Natural Solutions for Diarrhea | Podcast #239

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Diarrhea is a common sickness that deals with disruptions in your gastrointestinal system. Diarrhea is characterized by frequent, watery stools, abdominal cramping, and bloating. In most cases, diarrhea can be treated at home and it will resolve itself in a few days. You might experience Diarrhea as a result of a viral or bacterial infection, sometimes, it’s because of food poisoning. If left untreated, it can cause pain and dehydration to a patient. 

Learn more about the natural solutions for diarrhea, what to do when you have diarrhea, and look through what natural medicine can do with curing diarrhea. More info with Dr. Justin himself and Evan Brand.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

00:20 Everything about Diarrhea

05:01 Common medications

09:29 Chronic Infections

20:25 Food and natural solutions

26:36 Essential Oils


Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Hey guys it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani here. Welcome back to the podcast. Evan, how are we doing today my man?

Evan Brand:
I am doing great. We're here to talk about a glorious topic that somebody has to cover because if we don't cover it, well then who the heck is going to get to the bottom of their gut issues.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
I know everything about diarrhea it's there all the key things about diarrhea. What you can do? Why is it happening. Natural solutions. You really want to focus on getting to the root cause.

Evan Brand:
I had IBS for a long time, probably a decade.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Oh by the way just to kind of chime in before we dive in on the diarrhea aspect is we're really working on upgrading the audio quality today everyone. So you're listening on YouTube. We'll put a little podcast link as well so you can listen to the higher grade audio give us some feedback on it, let us know what you think and if you really enjoy it, please give us some extra shares.

Evan Brand:
This should be like the ultimate studio quality based on how we're recording it now.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Yeah. So we've changed kind of how our recording methods. If you guys like it, let us know. We appreciate it.

Evan Brand:
So I had IBS for prolly like a decade. IBS is really a terrible stupid term because it really just means that you don't have a clue why you're suffering from gut issues. So, we will mention constipation just because it's often for people to alternate where one week or one day, they may have diarrhea, and then the next day, or the next week, they may have constipation. So a lot of people do alternate like that and there's many different causes. So our goal today is to try to break down some of these big triggers, and then talk about some of the testing options to investigate this problem, and then talk about some of the solutions, like what are the palliative things, what are the little low hanging fruits that you can do, but then what are the root cause strategies you have to implement as well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Exactly. So one of the first things that's happening with diarrhea is obviously motility is fast. Now the problem with that is, you're going to you're going to have malabsorption. It's gonna be harder to break down protein absorb fat ionized minerals and absorb a lot of these key minerals for healthy metabolic function, thyroid function, mitochondrial function. So it's really easy to have brain fog, fatigue, and to not feel like yourself. And especially to this inflammation of your body sucking out a lot of these minerals, pulling water into your small intestine and colon to kind of get whatever irritant is out. So then if these minerals are low, that can lead to more [inaudible] issues as well and minerals are important for healthy blood pressure. So if you're getting dizzy, or standing up fast or having heart palpitations, or feeling anxious. These are all common side effects with diarrhea. Now we look at the long term effects of diarrhea or long term solutions or I should say solution slash causes, because they're connected, are going to be chronic infections; parasites bacterial overgrowth H Pylori. We're going to see a combination of low enzymes, low hydrochloric acid, levels and obviously inflammation in the gut. And the more inflamed the gut is the more things will be shuffled through the intestinal tract at a faster rate making it harder to absorb a lot of these nutrients. And when these nutrients aren't absorbed, it creates this downward spiral because we need these nutrients for healthy metabolism, healthy adrenal, healthy thyroid right, selenium, magnesium zinc for healthy thyroid, magnesium for healthy mitochondria.  Well now we start to have more and more nutrient deficiencies which continue to make these problems worse and worse and worse every single week. So it's really this downward spiral and we have our chronic issues like I mentioned. And then we have acute issues, food issues, could be like food poisoning, like an E.Coli or salmonella, or [inaudible] chemical Baxter type of infection that causes an acute diarrhea, could be a gluten sensitivity issue as well. We're gonna expose to a food allergen like dairy or gluten casein etc. and that's creating inflammation that's causing your intestinal tract to not be happy and to move things out faster. Also bacterial overgrowth typically with hydrogen gas, dominance regarding SIBO, the hydrogen gas can really affect motility and typically cause things to move along faster.

