Detox with the Correct Binders | Podcast #324

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Dealing with toxic substances can be an overwhelming experience. With that in mind, it helps when things are simplified and made into relatable terms. Intestinal binders are a crucial part of any detox protocol. When the liver processes toxins, they get excreted through bile and into the small intestine. If the toxins are not bound to anything, most of them will get reabsorbed in the gut.

It is important to note that certain health conditions may make binder types more or less desirable. Having a good practitioner help determine those choices for you is always advisable. Also, there are some circumstances, such as in autoimmune disease and infectious conditions, that require the use of precaution and targeted choices with binders. Proper sourcing is critical as with all supplements, as each of them can come with unnecessary risks if they are not high-grade/quality. 

Binders are like free hall passes! In using a binder, your body is spared the work required to process a toxin through the liver and gallbladder and is, instead, excrete from the body. Check out this podcast to know more about what suits you!

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

0:18      How Binders Work

8:38      Binders’ Mechanism

15:11     Detoxifying

21:20    Different Kinds of Binders

29:44    Detox as a Side Effect

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani: We are live. It's Dr. J here in the house with Evan brand. Today we're gonna be talking about using binders to help detoxify, exciting podcast because we are utilizing all the things that we are chatting about with our patients every week. And we're excited to share with everyone else, some of our natural strategies, Evan, how you doing, man? 

Evan Brand: I'm doing really well excited to dive into this. This is something that you and I got into several years ago. And it's been really helpful for our practice, because we've been able to take people that were not tolerating protocols, and then we were able to get them to tolerate the protocol. And so when you're coming in and working on something like gut infections, whether it's h pylori parasites, bacterial overgrowth, Candida, sometimes, if people have been sick for a really long time, they may not tolerate the protocol we're giving them. And that doesn't mean the protocol that we're giving them is incorrect, or there's something wrong with it, or there's an herb reaction or I don't know, like a, you know, a supplement, it's not working well for them. That's not usually the case. In fact, that's extremely rare. But what rather is happening is that the process of killing off these toxins, I kind of use the analogy of like a bad breakup. And when you're kicking out the girlfriend, she's taking off the pictures off the wall, and she's breaking them and there's a bunch of glass shards in the hallway as you kick her out. It's not a clean breakup. And so when you're killing off these bugs, they don't want to die, they don't want to leave. And so they may release toxins that make you feel bad in an effort to get you to stop killing them. Hence, that's where binders will come in, and they're acting as the janitor, and they're going to come sweep up the glass shards that the bugs left behind. interesting way of looking at it. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I like it, like the analogy that I typically give is imagine you got a trash barrel right in your home, well, it may not be a big deal until you go buy a whole bunch of groceries. Now imagine you got a smaller trash barrel. Well, once you throw it away the egg carton and all the other trash from everything else it's going to overflow. And that overflowing is where you start dealing with die off. And a lot of people, people that are more sick tend to have smaller trash baskets to begin with. And so essentially giving yourself a bigger trash basket or increasing the frequency that we take it out, right, empty it out, is going to help. So I think either analogy works. So in general, I think the first thing I want to highlight off the bat is well, I like to prepare patients to get there you know, to get killing done in the right way. So I'm always working on hormones and adrenals and diet and blood sugar indigestion first, I find that is the most important component to all this. So an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So before you go in and start having to do all this killing and and use binders, first, get yourself ready for it. And most people do not like that they want to go in there and Kill Kill, kill, kill, kill, but preparations and be really important. 


