The Affects of Mycotoxins On Male & Female Fertility | Podcast #318

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Mycotoxins exposure from food occurs globally but is more common in hot humid environments, especially in low-income settings, and might affect pregnancy outcomes. However, frequent mold contamination of maternal diet can therefore affect anyone. In this video, Dr. J and Evan talks about mycotoxins and how it can affect men and women's fertility. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

2:52        Zearalenone, Mold Toxins

11:38      Mold Toxins from Food and Grains

14:32      Binders

21:20      Fertility Issues

27:13      Detox Support

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And we are live. It's Dr. Justin Marchegiani in the house here with Evan Brand, Evan, how are we doing today my friend? 

Evan Brand: Doing awesome, ready to dive in, have some fun together. So you and I, we don't really market ourselves as like fertility doctors, fertility practitioners, anything like that. But we've both between us had many successful healthy babies not only in our own family but that our clients have had. And it's interesting because fertility really comes as a side effect of getting healthy. And so that's the first big key point of today. When you look at the fertility industry, you've got the in vitro fertilization, you've got all these shots, all these different drugs. They're not they're not really addressing root cause in most cases, most cases, they're just trying to come in and just find a way to sort of short circuit or hijack the circuitry to make a baby happen. But we would argue there's a better way, which is get someone healthy, and I was looking into I'm doing a mold presentation, and I was looking to do some research on mycotoxins and something that you and I test for via urine are various mycotoxins and there's one in particular called z everleigh, known z like zebra z everleigh known, and this is a highly, highly, highly estrogenic mycotoxin, far more estrogenic than soy. And people freak out about soy and they should but nobody freaks out about z or linode. And that's really, to me the bigger issue and so we have a paper here that we found called maternal mycotoxin exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and there's many many papers on this. This was just a review of them. And it was talking about the different mycotoxins so anything from aflatoxin, to okra toxin to Fusarium based toxins. And here's what can happen. hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy, neural tube defects, increased risk of preterm birth and late term miscarriage, neonatal jaundice, impaired fetal growth. And I mean, just straight infertility. So, when we see women that are infertile, I mean, I just look at some of the friends I had from high school and college. And many of them have had issues with fertility. Some of them did IVF. Some of them had miscarriages. Some of them had pre preterm birth at a friend actually just have a baby and their baby showed up six weeks early like wow, what is her Mold Test look like? So this is a really, really big piece of the puzzle that I think people are missing. And we're inside all the time, right? We're on technology. So we're inside a lot more than we used to in the farmer days. And so now we're breathing this stuff in all day, whereas before, it maybe would have only happened when you were sleeping in the farmhouse. But during the day, you're out on the farm. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, yeah. 100% Yep. 100%, the zerion alone. mycotoxin is that's made by the Fusarium fungi. So it's a mycotoxin actually made by that level of mold. And it's in the food and it's in the in the the animal feed. And that animal feed is designed to fatten those animals up. So I have one kind of study here. It's called zuranolone. All the study is called by Science Direct. And it's looking at the absorption of zuranolone on body weights, and how it increased the size of the pigs 15 to 25 kilograms. And basically, it increased body weight. And then one of the big things they found with zuranolone. In reproductive tissue, it actually decreased. Fertility is one of the side effects of this study. I'll pull up the exact study on screen here in a minute, I have it up here in front, I'll find the exact paragraph on there, and I'll show it to y'all. But mold toxins is going to be one of the big conversations here with fertility. Now we can plug that into xeno, estrogens and plastics, we could potentially plug it into pesticides as well, which are going to be found in food. We can plug it into growth hormones and milk and dairy and hormones and animal products. The problem is it's all a hormonal stress load. It's not just one thing. So when you look at different studies on one topics on one thing on one toxin on one hormone on one mold, it may not be enough in one person or globally to pop up as an issue. I mean, here we're finding studies on an off the bat. But we know it's all about your stress load. And so I want to get people's mindsets kind of around that stress, that metaphorical stress bucket and all of these different toxins, whether it's mold, or pesticides or hormones, or plastic type of hormones, they're all adding into that big stress bucket. And of course, fertility is going to be significantly impacted by that.

