Consultation Process

Follow up consult happen 1-2 weeks after the new patient consult and typically 1x per month there after.

Most course corrections and patient issues happen in the first 1-2 weeks where we can adjust and ensure the diet is being followed, supplements are being calibrated and dosed correctly, lab instructions are followed and to ensure all other clinical questions or patient issues are addressed. If this consult is missed, we find patients need additional time to address these issues at the monthly follow up consult. The longer a patient is off course, there is a loss of momentum with the patients healing.

Typically 4-5 weeks after the new patients consult labs will be reviewed and a supplement program created. Monthly follow ups consults afterwards will allow for adjustments to be made and the graduation to new phases with in the functional medicine program.

If the Doctor is running late, you must be available for the entire consult time. The Doctor may be running late with his previous patient; you will be charged a missed consult fee equal to the consult's value if you are unavailable.

New patient consults with Dr. J $399.

Follow-up consultations (For existing patients only) are billed in the block increments below.

  • 45-60 minute follow-up: $299
  • 30-45 minutes follow-up: $225
  • 1-30 minutes follow-up $150

Consultation is typically recommended every 4-5 weeks to ensure optimal compliance and support.

The new patient consults with the new patient consult coordinator is $325 (Not Dr. J).

It depends on how many test kits are recommended (typically 1-4), but we always recommend that clients start with their first test if there are any budgetary concerns.

Body System 1 Test (Hormone System): $100-$450.

Body System 2 Test (Digestion & Infections):  $400-$450.

Body System 3 Test (Detox, Nutrients & Toxicity): $300-$450.

Test recommendations are specifically recommended during the new patient consult and follow consults. Our recommendations are based on getting the optimal information depending on what the patient is dealing with health-wise.

Our recommendations can be adjusted and consolidated to help meet the patient's budget. Doing something is always better than nothing; creating a program where at least 1 test can be taken is a great starting point.

Supplement recommendations can range between $50 to $400 per month. Supplements are recommended specifically on a case-by-case basis depending on patients' individual body system lab testing for their hormones, digestion, infections, detox, and nutritional deficiencies. It's also dependent on what phase of care the patient may be in, as some phases of care overlap. This may occur when infections are addressed while supporting the adrenal and digestion.

The factors influencing supplement recommendations also include the patient's current diet, lifestyle, sleep, work, and home stress. Other variables can include your age and how long you have been dealing with health challenges.

Supplementation recommendations can also be adjusted to a patient's budget. The biggest issue is making sure expectations are managed. The more health challenges a patient is currently dealing with may require more supplementation to help accelerate their healing.

It's important to highlight the goal of the new patient consultation is to gather information about the patient that will help guide diet, lifestyle, supplement and lab recommendations that may be made initially. As patients engage in follow up consults, diet and supplement recommendations will be refined as feedback from the patients and labs are received. We will use the new patient paperwork as starting point to dive deeper into the patients specifics health issues. Some patient expect to get more info out of the new patient consult, but the expectation is really that the doctor receive more info about you to help guide our long term treatment plan (which will be reviewed more thoroughly when labs are in).

Dr. J and his staff will address the following during the new patient consult:

  1. What has worked and what hasn't worked: To get a sense of what has worked in the past and what hasn't worked in the past regarding previous practitioners and self-work. Our goal is to do more of what has worked and less of what hasn't worked. This information is also very meaningful in regards to coming up with a plan on how we move forward.
  2. Complete metabolic history: To get a complete view of your metabolic history (Gut health, respiration, neurological etc). This can give us clues in what direction we should head in. This also helps us prioritize diet, lifestyle, supplement and lab recommendations. Also, previous history from parents and relatives also helps provide very important information as well.
  3. Diet and lifestyle history: To get a sense of your previous diet, lifestyle, movement, sleep and lifestyle habits. This gives us a starting point regarding how much support you may need in upcoming consultations. Many people may need additional follow-up support regarding diet and lifestyle until they can show the doctor a level of competence in these areas. Some patients may be doing great and need very little support. Our goal is to create a customized program that meets each patient where they are at.
  4. Old labs: To briefly review old labs (If any) to get a sense of what has been on the radar with previous doctors. Some patients may only have a few labs which can be reviewed at the new patient consult (New labs will require a follow up consultation as they need to be reviewed more in-depth so protocols can be created from them) Some patients may have dozens of pages of lab results and typically need to be reviewed at the follow-up consult. We put more weight on labs within the last year and of course any labs where values have been outside of the conventional lab ranges. Dr. Justin will review your labs from a conventional perspective but also interpret the labs through an optimal health range perspective too.
  5. New labs: Once we have gathered the information from above, we will be able to prioritize and recommend specific new functional medicine lab tests to help us assess the function your body systems (Hormones, gut/infections, and detox). These labs help provide us with more information, so we can get to the root cause of your health challenges. The more labs we can order up front (typically 1-4 labs based on your body systems), the better we will be able to create a comprehensive functional medicine program that works. If you would like to pull back or increase the lab or supplement recommendations out of the gate, please keep an open dialogue with Dr. J and the office so we can calibrate our recommendations to your specific needs.