Evan Brand: Yeah, and it sounds really attractive. And people, they get really excited when they find pathogens on a test. So we're going to run a comprehensive stool panel, we're going to run an organic acids test. And we're going to be jumping on a call with someone to discuss the lab results. And then they're going to say, Oh my god, I have to get this stuff out of me. I knew I had parasites. I knew I had this. I knew I had that. And then they're ready. But we kind of have to pace people, you know, when we've done this thousand plus times between the both of us. So we know that, hey, based on their constitution, how do you pick up on that as a practitioner? Well, it all goes into stress management? What's in their bucket of stress? Are they going through a divorce? Are they moving cross country? Are they a teacher? Are they working overtime? Are they a CEO? Are they not sleeping? Well? Are they doing too much alcohol? Those things are going to make us say, Hmm, well, you know what, we probably can't go full strength with this person. Or if we do, we're going to need to come in and bring in the binders. And the binders are these tools that they can be used in isolation. And we often use those in isolation. However, the majority of time we're going to be using them as just part of a protocol, meaning maybe during the day, we're going to be killing bugs. And then maybe at night, we're going to be using binders or maybe first thing in the morning when they're fasted and we know fasting increases the excretion of toxins, including mold and mycotoxins. Maybe we have someone do a binder first thing in the morning at six or 7am when they wake up, and they don't eat until eight or nine when they take their killing or something like that. So there's a lot of ways to work these into the protocol. And that kind of depends on the person. It depends on the Constitution. It depends on whether it's a kid or an adult. But these are amazing tools. And we'll break it down here in a minute.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yep, I like that. I think it makes a lot of sense. So one of the first things we can do to help it die off as decrease inflammation. We know agglutination happens or cells become really sticky when there's a strong inflammatory environment. So like imagine walking in your kitchen and like the floor is really sticky. It's like you're like creeping around that icky feeling on your feet. That's kind of what happens when you're inflamed and you start doing detoxification, your body is just all inflamed, things aren't moving, things are sticky. And we want to keep things loose and flowing and slippery. So the first thing kind of in preparation For all this is getting the inflammation down. So one of the things that I love doing for die off support, we talked about it before. One we've already worked on the diet, right inflammations down food allergens, our digestion is better. We're working on sleep, we're working on hydration. Getting your hydration up is super important, right? Every time you consume water, you're diluting the amount of toxins in your body, alright significantly. And so solution to pollution is dilution, high quality, filtered water, reverse osmosis or some kind of really good filter spring water, maybe add some extra minerals in so that you're getting some minerals to add in some ginger tea. Ginger is natural anti inflammatory, and it's also a natural anticoagulant. So prevents things from sticking, you could do ginger tea, burdock teas also really good, that's a good starting place. And then things are moving, your cells aren't clumping up and sticking together. And then from there, that's where it's a good place to maybe add in some binders. So a good first binder would be a really good activated charcoal, especially ones that are kind of more coconut shell based at bedtime, two hours after food and supplements. So it's kind of in your bloodstream, it's kind of filtering things out. It's not getting binding up to all your food and all the nutrients in your food, unless you want to because you're eating some bad food. That's a good first starting point to kind of get you moving. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, let's break down charcoal just a little bit. So people understand what it is they hear it but they're picturing maybe the charcoal, you know, petroleum based block that your dad used to put lighter fluid on and burn them down and put them in the grill. And then you cook some hot dogs as a kid or something.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, totally. 

