hold me off for some time, but that meal one is often light.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I believe in light meals and on a weekend, if I'm with, you know, with my daughter, we're, we're making some eggs and stuff like that, or we're doing some, whatever she eats, she's under two. So we're eating all sorts of crazy meals. So a breakfast can look like olives, banana eggs, chia seed pudding, like a bunch of crazy stuff, right?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Just trying food. Okay. I mean, I've been kind of on like the, so I'll work during the work during the day, focusing on hydration after the meals. I have some different supplements I've been playing around with that, that are, that are good for just focus and productivity. I can get into those if you want.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Lunch, lunch often is a Is, is greens with protein on it if I do have lunch, this could be as simple as some canned wild salmon or tinned sardines on greens or sometimes I, I don't have lunch and I'm basically only having two discrete meals per day. My, my, I'm, I'm having a mix of some plant based protein meals.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So sometimes it might be just you know, like quinoa with some mung beans or lentils or stuff like this. I've been making some of my own einkorn wheat. Bread was sprouted, which is kind of cool. Other times it might be some organ meats or some steak or some fish or just like high quality animal protein sources with some veggies or some fermented veggies.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I'm eating a little bit lighter these days. Like, as I found that. I feel a little more productive when I'm eating only two meals per day. And I don't need as much food now that I'm not doing competitive bodybuilding. So it's kind of like a little more dialed in. I've scaled back on some of my starchy carbohydrates.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So I'm eating less rice, although occasionally I'll have some squash, sweet potato, quinoa, and stuff like that. But that's generally like the routine in the evenings. I am also meditating before I go to bed, which is like a really big important thing for me. And I'm work a lot during the day and I watch my blue light at night.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So really making sure I stay good with a circadian rhythm. That's kind of like a high level of the day. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Nice. Sounds like

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: you're really practicing what you're preaching. What do you feel about like other foods that may have like higher anti nutrient level, like some of the legumes or lentils or some of the nuts or seeds?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Do you find that some people benefit cutting those out? Do you have any issues? Did you ever cut them out and do an elimination provocation? What are your thoughts on those?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Evan Brand Yeah, my thoughts are anti nutrients, like, you know, they're obviously a thing. And I think some people are more sensitive than others.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So, for example, Chia seeds have a good amount of phytic acid in them. I can tolerate them just fine. Like, not a big deal for me. There are certain lectins in legumes that if I eat those, and they're not prepared properly, they will absolutely mess me up. I find that if I, if I soak and pressure cook, if I do have beans or something, let's say, let's say we make a chili of some sort for the family.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: If those beans are soaked and are pressure cooked, I have absolutely no problem. Dr. Justin Marchegiani that down. It does. Right. I mean, a lot of like a lot of those traditional prep does break down some of those anti nutrients. But I, I think there's a lot of vegetables that people should more or less avoid eating.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And, and I think it's for everyone to kind of figure out what exactly works best for them. I think the carnivore and the pure, like let's remove all plant matter. Like maybe there was a little bit of the baby out with the bathwater unnecessarily, but I think it could be a good place for people to start if they want to really clean up their system to be able to reintroduce foods that feel better for people.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: But I am, I am aware of anti nutrients. I'd say, for example, nuts and seeds are something that I often do have as snacks, but I'm getting some of the one nuts and nuts that are of the lowest anti nutrients. So, I'll eat macadamia nuts. I will eat walnuts. I'll eat pistachios. Like, all these are pretty decent from, like, some of the anti nutrient perspectives.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And I also believe that a lot of high quality animal based foods can be phenomenal. Like, the organ meats, the wild, cold, fatty fish with rich in the DHA. And all that stuff like that's huge nutrient dense foods. I think looking at more nutrient density and figuring out what feels bad for everyone uniquely is a good idea.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I mean, I focus on having good proteins, good fats at each meal. I think fats are important just because every single, you know, every single cell has a lipid bilayer membranes. We need good fats, your brain and your hormones tend to have a steroid cholesterol backbone, which usually fats are going to be in that and be a part of that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Obviously, they're very satiating, so they prevent you from overeating. And then, you know, from there carbohydrates. I think mostly vegetables just because of the nutrient density and then dialing that in based on your activity level, your metabolic type, how active you are, are you insulin resistant? Do you have metabolic syndrome?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Then you can just kind of adjust that lever according to kind of where that person's at. You nailed it.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I completely agree. And I'll also say from a behavioral component, just because a lot of people are used to having a carbohydrate serving at dinner, not to say you have to have this, but if you have kids and you're preparing for a family, like I'm just trying to tell people because we've had so many people be massively successful with our approach.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: It's okay to have like. Three quarters of a cup of some kind of cooked carbohydrate, which is like 30 to 40 grams, you know, at dinner, if, if that works for you and you're, you're having some, some like lower GI, like healthier carbohydrate. I find one of the biggest things for people is not eating too late as well for like glycemic control, giving some time to, to eat where digestion can happen.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And yeah, the carbs can be dialed up and down based off of activity level, but they can certainly be in the plan and, and, you know, it can be sustainable that way. Dr. Justin