Evan Brand:
Yep. All great points. In my case I had H Pylori. So we know that was messing up all my acid production which is why I wasn't digesting my food very well, once I got rid of the H pylori, then I retested the stool and that's where I showed up with those parasites like crypto and giardia. And then once I got rid of those, finally I was able to get the diarrhea under control, and so I told the story to you many times on different podcasts we've done together where when I was in college I would have to figure out where the bathroom was, and that was just part of my lifestyle. I just thought OK, just find the bathroom and you'll be fine. And many people they take the Pepto-Bismol or the Ammonium AD or whatever other type of prescription or over-the-counter anti diarrheal medication, and they just live with it. They keep it in their purse, they keep it in their backpack, and they just assume I just need this medication. And we always want to point out diarrhea is not a deficiency of anti diarrheal medication. There is something going on. So don't just keep putting duct tape over the check engine light. You have to address why your check engine light is on in the first place.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
What are the most common antiviral medications. We have things like Pepto-Bismol, all right. These are gonna be anti diarrhea, Maalox would be another big one, those are the big kind of like over-the-counter types. Now one of the things that we'll use in natural medicine which I think is great, is if we have some kind of toxin or irritant. The easiest way to help decrease that effect on the motility is bind it up. So we'll use activated charcoal or bentonite clay taken with that food or questionable food were taken while motility is on the faster side and that can really help slow things up.

Evan Brand:
I've got my favorite one right here on my desk. Toxins Bind from Beyond Balance. You can only get it through practitioners but this is a game changer for me, one, the detox mode. Two, it's very helpful to slow things down just a little bit. It's not going to get you to a point where you're constipated. You know some people can't get constipated on binders if we are doing some type of detox protocol, but it's very easy to mitigate that. Just throw in some extra magnesium and vitamin C and usually it's no problem at all. It's kind of like a gas pedal. You know some people they're so into diarrhea territory they need full those binders multiple times a day to slow them down enough to have normal stools. But if you're on the other side where you may tend towards one loose stool here or there, and then you get slowed down too much, then just throw in the extra vitamin C magnesium and you'll be in the sweet spot.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Exactly so the big thing is we'll throw in the binders like we talked about. Also dehydration is big. So we may add an extra minerals whether it's Redmon's Real Salt you know a full teaspoon with water shoot it down, a lot of conventional people are gonna go in the direction of PD light, which is going to have a lot of junky dyes and high fructose corn syrup and not the highest quality minerals so we want more natural minerals support. So Redmond's real salt is a great way of doing that. You can also sip apple cider vinegar is excellent. Get some really good mineral support you can sip sauerkraut juice is excellent. There's also some really good electrolyte formulas that are kind of blended together don't have all the extra dyes and flavors and sugar in there. So those are good options as well. And if we need some extra glucose or extra carbohydrate we'll just throw in some coconut water. Coconut water is your natural electrolyte formula with glucose or with sugar in there because it got a little bit of coconut sugar, but it's not going to be on the natural side and it won't have all fructose corn syrup in there that's kind of going to be extracted from corn, right. So you'll get some extra potassium from the coconut water and then we can always throw in some extra Redman's real salt or even some new salt which is potassium chloride based salt so we can get our potassium and we can up our magnesium, and our sodium, and our chloride, and our magnesium ,and our sulfates. These are great ways we can get our minerals up. Also extra Pellegrino or Topo Chico good quality mineral water. On top of that will be really helpful for rehydration and getting your electrolytes.