Evan Brand: That's not the charcoal we're talking about. So basically, what they're going to do is they're going to heat these coconut shells, that's going to be the best. And that basically, they're decomposed coconut shells. So they're at a very, very, very high temperature. And then they're going to combine it with oxygen to, quote, activate the charcoal. And then what happens is, if you were to look at it under a microscope, you've got millions and millions and millions of what they would call micro pores on the surface of the charcoal. And it's when people say bind, it sounds like a magnet, but it's really not, you know, it's called an adsorbent agent. And so you've got just make sure you had it right. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So it's not like a sponge. It's more like a magnet. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, right. So it's like you've got but it's a weak magnet is my point about the magnet is, is it's weak, meaning that you actually can create a hurts if you do too much charcoal, for example. So I did it personally, when I went really high dose like 810 capsules, several times a day of charcoal, I actually, I started to get just a little off like I was detoxing too much. And so I found Yes, it is kind of a magnet, but it's a weak one. Meaning that if you picture like the lava rock, that's probably the best example in in a big form that people can visualize as those lava rocks. Maybe you had though, that was like old school landscaping. I know as a kid, we had lava rocks in the front of our house. Yep. And so the lava rock, you saw these tiny little holes in it. And that's kind of the charcoal but but at a bigger level. And so let's say it's mycotoxins or heavy metals or pesticide, whatever else is kind of in those little holes. But remember, you still have to move this microscopic lava rock with the, with the toxins on through the intestinal tract. And if you have a leaky gut, some of those things can kind of fall off the law of rock and then go back into the bloodstream, which is why you can hurt even from binders alone. And so this is a really important point I want people to know because more is not always better when it comes to binders. So sometimes you can only handle one cap of charcoal three times a day, some people can handle more than that. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% so you kind of highlight a couple things. What's the mechanism? Well, there's gonna be an adsorbent mechanism thing absorbed more magnet absorbed more like a sponge, right? absorbent sponge adsorbent more magnet. Again, we want to take it after food and supplements. We don't bind up nutrition. I like starting in a bedtime. So it's working overnight because a lot of how we detoxify happens around one to 3am. So I like having it in the intestinal tract when the liver and gallbladder dump. That way, it's there binding stuff up and we can excrete it better. Now, one of the big side effects of activated charcoal on binders is constipation. So I always tell my patients Make sure your bowel movements are regular before you go into killing and use any binders because if we're adding things that could slow down the motility more well that's that's a problem. Now, it'll at least help pull toxins in but it's still going to be slowing down your body's ability to get toxins out of your intestinal tract. So that's not good. So if that's the case, we're going to be adding in things to help move our intestinal tract and make sure we're passing all of our bowel movement out in 24 hours or less 18 to 24 hours. So we have that effective mechanism of elimination working. So first thing is first check is like hydration. Second check is making sure your bowel movements are working and then if they're not, we're going to be adding things in to make sure our intestinal intestinal tract is moving appropriately before we add in binders. And if we have Side effects of constipation with the binders, we're going to be adding more support to keep the bowels moving. 

Evan Brand: And it's honestly pretty easy. I mean, it's a very common kind of gut reaction, oh my god, charcoal, constipation. But I'll be honest with you, it's rare that it's something that requires special attention. Because a lot of times we're doing extra vitamin C, because most people are low in that most people are deficient in magnesium. So we're doing extra of that already. A lot of times the herb formulas that you are using for gut infections, those may have some extra bow moving support in those and just by clearing out infections you and I've talked about, in the past how bacterial overgrowth can create certain gases that will slow the transit time down, just by eradicating those infections, the bowels can return to normal. So yes, constipation can happen. But it's usually not a huge wrench in the gears. And we can overcome it pretty easily with minor tweaks if needed.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, exactly. So it can go either way. Some people when they get inflamed, they're pulling a whole bunch of water in to flush things out. If you're more prone to be constipated, you just have to be mindful of it. That's why when we're adding in binders, we're doing it like one capsule at a time. So there's no big jump, where people get into trouble is they just kind of come in there with a higher dose or they jump too fast. And that's where the problem comes in. And again, like Evan mentioned us some of the herbs that we give may have a really, you know, good laxative effects are really healthy intestinal migrating motor complex work well, if not, I'll be using special special things like magnesium and things like that to keep the intestinal tract moving. Ginger is a really good pro kinetics. So we'll be adding that in and really just helping to support the natural migrating motor complex of the intestinal tract while adding some binders now, once we start adding some binders at nighttime, we may do it sometime midday as well that way we kind of have coverage within a 12 hour timeframe. So we have some coverage at night, some coverage during the day. But I always start at night first, partly because that's when we were dumping a lot of toxins at night. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, let me just address this concern real quick. And then we'll move on to my next favorite binder, which is chlorella. So just like oh, charcoal, constipation, people go Oh, charcoal mineral depletion. I've talked with a guy named Neil Nathan, who wrote a great book called toxic. I often recommend people buy that to look into binders. He has worked alongside a guy named Dr. Michael gray, who's a toxicologist, I believe he's out of Arizona, he's a guy who's been working on treating mold. For decades, this guy has been using, I've heard insane numbers like 50 to 100 grams of charcoal per day, we're talking literally 8090 100 capsules of charcoal a day for years. And there's never been an issue of mineral depletion, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. So his kind of argument after I probed him on that question was, well, what about mineral depletion? He goes well, so what if you lose one or 2% of minerals? If you're getting 98% of your nutrition and minerals, still, the the pros outweigh the cons in the sense that you're removing toxins that are affecting hormones, the brain, the liver, the kidney, so he's like, yeah, maybe you lose a couple percent. But it's never been something that's called like a heart attack. Because you've lost so much potassium or anything crazy like that. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, you're just going to be taking it away, you're going to be just taking it away from it. So that's going to mitigate most of it. If you're taking activated charcoal with your food all the time. Yeah, maybe you have a problem. But you're going to be one you're going to be kept getting a lot of minerals in your water and food throughout the day. And then you're going to start by taking it at night when you're not, like overly hydrating anyway, and to at least two hours after you eat and so it's not that big of a deal. And so yeah, as long as you time it up, right. I just think that's a moot point for sure. 