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani Yeah, it seems like kind of carb backloading, bodybuilding principles seem to seem to show that doing a little bit more your carbs at dinner tends to be better than spreading them out throughout the day.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, kind of a little bit more lower carb maybe in the first part of the day. Evan Brand

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: That's

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: what we

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: do. Low carb breakfast. Dr. Justin Marchegiani they can give people a serving. And again, it still might be under a hundred. It's certainly under 150 grams of carbs. They might even be under a hundred. And you're still if you are, if you're eating around 100 grams of carbs a day or less.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And you're moving and you're focusing on healthy fats and proteins and you're doing some high intensity exercise, you're going to be sensitizing your body to insulin. Like you're going to be, you're going to improve your insulin sensitivity. And that's the Holy Grail. I think the Holy Grail is we want metabolic flexibility, meaning we have all, we have access through like things like fasting and lower carbohydrate diet to burn into beta oxidation to producing ketones as we need them.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: We can eat carbohydrates. Insulin works well, lowers low, gets down to baseline levels. So that's That's when we're really cranking. And, and I think that's great. And I think I'll actually, a lot of people do find this is not for everyone. Cause there's certain people who do really great on low carb keto diets, like very long term.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: But a lot of people do find after a certain point, one, it can be behaviorally tricky, but two, it can cause a degree of insulin resistance when you're completely low carb for a very, very, very long time. And I think metabolic flexibility, meaning you're having some periods of feeding carbohydrates around exercise, or at least a carb refeed once in a while.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: tends to work better for people as a leptin stimulating effect. And it just generally, it works for a lot of people that I see. Dr. Justin