Evan Brand:
When my tummy is upset. I'll go for ginger tea. I'll do a double bag a ginger tea, or even mix one bag of chamomile with one bag of ginger and then just throw in like a half or a quarter teaspoon of raw honey. And that's pretty good too. You know some argue there's a lot of different minerals and trace nutrients and stuff in honey. I don't really use honey as a source of nutrition though, I just use it to taste good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Yes I think that's great. Now ginger is excellent as well. Typically ginger has some natural prokinetic effects to it. So it really helps with slow motility, but let's not forget diarrhea tends to have an inflammatory component to it. So a lot of these natural prokinetics that help with slower motility. Well they also have anti inflammatory qualities to them. So if we can decrease inflammation in the intestinal tract, that can really help modulate motility. It's too fast and kind of bring it back down.

Evan Brand:
Yeah. Now, speaking of inflammation, it is possible that your diarrhea situation is more than just an irritable bowel situation that could be triggered by parasites H Pylori, bacterial overgrowth Candida. It could be an inflammatory bowel disease or some type of autoimmune disease like Crohn's or also Diff Colitis. So we don't want to discount the fact that your situation could be more serious. So, we don't want you to listen to this podcast and just go drink ginger tea and think everything's gonna be OK. You really need to work with a practitioner who can help you get the proper testing done to make sure it's not something more serious, especially if you've been suffering with chronic diarrhea.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
One hundred percent. So we have these chronic infections that need to be looked at. So you really want to hook up with a good functional medicine doctor that can help you look at what potential infections or gut stressors could be there. And then let's not affect this is really important. Let's not forget the emotional stress. So we know emotional stress is going to interplay with the adrenals, and the adrenals is are part of that stress handling sympathetic nervous system. So we have the bridge to the parasympathetic which is the relaxation. Calm down, that's the break. That's the brake on the car to kind of slow things down, and then we have the gas pedal which is go go go go go, and the bridge from the parasympathetic, the brake, to the gas pedal, go go go. The sympathetic are the adrenal. And so when we're activating those adrenals and we're heading that fight or flight response, one of the big things that's going to happen is motility tends to go faster or it can go faster because digestion disrupted. So when we have poor digestion because the sympathetic nervous system's up, we have less enzymes, we have less acid. We're going to have less breakdown of these food. So I said that things can go faster. They can also go slower too. When we have poor digestion, things can go fast or they can go slow. So the same root cause may be in effect though. That's the kind of hard thing is, you could have someone can have diarrhea. The other person could have constipation and it could be similar root causes regarding adrenal and stress and in digestive aspects. You really have to look at everything from a root cause lens, and we connect the hormone component to it as well. And then let's not forget, thyroid, one of the main symptoms of low thyroid can be low motility. Because thyroid hormone has a natural migrating motor complex stimulating effect, meaning it helps stimulate those wave like contractions. That's the migrating motor complex which helps move food through. Now, with diarrhea, thyroid typically may not be as much of an issue but definitely with constipation, it could be. So slow motility low thyroid increase adrenal stress, increased cortisol, increased sympathetic nervous system. We could very well have diarrhea partly because of that and who knows what kind of stressors in the gut are affecting it. Food could stress it out. Infections could stress it out. It's a two lane highway of communication going from, you know, the adrenal to the gut. It's not just a one way, it's two way; stress in the gut can cause adrenal stress, stress in the adrenal it can cause gut stress and vice versa.

Evan Brand:
Yeah. Think about a time. Yeah it totally does. Think about a time where you're really scared. You know you had to slam on your brakes in the car, or you had a big business meeting, and you're worried, you've got to sit down with the boss, man. You get scared and people get that nervous tummy, makes perfect sense. I think people forget about how much stress could play a role in their gut symptoms.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
If you look at kiddos, right kiddos, they don't even have the ability to manage their urine or bowels, it's because at their age they don't have the parasympathetic nervous system kind of built in yet, so they're more sympathetic dominant. Cause sympathetic stress causes bowel or urinary release. And think about it, right, we all have had that story of someone who literally whether they wet their pants because they were so scared. Right. Why is that. Because the sympathetic nervous system can cause a release of the bladder or even the intestines. We see it more with the bladder because it's more readily available. It's easier to do. So we'll see a lot with that level of stress can affect the bowels and affect the urinary tract.

