General Minerals and What Can Happen | Podcast #188  

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Welcome to today’s podcast with Dr. J and Evan Brand! Listen as they dive into issues relating to the top five general minerals, namely, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Chloride and Calcium, which are the big ones. Discover how these minerals help your nervous system work, muscles work, and cells communicate.

Also, learn how minerals affects our heart health, excretory health and reproductive health. Keep tuning in for more!

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

02:00   The Big Five Minerals

07:11   Hyponatremia

14:40   Antidiuretic Hormone

16;33   Minerals, Blood Pressure and Stress

23:04   Getting Enough Potassium Doing Keto




Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey, guys! It’s Dr. Marchegiani here. Welcome back to Beyond Wellness Radio. Evan Brand, how are we doing my friend? How’s your weekend?

Evan Brand: Hey, man. Weekend was good. People are probably like, “I’m listening on a Wednesday, why are you talking about your weekend?” But hey,look. This is our Monday so uh— we’re having fun and soaking up the sun. I’ve got a bunch of bites on my legs like my legs are itching. I need some recommendations for uh— itch cream for my legs, like maybe some Aloe or something.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Dude, all you need for that, man, is you just—  you just need some like one-dollar uh— Rubbing alcohol to get at a drugstore.

Evan Brand: Hmmn—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Take a little bit of that in the cotton ball and just rub it right on the bite. Gone.

Evan Brand: I’m gonna try it. I think I’ve got some. I think I’ve got some Rubbing Alcohol— Uuh— No. I may have Hydrogen peroxide. I have to get some. I’ll get some. I’ll get some Rubbing Alcohol and report back. [crosstalk] I don’t think it’s the mosquitos. I haven’t seen any mosquitos yet, but uh— I know they’re out there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. It could be just some kind of other little pests out there that’s giving you some bites. Little bit of Rubbing Alcohol, you’re good, man.

Evan Brand: Cool. Cool. Well…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: How’s that?

Evan Brand: You came up with a good topic idea today of minerals, which I thought was cool because I had mentioned another topic which is kind of like, “Okay. I’ve been doing a lot of yard work and I think dehydration is a common issue for people. We kind of skipped over spring, like we’re straight into summer here so it’s been 90 degrees and above Fahrenheit. It’s been crazy hot for Kentucky and May, and I’ve been doing some work outside. And then I come in and throw together a bunch of little tinctures and potions and powders. And I thought, “Man, how many other people are dealing with mineral issues?” And you’re like, “Hey. Let’s, you know, maybe we tied in to the seasons like summertime, but why don’t we tied in to general minerals and what can happen.” And I thought that was a genius idea because previously— And I think we discussed it a bit on the podcast, maybe not. But, uh— like back in— starting in February, I was having those random blood pressure spikes, and you and I started talking about this whole adrenal mineral blood pressure kind of blood sugar stuff. And I think that’s cool. So, why don’t you lead us off. How should we dive in to this topic?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, I tink minerals are really important, right? Because they help kind of your nervous system work, right? You need minerals to allow action potential for that nervous system to work. So, we need— Primarily, to keep it simple, we need Sodium. We need Potassium. We need Magnesium. We need uhm— Chloride. And we need uhm— I think we hit them all. Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Chloride, Calcium. Those are your big five, right? And these help action potential to help your cell repolarize and depolarize, which is really important for any type of contraction. They help your muscles work. Sodium, P— Sodium and Potassium  help kind of your cell communicate uhm— so we can have the cells working and communicating properly so we need healthy levels of minerals to function, helps regulate blood pressure, uh— mood, uh— help regulate your nervous system function, like for instance, your adrenals need healthy levels of Sodium and Potassium for your nervous system to work. The more stressed you are, you actually pee out minerals. Because the more stressed you are, you create inflammation and acidity, and your body has to use minerals to buffer a lot of that inflammation so you’ll dump a lot of uhm— Potassium and such if you get stressed, or even Sodium if you get stressed. So, the more stress will actually buffer the acidity, but the problem is your nervous system and your cardiovascular system and your— and your uh— heart, and your muscles and your cells need these minerals. So, the more stressed you are, you can actually lose a lot of these minerals and that can create problems for your muscles, for your body’s ability to generate energy, for your cells to communicate, for your nervous system to do a good job. So, it’s important that, number one, we’re getting adequate minerals in our— in our body through our foods, that we’re drinking water that actually supports minerals. So, I like drinking my Toe Pacheco. Again, it’s kind of this “in” thing if you’re down here in Texas. It’s a great little mineral water. It’s got a good kick. It gets you here. It gets you that…

