Coronavirus Updates, Herd Immunity, and Asymptomatic Population are Increasing | Podcast #281

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Hey everyone! In today’s episode for Beyond Wellness Podcast, Dr. Justin and Evan give a live virus update, highlights on approaches for a good immune system support aside from the defensive approaches. This podcast will give a lot of information in preventing viruses from entering your body. Check out the transcription below. Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

2:17 Virus Global Statistics

7:53 Effects of Unhealthy Lifestyle

16:40 Asymptomatic Cases

30:15 Questions on Virsues

39:44 Herbal Immune Supports

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey guys, it's Dr. Justin Marchegiani here, I'm with Evan brand Today we're going to be giving you guys a live Coronavirus update, want to tell you about our thoughts and things and of course just highlight offensive approaches to in supporting your immune system. Most approaches are totally defensive, social distancing, quarantine, washing your hands all fine and dandy, but those are all defensive approaches. We want to talk about offensive approaches where you guys can be in the driver's seat, Evan, how you doing this morning?

Evan Brand: I'm doing well. And let's give a brief intro to who we are in case people are new to the podcast. So Dr. Justin Marchegiani, he's a chiropractic doc who's studied functional medicine extensively for over a decade, he successfully treated thousands and thousands of patients around the world. And he works virtually where he sends lab tests to people's homes and creates functional medicine programs to find and fix the root cause of various health issues. I do the same but I'm not a chiropractor. I have other functional medicine credentials and also work with people online worldwide. So that's what We do on a day to day basis is help people reverse health issues that they previously had trouble with, and maybe got limited results working with the conventional medical model. And we had our own health struggles that led us into fixing our own problems, which is why we love and we're so passionate about what we do. So that's the brief bio behind us. And what kind of spurred today's conversation is that we were looking at some stats here, and many people have heard about Italy being a huge hotspot, so to speak of this whole Coronavirus issue in Italy having, you know, massive amounts of infection and higher rates of death and such. But what we're finding now is even higher percentage of comorbidities and what we reported on last time we reported on a smaller number now it's looking like more than 99% 99% of fatalities from COVID occurred among people who had underlying medical condition. And so it showed that 0.8 so less than 1% of people who died had no underlying condition at all. So let me just break it down real quick. 76% had high blood pressure, almost 36% had diabetes 33% had heart disease that is insane.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% also i'm going to share on screen with you guys as well. So you guys can see, according to the telegraph on reevaluation by the National Institute of Health only 12% of death certificates show in Italy a direct cause from Coronavirus, while 88% of those who had died on the death certificate had at least one pre morbidity but also maybe up to two to three. So I think that's also pretty powerful is out of all the causes of death on there, only 12% they can show a direct cause to and I'll put this on screen here so you guys can see what I'm saying here. So right here, this is the telegraph article only 12% of death certificates show direct causality that's important to know. And you know, when Evan and I watched the news How we do it is we compartmentalize opinion, and the pundits talking head with the data. So ideally, you just try to get the data. And then you try to formulate your opinion versus get swayed by a talking head. Now, the better the news station, people just give you more of the data versus their opinion. And that's better, the more a lot of times the opinion and the data do do not go hand in hand for obvious reasons, right for yourselves if it leads to bleeds. And so we always want to make sure you guys are watching things with the compartmentalised brain so you don't fall for it.

Evan Brand: So it's tough to do. And it's tough to do, right what you're what you're saying sounds easy, but it's tough because sometimes the data may be mixed in with a testimonial, and then there's a footage of a hospital and then there's like a lady walking in a mask and some B roll footage. So it's really tough to dissect that. It's really tough to just pull out what you need from it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, and I recommend don't ever fall for any ask exposes, when someone's doing a one off on someone dying. Don't ever fall for that because number one is people die all the time. And you don't know what their health history is you don't know anything about their life. Number two, for instance, 150 people die a year, 150 kids die a year of the flu. You don't see any expose on kids dying. You know, you could do an expose literally every single day on a child dying of the flu throughout the winner maybe even twice a day, right? But you don't see that. Right? So why, right? There's a reason why they're trying to get you to feel something that they're not really caring about that much one of the flus in, you know, in town, so to speak. So in order that you want to look at the global percentage, you want to look at averages across the board. That's the better way to handle it so you don't fall prey.