Evan Brand:
Well I've read stories of different people in the military where they are in an active shooter situation or they're in a hostage situation that people poop their pants. You know it happens. It's not fun but it happens. So that just goes to show what the adrenal stress and the hormone peace can do to your gut. Now you mentioned medications, so we didn't talk about drugs that people are taking that could be messing them up though. So what about like acid blocking medications? I would suspect that acid blockers are going to make the situation worse. And if you're trying to control your reflux situation, but now you're lowering your stomach acid, now you've got all this undigested food, you're going to be much more likely to have diarrhea type issues if you're on acid blockers.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
100 percent so acid blockers make everything worse. Let's say it was an acid issue, and you're coming down the acid levels in your intestines, well a lot of times that's not an excess acid issue. Usually it's the guts lining is worn down so thin it just can't handle much acid at all. It's kind of like you want a great massage because you're back some pain but that back when you have a sunburn at the same time so that back massage causes pain even though it's really not, it's just you're in hypersensitive mode, right. The same thing with your gut when you when that gut lining, when that gastric ecosystem that you just can't handle much, so you may actually need more, but your tolerance is too low, and the number two, if you don't have enough acid or esophageal sphincter which is basically the connection between the stomach and the esophagus can stay open and we don't have enough acidity. So then the food sits it rots acid after the fact forms from the rotting of that food, then it can raise up through that open esophagus sphincter, and start burning that lower part of the esophagus.

Evan Brand:
Let's talk about kids for a minute. We do see quite a lot of kids, you know infants, toddlers, you know, five six seven eight nine teenagers, that are dealing with gut issues of different types. So if we start at really really young kids, you know, like breastfeeding age and those kids have diarrhea, most of the time we're going to blame that on mom, probably having gluten or dairy or some other food allergy. And the diet now, so my daughter Summer, and when she was about maybe one and a half, we got her first stool tests done and that's where she actually showed up with H Pylori plus a virulence factor. And she had either one or two parasites. I want to say she had a blast though and inaudible] amoeba but I can't remember without looking at her labs. And so she had multiple factors. You know mom's diet was clean, so we knew it wasn't that, but you know she had just act like her stomach hurt, you could just tell she was in pain. And so, we gave her some liquid antimicrobials and we got rid of it. We retested the stool the H Pylori was successfully gone, and then she had some bacterial overgrowth and Candida. So we did another round of antimicrobials and then finally her guts and in a good place now. So it's hard with kids because sometimes if they're too young, they can't express to you what's going on, but you know by the time they're age three four or five, hopefully they can tell you, Hey, my tummy hurts and if the kids [inaudible] then you know, hopefully paleo template and they're still having issues, then you can get testing done on kids. It's easy, stool and urine can provide a lot of information.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
One hundred percent. My son Aiden had significant diarrhea a few weeks back, significant, I think it was a food issue. So one of the first things we did is we kind of gave them some extra anti inflammatory support, we have some ginger in a liquid form to kind of calm his tummy. We added some extra binders and activated charcoal to bind things up, and then I just kind of looking at him I could tell, though based on how everything came about. There was definitely a food poisoning episode to it. So I got him on some specific liquid anti-microbial herbs and within twenty four hours his bowels were solid.

Evan Brand:
That's great.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Two days of like pure liquid. And anyone that has infants that we're diapers, is not fun to clean up. So I was able to get that stabilized within 24 hours, made a huge difference and he's on a regimen right now, more than likely he got some kind of infection. So we have him on an antimicrobial regimen, that's liquid, because it's easier for kiddos to get the liquid down, and then we have months and probiotics as well. Now that's one other thing, probiotics can have some really good anti inflammatory benefit. So with diarrhea, we may even add in probiotics while we're doing the herbs, just because they can really help kind of calm the gut down which may provide some relief with the diarrhea. And that's important because I need to make sure we're absorbing those nutrients, so we can get diarrhea. Like you know, compressed or dialed in. Then that's going to help nutrition absorb a lot better. And then we used all the antimicrobials as well, that made a huge huge difference. But one other thing I want to highlight, because you were talking about acid blockers in the spiral of negative consequences that can happen with that, well same with antibiotics, because antibiotics are commonly prescribed for diarrhea as well. What if it's not a bacterial issue? What if it's a parasite? What if it's a yeast overgrowth? What if it's a gluten sensitivity reaction? Well guess what? Now you just knocked out a whole bunch of beneficial bacteria, maybe you create more inflammation. We know antibiotics can create mitochondrial stress. So it's not good taking unless you know it's an a help. Right? So then you could create a whole bunch more issues with the guts. Now we have this rebound overgrowth occurring and now we may have more issues that intensify over time because of that antibiotic. So we really got to be careful if we're going to just throw medications at things kind of willy nilly.