Evan Brand: Yeah, well said, here's something crazy, too. It's a little bit related. You and I were looking at this a little bit ago. The onset of puberty is massively dropping. So why am I bringing puberty? Well, because this is connected into hormones, and what's happening with hormones. So in 1860, and you had a graph of this, that was really cool, too. But in 1860, the average age of onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. So over 16 years old, 16 and a half years 1860. That's puberty. In 2010. It is now 10 and a half years old. That is insane. And that's probably the most I mean, I can guarantee you that's the most rapid change in puberty age in in human history. And it all happens less. And it all happened in the last What's that about? 100 and 150 170 years. That's insane, right? Isn't that crazy? I'll pull that graph up here for everyone to see here. So you guys can see it. I think now really important to visualize. Yeah. Now while you're doing that, they're just talking here, just like you said, there's this really this stress bucket, so endocrine disrupters, various chemicals in the environment, acting on hormones, widespread industrial and pharmaceutical pollutants. I mean, there's a lot of stuff here. diagnosing recently high in sugar and fats declining physical activity. Yeah, here's the graph. So people listening, you're not going to get to see this, but the graph is pretty nuts. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, so you can see here the, the y axis, the up and down access, so you can see the age right 16 to 15. And then you can see the x axis is time. So as we go from the 1860s, up to current day, you can see we kind of flat plateau between, you know, 13 ish, 13 ish for puberty age versus, you know, 15 to 16. And a lot of that has to be influenced due to mold toxins, and some so here's one article here that Evan talked about here, maternal mycotoxins, and again, mycotoxins are toxins produced by the mold. So a lot of times, it's not necessarily the mold that's causing the problem. It's the toxins produced by the mold. So it's good to look and test for mold, but also test maybe for the urinary mycotoxins as well, but you can see exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes. And and this is a very interesting study talking about increase in puberty, increasing in puberty age, like I mentioned, also fertility, right. preterm birth, late miscarriage inclusion, some evidence for toxins or pregnancy may have detrimental effects on pregnancy outcomes. Now, of course, there's limited studies, right? No one makes a whole bunch of money, studying this kind of stuff. But we know it's, it's there. And there's some data already on it. And we also have a lot of common sense. We know something's a toxin, and can affect the hormones that it makes sense why that may be effective. 

Evan Brand: Yeah. And I've seen several women who are going through a protocol spontaneously get pregnant, which is really cool. Now, some of these women came to me with the intention of getting pregnant. They're like, Hey, you know, I've been told the fertility specialist are unable to help me. Can you help? And I'll say yes, Probably so. And then some of these women just had spontaneous pregnancies as an accident because they thought they were infertile. They thought they can't get pregnant, we put them on a protocol, and then all of a sudden they get pregnant. So let's go into some of the the action steps. I mean, what are we doing for these people? I think it's important to know about what we what we discussed is everyone owns bad news affects hormones affects fertility affects puberty. But what do you do about it? So as you mentioned, number one, we're going to be testing the environment. So using-

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hold on one thing, I want to go a little bit deeper into what you just said, we talked about some of these mold toxins and in fertility, right, we have this one study here, which we already mentioned, which is maternal mycotoxin exposures and adverse pregnancy outcome, which is a new new study, right? mycotoxin research may 2020. That's important. And this is actually on humans. There's lots of studies on zearalenone,  that's i'm pronouncing that good in farm animals, because it's been used in farm settings to fatten animals up for many years to the feed. So there's a lot of data on this. And that's important. So we know for instance, studies on in vitro effects allowed to understand the mechanism of action, right in vivo means the actual animals, and they see an impairment of semen quality and female reproductive function. So we talked about fertility, right? Most people think of fertility as women, right. But we know it can affect men as well. And it takes two to tango, right? And zearalenone could be a factor responsible for Reproductive failure in farm animals. And so if you go to the reproductive MD, are they going to be testing you if you're having issue with pregnancy for mold toxins? Probably not. And look here, one study here, under allanon. Here, if you look here on the bottom part, so zearalenone is a nonsteroidal estrogenic mycotoxin. It's produced by several species of the fusarium fungi, okay, so it's produced by this Fusarium fungus, it's a mycotoxin. And you can see here it's supposedly it's not it's low in grain content, but it's the storage of a lot of the grain where the moisture is greater than 30 to 40%, where this mold and fungus is produced, okay. And then right here in this one part, typical clinical signs are hyper estrogen ism, which explains the increase in puberty. Are the decrease in puberty age, right? More hormones sooner in life increases puberty, swelling of the vulva mammary gland hyperplasia, secretions prolonged uterus, increase in pseudo pregnancy, infertility, decreased libido, complications of rectal prolapses, stillbirth, small literary. So we know it has a lot of fertility issues. And a lot of the studies first tend to happen in animals. So it's good to know the data here in animals, as well as some of the human stuff here we talked about earlier. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, the whole thing's crazy. I mean, it's hard to believe they would use this in the feed. I mean, like you said, maybe not intentionally, but it's kind of a byproduct of storing grain in a, you know, in a moist thing. I mean, it's like, you'd have to have a dehumidifier on your grain, or how about you just pasture your animals? So you don't need to feed them moldy grain? How about that? 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I mean, I can tell you one story I had with Dave Asprey. He told me and I can't find the data on this, but they would use zearalenone pellets, that put the pellet in the cow's ear. And that was enough to cause this increased fat absorption. Because those hormones were so concentrated, they were going into obviously, the the blood supply via the ear, and it was causing the animals to get fatter. And of course, farmers, you know, sell their animals based off of weight. So we know that zearalenone may even be used in a way outside of just Incidentally, in the fee, we know, it may just be there to fatten them up as well. 