Evan Brand: Yeah. And you're talking about how they'll just do a specific story on this woman and how she had three kids and she worked two jobs, and she worked so hard, and here's her dog and what are they going to do with her dog now that she's gone, that kind of stuff you're talking about where it's more emotionally focused on one person and they they separate that they kind of leave the statistics away and hyper focus in is that what you're talking about?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, exactly. So they'll hyper focus And they won't give you of course, most people aren't going to get a background on their health because of all the HIPAA stuff, right? So they're not going to really give a big background on their health or comorbidities, or even what their diet or lifestyle is like. So then a lot of people just feel like it's it could creep up on them and get them just as easily right. And I think this empowers people. So I recommend staying away from any of the one off exposes and just kind of look at the global statistics, because that gives you a better perspective on what's happening. And the global statistics show, you know, 99% plus are going to have comorbidities. That's really important. And most of the comorbidities, as I've already shown, involve some level of diabetes and blood sugar dysregulation, 60 plus percent. There was a journal article in the New England Journal of Medicine last month, looking at a lot of people that died up in Seattle and 60 plus percent had diabetes. Now once you have diabetes, 80% of diabetes, people are going to have kidney issues. So if you have kidney issues, then probably I also have blood pressure issues. So once you have blood sugar issues, you're going to have two or three comorbidities over time just because so the older you are, the reason why the elderly is so at risk is because chronic degenerative diseases, they're just that they're chronic. So bad decisions may today compound over time, just like if you invest money when you're younger in your 20s and 30s, compound interest grows it so it's bigger and better in your 50 60 70s. Same thing with bad habits and disease, we start putting bad habits in the health bank, and that starts to compound over time and we start generating symptoms and disease over time, just like wealth investment generate wealth over time. So keep that in the back of your mind. Number two elderly are going to have typically less vitamin D, they're they're going to be indoors a lot more. They're also going to have less hydrochloric acid. And then a lot of less hydrochloric acid means are not going to be breaking down protein as well. They're going to have less muscle mass. Because they're not having protein, they're also going to be on more medications. And those medications create more side effects. And remember, antibodies and part of your immune responses. antibodies are made from protein. So we don't have or digest and protein, that's gonna be a problem. And then if we don't have the minerals like zinc or magnesium, that's going to create more problems. So it's not like because you're elderly like and you hit a certain age, you're just magically susceptible. There are key physiological things that happen over time, that make elderly folk more susceptible. And here are the things that we can do to stop it. And that's the digestion the vitamin D, the blood sugar issues, right, the older and the longer you have this glycaemia right imbalanced blood sugar from too much carbs or refined carbohydrate or a cellular carbs. Over time, those insulin cells will get numb and that's a big mechanism with this whole thing that's happening here.

