In this engaging podcast episode, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Amanda Bobbit from Healthy Hydration explore the critical topic of hydration, specifically focusing on the benefits of molecular hydrogen in water. Amanda shares her personal health journey, which began with significant health challenges such as mercury poisoning and adrenal fatigue. Her discovery of a water technology that produced hydrogen-rich water marked a pivotal change in her health, leading her to delve deeper into the science behind water quality and its impact on overall health. The discussion covers various aspects of water filtration, pH levels, and the importance of molecular hydrogen in enhancing health, metabolism, and cognitive function, while also addressing common misconceptions about hydration and water quality. Amanda emphasizes the significance of clean, hydrogen-rich water as a foundational element for improved health and wellness.
Personal Transformation: Amanda shares her journey from health struggles to discovering the benefits of molecular hydrogen in water.
Molecular Hydrogen: The podcast highlights the advantages of molecular hydrogen, including its antioxidant properties and role in reducing inflammation.
Water Filtration: The importance of effective water filtration systems is discussed, with insights into what contaminants are often found in tap water.
pH and Hydration: The conversation touches on the role of pH in water and how it affects the body, particularly in relation to absorption and hydration.
Electrolyte Balance: Amanda discusses the necessity of maintaining a balanced intake of electrolytes for optimal health.
Cognitive Benefits: The potential cognitive enhancements from hydrogen-rich water are explored, including improvements in focus and alertness.
Athletic Performance: The episode discusses the positive effects of hydrogen water on athletic performance and recovery.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And we are live. It's south to Justin Marjani with Amanda Bobbit from Healthy Hydration. Today we're gonna be doing a podcast, talking about hydration. We're gonna be talking about all aspects of water, hydration, alkalinity, um, molecular hydrogen, and water. So we're gonna really dive in and just have a good conversation back and forth on this.
Amanda, welcome to the podcast. How you doing Today?
Amanda Bobbett: Thank you so much for having me. I am so excited and pumped up for this. Thank you. Dr. Justin
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani Awesome. Well, first off, anyone that comes in to kind of the natural health space and you came in from the, the water aspect. So tell me about a little bit about your health journey.
Like what was your health like before and how did you make this kind of transformation to this part of the natural health world?
Amanda Bobbett: It's quite the story. You know, when I was about 21, um, I got diagnosed with mercury poisoning, adrenal fatigue. I went on and I lost my female cycle for eight years. I was told I'd never have kids.
I was depressed and very, very, very overweight. And so long story short, eight years in this very uncomfortable body, it kept searching for things, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. It was doctor after doctor, pill after pill. I was the mystery patient. Nobody could figure out what, why can't she get help here?
And so one day, um, my grandfather actually heard about this alkaline water technology. Grandpa's really scientific, very skeptical, and does for health, like he's anti health. When he bought this, invested in this machine, it was like 5, 000 at the time. Our whole family was like, why grandpa got this machine?
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: what a
Amanda Bobbett: dangerous one. So we ordered it as a family, and I drank the first glass, and I knew something was different. Because I was tired all the time, I had adrenal fatigue, I felt like I was in a cloud. I felt like I couldn't really think clear. And I felt like it just, the cloud just disappeared off my, of my brain.
I felt like, what is going on? And a little before, you know, people around me are like, what are you doing, Amanda? You're losing weight. You have more energy. Your skin's glowing. What is it? I said, I think it's this water. They looked at me like, gosh, water. Really? That's what you're doing. I said, yeah. And I have this machine.
I know it makes a lot of water. If you want, just, you know, bring a jug in here and I'll fill you up. Half had over 50 people coming to get this water. They started telling me what it was doing for their health. And I was like, are you sure it's the water, like your arthritis, your headaches, like really? And I started selling these machines and ended up, I was started going all over the world speaking and, um, create a really big brand for myself, 12 years in that business.
And then what I found out was there was 10 years of research and information that proved there was no benefit. To the alkalinity of the water, it was simply the molecular hydrogen inside of it. And so, now there's 3, 000 studies, 170 different disease models, and the technology I was representing wasn't the best in the industry because it wasn't designed to make hydrogen, it was designed to make alkaline.
So, I ended up leaving that company and started Healthy Hydration, and now we've been engorging ourselves in this information for over three years, and Healthy Hydration operates all over the world, and we're just excited to share health with people one glass of water at a time. Dr.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Justin Marchegiani Good.