Evan Brand: [crosstalk] Where do they— Where do they source it? Is that uh— like a well? Or, what is that?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I don’t know. It’s in Monterrey, Mexico. Uh—

Evan Brand: Hmn—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I’m just a huge fan of the— the flavor and the taste. I know it’s good quality mineral water from when I see online and such. I also have a whole house of water filtration system with a— with a reverse osmosis for the countertop. An dI have a mineral— a trace mineral support there so I’ll do a squirt or two in the morning and the afternoon with my water there. So, I get extra minerals during the day [clears throat] and then I also make sure we get enough. You know, Potassium and Magnesium are the big ones, right? Sodium, I get from the sea salts, and Potassium, I get from some of my extra supplementation, as well as, you know, green veggies, Avocado, some of my Squash and Sweet Potato, and then some of my fish. So, I was really trying to get enough of those minerals in those foods. So, we can talk more about that in a minute. But, minerals are really important for the nervous system to buffer stress and inflammation, for your heart, for your muscles and for your cells to communicate. That’s called the Sodium-Potassium pump.

Evan Brand: I would think that most people that the heart is a muscle but if you do have, and many of you listening probably do, if you’d had issues yourself with your heart or you’d had issues uh— on your family with heart issues, you know, you’re gonna get probably some Potassium IV, maybe some other type of minerals via IV, like if you’re at the emergency room and you thought you had a heart attack or you’ve got like Atrial fibrillation, or you have uh— Arrhythmias of some sort. You know— there’s a lot of these heart issues that can be functionally treated. And our— our good friend Dr. Jack Wolfson, the Paleo Cardiologist, he talks a lot about that when you and I chatted with him about minerals and how many people end up on these heart drugs, you know, beta-blockers and uh— heart rhythm drugs and other problems. And it’s really a mineral problem, or it’s some type of a dietary problem like they have MSG in, which is causing a fib. You can— Believe it or not, you can have a heart issue or a heart symptom from something like Monosodium glutamate, MSG, which still does exist even though a lot of products are going no MSG. It does still exist out there and there’s a lot of hidden names like Maltodextrin that could actually be MSG so got to get your minerals, right? Make sure the diet’s dialed in. Make sure you don’t have anything affecting the heart. And, don’t forget, if you just drink a bunch of water but, as you mentioned, you don’t have the dietary stuff, or you’re a vegetarian or a vegan who’s just doing a bunch of like Spinach and Kale and you’re not getting your Avocados and— Uh— I think uh— Don’t quote me on this but I thought pumpkin was a good Potassium source too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It is. Pumpkin is Squash too. Yes.

Evan Brand: Is it— Okay. Okay. And then Sweet Potato, you mentioned that one, and then you mentioned fish. So— So, those are all good. I’m drinking some electrolytes right now, and uh— I added in some different tinctures, too. I added some Schizandra tinctures, some Ashwagandha tinctures so, I’m feeling really good. Cheers!

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh. You too, man. Absolutely. Now, just real quick. With the Sodium-Potassium pump is we have, essentially, Sodium on the inside of the cell and then Potassium on the outside of the cell. And then what happens is a gradient, where they kind of switch. I think it’s three uhm— three of the Potassium go in, two of the Sodium go out. It’s ki— It could be reversed but that’s just how, number one, uhm— the cells work and communicate. And, that’s how action potential and the nervous system and all these things work. That’s why there’s the condition known as Hyponatremia, which is hypo, low, natremia means minerals, or a lot of times can be Sodium in particular. When people around marathon time drink too much water, they can dilute the minerals. It was a big thing. It was like uh— I think they call it Wee for a Wii. It was like, whoever drinks the most water without peeing wins a Nintendo Wii.