Evan Brand: Yep, well said and the fact to the sedentary lifestyle that older people are having to I mean, especially if you're someone who has in a nursing home, for example, I don't I've never heard of a story of, you know, a client of mine who had a parent or a grandparent in a nursing home going and get an exercise program. And you know, it's not like they're getting five days a week of high intensity interval training or anything like that. So it's just, it's crazy. And you mentioned the bad habits. So what what do you mean by the bad habits? Well, this is mainly like the high carbohydrate processed food diet that most people are on. I mean, if you look at in general, unfortunately, if you look at my grandparents pantry, it's loaded full of garbage, honey buns and peanut butter crackers and hydrogenated oils and corn syrup and chocolate milk. I mean, just crazy, right? It's just it's really, really bad stuff. So there was a lady named Dr. Sandra Webber. She's the president of the American Association of clinical endocrinologist. She said, we know that if you do not have good glucose control, you're at high risk for infection, including viruses and presumably, this one COVID-19 as well improving glucose control I would put you in a situation where you would have better immune function. So I mean, that's straight from the horse's mouth if you want somebody who's established and has a good, a good pulse on this, really beating and reversing insulin resistance should be your number one focus right now. So instead of like being upset, here's something kind of like, embarrassing, but here it is, you're ready to hear it. So my wife's sister, and their whole family. They're posting all these challenges these quarantine challenges they're doing and their latest challenge that they're sharing with everyone on the world by posting on social media is a the best store bought cookie challenge. And her sister's husband, he already has diabetes, but here they are going to the grocery and they are buying 10 different brands. I'm talking Oreos, the fudge covered Oreos, that Elmer Fudd cookies the way I don't even know all of them. And let's, let's eat every single cookie to figure out, you know, during our quarantine period, what is the best store bought cookie? It's like, no, don't you get it, you're missing the whole point of this. So it's crazy. You know, people would think that based on us being who we are that people, anybody close to us would have it all figured out. Right that that all of our family members and friends and all that would just have it so dialed in. But unfortunately, that's not the case.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you're never going to be a prophet in your own town. Right? That that's kind of a, a biblical quote there. So keep that in the back of your head, the people closest to you tend to under appreciate the the information you bring to the table. So just kind of looking at a couple of things here. Let's go look at some of the statistics. I want to break it all down. We're over the hump. My original estimates, I said, half of the flu kind of be where we're going to be at overall from a data perspective. The problem is, it may even be way less than that. The problem is the criteria. diagnosis on the corona virus is very difficult. Number one, the symptoms overlap with a lot of other diseases IE flu, other types of Corona viruses, other types of rhinovirus there's a big overlap there. Number one, number two, because the testing is so let's just say shoddy meaning it's a 50 to 80%, false positive on that 30%, I think on the sensitivity, so there's a great chance of a lot of false positives. So that's going to aid in more positive diagnosis. And you could have another virus another issue that could look like it and then you could have that one, be diagnosed because it's one it's false positive number two, on the vital and human statistics criteria, you don't even have to have a positive test to get diagnosed. I'll say that again. Well, you do not have to have a positive test to diagnose. Let's go look at let's go look at the data, bringing you guys the actual facts. Alright, so this is an article right here. This is you guys can see it. This is the guidance for certifying deaths due to Coronavirus 2019. This is the vital statistics reporting guy. This is 2020. Okay, this came out last week.

Evan Brand: And let me just preface this by saying this is absolutely insane what you were about to show us because this is why the numbers, even though the numbers look far better than initially predicted, the numbers are actually probably even better than that based on what you're about to read.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, so number one, is let's look at this. So this is how their diagnosis in case where a definitive diagnosis of COVID-19 cannot be made, but it's suspected or likely, right? The circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree. Remember, the symptoms for COVID-19 are going to overlap flu and many other respiratory viruses, lung issues breathing, hypoxia potential pneumonia symptoms in and around that on a death certificate as okay so right here, it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as probable or present In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgment to determine COVID-19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID-19 should be conducted whenever whenever possible. So what they're implying here is that you do not need testing to make that diagnosis. So whenever it's possible, but you can still make it without the diagnosis because it's probable or presume so if you presume it based on symptomatic significance or symptomatic parody, it seems similar, right, then you can make that diagnosis. So that's just just want to show you the exact criteria that they're that they're looking at.

Evan Brand: All right, and this is, this is Yeah, and people that are listening, they probably are not going to see this screen that you're showing. This is from the Center for Disease Control's dot gov website.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yes, that's really important to know. And then the other issue is going to be on the false positives. I've already posted a bunch of studies on this already. What I'll do is I'll pull my study on that up in a second here. I'll let you kind of riff on that for a minute. Go ahead.