Evan Brand: I've heard that too. I can't find anything on it. But if any old school farmers are putting zero unknown pellets in your cow's ears, let us know. Tell us about it. Give us the story on it, because we'd like to like to share this stuff. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I know. It's totally interesting. I believe there's something to it. I believe, you know, someone like Asprey wouldn't, wouldn't say that unless he had some actual good info on that. But very interesting. So off the bat, we have mold toxins, we talked about that. And that's important. Now again, and humans, you could get mold toxins from eating crappy grains and crappy food. So eating foods that are going to have lower mycotoxin counts, and to be important. So you know more from vegetables more from fruits more from high quality, fresh pasture fed animal products, good high quality fats, that's going to decrease a lot of your mold and mycotoxin and xarelto load right there out of the gates, okay. And then the next component is going to be making sure your house isn't moldy. So if you have a history of water damage, or flooding, you want to make sure you go back and listen to our podcasts on looking at and dealing with mold and mycotoxins in your home. But of course, any history of water damage, or any leaks, you want to leave or any visible mold, you want to at least get a really good high quality amino Linux plate test that looks at the mold as well as mold toxins. I've had some patients that have ordered the plates and just say, Well, I'm gonna let it culture and just look at it myself. It's like, well, you want to send it to the lab, because you want to know what the mold species is. And if there's any mycotoxins associated with that mold species, because you may look at it and see the culture, right. But you may not know if it's a friendly mold or not. So you want to know if it's Is it a, is it a mold that's from the environment and the soil? Or is it something that's actually from water damage type of mold species? That's important to know.

Evan Brand: On a retest, it's probably fine to do the self test, because you can look and just see this, hopefully, colonies show up. But yeah, on the initial I tell people the same yeah, definitely. Because also too, we rarely find that the house correlates to the mycotoxin in someone's urine. That's pretty interesting. So that tells us most people are sick from a previous exposure, but in a few cases, we have found where the molds in someone's house and the mycotoxins those would produce for example, Aspergillus and Penicillium producing things like okra toxin, mycophenolic acid, will then look at the house and see Oh, yeah, you've got a bunch of Aspergillus growing, that matches up to the urine. So it's cool to see, but it's not necessary to to get someone better. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I look at it just a tiny bit differently. Like if I see someone with a lot of mold, like weird kind of neurological symptoms, I always do the foundational things first, because a lot of times that can move the needle without having to go into any crazy mole protocols off the bat. But then if I see their home is very high and mold as well. You know, it's easy, it's sometimes it's easier to decrease the exposure than to accelerate detoxification, especially if their guts not working well. So then there may be some easy simple strategies, like let's just get a high quality air filter, let's maybe get like a citrus bass, anti mole candle. If there's any active leaks, let's get someone in there that can work on remediation process, at least patch the leak or decrease humidity in the area. We can work on a couple of those things. And that can move the needle a lot. 