Evan Brand: Oh.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And this girl, I think drink six gallons of water and she died. Right?

Evan Brand: Oh.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Because you develop Hyponatremia because she diluted all those minerals down now the cell can’t communicate.

Evan Brand: So, what happened? A Heart Attack or something, or what? What happens from over diluting your minerals like that?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Ye— It’s gonna be Cardiac Arrest.

Evan Brand: Mmh—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right? ‘Cause the heart’s not gonna do the work. So, yeah. So, I was correct the first time. Inside the cell, right? Sodium. Outside the cell, Potassium. Two Potassium go in, three Sodium go out. So, it kind of place this little switcheroo scheme.

Evan Brand: Okay. So, let’s chat about— Yeah, it does. Let’s chat about the adrenals in that context then. So, you brought up marathon. So, let’s talk about this. That mean that’s an extreme adrenal stress. Mark Sisson, uh— you know, notoriously was a— a long distance runner and said— you know, he basically almost killed himself doing that and really does not push people towards marathons; really pushes people towards like sprinting and [crosstalk] High Intensity Interval Training and playing Frisbee, which I think is cool, uh— and not marathons. And a lot of clients that have come to you and I. They’re wanting to train for marathons and I just tell people the blunt truth, which is like, “Hey, look. I’m not really gonna encourage you to do this. I guess if you’re paying me to do it, I’m gonna support you the best I can. But just know that running 26 miles is probably not the best thing for your health. But, just talk us through. What’s going on from an adrenal perspective. I guess the kidneys are doing something too. Are the kidneys responsible for dumping some of these minerals or is it adrenals burning them up? Or is it all of it?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, there’s a natural Sodium-Potassium kind of ratio that happens. So, as your adrenals get more stressed, there’s a hormone inside the adrenal glands— right— called the Aldosterone. And like in— in Doctorate School, when you’re learning about the function of the adrenal glands, i— it’s like this. It’s sugar, salt, sex. The deeper in you get, the better it gets. That’s how you remember the adrenal gland function. So, the outside part of the adrenal glands, sugar. That’s the Cortisol portion of the adrenal gland that regulates blood sugar. Okay? The inner part in regulates salt. That’s the mineraloCorticoids Aldosterone. And then the very inside is the sex hormones. That’s the DHEA and such. So, sugar, salt, sex. So, Cortisol, mineraloCorticoid Aldosterone, which helps regulate minerals, that’s what we’re talking about here. And then the sex hormones. So, the reason why it’s important is because the more you whip the adrenal glands, the more stress that you’re under, which long term exercise is a stress. You’re gonna deplete the sex hormones, which makes it harder for you to repair and recover, and heal. And then, number two, uhm— stress on the adrenals makes you pee out more the minerals. So, you’ll pee out a lot of the Sodium and that’s gonna— Actually, that can cause Potassium to go up. But overtime, Potassium can drop out too with Chronic stress ‘cause your— your kidneys and your body can use that to buffer a lot of inflammation. So, you’ll pee out a lot of that. Plus, a lot of people, they aren’t just getting enough of it in their diet, right?

Evan Brand: Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You need 4,700 milligrams of Potassium a day. So, what does that mean? So, if you got to— or cronometer, whatever you pronounce it. C-R-O-N-O— meter, M-E-T-E-R, and you sign in. It’s a free account. [clears throat] You can then just plug your foods in. Excuse me.

Evan Brand: He’s got that frog in the throat coming back.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. Little— Little frog in the throat. It attacked me. It got me!

Evan Brand: [laughs]

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uh— So just put your foods in there for a simple day, and what you’ll find is, at the bottom, it’ll tell you your macronutrients. Your protein, fat, and your carb percentage. It’ll tell you your micronutrients, too, which it’ll walk you through your Sodiums, your Potassium, your minerals, your vitamins, and you want 4,700 milligrams of Potassium per day.