Evan Brand: Yeah. All right. So let's let's go into chlorella, because I really love chlorella, and I didn't know too much about it. Besides that you'd see like little chlorella tablets, it always comes in these little green looks like a little Pez or something and they're kind of hard to chew, but they're a little awkward to swallow. And then Luckily, I found a couple companies that make micronized liquid chlorella, and that's what I often use. chlorella is an algae. But it works amazing as a broad spectrum. So a lot of people kind of market it as a heavy metal detox because it has a really unique ability to bind on to heavy metals like mercury and lead and cadmium and arsenic and aluminum things that every modern human has, whether it's from breathing and car exhaust, to having amalgam fillings in their mouth, but it's awesome. And I've seen I could show you several case studies on pesticides, herbicides, and mold toxins, and chlorella being used to pull those out. We've got in fact before and after results of seeing even little kids, 234 year olds that I've worked with where they had major, major major pesticides. These were kids that were diagnosed autistic, are on the spectrum. We give them as high doses we can go with chlorella, we retest after three to six months and guess what the pesticides herbicides are gone. And oh my god. I mean, sometimes it just almost makes you cry because it's like, wow, how is something like this so beneficial, but you're not hearing about this on the nightly news?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, absolutely. So the first thing we can do to detoxify I always tell patients is stop adding toxins in. So first stop adding toxins in so look at your pesticides right? Look at the food that you're eating, make sure it's organic, no GMOs, you know, make note, no added hormones, don't consume foods and plastics. If you use plastic, you know, try to keep it in the fridge out of the sunlight out of heat out of the microwave. Excellent clean water, filtered water, clean water, if it's aro, no big deal, add some minerals back in there, I see a lot of people complaining about our water, hey, I rather have my water cleaner, and then add minerals back in and have water that's more toxic, because you can't, you can't add things into the water that make it more or less toxic. It's either got to be filtered from toxins, and then you can add minerals back in on the flip side. And that's totally okay. And then from there. And then from there, that's going to kind of give you that the first foundation because your food's good, your water is good. And then all your hygiene products make sure deodorants and skincare and soaps were free of toxins there. And that way when we add in binders, there's going to be just less things that have to be binded. So our body can work on binding up more things that are released from our tissues that are more stored toxins versus toxins that are coming in every day from our environment. 

Evan Brand: That's a great point. I even forgot to mention that which is duh. Why did people have to get into the situation where they need binders in the first place? Well, it's they've been exposed to toxins. Now, some people they weren't exposed to toxins on purpose, it was just they ate organic, but then they, you know, stayed a month in a moldy Airbnb or something and they got exposed that way. So it's not always your fault. But you're right, you got to empower people and say, hey, look, you can make a choice, you can either eat organic, and not get exposed, or you can eat conventional. But now you've got to do the cleanup work. And it's much better to stop it before it gets in than having to remove it once it's already in.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100%. Now, outside of that we can do things that help our livers function better, we can work on phase one detoxification support, which will take a lot of these fat soluble toxins and convert them into water soluble. Now these toxins are mobile. So the activated charcoal really works great when toxins are now mobilized, if they're not mobilized, these binders aren't going to really work well because everything's kind of be in the tissue kind of stored up so to speak. So it's gonna be hard to really grab it. So getting phase one detoxification support dialed in B vitamins, antioxidants, these are going to be key nutrients, maybe liver tona fine herbs like milk thistle, or dandelion or artichoke root. I have a supplement called liver supreme or antioxidant supreme are both my phase one detoxification support that gets things mobilized. Now if they're mobilized now we can come in there with binders and we can soak it up a little bit. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, phase two is important to now a little involved, I would suppose with the with the binder conversation, because if phase two is not working, you know, phase one can be up regulated. But if phase two is not working, it's like you've got a fire hose going into a garden hose and the backup can happen there. And I'll tell you personally, and clinically, when I start to use nutrients to fuel phase to like some of the amino acids. I've taken it too far like with everything, you know, because I'm a guinea pig. But I've noticed massive, massive improvements just by helping out phase two. And then if I ramp up phase two too much, I'll throw in binders and then the binders will kind of help mitigate the hurdles from up regulating phase two. So it's a it can be a little bit of a seesaw sometimes. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. 