Evan Brand:
Well said. Well, take someone who has chronic fatigue. You mentioned the mitochondrial damage. We know that's associated with antibiotic use. So you've got someone that's tired maybe because they've just been pooping so much, they're exhausted from all the mineral depletion, we talked about the adrenal stress. You take that chronically fatigued person, you throw antibiotics in the system, they're going to become more tired. So now they're not even motivated enough to get up and cook the healthy nutritious foods they need to heal their gut. So I love that you brought that up because my next thing I was going to say was, well let's go down the rabbit hole and change that. Let's turn the tables a little bit. Let's take my daughter. Let's take your son and let's put him through the conventional medical rabbit hole. What would have happened. We would have taken your son to the pediatrician or my daughter to the pediatrician and they would have said, Oh they've got diarrhea. Well, probably a bacterial issue. Let's give them a round of antibiotics. There's going to be a huge rebounding of Candida possibly skin issues that would happen.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
What if there was a parasite?

Evan Brand:
Exactly. It wouldn't it worked.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Yeah. What if my son got exposed to some gluten. No. Well no. It's not going to fix that.

Evan Brand:
And most of the time when people come to us they've already been through that route. You know I've had many people that have been to their pediatricians with their children's health issues and they've been disappointed at the level of care they've received. So they come to somebody like you or I. And we say look we really don't want to use antibiotics in this case, number one because we have the clinical data. We've run the genetics full testing, we've run the urinary organic acids, we can tell you with confidence on the piece of paper, look, we've got this parasite, this bacteria, and we've got Candida overgrowth. So, yes you could use antibiotics for those bacteria but our success rate is so high using herbs. Why throw in the big guns if we can use things like olive leaf and Berberine and clove and other herbs that will still do the same antimicrobial benefit without killing mitochondria without killing good guys. There's just a better way to do it and that is the way to do it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Exactly. We also may make changes with foods, we may cut out from fermentable carbohydrates, if there's bacterial stop being fed by it. We may lean more on a gaps or a kind of a soup or stew or kind of bone broth type of template where foods are more in a liquid form to make everything easier to digest. And also we're going to add an extra anti inflammatory [inaudible], aloe, slippery elm of course, Evan mentioned ginger already. These are excellent things to help kind of reduce inflammation maybe even turmeric or curcumin. Conventional medicine typically won't touch that because, what are their anti inflammatory medications? Well they're Prednisone, maybe [inaudible] right. These non-state real anti inflammatory is which actually can rip up the gut lining more and create more problems. So a lot of times these medications won't be recommended because they may create more issues on the intestinal side. You know the major side effect of [inaudible] is alterations that kill 20000 thousand people a year, according to a New England Journal of Medicine. So they tend to not to to reach for many of these anti inflammatory is because they tend to cause more problems than not. But in natural medicine world, we have a lot more anti inflammatory that are natural and they aren't going to have those side effects and can be added into your diet and really have beneficial effects.