Evan Brand: Yeah. And regarding this stuff you've already talked about with the false positives. It's not that you're saying this doesn't exist, it truly does exist. And it's not that you're saying people are not dying, they truly are dying. But what we're saying is, it's really tough when you're looking at the amount of response that's happened, based on everything being shut down, when people that are dying from other things are getting tagged as that and then you have the state by state governors coming on the news and saying, oh, my goodness, we had 30 more deaths in the past 24 hours or 50 more deaths or whatever, and you don't have you don't have any idea of actually, how many of those 30 were truly that versus just the naturally occurring 30 deaths that would have happened in that city based on some other respiratory thing.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 110% Yep, that's 100% true. And that's the concern. It's always it's always about proportion. Okay, that's really the key thing. It's always about proportionality is what we're doing proportional to what's happening, right? Because we don't want to overshoot in any of these things either. So we got to look at everything and proportionality perspective, I think gets really important. So we already talked about that or anything else. Evan, you wanted to highlight on that?

Evan Brand: That's it for that. I just wanted to get back to the to the real point here, which is that if you're kind of blessed with more time on your hands now and you're thinking, Okay, what can I do to be proactive? That's what you said in the beginning, which is that we want to be more action based. We want to be more action oriented, as opposed to just having so much fear you don't know what to do with the fear. If you are fearful, I totally understand, but we want you to channel that. So possibly intermittent fasting, which is going to help promote insulin sensitivity and improve your blood sugar management. Now, this is important for if you're a type two diabetic, this is important for high blood pressure that can help reduce that. If you're obese that can help that possibly going ketogenic or Close to ketogenic or maybe cycling in and out of ketosis is going to be helpful as well. This is going to significantly reduce your risk of becoming seriously ill if you were to get infected that is the point is that you may possibly could get infected, but you want to do as much as you can to reduce your potential risk of severity and getting blood pressure regulated, getting blood sugar under control, those are going to be very, very important based on what we're looking at here with this whole Italy paper.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100% and let me go share here one more article with you guys so you guys can see what I'm talking about. All right. Okay, so this is the big thing, right? We've already kind of talked about if you guys have been following some of my podcasts on this topic, is the fact that one study right here found 86% of all infections were actually undocumented. Undocumented means you have the antibodies or you actually got the infection but you have no symptoms at 86%. That's one that's one out of 7.14 people are actually showing symptoms. It could be even higher, it could be 10 to 20 symptoms 10 to 20 people have no symptoms for everyone that does have symptoms, okay? So for every seven to eight on the low end are going to get the infection and have no symptoms per one, or up to 10 to 20 are going to get the infection make antibodies and have no symptoms. That's really, really important because that creates herd immunity, right? When you get 90 95% of the population with an infection, after two to three weeks are no longer spreading it, they're going to have an immune response. So here's 86% of all infections are undocumented. Here's the whole higher temperature thing, right? They're looking at basically, here are basically different cities in China and they look at the temperature and they look at as the temperature increases Celsius, the infection rate drops, and that's important and that's partly because of UV light, kills viruses and humidity actually makes it harder for viruses to spread. I want you to keep that in the back end. Hey guys. And there was one more study here. This has potential false asymptomatic rate, and they're looking at nearly half of even more of the asymptomatic infected individuals reported the active nucleic acid screening might be a false positive. That's important. This kind of supports the whole false positive thing. If you have a test, that's half correct, you're going to get more people stacked on. And the other component I want to highlight is, this is an article out of the LA Times large scale COVID-19 antibody testing study launched in California, so they're doing a COVID-19 antibody study already, because there's only 300 deaths. There's about a 10 to 15 x difference between California and New York. That's crazy. When we go look at the United States, we break it down. Let's go look at their stats. And when you compare California number one who has a higher homeless population, because of the weather, so you're gonna have more transmission because you know, the homeless are going to be malnourished they're going to live in tight close quarters. is gonna be less sanitation, plumbing, all that stuff, right? Look at California they have 681 total deaths. Let's look in New York, they have 9385. Okay, we do the math on that 9385 divided by 681. That's a 14 x difference, nearly 14 x difference. And they're supposing the reason why that happened because there's only about a two day difference between social distancing in New York and California. And remember, it takes two weeks for social distancing to actually take effect. So two days would not explain a 14 to 15 x difference. And we also have other countries that didn't really shut down their economy. Alright, so for instance, if we just do desk per 1 million just as a good reference point. That way we can compare smaller countries whereas the US the US is at 67. Desperate 1 million. We're Sweden that Sweden just a little bit higher at 91. So there are only one country in between us and Sweden. Sweden didn't shut down their economy. Okay, who else didn't? I can tell you Denmark didn't and they're actually less than us. Okay. I could tell you who else didn't was Brazil?