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani Yeah, sometimes you get a little bit more glucose output through gluconeogenesis and the protein that you eat if you're overly low carbs. I mean, I think having some kind of a cyclical variation, unless you were like, incredibly, you know, insulin resistant, but some kind of a Cytical introduction of carbohydrates, and maybe even timing it at certain times of the day, or, you know, compressing your feeding window, kind of like intermittent fasting principles would do, or also just movement after a meal, just a 5 or 10 minute walk after a meal.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I've seen, you know, 10, 20 MGD per DL blood sugar drop in just, you know, 10 minute walk. So, there's little strategies you can tweak, I think.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Evan Brand And if you're gonna have carbs, time around, time around exercise, like, or time around exercise days. So, like, let's say you're not exercising on one day, you could have a lower carbohydrate day.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Let's say you did some strength training. Don't be afraid to reload some of that glucose afterwards. I mean, strength training is a stress on the body. Like, you are gonna raise cortisol levels. Insulin does help lower that post training. It does help drive amino acids and glucose into cells. So, it's like, not a problem to go ahead and do that post training.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So, that's a good way to kind of just think about your carbohydrate intake.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's great. And so what are some of your favorite supplements that you use to kind of help manage insulin resistance or blood sugar issues out of the gate?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Sure. Well, I mean, I think the first thing before a supplement, so like what you said about walking after meals, I think is a very underutilized strategy because it activates those good glucose receptors in the legs and can smooth that out to just adding more healthy fats to your meals is going to help your glycemic response more than more than basically any, any supplement you could take.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: That being said, I think green tea is something that can be Good for people, insulin sensitizing. I'm a huge fan of that. I think apple cider vinegar before meals actually shows it as a pretty good effect, like a tablespoon of that can help, can delay that blood sugar response. You know, and, and, and I mean, I mean, I don't know, we can, you can go down the rabbit hole of looking at things like berberine or a better melon and stuff like this.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I don't necessarily use those all the time, but I mean, those are more like boutique y things that can be beneficial. Yeah, but I don't know if I'm like using, I think exercise, good sleep, green tea, you know, walking after meals, maybe some ACV is like a good baseline. But I mean, chromium and stuff like this, there's, there's a lot of supplements that do have some modest benefit.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: It could be worth it, but I don't know. Do you have a specific supplement that you're, that you're using? a huge fan of for, for the insulin sensitivity?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah. It's kind of like what you said, right? First, you have to see, you know, does the person need the recommendation, right? So, a couple things I'll do is I'll run a fasting insulin, see where we're at, you know, for over 10 or 15, then we have some insulin resistance.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I'll run what's called a functional glucose tolerance, get a blood sugar meter, and I'll get a baseline of fasting before a meal at a one, two, three hours afterwards and see where that, see how high the blood sugar is going up and how fast it comes down. And so, we can just try making some dietary strategies.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: If I see that insulin resistance type of pattern. High blood sugar throughout the day, fasting insulin greater than 10, 15. Then we're going to add in some magnesium, some chromium. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Add in some inositol, you know, add in some additional B vitamins. We can always throw in some herbal things.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It just depends upon how severely metabolically damaged someone is, you know. Marchegiani Anemia, Bitter melon, chromium, cinnamon. These are all good, good kind of nutrients that we can kind of throw in the mix. So I like that. What are some baseline tests that you're doing with some of the people that you're working with out of the gate?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Are you just running like basic blood work? Are you looking at thyroid? Are you ever recommending specific tests? Or do you have some just generalized good tests that are just good, good screenings?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Evan Brand Yeah. I mean, I love people like in a perfect world for people to get, you know, certainly basic blood work, including vitamin D.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So I'll say a CBC and CMP vitamin D panel. I mean, certainly the oral glucose tolerance tests or the functional tests are great. Insulin sensitivity is great. Some kind of general marker if someone wants to get deep on their on just inflammatory marker, this could be high sensi CRP or something like this could, could be, it could be a benefit.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: But also I, I'd say very importantly is probably like fractionated lipid panels, like more of the advanced ones that can give you ideas of LDL patterns, density, particle size, particle number can be really cool. You know, I, I think it's really, if you're, if you're improving the fractionated lipid panels, if you're improving the insulin and glucose parameters, like you're moving things forward in, in the right direction.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I think those are the main big ones. Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And what do you like to see on a fractionated lipid panel? Because I mean, obviously, if you're particle size, you want to be more on the particle size, a large, fluffy, buoyant due to healthy fats, healthy animal fats, keeping insulin trans fats down, you stay away from the B, you have good trig to HDL ratio.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I mean, are you worried about cholesterol being higher if your diet solid and eating some of these really good anti inflammatory foods? What other markers on that panel, like, LP little A or LD L number you,