So, let's kind of dive in, right? Dr. Justin Marchegiani Dr. Justin Marchegiani What was your diet like, what was your nutrition and lifestyle like? Because I find most of America, like most of the hydration they consume, it's like just processed sugar, right? Either it's like soda and overt stuff like that, or they try to be healthier and then go Diet Coke, which means they're eating a bunch of artificial sweeteners that negatively impact, you know, their brain from excitotoxicity to, their gut, right?
Because it's a bunch of chlorine molecules, especially with aspartame or Splenda, if you will. Or they're just eating a bunch of, you know, consuming a bunch of Gatorade, processed sugar, and so that's like really bad, right? So if you just get someone and you just do water, even like just junky water, and from like processed sugar, like that's one step up, right?
And then you have another step up from that is like, okay, now you're actually getting the crap out of the water, you're getting the PFAS out, you're getting the pesticide runoff, the homeopathic residue of drugs, whatever else, like you have your, your charcoal based filters, and you have like your reverse osmosis.
And then we can go up into like minerals, electrolytes, molecular hydrogen. So first off, like let's talk about the filtration. Like what's in, well, first off, people are mostly consuming sugar water. So we got that transition. Was that you, were you consuming like lots of processed sugar, going to Starbucks, getting your 40 grams of sugar in a latte, like what was your.
this transition.
Amanda Bobbett: diet and hydration. I was a bodybuilder. Actually I was on stage competing and when you're a bodybuilder diet, you really don't care what you're putting in as long as there's no calories. Yeah. So when you say artificial sweeteners, I was consuming a bag of sweeteners. Splendid. Every couple of days I was making protein, putting, I mean, gum, two packs of gum a day diet soda pop, like it was going out of style because it was hungry and I didn't know I couldn't eat, you know?
So I went on and did some research later and I actually created my own sugar brand using allulose because I realized those are neurotoxins killing brain cells. But yeah, I was overtalked. I was over toxic and that's, you know, when I, my hair started falling out and I wasn't able to go to the bathroom, it'd be a week and a half before I go to the bathroom.
I knew something was off and that's when I started diving into the research and information about what is these, what are, why, why am I putting this in my body? And what is it doing? What's the side effects? So that's what I started. So when I was about 17, 18, I started working out and then when I was 21, That's when I was like, okay, I'm, I'm sick.
I got something wrong with me. I look good. Everyone's like, wow, you look so great. I'm like, thanks. But when I went to the doctors and they said, you're gonna, you're gonna die if you keep going this way. That's when I said, okay, I have to, I have to stop here. And that's when I became clinically obese and eight years I just couldn't get the weight off and until I got to the hydrogen one.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin And so what was your first kind of transition where you said, okay, I'm going to knock off all the crappy diet stuff, all the sugar water. What was that transition like for you? Were you just going and having bottled water? Were you just, did you invest in a really good filter, like an RO filter?
What was that transition for you like? Dr. Lizz Dexter
Amanda Bobbett: Mazza You know, I would go to the refrigerator and I would just drink the refrigerator water. Dr.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Mazza Or I would go Dr. Justin Marchegiani A basic kind of like Breda or like carbon filter. Dr. Lizz Dexter
Amanda Bobbett: Mazza And I don't even think I changed it. It was, it was, it didn't taste good and I know when I was bodybuilding, I would do that and I'd put crystal light in there just to make it taste better, you know, so I was just drinking crystal light all day.
Um, I'd also go to the grocery store and I'd get the one gallon, you know, bottles of water and then I'd put it in the car, not realizing, oh, it's probably melting the plastic right into the water, you know. So that was a, a big staple when I started researching and learning that there's all these toxic chemicals in plastic like xenoestrogens things that I had no idea about.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. I find the big thing. There's just so much crap in the water, right? If we can just like with my patients out of the gate, if we can just one cut out the sugar,
Amanda Bobbett: the
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: artificial sweeteners, we can get good clean filtered water, get the, the, the PFAS, the Um, the VOCs, any of the plastics, the microplastics, any of that crap out.
I mean, we got pesticide, you know, 2018 article, half the people in Texas, their water supplies loaded with above the EPA limit of atrazine, which is like a chemical that screws up hormones, right? So we have all these nasty things here. So we get the water clean. And then what was your next step? So let's talk about like pH.
So water's got a pH of like 7. 5 or so, 7. 35. Our blood's right in that area, 7 ish. Maybe neutral to slightly alkaline. Some waters we add in electrolytes. I typically recommend adding in at least a good quality pinch of sea salt. I find a lot of patients are very low in potassium, magnesium, all those kind of things.