Evan Brand: Yeah, tell us the number since people may not be watching some people may be listening. Denmark is 49 deaths per million.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yep. Denmark's 49 We also are going to have Brazil here. Let me just do a Ctrl F on this so I can find it faster. So Brazil's at six deaths per million. I can also tell you who didn't shut down their economy was South Korea. Okay, South Korea didn't shut down their economy either and South Korea is at 37 out that South Africa South Korea, ads I can find them on here. I'm not sure whether or not there but they are actually less as well. I'll try to pull them up here in a minute.

Evan Brand: That's okay. That's That's enough. That's enough points. I mean, that's crazy. Oh, there it is. That's Korea.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So therefore, yeah, they're under S dot Korea 4 per million for Wow. You can see the US is at 91 and then you can see a couple of countries ahead of us. So the nice thing is we have a Decent control, meaning other countries that didn't go to the full extent. And there's a couple of theories out there. What does this do? So number one by us doing all the quarantine stuff and in socialized social distancing, that helps flatten the curve. Now, let's see the curve. Here's the curve. All right, we're already at peak, we're already coming down the bell curve now. Okay, I predicted this two weeks ago, this would happen like around April 10, April 11. It happened April 11. They actually predicted April 16. And they backed it off a bit. Okay. Remember, these are the same experts that came in at two to 3 million deaths. Without social distancing, then then with just social distancing being intact. They went from 2 to 3 million to 2 to 300,000. And they went from that to 100,000 to 85,065. And now they're at 60,000 projected deaths. Okay, here it is 61,545. Now, I'll just tell you, that's a massive variance. That's a massive variance when you go off 10 20 x by plugging in simple variables, and you're that far off, that's concerning. Okay, that means we have a bad model. But anyway, if we go look at the hospital resources, the whole goal of flattening the curves, so we don't go outside of the shaded area, right? These are all of our resources up here.

Evan Brand: And what he's showing resources for people listening on audio, he's looking at a graph here, there's a big shadow, we TP sort of over this dotted line, the TP is the capacity. And the capacity is insanely higher than what the reality of need is for various beds and things like that. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Exactly. So the the purple dotted line is kind of where we're actually projected. And then the shadow is kind of where our resources max out. So the whole reason why we do all this social distancing is to flatten the curve. But now that we're on top of the curve, and our resources were more than adequate, well, now I think it's time at some point for at least help people to start going to get get getting back out there and becoming asymptomatic, getting antibodies. They I already know what's happening in California. That's why they are, are doing the study right now. Right? Why have so many people in California not gotten sick compared to New York? It's because there's antibodies. And they're actually doing this study over at Stanford right now, testing antibodies at a large scale. So that's important to note.

Evan Brand: Okay, well, I'm gonna sneak out. I'm gonna sneak out of this podcast. But I think if you have more things to say, don't let me end your podcast short, but I gotta run.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Sounds good. Having a good chat with you. We will be in touch this week. Take care. 