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: you basically nailed all of 'em. Like you wanna look at a OB, you want to be look at LP little A, which is, you know, genetic risk factor that someone will have, you know, maybe needs tighter A OB levels, LDL cholesterol levels.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I think with some of those, you can't really change too much with diet, right? Right. LP little A, you can't, you just might want to be even a little, a little tighter. So if you have LP little A for example, yeah, it might be a reason to make sure that your total cholesterol and your your total A POB. And your total LDL is a little bit on the lower side than, than someone else who maybe doesn't have an LP little a, but you know, I can't, I can't say I'm a, a deep, deep expert on this to make a, to make a strong recommendation on that.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: But I think if someone had LP little a, maybe we keep the total cholesterol numbers a little bit more, the lower, which might be just like incorporating more fiber, having some more of the fatty fish, Omega three kinds of things. I would maybe scale back some of the red meat. Just a tiny bit for that particular person, but for a completely other person who maybe doesn't have LP little a is a risk factor.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I don't think it's enough just to say, Oh, you have high LDL. Like you're in a problematic cardiovascular situation. Like I just don't think that's the case. There's a lot of people who are very cardiovascularly fit eating very high meat, high fat diets who are just going to be fine and have no problems.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Dr. Justin Marchegiani How about the, the

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: APO, APO lipoprotein, the APO protein B, do you, does that have an action item to attach to

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: that for you? Yeah. I mean, I, I think that for sure with particle size, particle, particle number, I, I think that's a, it's a good, you know, it's a representation I think of like of the LDL and the risk for cholesterol to be oxidized.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So I mean, yeah. Dr. Justin Marchegiani But

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: if the particle size A is good, right? And then let's say you look at like their inflammation markers, like let's say you see fibrinogen and it's good, there's, there, there's, there are HSCRPs below one, homocysteines below eight, they have good inflammation markers.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Does that change how you look at some of the cholesterols? Dr. Justin

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Marchegiani Yeah. A hundred percent. I think what's dangerous about those ApoB patterns of cholesterol is, is in the presence of systemic inflammation. Like, that's when those become particularly dangerous in my opinion. So, I mean, you're looking at the whole total picture.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: That being said, I think people with high ApoB levels could do some good stuff to bring it down. Okay, here's the supplement that I think is very beneficial for a lot of people. Tocotrienols. Are you playing around with those? Like the special kind of vitamin E, the tocotrienols? Yeah, but not tocopherols, not alpha rates.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Yeah, the tocotrienols. They're, they're like, how's that different specifically?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I've heard, I know them and I will use them for people with cardiovascular risk, but how is that different than your typical vitamin E? Oh,

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: amazing. They're like, they are fundamentally different because basically these tocotrienols, like all of our cells have that fatty, the fatty bilayer.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: We need to keep the fat integrity. It's hugely massive. And that's one of the reasons why we need cholesterol. But also the omega 3s get constituted into those fats for more membrane fluidity. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Tocotrienols are fascinating because they are a sh they basically lodge themselves in the outer layer of the fats and they prevent the fats from oxidation.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Evan Brand Oxidizing. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yes. Right. But here's the cool thing. Like the the tocopherols and the regular vitamin E's are very long. Imagine them like a long, Whip and they're moving around. Yeah. The tocotrienols are substantially shorter. They're like, I'd say almost like, like half the size.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So they can move around a lot quicker and they can cover a lot more ground with how they actually do motion on the cell surface to, they have a substantially higher prevention of lipid oxidation at the cell bilayer. And so they're just a lot more effective for that. They have a natural kind of statin effect without actually affecting, you know, the, the actual cholesterol synthesis pathways.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Yeah. They protect fats from oxidation like. What we know is you want healthy fats. You don't want your fats to be oxidized. And Tocotrienols are just master for that. People who take them typically can see LDLs drop by as much as 20 percent after taking these for like two to three months. And they have a ton of other benefits on top of just the fact that they can be cholesterol lowering, protect the cell.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So Tocotrienols are great and they're, they're hard to get in foods. Like you're getting it from a natto. You're getting it from rice bran oil, but not in the significant amount. So it is a good supplement to take with a fatty meal. I also think people focusing on the omega 3s, whether you're eating cold water, fatty fish, or taking a high quality supplement is like a great thing because it's a systemic anti inflammatory, obviously helps with the cell membrane, helps with brain function.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And I think we're kind of meant ideally to eat some cold water, fatty fish. It's just tends to be good for humans for the most part. Right. And I'm sure you wouldn't argue with that. I also think the sea minerals, like the iodine is something that we need a lot more of that we're not getting as much of, obviously for thyroid output, but.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: because we have a lot of environmental toxicants in chemicals like fluoride, these different kinds of things. I mean, bromine, another one exactly right. These electronegative compounds affect the thyroid. So yeah, getting back and connected to that. Exactly. You got it. So those are, those are important aspects.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's interesting on the vitamin E, right? Cause you're talking about the tocotrino. So they're smaller, they can dock in there. So they're preventing a lot of your mono and polyunsaturated fats that you eat. that on the healthy side, whether it's avocado, all of fish oils, so you can get more therapeutic levels of those, not oxidized.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So that's good. And then it's helping to lower lower cholesterol, but not blocking that mevalonic acid pathway. So you're not blocking CoQ10 like you would with like a statin. So you're still modulating cholesterol. And so that may be important if, if someone has a great diet and they're still having some lipids that are a little out of whack and throwing those on there as well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani 100%. I think that's nice. And two or anything.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I would a hundred percent add niacin. And I think that's a supplement actually. I I'm, I'm like more of a fan of actually. Like as opposed to a lot of the niacin derivatives, this is just like my current thinking on this, a lot of people are using the niacin derivatives for anti aging effects.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I think niacin itself is really great. My personal protocol that I'll do on occasion is like, like use flesh niacin and get an infrared sauna, like is a pretty powerful practice. And when, when you're giving niacin too, I think if you want to get down the rabbit hole, it's important also to give a source of like methyl groups.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Thanks. Like trimethylglycine or something like that can be a healthy thing to add. Is it taking