Important Notes: The most important thing is we at least work on taking small steps in the right direction of healing. Some patients may need to go slower out of the gates for many reasons, and some may want to go faster, both are ok. Some patients may expect a full treatment program right after their new patient consult, this is not possible as new labs haven’t been ordered and more data is needed to be collected before this can happen.

To review new labs in-depth at the new patient consult is not possible due to the time involved, we only briefly review old labs to get a sense of red flag issues that are already on our radar to help better guide new lab recommendations.

A full treatment plan will typically occur at the follow up consult and will be adjusted as we address each individual body system and more data comes in at future consults. If patients’ have realistic expectations entering the new patient consult, it allows us to work better together and improves our chances of helping you achieve your health goals.

1-30 minute consult: This consult is designed for questions regarding diet, lifestyle and the supplement program.

Troubleshoot any issues with your functional medicine program. This appointment type does not provide enough time to review lab work.

30-45 minute consult: This consult is designed for questions regarding diet, lifestyle and the supplement program. 1-2 labs test may be reviewed during this time.

45-60 minute consult: This consult is designed for questions regarding diet, lifestyle and the supplement program. 3-4 labs test may be reviewed during this time. *Patients are charged for the time block used not the time scheduled.

Paperwork can be filled out and sent via our online form:

New patient paperwork: https://justinhealth.com/new-patient-form

Depending on the type of test, the samples required are saliva, urine or stool. All tests are completed by the client through easy test kits that are self-administered in the comfort of your own home. Dr. Justin does not do any blood tests.

Dr. Justin has learned over many years that the accuracy of your lab findings and the quality of the professionals performing the lab tests is the key to you uncovering what’s going on. Quality is not equal across all lab companies. Many times we see “normal” test results from regular lab companies and our lab tests find many “functional” problems. The lab companies used by Dr. Justin have the highest testing standards and the most consistent lab results year after year. These are not replacements for regular medical tests, these tests are only used to detect “functional” issues rather than medical problems and aren’t meant to diagnose or recommend protocols for diseases. We are attempting to detect problems with the functioning of organ systems prior to the onset of a disease.

Dr. Justin's premium supplement range is designed with precision to ensure maximum efficacy. Each dosage is carefully calibrated to boost health outcomes. Our supplements are stored in a controlled setting and sourced directly from trusted manufacturers, which helps maintain their potency and purity by preventing contamination from harmful substances such as lead, mold, and mercury. We understand you might consider other options, but we advise sticking with Dr. Justin's recommended supplements. We cannot endorse or advise on other brands due to varying standards of ingredient quality and sourcing. Similar to how a fast-food burger differs greatly from one made with organic, pasture-fed beef in terms of nutritional value and health impact, not all supplements are created equal. Please be particularly cautious with purchases from online marketplaces like Amazon, where the risk of encountering counterfeit products is significant. Just In Health is committed to the highest quality standards through:

  • Raw Material Quality: We select only the highest quality ingredients, such as premium coq10 sourced from reputable suppliers, to ensure our supplements are both potent and pure, directly contributing to better patient outcomes.
  • Freshness Assurance: We manage our inventory to ensure supplements are delivered promptly, reducing the time they spend in storage and maintaining their effectiveness.
  • Climate-Controlled Storage: Our supplements are kept in a carefully regulated environment to prevent spoilage and guarantee their efficacy from storage to delivery.
  • Independently tested: To assess for heavy metals, mold, and other toxins that could be contained in the raw material of the supplement.
Please note that seeking supplements outside our recommended protocol may lead to discontinuation of care. This policy ensures we can maintain confidence in the potency, purity, and dosages of your supplements. While the intention to find alternatives may be well-meaning, choosing clinically tested products from our selection guarantees a higher level of clinical certainty and better health outcomes. For further reading on the risks of purchasing supplements from unreliable sources, please review the following articles:

Our authorized laboratories are only able to sell test kits to licensed practitioners. Dr. Justin uses specific lab tests from small lab companies that exclusively offer functional medicine tests. Larger national labs and local hospital based labs are not helpful for these types of highly specialized tests.