Evan Brand: That’s a lot. I—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That’s a lot!

Evan Brand: I guarantee…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That’s a lot.

Evan Brand: …ninety-eight percent of people listening, if they do that, they’re gonna see that they’re too low. It’s fun, like it’s kind of a pain to track everything but I think you guys listening should do this at least for a few days. Track your typical day ‘cause we all get in the habit of eating the same thing over and over again, or same menu Monday through Friday or whatever. So, you’re probably eating the same foods. So, it should be easy. Maybe it’s even— Start doing this for memory. Log in and— and look at it. Uh— I bet you’re gonna be low, most people.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally. So, you need about 4,700 milligrams of Potassium a day. You’re gonna typically need about 3,400 hundred of Sodium— Sodium and Chloride. Now, that’s easier to get because, typically, even junk food has Sodium and Chloride in it.

Evan Brand: Right.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. Table salt is Sodium Chloride, right? N-A and then C-L. So, even people that’s on junkie food diets tend to get enough Sodium. They may not get good quality Sodium. So, if you look at Dr. Brownstein’s book called “Salt Your Way Back to Health Detox” about getting good quality sea salts, whether it’s Himalayan Sea Salts or whether it’s— I like Redmond’s Real Salt because it— it tastes really good too.

Evan Brand: [crosstalk] So good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: …some of the minerals in it so I like that. So, you’re getting good quality Sodium, good quality Chloride but we also need the Potassium, right? About 4,700 milligrams a day. What does that mean? Okay. You’re gonna get about a gram per Avocado. Okay. So, one Avocado gets you almost 25% of the way there. And then, you want about five or six servings of green vegetables. So, I’ll do like a green drink. I’m gonna have it in a little bit. I got uh— a Thyroid Reset Summit interview, which I’m excited about, in about 20 minutes. Go to to sign up. It’ll be this fall. But, uhm— I’m gonna get a green drink, that’s gonna have seven servings of vegetables. It’ll have about 1,200 milligrams of Potassium. So, I have one Avocado already, then I’ll do one green drink. Now, I’m already half my Potassium for the day. And then, if I do a nice two— two or three servings at lunch of green veggies, and then another two servings of dinner, I’m like, “I’m good.” Right?

Evan Brand: Yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I’m good. You can also supplement with Potassium Chloride, there’s a salt called the Nu-Salt, N-U-hyphen-salt. And that’s a Potassium Chloride Salt. So, you can salt your food with that, and that can get you over the top as well. I also use a couple of electrolyte support products by my sink. That is uhm— This two uhm— I think are the same product. I use uhm— Endure by Trace MInerals Research, and I also use one called Lyteshow, which has almost the same ingredient structure. I think they probably private label it. So, I like those products uh— by Trace Minerals and Lyteshow. There’s some really good mineral ones. I use the uh— Real Salts in my water. And, the Potassium Chloride Nu-Salt doesn’t taste as good so I’ll typically do that on my food.

Evan Brand: That’s cool. I— I’m doing uhm— Ben Spin— Lynch’s uh— electrolytes. Pretty good.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yup. That’s a good one. I’ve seen that.

Evan Brand: It doesn’t have vitamin C. Uh— Couple other brands that you and I use. There’s couple professional brands that make electrolytes. Some of them have vitamin C in there. And because of my Iron being way to high, vitamin C increases absorption of Iron. It’s the last thing I want to be supplementing so I’m doing all electrolytes with no vitamin C added for right now ‘til I get that under control.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah. And if it’s a small amount like couple hundred milligrams, probably not…

Evan Brand: It’s like 2,000.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh! [crosstalk] That’s a lot.

Evan Brand: It’s like almost two grams.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Two grams.

Evan Brand: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Okay. That makes sense. And then uhm— So, in the trace minerals support product, there’ Magnesium. There’s Chloride. There’s Potassium. There’s Sodium and there’s Calcium.