Evan Brand:
Yeah. It's crazy how quickly you could get down the rabbit hole and not end up any healthier than when you went into a hospital or immediate care center. You know, when we talk about antibiotics, we're assuming that if you did have a bacterial infection, we're assuming that that is a non antibiotic resistant strain. But what if you've got C. Difficile for example, which kills so many people you know diarrhea could be C. Diff.  C. Diff is something that we see as an infection. Yep. And C. Diff has become very very resistant to antibiotics to where these gastroenterologists are recommending stronger and stronger drugs sometimes, even resorting to I.V. antibiotics to kill the Clostridium. I've never had an issue getting rid of Clostridium using herbs. I've seen it countless times I know you have to. It disappears with the antimicrobials that are natural because see, herbs are not a single mechanism, right, you can't just say well there's this one alkaloid or this one polyphenol it doesn't work like that in nature. There's so many things that we don't even fully understand what's in there. We just know hey Berberine has all this other stuff that comes with it and the package deal gets rid of C. Diff where antibiotics just may not.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Exactly. That's why we'll add in specific Sacramice  or bifida or lactobacillus species to really calm things down. My big kind of warning for everyone listening is if you have an excess of blood in the stool, it's not stabilized or the electrolytes in the minerals dropped so low lower, so fast that we're dizzy, light headed we may need to go to an E.R. to get an I.V. and they kind of get things stabilized while you get things on track. Same with the blood and the stool. So just keep an eye. Things are really intense. And symptoms are ratcheting up fast and you can't get fluid in, you can't get electrolytes in, you can't get things stabilized. Conventional medicine may need to be used to at least get things stable, and that's going to be on the extreme side. We'd like to at least draw a line for people listening so they aren't incredibly dogmatic and only go the natural route for the majority of people that would probably be fine. But if you're in that camp where you can't stabilize, an I.V. with electrolytes will be helpful. If excessive blood in the stool, then we may have to look at getting that at least stabilized in the meantime while we come back to this we should never ignore it. We should always come back. We may need some level of stabilization first.

Evan Brand:
Yeah well said that happened to my grandmother she had started. I think it was privately to a medication she had started, this was a couple of years ago where she ended up vomiting and having diarrhea. So she was losing liquids out of both ends.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:

Evan Brand:
She couldn't keep any water down. Her blood pressure was starting to get messed up. She's already dealing with atrial fibrillation. So she had some heart issues going on as well. I just told her, look, this is a situation where you just got to go. So she went to the E.R. they gave her fluids. Unfortunately, they put her on antibiotics. So then she ended up having more issues with the antibiotics but as soon as I got her back home I was able to pump her full of 50 to 100 billion couple times a day of probiotics and then within about three days, one overnight, but within about three days, we got her bowels normalized again. So she was in a situation where you know especially at her age, she could have gotten really big trouble if she didn't go to the hospital.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Same thing happened with my son. We were just able to get enough activated charcoal to slow the motility up and all of his drinks had extra electrolytes, extra minerals, extra nutrients, in the drinks. And then we just kept everything really cooked and really easy and on the lower FOB map side as well, and that kind of helped stabilize things, and then getting some of antimicrobials and really help too.

Evan Brand:
Yeah I mean if you have vomiting going on with diarrhea at the same time, one things that our pediatrician did say that was helpful early on in my daughter's life was, I think she was around six months old. She got, we think it was like a rotavirus or some other type of virus maybe a no real virus. You know vomiting and diarrhea, so coming out of both ends and in the pediatrician we spoke with she's supposedly more functional. However she still recommends a lot of antibiotics and things we don't agree with. But, she said, give it two to four hours after vomiting before you try to throw anything and even breastmilk, even water, just let the gut rest. And I thought you know what. That's actually a pretty good idea because sometimes, if it's diarrhea and vomiting you get in a rush to throw stuff back in. But if the gut is so irritated sometimes you may just need to just fast for a couple hours and don't do anything yet. Obviously, there's a podcast, we're not consulting with you also you see how there's so many huge variations of this, and there's such a spectrum of what may need to be done.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Yeah. How I would handle that is I would just come in there I'd let it rest for a bit. I'd add in some bone broth, some ginger tea, everything very liquid, bone broths, maybe some collagen and amino acids keep it very simple, very gentle, start working in a little bit of probiotics in there as well, start working in a little bit of binders and just kind of get your bowels stabilized, and if we can't, big deal we just go get an I.V. on board well that buys us a little bit more time. We don't have to worry about any electrolyte or hyponatremia issues from losing too much fluids.

Evan Brand:
Essential oils or something we should mention, some people get crazy with essential oils, like they'll say that all essential oils are for everything, or essential oils cure this and cure that. You know I'm not going to go there, all I'm going to say is that essential oils can be helpful. There are some clinical double blind randomized placebo controlled studies of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and by using peppermint oil.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Peppermint's great.