Dr. Justin does all lab review sessions and will design your protocol during your lab results consultation. The rest of our team helps with follow up, nutritional and lifestyle coaching as well as with disseminating all of our health and wellness educational information.

Below are the following lab turn around times regarding how long it will take to process your test and receive your results. Please use these times to help you schedule your next appointment.

1-2 lab tests, 30-45 minutes is needed for.

3 or more lab test will require at least 45-60 minutes.

Click here to schedule your consult.

Please schedule according to how many lab tests you have and or add extra time if you have more questions. You will only be charged for the time you need, not the time you schedule, just give it your best guess.

Lab turn over time:

Blood test (5 business days from the blood draw).

MDL blood or ZRT test (1.5 weeks from when mailed).

DRG test (10 days from when mailed).

GI MAP (4 weeks from when mailed).

Organix test (4 weeks from when mailed).

Salivary Tests: 201, 205, 208, 209 (2 weeks from when mailed).

401 H stool test: (2 weeks from when mailed).

Heavy metal urine test (2 weeks from when mailed).

The number of labs recommended will depend on your individual situation including the number of issues you struggle with and the length of time you have been experiencing them, but the range is 1-4 lab tests.

The number of labs recommended will depend on your individual situation including the number of issues you struggle with and the length of time you have been experiencing them, but the range is 1-4 lab tests.

We encourage clients to book 1-2 months in advance. Depending on the time of the year, we can usually schedule a new patient or lab results appointment within 1-2 months of the requested time.

We do have after hour consultations so patients can get in faster if they want to get in faster if it's an emergency or if feel their health can't wait. These consults have a higher consult price to ensure there is availability.

You can schedule an appointment by clicking here.

The fastest and easiest way to schedule an appointment is by using our online scheduler: Click here to make an appointment The earliest available appointments will always be posted online first.

15-30 minute consult: This consult is designed for questions regarding diet, lifestyle and the supplement program. 1 lab test maybe reviewed if time permits. Troubleshoot any issues with your functional medicine program. This appointment type does not provide enough time to review lab work typically.

30-45 minute consult: This consult is designed for questions regarding diet, lifestyle and the supplement program. 1-2 labs test maybe reviewed during this time.

60 minute consult: This consult is designed for questions regarding diet, lifestyle and the supplement program. 2-3 labs test maybe reviewed during this time. *Patients are charge for the time block used not the time scheduled.


Dr. Justin is not a medical doctor; he does not service medical emergencies, diagnose, treat or issue protocols for any medical diseases. If you have a medical emergency, you must contact your primary care physician or dial 911.

Dr. Justin is a licensed chiropractor who supports chemical, physical and emotional stress imbalances, with the goal of promoting wellness.

Dr. Justin is happy to answer brief questions via email you may have about your protocol or symptoms. If the question can be answered in less than a minute Dr. Justin will answer it. If it is a complex question which requires further back and forth communication, Dr. Justin will recommend scheduling a brief consult to address it, or address it at your next consult if it's not an emergency.

Dr. Justin has handouts regarding supplement reactions and certain supplement instructions. See the members area first for those handouts. Including supplement reactions, die off reactions, thyroid support instructions and HCL and digestive support guide instructions.

Dr. Justin no longer sees patients in person at a physical location. Dr. Justin sees patients virtually over the phone or video from all over the world.

Most people that desire a physical consultation with their doctor, find that a video and screen sharing consultation can provide as much support or more as an in-person consult would.

To schedule your consultation please go to www.justinhealth.com/schedule

Phone is the default method of communication unless video is requested before or even during the consult.

It's very important we keep good two-way communication if any issues occur as most of the times there are solutions for them.

If you are feeling overwhelmed the best step is to schedule a consult asap to review progress and break up the next steps in your health journey into smaller chunks so you feel less overwhelmed.

If you are having any supplement reactions please click here to access the supplement reaction handouts.

If you need to schedule a consult, please click here.

Dr. Justin is a very caring doctor. He is deeply passionate about empowering people to take back their health and live fully balanced happy lives. He found his way to his career through his own health challenge and knows what it’s like to have a chronic health condition. In working with thousands of patients, he practices kindness and understanding through all of his interactions. Please see our testimonial page of our website for feedback from many of his patients.