Evan Brand: All right, what else what else should we hit on? We should hit on the the Clay's a little bit as well. You and I love clays that are awesome. You've got zeolite you've got bentonite clays, those are kind of your top big ones you've got like green clays and such clays are awesome. I find that they are really good at heavy metals and molds and will often use it in a blend. So we'll use a little bit of clay a little bit of charcoal a little bit of chlorella all at once. And they're well tolerated. I haven't seen that many people who works from clay so I don't have any, you know, evidence beyond clinical with this, but I would say that you seem to have less hurting with clays than you do like chlorella or charcoal. I find you can go too much with the others.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly, yeah. So just to highlight a couple of things here regarding the sulfur. NAC. glutathione glutathione is a tri peptide anyway. So that's made from glutamine, glycine, cysteine, right, taurine, MSM, alpha lipoic acid, just getting a lot of our sulfur nutrients on board is going to be huge. That's going to help provide a lot of the building blocks for phase two. And that way we're going to be able to, you know, and acetylation, glutathione, conjugation, methylation, right, these are going to involve a lot of our phase two nutrients and so Phase One, like methylation will evolve, like b 12. And full eight, right? So we want to make sure all those things are working if we need Now, some people, we're not going to be pushing the toxification directly, we're going to just be, it's gonna be there more to help pick up the dead debris from things that are being killed in the gut. But if the activated charcoal still not enough, we may have to push more of those phase one and phase two, just to make sure those toxins are releasing, and then the binders will be there to catch things a little bit as well. So a little bit of a push catch, if necessary. If not, we'll just be doing more of a catch and the push will be more from the killing side. So everyone's a little bit different. And I tend to a lot of times this isn't a problem when you have the foundation built in first. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, the funny thing is going into this podcast, I thought, oh, wow, this will be you know, pretty easy to explain. But the more we dive into it, the more this thing gets a little tricky. And so case specific because some people, they don't tolerate up regulating phase two that much, and other people they have trouble with the binders. So we try to make this stuff as simple as we can. But keep in mind people this is not This podcast is not designed to replace one on one functional medicine care. So if you really want to get to the bottom of these issues, you need help you need us to help guide you through this because I don't want you to go in and just pop in a bunch of charcoal and you feel bad. You don't know why. And then you're confused about what you're going to do next. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% So let's talk about some binders. So activated charcoal, you mentioned the heating like that the you know the which is going to really have a big binding effect. It's also going to help with mold as well. We have things like bamboo, bamboo binders are excellent as well. We have things like citrus pectin, which are shown to be very helpful for lead. We have zeolite binders which are very helpful for mold. I think activated charcoal is also very helpful for mold. We have things like beetroot powder, which has some natural binding effects for mold as well. Obviously, we have the medication coolest I mean, which is a really good mole binder. There's some side effects, though, which can lower your sex hormones fulvic minerals, which have some mold and some binding effects to any comments on the different kinds of binders having chlorella, more on the metal side more for Mercury, though more in the intestinal tract. Anything else?