Those can have a slight alkaline kind of, ash to it. Let's talk about what your experience was adjusting the pH. What's that like?
Amanda Bobbett: Yeah. So as far as the alkaline water technology on the marketplace, um, if it's going through electrolysis and ionization, it's, it's creating, um, alkaline water, but it has no buffering capacity, meaning that when you put it in your body, it just goes erner.
It doesn't, it doesn't change your chemistry at all. But if you wanted to change your pH per se, you know, adding things to the water would be a benefit. Definitely. Um, hydrogen water doesn't alter the pH. Whatever pH water goes into it is going to come out of it. So it's really, you know, up to your clients and what they require.
But I didn't, um, I didn't notice any difference in the change of the pH with the alkaline water. It's just that hydrogen that's in it that creates the benefits. Dr. Justin
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani So how are you putting the hydrogen in it? I mean, I've seen all kinds of interesting, you know, biohackers talk about adding hydrogen, whether it's in the form of a supplement, getting a water machine.
Let's talk about how does that hydrogen get in the water? I mean, you hear of like, you know, you've heard of like the Kangen machines that will use like hydrolysis that will shift the pH. How is that different than like a typical Kangen water machine? .
Amanda Bobbett: Yeah. So that was actually the company I was rep, um, representing was the canon.
I became one the top producer in the company. But this is originally,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: yep. Mm-hmm. So when you, when you, okay, so that was the first kind of company you got in with? Yes. And that's using ionization to shift the pH up. Got it. And then how does, how does molecular hydrogen differ from that?
Amanda Bobbett: So in the traditional hydrogen water, you just have an anode and a cathode separated by a membrane.
Mm-hmm. It's called a PE membrane. So you just have two um, electrodes there, and then what happens is it. passes those electrodes and the hydrogen gives off an electron and goes into the drinking water. With uh, alkaline water technology, there's usually electrodes, seven of them, ten of them, twelve of them.
Water goes, passes through and it creates alkaline water, um, stream and acid water stream, so it separates the two. And so you're drinking the alkaline, but it also has hydrogen in it. The problem is, is that because there's, So many electrodes and you have such high mineral concentration going in those electrodes will get hot And then they will start to bake the calcium onto the electrodes and then if people aren't cleaning them This is one of the reasons I couldn't continue is because there's lots of mold that was building up I started taking the machines apart and realizing oh my gosh My client that just came to me after 10 years of drinking this water has stage four cancer.
And she says, I've only drink this water. What's going on? And I said, well, did you ever clean the machine? She's like, well, it says it cleans it. And I said, well, it does, but that's not replacing the cleaning that you do every two weeks.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And
Amanda Bobbett: she never cleaned it, never had a deep cleaning. So then I'm taking it apart and it was dead fish smell.
There was mold. Everywhere, black mold. And I was just like, Oh my gosh, how could this be? So I ended up taking apart 40 machines. Um, I had a trade in program said, Hey, bring me the machine. We can upgrade your technology and I'll take this apart. And I found in almost all of the machines, there was some traces of mold or bacteria.
And so, um, with the hydrogen water technology, because that membrane it separates and it repels those minerals off. And so you can get a lot cleaner water that way too. And you don't have all those minerals that build up.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hmm. Okay, so let's kind of talk about the hydrogen in the water, right? So water is what?
H2O. Right? So you get one hydrogen, you get two oxygen, right? How is that different than your typical water? I mean, are we making it, are we, are we adding more hydrogen to it? Like how, does it change the actual molecular formula? What's happening?
Amanda Bobbett: So it depends on the technology. We have the newest technology here, this unit right here, and what is unique and different is that there is a separate chamber just to make hydrogen, and it goes through a distilled water.
And it makes a hydrogen and it goes across a tube and it fuses that hydrogen molecules just suspended hydrogen into your drinking water. And then you get that way. And so the water you drink never comes in contact with the electrodes. Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Got it. And so essentially it's the filtration is distillation.
So is it heating it and then kind of creating a steam and then collecting? The water via steam. Is that how it's cleaning the water first?
Amanda Bobbett: Um, no, it doesn't. Um, well, it does heat. This one gets to 212 degrees. So yes, it does heat. But to be able to create that hydrogen, no, it just goes through the electrolysis process.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: But for the, for the filtration, it's distilling it via, it's filtering it via distillation, which is a heating mechanism, right?