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: HCL? Okay. Is that, is that enough?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I think that's fine. I think it's fine. I think TMG would be more beneficial. But yeah, I, I think that's, it's really good with the nice and to use that it's, it'll be good for like circulation.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Cholesterol levels will even go down using the niacin. And I've been using like a sustained release niacin lately. That's in like a little bit of a wax tablet tends to tends to help me feel really good. Some other stuff that I actually been playing around with is, and this is now we're getting into a little more boutique territory now, but some high dose, like mega dosing of thiamine.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Vitamin B1 using there's a, Dr. Longsdale is like a guy who's done a lot of work on this kind of stuff. And what they're finding is just because of thiamine's importance with electron transport chain, or like, I guess you're like Krebs cycle is what I should say. And just ATP production.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Megadosing thiamine just helps the mitochondria work like crazy good. And you're, I'm talking like taking up to like, Two, three grams of thiamine, but a particular kind called lipothiamine or allithiamine, which, which it allows it to cross the blood brain barrier. Like this is something that they found at a, at a dosage of around 30 milligrams per kilogram, which is quite high.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Dramatically increases exercise performance. Has secondary benefits to nitric oxide pathways. Basically helps your body produce more ATP. So I've been messing around with that. I've also been on a big nitric oxide kick in my own personal protocols. The one prescription that I do take is a low dose of Cialis or Tadalafil.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Because, you know, PDE5 inhibitor helps with anosynthesis and like some rectal dysfunction may take, let's just say, you know, 50 to a hundred milligrams. I'm taking like five milligrams a day, just, just a little bit. You get more blood flow. And I have a couple other things that are helping with nitric oxide.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: I think that's something a lot of people over 40 can optimize. You just have lower levels naturally. And so you optimize in the oral microbiome. It is a big part of the nitric oxide pathway that the bacteria on the tongue is what helps, you know, convert the nitrates, the nitrite, which is a precursor to nitric oxide.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: So getting, eating foods that are naturally high in some nitrates, like this could be an example for arugula, which is a good grain, like arugula. A rocket, this does not have a lot of anti nutrients. It's not like you know, it just generally has a lot of good nitrates. Like that could be a benefit to there.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: You can also take lozenges for some nitrates and exercise can be good. And some of these other nitric oxide precursors, that's something I take pretty seriously.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. And then with the, you're talking about the, the niacin derivatives, which derivatives like, like niacinamide or like NADH. Either one of