Evan Brand: Yep. Let's go into binders. So this is where the magic happens. Like you said, you may need to do some work on the gut First, we may come in and help support the adrenals because detoxification it is work and it's not easy, and you can get worse by trying to make yourself better and I've certainly overdone it on binders. I've certainly overdone it with glutathione and had a bad headache for a long time. So that wasn't fun. So the good news is you can pull this stuff out of the body and in regards to that yerlan own, the some of the most effective binders are going to be your clays. Now charcoal can help a little bit so we often use like a broad spectrum you can come in and spot treat. And there are certain people that say you need to spot treat mold toxins meaning you need to use charcoal for okra toxin you need to use zeolite clay for zearalenone. But the truth is, a lot of people are not showing up with the true amount of mycotoxins on their first urine sample, meaning you may just show up with okra toxin, but you also may have zearalenone. But if you're a bad detoxifier, you may not be urinating out all of those toxins. Therefore, I do kind of spot treat, if you will, but I still like to use broad spectrum full spectrum binders just because of this issue because what'll happen is on a retest, maybe we took care of one toxin and then a new one shows up like well crap, we could have been addressing the other mycotoxin say we were just using charcoal for ochratoxin we could have been using a little bit of zeolite clay as well and that would have took care of the zero unknown but boom, now's your will unknown shows up on the retest. Now we've got a whole new mycotoxin to focus on. So long story short, full spectrum, broad spectrum and multiple binders are what we like to use. And then I'm a huge fan of the micronized chlorella there's a couple brands we use they have a liquid chlorella, that can be amazing. There are some tablets of broken cell wall, chlorella, that can be awesome for heavy metals as well. And then sweating. I mean, I tell you I feel much, much more clear, you know, clarity mentally, right after I get out of the sauna, you can have like a detox hercus reaction from a sauna as well. But if you're healthy enough and you're supporting adrenals you're doing electrolytes. To me sauna is a game changer and even just a hot bath. If you don't have access to a sauna, even if you just get hot enough to sweat in the tub. That may be a little too hard on someone if you're weak adrenally like your constitution is weak. But or if you have blood pressure issues, you know, a hot bath may make you feel bad. But if you can do it, you can sweat you know it's free, compared to a sauna may cost you 1000 bucks minimum.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Oh, yeah, I mean, you can always add in some, you know, really good magnesium salts like Epsom salts, which can be very helpful and relaxing for you as well. So yeah, so the problem is a lot of the binders that we may add in or if it's necessary to add them, and they could also decrease or cause bowel motility issue. So if you already have a lot of bowel issues, this is why it's so important that we kind of deal with the hierarchy. And a lot of times the gut needs to be fully addressed. And working so we can have good detoxification because the gut is so important. Hepatobiliary why's liver gallbladder, it dumps a lot of those bile and toxins that are mixed in with the liver and the gallbladder back into the intestines, and it has to move out. And so we give maybe things like Evan mentioned, various pectins are activated charcoals, or clays or fulvic minerals to bind up a lot of these things. But if we have really slow motility, it could really jack up with our absorption of nutrition and a reabsorption of other toxins, we want to make sure our bowels are still moving. So some people may not be able to handle that. And also, you kind of alluded to getting a false negative on some of these urinary Mold Test. That's why it's very important that you probably do one to two weeks worth of glutathione ahead of a urinary mold test to make sure we're adequately dumping it. Because people their detoxification may be so weak, they may not be dumping it, they may look to that Mold Test, hey, look, I'm good, but you may not be. So I do a week or two. And I tell patients that if you are really feeling crappy during that loading phase, you probably have some level of toxins, and may not just be mold, it could be other pesticides or metals or other things in the environment you're dumping. But it's always good to do that load period. And if you feel too sick or just too achy during that timeframe, you know, feeling lethargic, malaise, achy brain, foggy Moody, it's probably not the right time to do any testing yet, maybe you want to wait a little bit longer, get things moving better, and test the home, see what's happening in the home and wait a little bit more till everything's working better on the detoxification side, just getting your diet better, decreasing your inflammation, improving your nutrient density, surprisingly, that actually moves the needle a lot. And then you could always add in some gentle sweating protocols like Evan mentioned as well. 