Evan Brand: Do you do this stuff on the weekends and people—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: [crosstalk] And Sulfur— Sulfur.

Evan Brand: People probably hear you uh— talking about being out on the boat and going skiing. I mean, you’re doing some pretty intense physical stuff, Are you travelling and bringing that with you or you’re not really worried about it because you do it so much during the week that you’re pretty stocked up on minerals?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I mean, I bring my Toe Pachecos out there.

Evan Brand: Okay.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You know— I bring my Toe Pachecos or my LaCroix out there. And again, on the boat, you’re really only gonna have an issue if you’re sweating a lot…

Evan Brand: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: …and you’re drinking alcohol. You drink a lot of alcohol, you’re gonna pee out a lot a whole bunch of minerals. Why? Because alcohol inhibits your antidiuretic hormone. So, it’s like, in school, I had to play these games to like remember these things, right? So, antidiuretic hormone, it’s— it’s the anti-pee hormone, right? If a diuretic makes you pee, and your anti-peeing, so if you inhibit the anti-pee hormone, that means you pee. [crosstalk] Does that makes sense?

Evan Brand: Uh— I’m just visualizing it like uh— like a big barrel, and the barrel is the bladder, and then the cork at the…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm—

Evan Brand: …bottom of the barrel is the antidiuretic hormone.And then the alcohol pulls out the cork, and then, there you go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Bingo! So, you in— So, you inhibit the anti-pee hormone. That means you pee. So, if you drink alcohol, you inhibit the antidiuretic hormone, meaning you pee more and you lose more minerals. And then obviously, alcohol tends to be more inflammatory in nature so then you’re gonna buffer minerals as well. So, my rule of thumb is, “If you’re gonna drink, the best thing to do is activated charcoal? Bu-bobom! [shaking a pill bottle] Activated charcoal and you do one mineral drink in between each alcoholic drink. Do that, you’re pretty much golden. Now, if you want to get like fancy pants on it, you can also add in some Sulfur amino acids, some vitamin C, some Glutathione, some NAC afterwards, if you really want to do really good, or some Milk Thistle. Those are all great alternatives afterwards, to keep your minerals adequate. So, going back, right? We talked about the 3,400 milligrams of Sodium kind of Chloride thing. Potassium’s the harder one. That’s the 4,700 milligrams. Uh— Magnesium’s also pretty hard too, because you burn that up with stress, and the more sugar you eat, you’re burning that too. That’s about a thousand milligrams a day. And then your Calcium’s about 1,200 milligrams a day and then Chloride tends to be connected with the Sodium there.

Evan Brand: I know we’ve got a couple minutes so let’s talk about something I— I think I mentioned off here, but we haven’t mentioned on here yet, which is blood pressure. And, people may be listening to all this mineral talk and then they’re like, “Okay. Well, how does this actually apply to my actual day to day life in terms of health?” I talked about the heart function a bit, in terms of like Atrial Fibrillation or Atrial Flutter. Some of these other more functional heart issues that can lead to bigger issues down the road, if you don’t fix it, that could be affected by minerals. Also, blood pressure, though. So, like back in February, I had a lot of stress going on. I was doing a bunch of interviews from my summits, running the clinic four days a week, doing podcasts, all sorts of crazy stuff, dealing with the baby, getting woke up during the night, and not sleeping as well ‘cause of the baby and other things. And, I believe, that what you and I discussed was probably accurate. The adrenal stress was causing me to dump minerals. Me losing my minerals caused my blood pressure to go up. So, why don’t you just take that little bit of a tangent and go a bit further with it. Cause I— I think this is important for people to understand. It’s not a deficiency of blood pressure medication and why their blood pressure’s a bit high.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, couple things. Uhm— Inflammation, whether it’s inflammation from your sympathetic nervous system going into overdrive, will create your sympathetic nervous system to respond with adrenaline. Adrenaline tends to cause constriction, okay? Think about why. Where do we want the blood flow to go from a prehistoric evolutionarily— evolution kind of pr— you know, perspective. Where do you want the blood flow? We want the blood flow to go to the arms, the hands, and the feet to— to run, fight and flee, okay? Think about it if you’re in your, like backyard. Like, before you head like the little nozzle to put on your hose, where you squeeze it and the water comes out. Let’s say, there’s no nozzle on the end, just the water coming out. What do you do to reach the back part of your yard?