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: those, but you know, niacinamide might be one that there's a lot of talk on that, like NAD plus, NADH, niacinamide, any of those, I have not been taking those.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And I actually think like, there's been just a lot of stuff around resveratrol, niacinamide. all these different kinds of things. And I think feeding a pathway more upstream tends to be a better move. And so, I'm just using some time release niacin right now. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Cool. What

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: other kind of nitty gritty lab tests are you doing with your patients in the FitParents group?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You talked about your typical blood work. Any other specialized panels? Anything else looking at the gut or gut function?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Evan Brand Oh, for sure. I mean, I'm not running these exactly. specifically for people like the advanced gut diagnostics, but I'm a huge fan of like the GI map stool sample testing, looking at, you know different fat and secondary metabolite derivatives in the stool and getting a good sense of the microbiome.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And is there inflammation happening in the GI tract? I'm a big fan of the functional GI testing. But like our, our kind of model helping fit fathers and fit mothers is, you know, not as much about going down the advanced diagnostics. Thankfully, you know, practitioners like you are out there for people.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: We're supporting like a large number of people. So I am personally not getting down too much of the rabbit hole on all, all these functional GI tests, but I'm a huge fan. And I also think too, outside of functional GI testing, like what everyone at home can do right now, regardless of the test is like to really just get in sync with the, with the signs that your body is literally showing to you at all times of like how good your, how your digestion function is.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Like, look at like, start to study your stool. Look at, you look at the whites of your eyes. Are you seeing inflammation in some of the, The microvasculature around your eyes. So like checking in with skin and stuff like this, like our body is telling us, are we inflamed? Is stuff not working right through, through all these different elimination and service pathways too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That makes sense. Well, anything else you want to leave the listeners with, or, you know, a fit parent, fit mother, fit father, that's looking to. Kind of enroll in your group, anything else you'd want to let them know about to kind of entice them to jump on board or anything informative that'd be helpful for him for sure.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: You know, I, I think we, we, we like covered a good range and I think it was fun to get into some of the more boutique higher end, you know, stuff there. And like, listen, that stuff's like, that stuff's interesting. It can truly move the needle for someone who's super dialed in. But the fact is like, if you've been struggling for a long time to create sustainable change, it's because you haven't nailed this daily routine and system.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And, and just like immersing yourself into learning a language, the, one of the best things that we found is getting you into a structured program where you can work at all angles. You can work the mindset, you can get on nutrition, you get it on the exercise. It's like the actual process is more important than the details.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: The process is getting into this immersive experience where you follow along something where you're not. Yeah. Making up your own protocols and just trying to piece together bits of information, because you're still, if you're trying to do that, operating in the framework of your busy life, trying to cherry pick some things, trying to both be the executive of your plan, as well as the athlete.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And like, just look at the greatest athletes of all time. Michael Jordan had a shooting coach. Kobe Bryant has a shooting coach. Like these people get into coaching relationships where they can sit in the pocket and just execute. I think for busy people, like that's. That's really the best thing to do. And I'm saying, join someone's program, either your work with you directly one on one with all of your different kinds of coaching and lab testing, or come join a community like ours, like get into a structured program, commit to that, and then just follow through and get into action.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: And then you're going to see the kind of results and you can move out of intellectual intellectualization and into actual action. Very good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Excellent. Thank you so much, Dr. Anthony. We put your coordinates and links down below in the description. So if you guys are driving and working out, feel free to click that link and jump over there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Where else can people go to find more info about you? So what did you call it?

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Yeah, fitfatherproject. com or fitmotherproject. com are our main websites. And then also our YouTube channels are phenomenal. So if you type fit father or fit mother in YouTube or fit father project, fit mother project, and we have over 600 videos on YouTube.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Many of them are absolutely fantastic. And I'll go deep into you. you know, many of the topics around nutrition, exercise, mindset, sleep, supplements, all the stuff on the YouTube channel. So, check us out on YouTube, subscribe there, and you'll be able to get all of our great content. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Awesome.

Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: Well, thanks, Dr. Anthony, for being on the podcast. Appreciate it. Take care.

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