Evan Brand: Sounds good, everybody. Take care. Bye. Bye. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: All right, so just to keep on rolling with you guys here. Let's go look at the stats. So the US is already over the bell curve. So the problem a lot of people interpret statistics as a logarithmic thing like this. So they kind of look at it as like, Whoa, it just keeps on going forever, right? That's kind of how they look at it. But no, it typically works like a like a bell curve. All right, so you can see our cases are already dropping for the last week, which is great. Now, again, are these case numbers correct? We don't necessarily know if the case numbers are correct. But if we're using the same faulty testing for everyone, we at least have the same baseline. Right? So we have the case numbers dropping, we have the deaths actually dropping as well, you can see that so we have a nice decline here on the bell curve, which shows us we are on the right track. Okay. And let's compare us to Italy. All right, Italy, deaths totally dropping. And daily new cases totally dropping as well. So we're on the right track there. So my general suggestion is people that are healthy, and people that are younger, the best thing we can do is get herd immunity going via natural passive exposure. So eventually, at some point, when we start getting back out there, the Healthy People getting out there first will be the best thing that we can do, because that will one will get over it fast or we have a 90% chance of having no symptoms. And then we create this natural passive immunity that will last me Minimum a few years, it could even last decades, right? Think about every childhood illness, chickenpox, right? I got chickenpox. I never had to worry about chickenpox. Again, that's a lifetime thing, or at least a three or four decade thing. But either way, a couple of years on the short end, decades on the long end. 

But one thing that's interesting look, look at India. India is a big country, right? India's over a billion people and we know like places like Bombay or other areas where their close quarters maybe not the best plumbing maybe a little bit inhospitable. In regards to that stuff, cleanliness, their cases are pretty darn low and their deaths are already dropping. They're already kind of trending down a little bit and they only had 300 deaths in the country of 300. I mean 1.2 million people I think so I think what you're seeing here is more antibody more herd immunity stuff, right? This is more herd immunity. This is India and again, the data is coming from World meters dot info. All right. Same thing with Italy Italy's already on the downward track. We already talked About the study here in LA and Stanford where they're looking at the antibody testing, I've actually already ordered antibody testing for myself. And I'll be getting it tested really soon. And then we talked about the diagnosis, the diagnostic criteria and why it's a little bit suspect. I think that's really important to kind of highlight because it's probable or presumed, and that's concerning, because when there's a lot of hysteria and symptoms overlap, which they do, okay, symptoms overlap, probable and presumed is a really easy logical step to make. Okay. 

And then I wanted to highlight the the study here. So this is the 50% false positive rate there. And then we have at a minimum we have at a minimum 86% of infections are undocumented meaning they're asymptomatic, okay, meaning you have the antibodies. You have the infection, but no symptoms. That's one that's 7.14 people are going to get the antibodies and no infection for everyone that gets it and that's on the low. End it It can be even as high as a 95%, which would be 19 people out of 20 actually are asymptomatic. Okay, keep that in the back of your head. And the major mechanism I want to highlight here is going to be the blood sugar mechanism. This study here looking at type two diabetes and metabolic improvement, what they found is your phagocytes which are part of their an activity that your immune cells to like neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, they act like Pac men and Pac women and they gobble up and invalidate viruses. So here's a virus here, and it's going to eat this virus up and it's going to digest it and break it down. Okay? This process gets weaker when we have high levels of insulin. And so here they say glycemic control is related to phagocytic activity. Our results suggest that improving improvement in the phagocytic activity can be added to the beneficial effects of metabolic optimization. Man, people write these things as if they don't want you to understand what's going on. What they're saying is Hey, the less insulin we make The better our blood sugar is, the more your phagocytes are going to act are going to gobble up viruses and bacteria in your body. So better immune health. So we have better blood sugar and better insulin levels, equal better immune levels. I wish they could just write it that simple in a bullet point type of thing. And then we know just to bring it up for you guys. Um, so we have New England, New England Journal of Medicine, I'm gonna pull this up for you guys.