Amanda Bobbett: Um, it has a RO system into it. And so it has Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: so it's got RO, so reverse osmosis, so multi kind of semipermeable membranes, and then it's also heating it too?
Dr. Justin Marchegiani Okay. Alright, cool. So you had a couple of different avenues to clean out any of the toxins. And then how do the hydrogens come in again? I know you talked about the electrodes. If you can repeat that one more time. Dr.
Amanda Bobbett: Laura Zeigler Yep. So as the water passes through the anode and the cathode, and you infuse that hydrogen molecule into the drinking water.
So it goes to a separate chamber that's in there. the gas chamber and it infuses it into the drinking water. Dr. Justin Marchegiani And is the
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: formula still the same? Is it still H2O what's happening?
Amanda Bobbett: Dr. Sarah Hill It's H2O with a lot of extra hydrogen molecules which bond to free radicals and turn them into water.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Justin Marchegiani Okay, got it. And so essentially, it's adding more antioxidant properties to the water, right? Antioxidant means it's a molecule that has an extra electron that is water. Open to binding and then it has that free capacity to bind to extra free radicals. Is that what we're doing?
Amanda Bobbett: Yes Yes, and hydrogen has 200 different roles in the body So it's responsible for many different actions and it can go it's so small it can go everywhere in the body There's been a lot of information on brain health People with Alzheimer's.
I was fortunate to meet last year in Czech Republic with the number one research scientist, Dr. Professor Oda, and he pretty much discovered hydrogen microscope 19 years ago, and he's been doing a lot of research in Alzheimer's. And he also endorses our product here, which is brand new to the U S market.
It's a European product. Um, we are exclusive reps for this, but it gives your body everything it needs to make its own hydrogen. So you take it in a supplement while not putting it in water because that isn't very stable. You take it internally and your good gut bacteria that thrive on hydrogen consume the nutrients and then make hydrogen as a result.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very cool. Yeah, we'll put your link to some of the products that you talk about justinhealth. com slash healthy hydration. We'll put a link right down below the podcast you guys listening. I think the the technology and the science on molecular hydrogen. It's been there for a while.
It's very interesting. You talked about the anti inflammatory or the neuroprotective benefits. There are some studies supporting that with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's could do to this antioxidant properties, meaning it's giving up that extra electron to stabilize the free radicals, but also hydrogen is also very anti inflammatory.
Can you talk about how it's reducing inflammation?
Amanda Bobbett: Through the same mechanism, because oxidation creates inflammation.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Inflammation.
Amanda Bobbett: Yeah, so when you reduce oxidation, then inflammation goes down. Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, cool. What other benefits? I've seen some interesting studies talking about how it enhances metabolism a little bit and how it helps improve fat and glucose metabolism.
Can you talk about that?
Amanda Bobbett: There are several different reasons why it does that, especially like with weight loss with me. I'm 119 pounds and I was 180 pounds and I literally try my best to keep you know, gain weight, but this is my healthy weight. So my body just stays here. But when you have a cleansed liver, your body can metabolize those toxins better.
And that's one of the great things that can do is it goes in there and helps clean the liver. Also, what you can get in the, get the toxins out. Your body is not fighting so hard to take that body fat and store it. Um, you know, those toxins in the body fat. So it's cleansing your system is really what's doing.
And through the Krebs cycle, your body uses, um, hydrogen as a, as a, Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yeah,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: a lot of interesting benefits here. I mean, I've seen this one study they did on rats where they had rats that had myocardial infarctions, essentially a heart attack, and that they found essentially in the rats less fibrosis and improved heart function post heart attack when they added hydrogen into the water.
That was interesting. Interesting. And there's a couple of other studies as well. There was one study in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Nutrition, 12 week study, where they looked at hydrogen rich water could improve metabolic syndrome. They saw improvements in cholesterol, glucose metabolism, and inflammation.
And so we'll put some of those studies in the description, uh, down below if people wanna look at it. There are some good data on it, and I think it's fascinating, you know, there's a lot of things you can do. I kinda say, the first thing is, you drink water over crappy sugar water, and then get that water cleaner.
And then there's other things like we talked about here on the hydrogen side, uh, which I think is another step above. What about just getting electrolytes in? What about getting more potassium, getting some sodium chloride, adding a little bit of an electrolyte support, and what are your thoughts on that?
Amanda Bobbett: I think it's a great idea, especially, you know, if you're eating a really clean diet, you might require more minerals and their spark looks to life. So absolutely putting potassium, magnesium, um, you know, with a great filter system, it's taking out some of these minerals because, you know, The fluoride that's in the water.