Dr. Justin and the office staff are committed to responding within 2 business days.

Cost / Insurance

New patient consults with Dr. J $399.

Follow-up consultations (For existing patients only) are billed in the block increments below.

  • 45-60 minute follow-up: $299
  • 30-45 minutes follow-up: $225
  • 1-30 minutes follow-up $150

Consultation is typically recommended every 4-5 weeks to ensure optimal compliance and support.

The new patient consults with the new patient consult coordinator is $325 (Not Dr. J).

It depends on how many test kits are recommended (typically 1-4), but we always recommend that clients start with their first test if there are any budgetary concerns.

Body System 1 Test (Hormone System): $100-$450.

Body System 2 Test (Digestion & Infections):  $400-$450.

Body System 3 Test (Detox, Nutrients & Toxicity): $300-$450.

Test recommendations are specifically recommended during the new patient consult and follow consults. Our recommendations are based on getting the optimal information depending on what the patient is dealing with health-wise.

Our recommendations can be adjusted and consolidated to help meet the patient's budget. Doing something is always better than nothing; creating a program where at least 1 test can be taken is a great starting point.

Supplement recommendations can range between $50 to $400 per month. Supplements are recommended specifically on a case-by-case basis depending on patients' individual body system lab testing for their hormones, digestion, infections, detox, and nutritional deficiencies. It's also dependent on what phase of care the patient may be in, as some phases of care overlap. This may occur when infections are addressed while supporting the adrenal and digestion.

The factors influencing supplement recommendations also include the patient's current diet, lifestyle, sleep, work, and home stress. Other variables can include your age and how long you have been dealing with health challenges.

Supplementation recommendations can also be adjusted to a patient's budget. The biggest issue is making sure expectations are managed. The more health challenges a patient is currently dealing with may require more supplementation to help accelerate their healing.

We offer new patient consultations with family who are refered in at a discount of $100 off the typical new patient consult rate to see Dr. J.

The new patient consultation is an assessment of your health and recommendations on what tests are required to understand the state of your body systems. The new patient consultation fee does not include any follow ups, test kits or supplements. It does include extensive wellness resources including videos, books and handouts accessible in the members area and via email.

There are no discounts available at this time.

We do not bill insurance companies; it is up to each individual to determine whether their insurance plan provides reimbursement for consultations, supplements and lab tests. With certain labs we help facilitate the lab company billing the patient's insurance. If there are any issues with the billing, it is the patients responsibility to contact the lab to address the matter.

All patient invoices are super-bill coded and list CPT and diagnosis codes that you may submit to your insurance company. Our superbills provide the codes for consultations and lab tests. Most insurance companies will not reimburse for supplements. Please note that we cannot guarantee reimbursement. This will depend on your individual plan. HSA and flex savings account can be used for payment as well.

If you cannot keep your appointment, please reschedule online using the clinic's email software. For additional instructions, click here. The office requires at least 3 business days before your scheduled consult is canceled. A missed consult fee equal to the value of the appointment time scheduled will be charged. We reserve the right to charge the patient's card on file if the invoice is not paid in a timely manner. Please make sure you are receiving confirmation and reminder emails regarding your appointments. If not, please manually mark these appointments on your calendar to ensure you can attend. You can also keep these emails as friendly to increase your chance of receiving them. As a courtesy, our scheduling service will email you an appointment reminder the day the appointment is made and 1-7 days before your consult. However, we can not guarantee patients will receive these reminders because of email and spam filters. Not receiving a reminder email is not an acceptable excuse for a missed consultation.

The payment is due after the consultation, the patient will receive an emailed invoice where payment can be entered online to finalize the invoice.

Methods of payment are: Digital Checks (no mailed checks), Visa, MasterCard, HSA, Flex-savings, Discover or debit card.

Late fee's are added automatically by our invoicing software, but If you need to adjust your invoice, don't worry you will not be charged any late fees as long as you let us know you need to make adjustments in the first couple business days of receiving it. If you need to delay any of the supplements or labs (not including consults) we can break them up into separate invoices that can be paid at a later date of your choosing. Labs and supplements will ship once they have been paid.

You can also ask the doctor to leave supplements or labs off your invoice during your consult and you can go online and order them at your leisure at www.justinhealth.com/shop.

We always waive late fees as a one time courtesy for new patients. When you read the invoice cover letter that goes out with every emailed invoice, the late fee policy is very transparent. The late fees start 2 business days after the consult and do not apply if you reach out back to the office in the first 2 business days to make any adjustments. If you have reached out to the office within 2 business days and received a late fee, just email us and we can waive it for you.