And then we'll do COVID-19 patients. And I already pulled this study up recently, but here you go. This came out last month, March 30th. And what I wanted to highlight in this study was the diabetes mechanisms. So you're going to see right here of 58%, had diabetes mellitus 58%. And again, this is a small patient sample, but I just wanted to highlight that because it's very, very important because we know the mechanism of blood sugar issues and weakened immune system. response. So if I can just get people to just focus on sunlight, natural vitamin D, getting their blood sugar under control, while at the same time getting on some things to support your immune system I've already talked about it vitamin A, C and D are going to be great things first line on the nutrient side if we can stack in and AC or glue to tie on even better. And then if you want to add a immune booster on the herbal or medicinal mushroom side we do Reishi astragalus as a good kind of stack and now my line I have a product called them you know supreme that has a combination of those in it as well as one called viruses. That's kind of like my back label one that I'm doing now I backorder one because my other ones getting sold out. So I have two products that I'm that I'm personally taking right now my family is taking but those are options if you guys kind of want a combo product. If not you guys can also piecemeal some of the general suggestions that I'm making. I hope that helps. Let me just see if I have any questions guys and I'm happy to help you out.

Alright, let's see what's up. Let me go into questions for you guys. Okay, here we go.

What about the role of processed food and lowering immunity 100% Why? Why would processed food do that processed food is tends to be higher in junky crap oh hydrates and refined sugar and also bad fats, bad fats. So those things are going to weaken your cells and they're going to increase the insulin and weaken your immune system. Yeah, Kathy writes, it makes me sick. Oh, people are falling for the fear mongering. Thank you guys for doing what you're doing. Yep, absolutely. I appreciate it. Kathy Jane Friday Not today. Nevin does hi BP groups of deaths differentiate between uncontrolled high BP BP or control BP with people control meds. It's gonna go with comorbidities. So if someone has a diagnosis or a disease But they're actually managing it and their blood pressure is normal, they're probably not going to fall in that category. There are multiple people that are going to have blood pressure problems primarily because of blood sugar, and then blood sugars and to create kidney stress and, and kidney stress is going to create blood pressure as well as blood pressure is also going to be intimately connected with heart disease. So it just depends kind of where you're at. If you're on a medication, and you're managing your blood pressure, and it's, you know, under 120, over 80, you're probably going to be fine. But I mean, in general, why are you on the blood pressure medication because a lot of times those medications over the long term actually create more problems because a lot of them, a lot of them work by being a diuretic. And when you have a diuretic, you're going to be pulling out a lot of important minerals that are actually important for the heart to work properly, like potassium and magnesium. So you just got to make sure you're supporting the nutrients so your heart works good to Justin and Evan, I was wondering if I'm a high risk for COVID. Since I have HSD. You have to give me the abbreviation HST I could probably figure it out in arthritis in mass cell activation. I do eat healthy take vitamins and light exercise and 51 K. Let me just see if I can figure out what you mean by HST. See here? Nope, does not come up here. For me. I was at the the hypermobility spectrum disorder. So yeah, the third danlos syndrome issue. Yeah, it's an autoimmune thing that affects connective tissue. Yeah, you definitely would be at higher risk. It just depends if you're managing it now or not, like, are you stable with it or not? Of course, if you're not stable, and you don't have the good habits that we've talked about, then you're definitely at risk. TNF alpha aisle six concentrations are high enough. rightous. Yeah, I mean, if you have an arthritic issue that's going to be especially autoimmune based, your immune system will be more stressed. And if it's more stressed, then it won't have the resources to fight other infections appropriately. So of course glutathione and vitamin D is going to be one of the easiest low hanging fruit to modulate your immune system outside of just fresh air, clean water and a good whole food paleo template, favoring the lower side, the lower carbohydrate side. Doc JC writes in, great job guys. Have you heard about the FDA approved blood for blood purification devices seem to seem to figure it out. They have been mistreating to some degree thus far. Yeah, so a couple of things. I'm not sure what device you're talking about. But the big issue that we're finding is that there's a lot of hypoxia. So most like flu causes more like a pneumonia. The problem with the pneumonia is we're not quite seeing that as much we're seeing more hypoxia, partly because the virus is destroying hemoglobin, and hemoglobin carries oxygen. Hemoglobin also has iron attached to it. So when you destroy hemoglobin, you're also releasing a whole bunch of iron, which creates a lot more oxidative stress and inflammation. So part of the the underlying theory is maybe giving blood transfusions or purifying the blood in a way to get the iron out and add fresh human load them back in so they can carry oxygen. The next thing is let's get them on maybe a seat, pap or just increase the oxygenation. Because the ventilators not fixing that. And in a lot of places, when you intubate, and you do ventilator under higher pressure, you can create damage to the lungs. So a lot of people are rethinking how ventilators are being used. So my general suggestion is if you have a family member or yourself, going under a ventilator one try to maximize oxygen First, use a C Pap, of course, on the conventional side, I would talk to your doctor and ask about hydroxychloroquine out ask about the azithromycin. As long as you don't have heart issues, and I'd ask about adding the 230 milligrams of zinc, I'd follow that acute protocol. And again, that's going to be more defensive or offensive approach, but it's kind of late stage offensive approach, do all the nutrient things ahead of time, and that I think will help even better but in general, cleaning out the blood, getting fresh hemoglobin in pulling the iron out Also if you have access to hyperbaric oxygen hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy, where you can increase the oxygen saturation that may be a really good option.