It's very tiny little molecule and you need a really robust filtration system in order to get to get it out. And so when we're cleaning the water that much, if you add in those minerals back, then your water is more, more mole. So yeah, that's a great, great thing to do is just getting more electrolytes, electro energy in your life.
It helps you have more energy. Dr. Justin
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani I love it. Very good. What are the other people, people that you work with, patients you work with, what other things do you see benefit from a mechanistic standpoint? Any other big mechanisms? We talked about metabolism, talked about, you know, I've seen some stuff on athletic performance.
We talked about neuroprotective, antioxidant. What else?
Amanda Bobbett: Dr. Laura Meir The fastest thing we've seen happen is brain health. Because cognitive function, as soon as you consume it, it goes to your gut, produces the hormone that goes to your brain. It makes you very focused and alert called grillin. And so, yeah, it absolutely helps your brain be more focused.
And that's really helpful in today's world because people are distracted, you know, they're on all kinds of different medications, energy for sure. You know, people that were drinking monsters and Red Bulls and diet pills and all these toxic things we're putting in all of a sudden overnight, they're like, I don't.
I don't been craving them. So that's a really great athletes. Oh gosh. You know, they're in the gym, working out hard, they're recovering faster. They're not getting as sore. So they're able to train harder and train longer. So it's been able to increase their performance three, 10 times full. It's just incredible.
We're seeing their sleeping patterns. You know how important it is to have good sleep and it helps your body sleep, your melatonin levels. So that's very helpful there too. Um, digestive issues. You know, for me, I went. A week and a half, like I said, without going to the bathroom, it'd be a week and a half.
Oof, and I'd feel so bad, but I'd be bleeding and got my first colonoscopy when I was in my 20s and no problems now. Hydrogen is so fantastic at helping your body release the extra toxins and waste and helps your body metabolize the food a lot more effectively.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's great. Very good. And what are some like anything else you want to comment on electrolytes?
What are some of the big electrolytes you think people are lower in? Do you see it's more just the sodium chloride? Do you see more potassium, magnesium? What are some of the ones you see really? You see just more deficient overall.
Amanda Bobbett: I think like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, probably the staple electrolytes that people, you know, because we have a lot of stress and when your body's under stress, you know, it's going to be more vulnerable to losing those minerals, those electrolytes.
So having your diet, you know, strong in those, having a good supplement you're adding to the water would always increase your electrolytes. So I think those would be probably the staples. Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, there's a couple of studies I wanna take a look at. I just kinda talked about a few here a minute ago, but I'm gonna pull a couple up so you guys can see it.
Alright, so here's one study here talking about fatigue and aerobic capacity. This is a systemic review. That means we're looking at multiple studies. So really interesting. It um, provides evidence for alleviating fatigue. Didn't really talk about the aerobic, but it talked about definite improvement in fatigue which is, which is, which is cool.
I like to see that. Thank you. Uh, and then also here's the study we talked about in regards to hydrogen water or molecular hydrogen in blood and lipid profiles. This is cool. Talking about our results give further credence of high concentrated hydrogen rich water made promising effects on improving risk factors of metabolic syndrome.
That's the A1C. That's the cholesterol. That's the triglycerides. That's pretty cool, too.
Amanda Bobbett: It's incredible. With someone with diabetes, just giving them a couple of glasses of water and seeing a change in their numbers just almost immediately. It's amazing.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, and then this one, too. This is a pretty cool one.
I'll pull this one up here. So I want to be about the science. I want to try to look at things objectively. Here's one study here. We'll go to the conclusion if I can. Um, but essentially, if I can get a conclusion, hydrogen rich water, 4 weeks, improvement in mood, anxiety, autonomic nervous system function, and this is a quality of living.
So improvements in overall good health and improvements in mood and anxiety, which is kind of cool. So it's our benefits in ongoing stress and chronic fatigue. talking about further studies. So that's cool. There's some nice data on it. I like it. I like when I see data supporting some of the things that we're chatting about.
Any comments there?
Amanda Bobbett: Dr. Julie Kinnunen Well, you know, along with anxiety comes cortisol and adrenaline. And you know, the fight or flight and we're constantly in those hormones and it's very addicting those hormones. And so your body keeps creating the thought create the feeling. But knowing that hydrogen is able to help lower the stress response that creates the, you know, anxiety, uh, it's very helpful for people, especially with myself because I was dealing with a lot of anxiety.