Evan Brand: Yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: You take your thumb. You put it over the water hose. Why? What are you doing? You’re cutting off the flow and what happens to the water? You’re increasing pressure and that allows the water to go where? Further out. So, think about it. If your body is prime to get the blood to the extremities, that’s like, you putting your thumb over the water hose to reach the outer part of your yard. So, your wa— your— Basically, your body is doing that to get the blood to the outer parts of the extremities, right? So, number one, the first thing we do is we decrease the root cause of the stress. That then takes away the adrenal stimulation, which then takes your thumb off the hose. And then, number two, we give extra things to support it because during that stress we pee out minerals— the Sodium, the Chloride, and then, eventually, the Potassium and the Magnesium, during stress, because stress is inherently has inflammatory by products off it, which aren’t necessarily bad but there’s a price to pay for. And if our diet is poor, then we’re using up minerals to basically pay this stress debt, right? So, the goal is we want to make sure at least our diet is super nutrient dense. So, for under stress, we at least have more coming in that we’re spending, right? So, adrenal stress under control, extra supplemental minerals, and if you’re under more stress, that’s where the diet has to be good, and ideally, we have good supplementation on board too. So, we have extra bioavailable chelated minerals. Like in— in our lines, we use a lot of the Magnesium malate or the Magnesium glycinate, which are uh— Magnesiums bound to amino acids for better absorption, same with Calcium, Calcium dimalate. Uhm— Same with Sodium. We may use the Real Salts. Or if we’re using extra Potassium, we may do the electrolyte support or the Nu-Salts. So, there’s a lot of things we may do to help supplement on top of a really great diet and you’ll see. Anyone listening to this podcast, go to Cronometer and run your food through Cronometer for a sample day. You’re gonna see it’s pretty hard to get that Potassium up there. Are you gonna— It’s difficult.

Evan Brand: Yeah. Uh— I had a two more cents to add about the stress piece. It’s that, anyone listening and they say, “Oh. You know, Dr. J, I’m not stressed.” It’s like, “Okay, look. It doesn’t have to be just emotional, like job relationship stress. This could be gut infections. This could be parasites like I had, H. pylori like I dealt with, bacterial overgrowth. This could be Candida. This could be sleep issues.” I mean, this doesn’t—  When— When we say stress, I mean, that is such a big term and I think people blow it off because like, “Oh, no. I’m not stressed. That doesn’t apply to me.” It could. You can have a super chilled out life living in the middle of the woods and have gut bugs, and that stress creates all these problems we’re talking about.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That’s the hidden stress we’re talking about. And then, remember, it’s not just the stress of the gut bugs, the gut bugs are also gonna create a malabsorption, where you may not absorb those minerals fully, ‘cause it’s affecting your motility or the absorption component. Right? Some of those uhm— minerals may even get eaten up by these bugs. I know Iron’s one of the ones that a lot of bugs like as well. So, it’s possible that bugs could be eating up those minerals, or you’re just malabsorbing them and they’re going out in the stool, ‘cause a lot of times these minerals— some need Hydrochloric acid to be ionized so they can get into your bloodstream so they can actually be utilized.