The policy is here for a few reasons.

1. To incentivize good patient behavior to ensure payments are collected in a timely manner. In a physical setting, payment would take place immediately after the consult.

2. To ensure the timing and sequencing of care in regards to labs, supplements and follow-up consult rescheduling. Also, many patients have information regarding their invoice top of mind right after their consult, the longer a patient waits to pay, the greater chance they forget why they are being prescribed a certain supplement or lab tests in their protocol. This then requires the need to schedule additional follow up consults so the patient can be refreshed on the rationale of their protocol.

3. To prevent staff time from being spent chasing after late invoices, rescheduling patients, answering questions and accommodating patients who have delayed payment.

Since we added this policy it solves the issues above. Thank you.

The intro consult requires a deposit of $20 to hold your consult. The $20 deposit can be applied as a credit to your new patient consult.

For patients who continue with care, the intro consult is complimentary.

The office has a 3 business day cancellation policy. Any last-minute cancellations or missed consults will forfeit the $20 deposit.

Supplement recommendations can range between $50 to $400 per month. Supplements are recommended specifically on a case by case basis depending on patients individual body system lab testing for the their hormones, digestion, infections, detox, and nutritional deficiencies. It's also dependent on what phase of care the patient maybe in, as some phases of care overlap. This may occur like when infections are being addressed while supporting the adrenal and digestion.

The factors that can influence supplement recommendations also include the patient's current diet, lifestyle, sleep, work and home stress. Other variables can include your age and how long you have been dealing with health challenges for.

Supplementation recommendation can also be adjusted to a patients budget. The biggest issue is making sure expectations are managed. The more health challenges a patient is currently dealing with may require more supplementation to help accelerate their healing.

Realistic expectations help patients to be more compliant on their health journey. If a patient is currently dealing with massive stress (work or relationship stress) that can't be avoided at the time, our goals maybe more to prevent health decline than actually heal and improve ones health. Everyone's at a different place in their health journey so Dr. J's goal is to help meet a patient where they are at on their journey.

Lab interpretation support for tests that are ordered outside of the office. The labs that we ordered already include the interpretation fee included in the price. If labs are ordered outside the clinic, an additional lab interpretation fee will be added to the invoice as additional time outside the consult is needed for review.

New patient initial consultation (with new patient coordinator): $299.

New patient consultations with Dr. J $399.

After hour consults are available for $100 more. New patient consults may be shorter or longer depending on patients questions and issues.

Nutrition consults with a nutritionist are available for 30-45 minutes for $175

All follow up consultations (For existing patients only) are billed in 15-minute blocks.

45-60 minute follow-up: $299

30-45 minutes follow-up: $225

1-30 minutes follow-up $150

A late fee of $5 per day will be applied to bills unpaid after 48 hours. Click here for more info on our late fee policy.

*Follow up consultations will be billed for the actual time block used, not the time block you schedule. Many patients underestimate how much time is needed to address their concerns.

Body System 1 Tests (Hormone System): Range between $100-$450.

Body System 2 Tests (Digestion & Infections): Around $400-$450

Body System 3 Tests (Detox & Nutrients): $400-450

Test recommendations are specifically recommended at the time of new patient consult and follow consults. Our recommendations are based on getting the optimal information depending on what the patient is dealing with healthwise. Our recommendations can be adjusted and consolidated to help meet the patient's budget. Doing something is always better than nothing. Creating a program where at least 1 test can be taken is a great starting point.

Supplement recommendations can range between $50 to $400 per month. Supplements are recommended specifically on a case by case basis depending on patients individual body system lab testing for the their hormones, digestion, infections, detox, and nutritional deficiencies. It's also dependent on what phase of care the patient maybe in, as some phases of care overlap. This may occur like when infections are being addressed while supporting the adrenal and digestion.

The factors that can influence supplement recommendations also include the patient's current diet, lifestyle, sleep, work and home stress. Other variables can include your age and how long you have been dealing with health challenges for.

Supplementation recommendation can also be adjusted to a patients budget. The biggest issue is making sure expectations are managed. The more health challenges a patient is currently dealing with may require more supplementation to help accelerate their healing.

Current Patient Questions

Go to www.justinhealth.com and click the schedule button. You can also go directly to www.justinhealth.com/schedule and click on the appropriate appointment you are looking to schedule. Find an open time, fill out the required information, click submit and you are in. You will get an appointment confirming your appointment as well as appointment reminders leading up to your appointment.