Evan Brand: Yeah, the colas. darmian is strong stuff. I used it. And, man, I tell you it works. But I do believe that it affected my gut negatively. I do believe that. Now I don't know if I don't know if that's a direct influence, or is it a byproduct of dragging mycotoxins out of the system? I'm not too sure. But I would try to tell people don't use the prescription binder unless you absolutely have to. And you're just so miserable. You can't get yourself out of the rabbit hole with it. Because for me necessary for most. Yeah, for me, I just I really struggled. And I was doing the natural binders for months. And I needed a little extra help. So I did it short term. But I would try to stray most people away the natural binders can be really good if you have enough patience and time to resolve the issues.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And you've like for you it's more of a mold thing. So we're kind of talking for binders for most people is more in the killing side. Right. So for that you had no problems with it. Right? It was more on the mold side, correct? 

Evan Brand: Yeah, yeah, that's right. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And then you find you fit on the mold binding side, you found that which is better for you when you had what more glutathione and more so for support in along with the binders? Was that true? 

Evan Brand: Yeah, yeah, the glutathione definitely helped as long as I didn't do too much. And then also helping the glucuronidation pathway that's also part of this whole conversation. And so calcium D glucose rate did great things for me. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yes, calcium to glucose. It's good. And that's a estrogen binder as well as a mole binder. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, yeah, it really helps with z, what's called [inaudible], which is something we test for on the urine. So, you know, like we've talked about today, you can have a kind of a broad spectrum approach, but we really try to dial it in if we can, if we see specific mycotoxins, we'll try to give a little more specific. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100%. So I think that's really important. Anything else you wanted to highlight on that?

Evan Brand: I think that's it. I would just say the first step is really trying to get the data, right, because, you know, people hear the word detox and like, yep, I need some of that. And it's kind of trendy, which is, I guess, good, but also bad because people just jump into detox not knowing why or what they're doing or what they're after. So my recommendation as always our philosophies test, don't guess and figure out what do you have that you're detoxing? Do you have a heavy metal burden? Let's find out. Do you have a mycotoxin burden? Do you have pesticides and chemicals? Do you have all that? Okay, great. Now, let's make a plan to go after these things. So, like I said, Don't just run to Whole Foods, buy coconut charcoal and take it if you don't know why you need it. I prefer people have a reason. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 110% I totally agree. So a couple things, right. So number one, people say toxification. Right? Well, number one, you're always detoxifying. The question is, are you detoxifying at 100%? Are there enough toxins and stressors in the environment that are impairing your detoxification? where certain toxins are accumulating in your body more than are being eliminated. So number one, you're always detoxify. Number two, it's more optimizing your detox vacation systems. Also number three people that talk about cellular detox. That's marketing garbage. Okay. detoxification is happening at a cellular level. It's called their cytochrome p 450 oxidase pathways that's happening biochemically at a cellular level. amino acids, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, these pathways are being upregulated all the time that's happening at a cellular level. So when people talk about cellular detox, that's just marketing hooey. Anything you do to help detoxification just drinking more water, guess what you're enhancing, so detoxification just by you, decreasing inflammation. You having really good nutrition in your food, you're enhancing the certification. Okay, so don't get don't get caught up with a lot of these marketing buzzwords. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, unfortunately, detox is probably the most what would you say? Maybe sleazy snake oily type part of functional medicine? 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, it is for sure. I think a lot of the time it is because people come at it from that's the first step. So they're taking people and they're just trying to upregulate these pathways right out of the gates. And people have gut issues, and they're being nutritionally deficient for a while. And there have a lot of toxins that they're consuming food wise, or in their life. Yeah, they can really feel crappy and sick. So it's probably the last thing I do out of the gates again, specifically, right, we're always detoxifying. So if I see a patient and I don't hit the toxification, specifically with those nutrients, but I get them drinking better, cleaner water, and get them going organic, and get them pooping every day. I am enhancing their detoxification, like, tenfold just doing that alone. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's just funny, I guess, it gets a little-