Um, before hydrogen water came into my life. Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Can you also take it supplementally? Dr. Rachel
Amanda Bobbett: Levine Oh yeah. Well you can in a pill form. Dr.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Justin Marchegiani Yeah. How does that work?
Amanda Bobbett: So with our tabs here, you just take it internally and this gives your buddy all the things it needs to make it so you
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: can't take it in tabs if you want.
Like let's say you're like, I got a water filter or like maybe I just want to add it to my water. How does that work?
Amanda Bobbett: So if you're just taking a tab and putting it in your water, I've actually just got to make some videos for my YouTube channel and that it's sitting there and you are also taking, um, Magnesium that's not able to go into other countries.
So it's banned that type of magnesium and then it sits in there and it's losing a lot of the gas in the environment and it just doesn't taste good at all. So it's not something you can, you know, me myself, I wouldn't want to take it every day, whereas this it's producing a lot more hydrogen in your body and it helps your own microbiome, your gut be more healthy.
So you're actually creating such a good ecosystem in your, in your body.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's very good. Excellent. So hydrogen tabs are interesting. I like that. It's really cool. So we can always just add it to what we're already doing to our routine. Um, is it obviously probably a lot cheaper, at least initially with buying the supplement?
I mean, obviously you're probably cheaper buying a bigger system, but you got to invest in it. And then over time it gets cheaper over time, right?
Amanda Bobbett: Yeah. Well, you know, for, for what I've been seeing is that. The, if you go to your city and you ask for a water quality report, they are mandated to give it to you.
The city doesn't want you to know really what's in the water. They're only testing 91 chemicals out of the 60, 000 that are in there. And for my local city here, we have the highest concentration of PFAS I've ever seen. We're in the hazards. And yet their brochure says we have excellent high quality water, we're proud of it.
And then you do dig, dig, dig. And you're like, what? We're You have hazardous levels of PFOS and we're all drinking it, but yet it's safe and it's great quality? What's going on? Well, the EPA says you don't have to let anybody know until 2029, because that's when this goes into effect. But for now, we can just toxic everywhere, poison everyone drinking it, and not let them know about it.
And so I think just getting a filter in your home is the first staple to your health, you know, and we do that too. We have whole house water systems that we customize to the specific water that we're looking at. We tested and those filters last for five years or more with no maintenance. And then even after that, you're looking to two to five hundred bucks is all to keep going.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And PFAS are polyfluoroalkyl substances. That's essentially the forever chemicals from the nonstick like you could think of DuPont with the nonstick stuff. I think it's, what's that movie with Mark Ruffalo, the lawsuit woman, they talk about going after that company,
Amanda Bobbett: uh, the black waters or dark, black water.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. Yeah. Black, dark waters. Yeah. So that's a good like, kind of, um, theatrical kind of storyline of how that all came to be from a lawsuit standpoint. So yeah, not so good. Do you typically recommend like a good RO filter to get that out? Is that what you like?
Amanda Bobbett: That's really the only thing. Yes. And we can do whole house ROs, too.
The downfall is that it's gonna be 20, 000 30, 000 later. So we usually say Dr. Justin Marchegiani A lot of waste, too. Dr. Anneke Vandenbroek Yes. Dr. Justin Marchegiani It's a lot of waste, right? Usually 70
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 80%. So you're almost better off countertop RO, whole house carbon, right? Dr. Anneke
Amanda Bobbett: Vandenbroek Exactly.
And we actually Dr. Justin Marchegiani Carbon still
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: gets some junk out. It's still gonna get some stuff out. It's probably not good enough to be your strict drinking water supply, so have an under the counter RO or distilled water system that's gonna be less wasteful, right? More cost effective.
Amanda Bobbett: Yep. And that's exactly what we do.
So we have the whole house water system. And then because we have our technology here with the hydrogen, then you just take that water, you put it in the unit here and then you have RO and you can drink from that. You can put your minerals back in there if you'd like. But that way we know for certainty that we're getting out these contaminants like PFAS and fluoride and so many others that are in there.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. And how does RO different reverse osmosis than like your basic carbon? What's the difference? How's it working? Evan
Amanda Bobbett: The RO system has a very, very small membrane and there's this pressure. So the smaller the membrane, the more particles you can get out. And so it's able to really, uh, reduce the contamination of water.
Whereas like your carbon filter, it's just carbon, so you're not pressing the pressure, it's not going through as small of a membrane, but it's able to bind up quite a few of the toxins and the free radicals.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And the carbons typically come in from like coconut shells or.