Typically all appointments are scheduled in your time zone according to where you are located when you schedule your appointment. If you are scheduling in a different time zone then where you live, please adjust for this.


Orders are shipped by regular USPS. If requested, we can also send you the tracking number as well.

Our office ships within 1 business day of payment from your online order unless stated otherwise. This excludes holidays.

  • Please be aware that once purchased, all sales of supplements and laboratory tests are final. We are unable to offer refunds or exchanges for these items.
  • All ingredients for Dr. J's supplements can be found in the store as well. It's the patient's responsibility to ensure there are no specific allergens in the supplements before they are shipped; the best time to address this is during the supplement program design.
  • There are no refunds for any serviced consultations.
  • Any fraudulent chargeback claims will be disputed and sent to collections.

The quickest and easiest way to order supplements or test kits is via our online store. You will receive a password from our office via email in order to gain access to the store.

Below are the following lab turn around times regarding how long it will take to process your test and receive your results. Please use these times to help you schedule your next appointment.


  • 1-2 lab tests, 30-45 minutes is need for.
  • 3 or more lab test will require at least 45-60 minutes.
  • Please schedule according to how many lab tests your have and or add extra time if you have more questions.
  • You will only be charged for the time you need, not the time you schedule, just give it your best guess.

Lab turn over time:

Blood test (5 business days from blood draw).

MDL blood or ZRT test (1.5 week from when mailed).

DRG test (10 days from when mailed).

GI MAP (4 weeks from when mailed).

Organix test (4 weeks from when mailed).

Salivary Tests: 201, 205, 208, 209 (2 weeks from when mailed).

401 H stool test: (2 weeks from when mailed).

Heavy metal urine test (2 weeks from when mailed).

International orders are shipped by USPS Mail International Priority. Please contact the office for any international shipment requests. If you require expedited shipping, please e-mail for UPS Expedited Worldwide shipping charges. International shipping fees will be charged on a separate invoice once distance and weight costs can be calculated.

Program Overview

Functional Medicine, rather than targeting individual symptoms, focuses on the optimal functioning of the entire body and its organs. It addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach in partnership with understanding the conditions and history in which the disease manifested. Genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors all have a direct influence of long-term health and chronic health issues.

Dr. Justin's Method is a functional medicine lab based health approach focused on addressing five common conditions – weight gain, fatigue, depression, female hormone and digestive problems – through restoring the 3 main body systems: hormones, digestion and detoxification.

Results vary by each person. Some people feel dramatic improvement within the first month, others may take a bit longer. Our standard programs are for a minimum of 6 months. Remember, your body didn’t fail overnight. Years of stress and illness takes its toll and it takes a proper amount of time to restore. On average it takes one month of repair for each year you’ve suffered from a specific problem.

Dr. Justin's Method addresses the 5 most chronic symptoms of weight gain, fatigue, depression, hormone imbalances and digestive problems that are typically misunderstood/misdiagnosed by conventional medicine practitioners who attempt to address the symptoms, not the root cause/damaged system. Dr. Justin's Method is a lab-based natural health protocol that tests and identifies the dysfunction of the 3 core main body systems. Typically these 3 main systems have become compromised long BEFORE the symptoms appeared. The lab tests are used to determine the required natural support needed to rebalance your body back to its normal state.

Dr. Justin's health protocol has been tested and proven with 10 years of clinical experience by over 2,000 patients. With that said, it depends on the diligence of each client in following their daily protocol and making lifestyle changes that only they can be responsible for implementing.

Dr. Justin is committed to assisting and empowering his clients to take back their health and experience life changing results if they are committed to the process.

We see a 90% plus sucess rate with patients. Some patients have multiple infections and have been sick for decades, so the speed at which someone heals will be different for each person.


These are natural, plant based products that support and balance the adrenal glands and are combined into customized wellness plans based on individual lab results.

Depending on the results of your lab tests, Dr. Justin uses different combinations of DHEA, pregnenolone, and all of the herbs, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals required for adrenal recovery.

While retesting isn’t required, it is recommended that a client retest at the 6 month mark to measure improvement and adjust protocols if needed. Once a client has achieved their desired health results, we recommend annual testing to ensure your body systems continue functioning at their best.

Initial programs range anywhere from 3-6 months depending on the degree of your health condition.

The goal of the Justin Method is to mimic the body’s natural reproduction of its own hormones and we only use products that naturally occur in the body to restore your internal production of adrenal hormones.