Evan Brand:
They have significant improvements in quality of life-

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
That's fine.

Evan Brand:
So coconut oil, avocado oil, put a little bit of carrier oil, just put a couple of drops of peppermint oil, rub it onto your tummy, that can be a game changer. Now I've seen people like putting like, lemon essential oil and stuff in their water. I just I don't personally ingest essential oils, I just use them topically.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Yeah. That can be helpful though. The dilimening in those citrus oils or essential oils can definitely help with the diarrhea. So there is the component limiting in the citrus or orange or lime or lemon that does have some natural antiviral qualities, but again, when it's more subtle that works, some of the herbs that we're doing, the amount that we're giving, acutely is so high. And if you were to take that, let's just say an essential oil liquid form, you'd be shooting down like half the bottle a day and some of these oils can be very abrasive. That's where it's nice to have it in a capsule form or a liquid form that's designed to allow it to get down smoothly without all the taste problems.

Evan Brand:
Yeah that's where I get concerned. It's like, OK, grapefruit seed essential oil, maybe that's a good thing but lowered. I don't want that going down my esophagus really.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Yeah. So it me essential oils can be great when it's gentle stuff, can be really great for kiddos too, when they can't swallow just being able to get a couple of drops in them. It can be very soothing on their tummy but when it gets more acute, that's what we've got to pull out the big guns.

Evan Brand:
Yeah. So fever, that was another situation we forgot to mention, and we talked about the bleeding. We talked about the vomiting situation that can make things more tricky complicated. And then also fever but fever may be the body's natural response too. So like this immediate idea to suppress a fever may not be wise either. I think it's just a case by case basis. That's why a conversation like this gets kind of hard.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Yeah in general my perspective on fevers, if it's below a hundred and five degrees, we don't worry about it. Fevers for the most part are always going to be fine as long as there's not head trauma, if there's head trauma in the hypothalamus maybe has an inability to regulate temperature then we get a little bit concerned. So head trauma from a car accident, or a fall, and then a fever ensuing afterwards may have to be a little more careful of that. But if there's no head trauma involved, then we have a fever, then we're just going to work on supporting the immune system because that's the body raising the temperature to kill off Mesophilic bacteria. Medium temperature bacteria that will die around 100 hundred and one hundred and two. So it may go up a little bit, that's below 1 0 5 you're more than likely fine, conventional medicine we'll typically recommend Tylenol way sooner which in my opinion is going to decrease glutathione. Actually not my opinion. That's according to research. It will decrease with glutathione levels, and it will decrease your body's ability to kill that bacteria. So my opinion is hundred and five or below you're probably fine as long as there's no head trauma. Either way please see your conventional MD regarding that. Just to be honest.

Evan Brand:
Yeah. Well said CBD oil just give a brief mention to it. You know I think people overstate the benefits of CBD oil just like they do with essential oils, like you can, oh my left pinky hurt, oh! CBD oil. You know so people get a little carried away with it however I used it for my daughter, I use it for myself, CBD oil does have benefits, now is it going to be as helpful as an  aloe extract, the raw ginger extract, or berberines or Pau de Arco or olive. Probably not, really. I mean I think it's great and it can modify things, but I just don't think it's necessarily root cause as much as some of the other things we talked about.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
I a hundred percent. So that was an excellent podcast. He really went in deep on the clinical side. I hope everyone is valuing this information. If you do, give us the thumbs up, give us a share, and let us know your comments below, what you liked about this article, and what future topics you would like us to chat about. And if you want to dive in deeper, if you feel like this article resonates with you or a friend or family member, head over to to schedule a consult with Evan, or to schedule a consult with myself. We'll put links down below. We work with patients virtually all over the world and we'd love to help you out if you're ready for that next up.

Evan Brand:
Sounds good. Well great conversation I hope this helps people and we'll be back next week.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Excellent. Hey man it was great chatting with you. We'll talk soon.

Evan Brand:
You too. Take care.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:
Take care. Bye.

Evan Brand:


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