Amanda Bobbett: Yeah, there's coconut shells and there's, there's all kinds of different, um, systems out there.
We use a nucleation crystallization activation technology in ours, which also conditions the water. So people with hard water, most everyone has it, 90 percent of the U. S. population has it. And it breaks, um, the pipes down internally that creates pinhole pipe leaks in the water line, the sewer line. You can, you can get a lot of contamination just from that alone in just knowing that, oh my gosh, all those minerals that are binding in there, creating these, um, also can ruin your appliances and things like that.
So we have a technology that, um, conditions the water so you don't have to add salt to the water because a lot of people are adding the salt and they're drinking that, and it's not the best form of salt to be consuming. So we, um, have a special technology for that.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very cool. Excellent. I'm going to pull up one and then how about distillation?
How's that different?
Amanda Bobbett: Distillation is, you know, like heating up the water, which, yeah, it's very, very clean water. The problem, what I see is most people that do get distilled water, they don't have a distiller. They're getting it from a plastic. I see it in the store, the baby water, you know, babies, and they're giving them, and they're infusing fluoride in there too.
And it's like, it's one plastic. And because distilled water's so pure, which is great when it sits in plastic, plastic is
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: can pull, right?
Amanda Bobbett: Chemical and water's a solvent. So it's gonna leach these chemicals in. And you're actually getting more plastic with distilled water because in a bottle then if you would just drink, tap waters in a bottle.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, so if you get to steal from the store, bring a glass bottle to, to gather it. Essentially not, not plastic. Dr.
Amanda Bobbett: Justin Marchegiani Yes, exactly. Dr. Justin
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani Yeah. That makes sense. I'm gonna pull up one other study, too, that was interesting. Because we talked about some of the neuroprotective qualities.
Here's one study. One second. Here's one study here looking at hydrogen rich saline preventing neurovascular dysfunction. Now this is a rat study, take it with a grain of salt, but they have rats that are essentially diabetic. This is kind of cool. And so we know diabetes creates lots of inflammation and plaquing in the brain.
So we have these diabetic rats, and when you have high blood sugar, the insulin degrading enzyme in your brain It cleans up high sugar, also cleans up the plaque and inflammation. So when you're so busy dealing with insulin because you're diabetic, you don't have the ability to clean up the brain. So then they added in this saline that was hydrogen rich, and they saw based on its inhibition of oxidative stress and upregulation of antioxidant enzymes, hydrogen rich saline has potential therapeutic value for treating diabetes.
Uh, these essential diabetic rats with brain inflammation. So that was pretty cool. They had this, you know, um, blood brain breakdown, they had retina issues, eye issues. So really cool. So I like to see the data kind of supporting it. So that's nice to see. Dr. Justin
Amanda Bobbett: Marchegiani And we all drink water. You know, it makes up 75 percent of our body.
So yes, food is so important, but yet our body is almost all water. So at least you can change one thing, like let that be the staple of your life. Just clean up your water and see how far that gets us.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So let's say I just wanted to like, just to kind of dip my feet in, right? I don't want to invest a lot of money into a machine, but I want to just try some of the molecular hydrogen.
With those tabs, how does that work? Do I put one a day, once, twice a day? What's the good dosage to get a good therapeutic level of molecular hydrogen?
Amanda Bobbett: Well, the therapeutic level that's used in the studies is 0. 5 parts per million per liter. And so the bottle here that you see, This one can get three to five parts per million.
So 0. 5 is what you need. This gets three to five. So even just one of these a day is great. Um, the tabs here can produce up to 30 milligrams. So one tab, 30, and it stays in your blood for six hours.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So you need 0. 5, right? You said, so 30, so like one a day could be enough or one twice a day?
Amanda Bobbett: Yeah, one a day, one twice a day.
You know, we tell people just follow what your body likes. You know, cause you can't get too much. That's the great thing about it. If you have too much, you're just going to breathe it right out. Dr.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Justin Marchegiani What's the pricing range for the tabs versus like the whole machine? What's the pricing range?
Amanda Bobbett: Nicole Lotto So for the bottle like this, 229 is the price here. And these are only 60. And then our machines here range in price from 2400 to 3500 and we have a whole house water system plus everything. Special pack and you know, we kind of customize things range from 4, typically. So.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Do the machines have an RO built into it as well?