Evan Brand: Yeah, you know, you and I've talked about this for years, this idea that when people figure out there's something going on, they want to take care of it immediately. Remember, we've done shows on parasites, and we talked about how, as soon as you see parasites show up, the the gut is, you know, the gut feeling is Oh my god, get this out of me and you and I've kind of discussed that you do want to do things in the correct order. And I would agree that happens with this toxicity issue as well. So if we're working with a mom who's had infertility problems, or you know, issues with pregnancy, and we want to help increase her health, we still are going to focus on the gut because there's a right place in the right time. And if you're really weak, you're really sick, and then you try to go straight into a detox protocol. You could go the wrong direction. And it Trust me, I want this stuff out of you as fast as you want it out of you. But there is a right place in the right time. So we're still going to be doing other testing, like looking at stool to try to investigate these gut infections. You know, you mentioned some of the reabsorption of toxins, too. That's a big problem. If you have bacterial overgrowth because of this whole beta glucuronidation issue that we see. And so, there may need to be a month or two of just fixing the gut and fixing the enzyme production before we even get into detox. So don't rush, don't rush, don't rush. That's the whole message here. And can you do this on your own? That's a question we get a lot. Well, can I just go online? Go on Amazon, buy a bottle of charcoal and be done with this? I would argue No, I will speak for Justin and say he would say no, as well, because we've done this 1000 plus times. And we know that if you're just trying to detox and you're not addressing everything else, you may send yourself backwards. What does that mean? Well, it means if you're overwhelming your system, so like when I took charcoal, I've got some right here on my desk. I thought, well, I feel so good on four capsules a day, I'm going to go up to eight capsules a day. And I didn't do anything in regards to my gut, my liver adrenals. And I crashed hard, I had way too much charcoal is like whoa, you can't have too much of a good thing. So that's why I would argue it's better to have a practitioner kind of prep your body and build up the other pillars of health. Before you go into the detox pillar. detox is sexy, right? Like detox tea and all of this, it's kind of a trendy thing to do. But people don't have the disclaimer that you need to be ready, you need to have a constitutional strength to do this.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 110% I totally agree. Sometimes we detoxification slow and steady, is the better way to deal with the issues, especially if a lot of these issues came slow and steady. If they came over decades, then it makes sense. If it you know a little bit more of a short term kind of toxic issue, you could probably hit it a little bit faster and harder, especially if you're younger and more healthy. That totally makes sense. So when we talk about, you know, fertility and mold, I know a lot of women out there are going to be like, man, I knew it's mold, maybe maybe not. So I just want to make sure anytime we talk about a specific issue, and we connect it to a thing like fertility that resonates with women, right. Like if you have fertility issues, you know, it's it's a very stressful thing for women that want to get pregnant, and they can't, it's very, very stressful. And so you want to look at the goal of pregnancy holistically. So you always want to look at diet and nutrient density. And all of the building blocks in your food. And being able to digest those foods adequately is core foundational, you want to be able to get sleep and having high quality water, you want to look at mitigating toxins, whether it's molding your food, whether it's eating crummy moldy grains, whether it's consuming a lot of hormones, or pesticides, you want to look at those things as foundational. And then we can look at the hormones, we can look at your luteal phase hormone levels, we can look at your adrenals we can look at thyroid, autoimmune gut permeability, gut infections, and then we can eventually work our way to detoxification. And mold levels down the road, there's an order of operation. So just kind of look at things as what's going to give you the best bang for your buck. I always tell my patients if you're going bowling, right and it's your first role, you're not trying to hit the outside left pin, you're trying to hit the pin right in the middle, why hit the pin in the middle and knocks everything else down. So it's kind of that's how we want to look at this and mold maybe a pin that's off to the right or left with some people. Some people that may be the center pin, right. But we always go with that center pin. And that's always gonna be the foundational things to start and then we build on that as we go. 