Evan Brand: Yep. So, if the diet’s perfect, he’d been following a good Paleo template and you’re still not getting results, well, you got to look deeper into the gut. Get those functional tests done ‘cause if you have an H. pylori infection reducing stomach acid, as Justin mentioned. Now, you can’t— you can’t manufacture everything you need to from your your food so it’s not about what you eat. It’s about what you digest from what you eat. And, I think that’s uh— a good way to wrap this thing up. So, get the testing done. Make sure you monitor, using Cronometer, your food for a few days. Check out where you’re at, and get some of the testing. Look into the Organic acids panel. We can measure some of your nutrients and vitamins on there, Vitamin C via [phonetic] Zimbravo___[22:01]. We can look into some of that. Can’t do minerals there but we can make a lot of inferences when we look through amino acids. “Okay, look. We see Malabsorption. We’re assuming based on symptoms. Probably, minerals can be affected. And get a stool test run. We always run a Comprehensive Stool Panel. Make sure you look for the gut infections. And then, always look for adrenal stress. We always run adrenal profiles because there are many different variations of adrenal stress that can happen, and that all depletes minerals and ties right in to this conversation. So, get those functional three-week column. That’s what I call them. Get those functional three done and then you’re gonna be in good shape. If you work with us, awesome. If you work with somebody else, cool. Just make sure they know what they’re doing. Uh— If you want to reach out to Justin for a consult, check for a consult, check him out, justinhealth— Just in Health, that’s such a clever name.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Uhmhm—

Evan Brand: Uh— reach out to Justin. If you want to reach out to me, you could check out my site, it’s evan— E-V-A-N-brand, like brand name—, and we’re both here for you. We’re happy to help you all.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Excellent. Then, just to kind of reiterate here, couple things. Uhm— Couple people wrote in the questions here. Is it possible to get enough Potassium doing Keto? Yeah. I mean, you have to do about six or seven green vegetable servings a day. So, like— Let’s say a palm serving is one serving so every meal you should have— you should strive for at least two servings, number one. Number two uhm— that will— you know. Good Potassium, Avocados— is gonna be an amazing Potassium source. So, good one full Avocado, maybe even two, but definitely one full one and six servings of green veggies. If you’re going low with the green veggies, get a second full Avocado in a day. I’m fine with that. And then of course, uhm— some fish tend to be really good. And then, you can always do the n— the Nu- Salt to fill in the gaps there to. I think that’s a really good— [stutters] good starting place there. And also, if you have low Cortisol levels, remember, low Cortisol, you probably also have low Aldosterone levels too. Now, one of the things we do when we see chronically low Cortisol, we give Licorice. We give sublingual Licorice ‘cause LIcorice actually mimics the mineraloCorticoids and will help you hold on to those minerals longer. Now, the only contraindication is high blood pressure. So, as long as your blood pressure isn’t elevated, we would recommend some Licorice with low Cortisol levels. And again, we would have to run an adrenal test to know that, but that can be helpful ‘cause it mimics those mineraloCorticoids and helps you hold on to those minerals too.

Evan Brand: Yup. Well said. Your fish, don’t forget it, like Salmon’s a good one too. Another food…

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yup.

Evan Brand: …if you’re on Keto, you probably gonna be eating some fish.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Some potato squash.

Evan Brand: Yup. Uh— Coconut water— I mean, that could be a good one but—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Post-Workout— Post-Workout, it’s great.

Evan Brand: This— Look. Make sure they’re not adding sugar to it. Some brands add sugar so just look out for that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I think I— we hit it all up. I would just say, “Everyone, if you’re enjoying this, give me a thumbs up. Give me a share. Go sign up at the Thyroid Reset Summit, and if you already done that, give us a share and let your friends and family know lots of free awesome information.” If you enjoy and you want to take the next step with Evan or myself, Evan already gave you our contact info, and wwe appreciate you guys chiming in Any last thoughts here, Evan?

Evan Brand: I don’t think so. Just uh— if you guys are out and about, sweating your butt off in the summertime, which hopefully you’re outside and getting sunshined. Just keep up with this stuff. It makes a huge difference and when I come back in, you know, from doing yard work, I take my electrolytes. I take my adrenal support, and that keeps me strong and keeps me stable versus me passing out and my wife having to come rescue me. So—

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Love it. Excellent podcast today I mean, this is very timely, based on the time of the year that we’re in. So I appreciate it. Evan, phenomenal chat and we’ll chat real soon.

Evan Brand: Take care.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Take care. Bye.


“Salt Your Way Back to Health Detox” book by Dr. David Brownstein or

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