Amanda Bobbett: Yes.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay, so you're getting the filtration plus you're getting the molecular hydrogen, and that's just going to go for how long? How long do you have to do maintenance on that?
Amanda Bobbett: For the unit, there's literally no maintenance on something like this. Because of the process that we use, because it's distilled water that we're using electrolysis, there's no minerals that build up.
So you're looking at putting new distilled water in it every two to three months, topping it off. And then just the normal filters, but you're looking about every three months, every 12 months, depending on how often that you're, you're using the unit.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And talk about the Kangen machines, because you were talking about them getting moldy.
So that's an issue with Kangen. So anyone that has that kind of machine, you got to really open it up, clean it out, right? Yeah. Most people avoid that. I don't do that.
Amanda Bobbett: You don't know what you don't know until you know, that's what I say. No, um, wasn't really presented as. When we were presenting the technology is like, if you don't clean it, this is what's going to happen.
So the unit, the electrolysis ionization process, they say, the machine says it cleans it every two or three days. It cleans itself. Well, that's just flushing acid water through the system, which is not cleaning the unit. So you want to make sure you're putting citric acid through that unit every month, minimum.
And then once a year, you want to send that machine to ENAGIC technology. You send it in to California and you have them deep clean it. Okay. And they have a pressure washer pretty much that goes in there and sprays, you know, pshht, pshht, citric acid and cleans off those electrodes. If you're not doing that, there will be mold in there because I've taken it.
Dr. Justin
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani So most don't do that. Now, why is the molecular hydrogen different than that?
Amanda Bobbett: What's
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: the mechanism? Why is that less susceptible to the mold and the cleaning issues?
Amanda Bobbett: Well, for one, because we're not producing alkaline water. When you produce alkaline water, you're also creating more minerals, more calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dr. Justin Marchegiani It's the pH shift that's making it because acidity actually decreases microbes, right? And so when you're going more alkaline, now that you're you're creating a more prone rich environment for microbes to grow, essentially.
Amanda Bobbett: Yes, that. And you have to have those minerals in that technology in order to create the process because they help create energy.
So if you put distilled water, reverse osmosis in one of those machines, it would do nothing. The water would come in the same way it goes out, would have no antioxidants into it. So you have to use that. And unfortunately, because you have to have those minerals, you can't get a good quality filter on those machines because You can't get the chemicals out, so you can't.
So, not only are you getting those chemicals, and when you ionize, ionization electrolysis is going to make things more bioavailable, there's potential that instead of drinking this much, you know, chlorine, or whatever chemicals in there, you're drinking a lot more, because it's making that water more bioavailable for the body.
So, it's really not, and now that I know what I know, you know, it's, it's not a good technology if you really are looking for the best quality health.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. I would definitely stay up with the maintenance of it if, if you're willing to make that investment. That makes sense. Well, awesome, Amanda. I'm gonna give some information again.
People wanna dive in with the molecular hydrogen tabs or look at some of the deeper technology, justinhealth. com slash healthy hydration. Put the link down below. I think that's really interesting science, uh, really compelling, makes a lot of sense. Especially the hydrogen tabs, at least starting there, trying it out.
I'm definitely going to give that a try. I think that makes a lot of sense. Anything else you want to leave the listeners with? Dr.
Amanda Bobbett: Justin Marchegiani Just that we're able to help you. If you want to give us email, give us a call, we have support anywhere you need it. We can give you a free water report, too, so we can actually do some, some, some Digging and find out what's really in your water.
And you know, if you're going through some health challenges, we'd be happy to help you. Dr. Justin Marchegiani
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Any other good like podcast or blog post on the topic if people want to dive in more to get more info?
Amanda Bobbett: Dr. Michele Rosenthal Yeah. Actually, I can give you a link to a webinar that we did with Professor Oda, the number one research scientist and doctor.
He talks about tumors in their cancer tumors. He talks about diabetes, blood sugar issues. He talks a lot about the tablets here. There's also a lot of research coming out with inhalation. So we do a lot of inhalation. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Yes, I've
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: heard of that.
Amanda Bobbett: the brain health. So yeah, um, they want to just healthy hydration.
We have a lot of blog posts on there too, so they can go there and find lots of information. Dr. Justin
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Marchegiani That's great. We'll put the links down below in the description and, and, or a pinned comment if you're watching on podcast. Awesome, Amanda. Thank you so much for being a part of today's podcast.
I appreciate the, the great information shared back and forth and have a great day.
Amanda Bobbett: Amanda Blankenship Thank you so much.