
The Root Cause of Histamine and Mast Cell Symptoms | Podcast #267 Today’s focus is all on the root cause of histamine issues and mast cell symptoms. Find out more about its root cause, how we prevent it, and how we give solutions to it. Check out this podcast with Evan Brand!... Read More
Why Do You Have Diarrhea? Functional Medicine Can Help | Podcast #266 New episode is up! Today’s topic with Evan Brand is all about Diarrhea and how functional medicine can help with it. Let’s know more about trending digestive issues, the root cause and solutions. Find out more about it here. Dr.... Read More
Improving Memory and Cognitive Function with Functional Medicine | Podcast #265 Today’s podcast with Evan Brand is all about improving memory and cognitive function with function medicine. Our brain health also has a direct impact on our health, which will also be discussed in this podcast. Know more about the health... Read More
Eating Yourself Smarter By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Brain health is largely determined by a diet and lifestyle, but it can be supported further with the right supplements. Today we are going to break down some of the top nutrients and supplements for eating... Read More
Bouncing Back After a Poor Night’s Sleep By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Let’s face it, most of us aren’t having a perfect night’s sleep, every single night. Whether it’s an impending deadline has you crunching out work til the wee hours of the morning, a racing mind keeping... Read More
The Anti-Diet Approach to Health and Weight Loss By Dr. Justin Marchegiani The New Diet Fad: “Intuitive Eating” It seems like trending diets change as fast as style trends, and with so many fad diets out there, it can be hard to know which ones are all hype... Read More
Food Allergies and Skin Reactions | Podcast #264 For this episode, we will be hitting some of the skin reactions due to food, which is common to everyone. Dr. J is with Evan Brand today to talk about the different types of food allergies, the skin reactions to... Read More
Resistant Starch to Improve Your Gut Health By Dr. Justin Marchegiani What is Resistant Starch? When we hear the word “starch,” a lot of us think of unhealthy carbohydrate-heavy foods. But not all starches are created equally. Resistant starch works differently than processed carbs like pizza and... Read More
Keto Tips and Common Misconceptions By Dr. Justin Marchegiani What if I told you that eating bacon, avocados, and butter could not only improve your health–it could also help you lose weight? By now you have probably heard of the keto diet, but what exactly... Read More
The Wonderfully Diverse Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth By Dr. Justin Marchegiani What is Diatomaceous Earth? Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring sand-like material composed of the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms. This fine powder of silica-rich rock and fossilized algae is also referred to... Read More
Improving your Fitness with the “Align Method” and Aaron Alexander | Podcast #263 Aaron Alexander, a movement specialist and launching out a new book called The Align Method, is with us today to talk about everything from movement, physical therapy, nutrition and a lot more. Check out this podcast to learn more about... Read More
Nature As A Remedy for Stress By Dr. Justin Marchegiani You know the wave of peace and other positive feelings that wash over you when you spend time at the beach or taking a hike in the woods? There is science to explain why we feel... Read More