Evan Brand: Cheesy, because that's one of the few things that your average person who knows nothing about functional medicine knows about is the word detox. They probably heard it before their friend drinking detox tea or something silly like that. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right? And then you have like the master cleanse detox, right, which is, hey, that's cool. You're giving your digestive system a break, and you're not necessarily detoxifying. When you when you do that, I mean, you're not enhancing nutrition, you're enhancing fasting and autophagy. And, and that can help with stem cells. And that can help detoxify a little bit, because you're, you're fasting. So detoxification is a little bit higher there, but you're not specifically pushing those pathways. Most of those benefits happen because you're not consuming a whole bunch of food allergens. People feel better doing a Master Cleanse, it's typically because their diet usually isn't that great. So when they go on a Master Cleanse, they're avoiding a lot of those foods that are inflaming them all the time. The more healthy Your food is, when you go to a cleanse, you're kind of like, Oh, well, it isn't that big of a deal, because your food's already really high quality. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, yeah. silica is on the list, too. There are small nutrients. I mean, there's there's boron, there's trace minerals. Or you may be helpful. Yeah, molybdenum can be helpful. So I think we hit on a lot of the big ones, though, a lot of the big tools that you mentioned the pack, then I've done packed and I'll be honest, I haven't noticed much from it. I do use it in combination with some other binders. But I've never done just like a pectin trial by itself and notice any significant difference, meaning I haven't taken it. And my head's clear, like with charcoal, if I'm kind of fuzzy, I'll take a little charcoal and then boom, you know, I'll notice the clarity. I don't know if it's pectins different maybe it's not binding on to the type of toxin that's causing the head drunkenness in the first place. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: It's better for lead I think and Merc, okay, yeah, we're for the heavy metals, but it's still helpful, you know, ya know, if you're gonna be detoxifying, it's not gonna hurt having that in there. It just wouldn't be the only thing you'd have in there.

Evan Brand: Right, right. Yeah. And so, and maybe heavy metals, they don't have as much of a quick turnaround time on your symptoms, whereas mold does, like, I know, if I've taken a mold hit, it's like, Whoa, it's a pretty quick symptom reaction. Whereas, hey, I breathe in a little car exhaust, I'm probably not going to feel anything right away from that.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Right. Exactly. Yeah, totally. So anything else you want to add? And I think we really went to town on all this stuff. I mean, I think the key thing I want to highlight for everyone listening, if you're having a lot of issues or hormone issues of detoxification issues, you know, do the foundation's out of the gates. But if you're still struggling, you want to reach out to someone like myself, and Evan, so we can help you all out. We're available worldwide, and Evan's at EvanBrand com. I'm at, you can click on our schedule buttons, and we can support you and help you during the process. If you need that extra help. We've helped thousands of patients together. So we have a lot of experience. And a lot of people have other issues going on, like gut infections, like hormone imbalances, like inflammation issues like other thyroid or autoimmune issues that are part of the issue. And just supporting detoxification by itself won't be the fix for that. It's part of a bigger broader plan. Yeah, on the fence. Feel free to reach out guys. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, good point. And some of our mentors that said you really have to kind of market to people for what they think they need, but give them what they truly need. So a woman may say, Oh, I need detox. Okay, so I'm like, Okay, yeah, we can help with that. But hey, guess what, detox is not your number one priority based on these labs, we really need to do this. And as a side effect of working through this, yep, we'll detox you as well. So, don't always assume in your head, you've got it all figured out. Because there may be a different set or of priorities or a different order of operations. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, it's always interesting when patients come in, and they kind of have an idea what they want. But then the question is, I'm gonna try to give you what you need. And I'll try to connect the dots. Because if your goal is to get better and address these issues, then we're totally in alignment, you just may be, you may think this is what you have to do to get there. But as long as you're open to guidance, then hey, we can adjust that for sure. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, it's always a fun process. So Justin mention the links I mentioned a moment of time, Dr. J at available online. And me, And that's it. So we'll be back next week. take great care. If you have questions, concerns, comments, you know, write us a review and tell us what kind of topics do you do you want us to cover we're happy to dive into all of it. We live we eat, we breathe this stuff every day, all day. I mean, this is our life. So we're very passionate and we would love to hear what you want to hear about. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Absolutely. And we'll put a link down below under references for products that we specifically use and formulate to help support some of the pathways and the objectives that we chatted about in today's podcast. So if you want to support the show, you can also purchase those products that which we believe in personally use for ourselves, patients and family. Awesome, everyone. You guys have a phenomenal day. It was great chatting with y'all. Take care now. Take care.

Evan Brand: Bye bye.


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