Evan Brand: Nice. bringing out the bowling analogy. That's a new one. I like it. I like it. That's awesome. Excellent. So for men, I mean men listening to they're like, Well, you know, this is all about her. Nope. Did you hear the part about the reduction in sperm quality? So men, you are not exempt? I get frustrated with these fertility practitioners that people have seen before they come to me because why is the male not on this phone call? Like, this is so important. Why is the male not here? What is he doing? And so we know just the mold toxin, but anything else in regards to the diet, the lifestyle, the gut, that all affects male fertility as well. And I think this is really the missing piece. The women take all the blame the emotional blame the physical. I mean, it's, you know, it's a big issue for them to, to not have fertility, and so the men are just sitting back with their arms crossed, like, Oh, poor you, but they got to get involved too. And so there may be a male protocol that we're implementing as well, a lot of the foundational nutrients for women, you know, we're doing prenatals omegas, vitamin D, vitamin K, possibly some trace minerals, enzymes, electrolytes, liver support, did I say adrenal support already? adrenals. So those are some of the pieces that we're implementing. And good news is, a lot of this stuff we're talking about. It is reversible. Now, if you're age 50 I've had some women literally age 50 52 coming to me because they want to have babies. I'm like, Ah, you're 52 I'm gonna help you get healthy, but I'm not signing in blood. You're going to have a baby at age 52 like this is Wow. So, you know, I think there is a cut off. But, you know, if you're 40 listening to this, and you've had issues, I think you still have time.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Absolutely. So I mean, my wife, we had our first child she was 41 and then 43. We had no problem getting pregnant. For the most part. We had a little bit of a fertility snafu in the beginning because she had a fibroid that was kind of embedded in the uterine lining. We didn't know about it and was just sucking a lot of blood flow. So I always recommend patients that have fertility goals just to get a good general fertility workup to make sure there's no ovarian tube or fallopian tube blockages, no weird, fibroids or anything weird that endometriosis that could be affecting fertility, because those things are pretty easy to remove. If we have to surgically Of course, there's natural ways to do it, but it takes time, right. So if you're under fertility window, you don't have years to help these things reabsorb on their own. Sometimes a surgical intervention can be helpful when the clock is ticking. But guys, it's pretty easy to roll out guys, we can do a high quality sperm test we can look at motility how the sperm are moving, you know what percents moving forward, what percent not moving, what percent. moving backwards, we can look at shape, which is morphology, we can also look at overall sperm count. So sperm count cut off, I think most the average firm comm for guys is around 20 million, we want at least 50 million. So we can look at that and there's also expanded sperm panels, we'll look at all look at DNA damage. We'll look at oxidative stress as well. Now the key thing with guys is going to be just making sure insulin resistance toxins are under control, maybe a little bit of lifting some resistance training, you know good quality organic food right enough protein, enough fat that tends to be enough for most guys, adequate Selenium and zinc right adequate levels of good amino acids like Argentine that tends to be enough to really support good healthy sperm count where it's going to be high enough. We can also add in things like co q 10 and carnitine. Like I mentioned, to support it extra. So it's pretty easy to rules rule guys out in the beginning, Okay, good, hey, we're at an adequate level great. Oh, we're not let's look at DNA damage. And then we can always then look at toxin load. Or if a lot of the guys are eating conventional standard American or eating a lot of GMOs, we can we can tweak a lot of that we can run a specific intercellular nutrient panel to look deeper at the nutrients and work on spot treating those on top of a good diet as well. But that's essential. I like to get that if fertility is a goal to get the guy ruled out right away in the beginning. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, that's that's great. Yeah. And that's where like we said, Good multi comes in maybe some adaptogens too, because some of the herbs we use, they do have some supportive effects on hormone levels with man regulating testosterone estrogen levels, you know, some of the detox support may help in regards to estrogen. If men have had have a toxin issue and they've got, you know, breast tissue, they've got gyno, maybe they've done steroids. I mean, there are some issues that they kind of throw a wrench in the gears, but yeah, in general, you definitely make it sound like it's much easier for men. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I mean, out of the gates, I mean, women's hormones are just so much more delicate. They're like a beautiful Symphony and men's are kind of like a foghorn. As I've always said, and, and with a symphony. If you just have the string the strings off or the percussion instruments off, you know that Symphony could turn to noise pretty fast. Definitely. We want to make sure that that's you know, fully dialed in. And we want to look at the toxic load. So really important if you women are listening and you want to dive in deeper and with fertility goals kind of being there or even energy your mood goals being there to write I recommend clicking down below you can schedule with Evan,, you can also schedule with Dr. J. Myself,, we're here to help you here to serve. Here to educate, we recommend taking advantage of all the low hanging fruit, we try to provide tons of low hanging fruit in this day and age. Everyone has access to it based on you know, the internet and everyone having these smartphones that are so cheap. Now it's great. So everyone can kind of get access to a lot of this great Intel and start applying it. And then if you want to dive in deeper if you want to start stop guessing and start testing and figure out what's happening under the hood. That's where I really urge you all to reach out. And if you're enjoying the content, please refer us to friends and family and shoot over a podcast the best way you can thank us for all that we've done is just kind of send the content to your family and friends so they can get healthier. Evan, anything else you want to say man? 

Evan Brand: Yeah, that's all I want for Christmas is for everyone listening to share the podcast with your friends, your family, let's make 2021 and even better, healthier year, less stress, less worry, more health, more vitality, it's all possible. We try to give you guys action steps every time and this stuff is free. I mean, it's a thankless job. So the best way you can think of sharing is caring. Thank you so much. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Thanks, everyone. You guys have a phenomenal holiday season.


Audio Podcast:

Mold Problem?

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Code: drj

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