It's BS, it's a virus it's a blood disorder. So basically the virus is destroying the hemoglobin. So yeah, I do agree the virus is a destroying the hemoglobin and the hemoglobin carries the oxygen, thus, the hypoxia. Yeah, Cindy writes and I strongly agree the news is false Toronto old man 94 black face at home the died. They claim it's a virus. Yeah, I mean, there's definitely a lot of issues going on here. We look at the facts don't ever don't ever, you know, take a single person story, a emotional piece, you know, puff piece. You know, it's sad that someone dies. I mean, all all lives matter. Right. But in general, when we look at things, we have to look at it over a broad spectrum. We have to know what the comorbidities are at See here? It's Elon Musk satellites. Not sure about that. I can't speak to that, Ben. A lot of people saying it's not I'm not sure. I mean, I just know that something you know, something is being tested, something's coming back up, something's affecting the immune system. I'm not sure if there's data that it's not a virus, but I think there's something there for sure. See here what to do about intrinsic factor to absorb vitamin B 12. In leaky gut patients. So I mean, fix the gut, fix the gut, but in the meantime, you can always take high quality methylated b12 sublingually to improve the absorption. What's the best sugar soft do any recommendations you can also do an organic high quality stevia, you know, do it in moderation, because when your tongue when sugar hits your tongue, it still can spit out a little bit of insulin so you don't want to be training your body to to taste sugar in the field sugar all the time, even if it's stevia or monk fruit, because you will maybe release a little bit of incense So you got to be careful with that. So at 20 on that meaning 20% of the time, you can use a little bit of high quality stevia without maltodextrin or monk fruits a good option. Patty rice, and thank you for sharing your facts so we can make our own decision. Excellent. Thanks, Patty. Any over the counter medications to manage if we get it, so if you actually get it, the first thing, it just depends if you're in that risk factor group, and it depends on how severe it is because most people this thing won't be that bad, right most. So 90% are going to be asymptomatic. And out of the out of that 10% that get it 80% will be totally mild. Write a little bit of an ache, like kind of feel like you have a mild flu or a mild cold for a couple days and it's done. Okay, and it's done. I know my brother actually got it. My brother works at a hospital and test for COVID-19 patients. And he felt like he got exposed. It was a two day kind of cold for him and he was up and over it but what gotta know afterwards because we're going to test everyone with antibodies after the fact. Someone with IBD is more at risk, even though not taking immune suppressant medications. So Riley with yourself, because I know your history that you have Crohn's. I would say only if you're flaring. If you're flaring with your Crohn's. And your immune system is really stressed because of a flare, and you have blood in your stool and you're not absorbing nutrition, I would say you're definitely more at risk. But if you're keeping everything at bay, because the inflammation under control, you're digesting you're absorbing, I would think you're going to be in great shape. The question is, are you in the middle of a flare or not? And if you're not, then that gives you a much better chance to be totally fine. When dealing with iron deficiency and infections, do you recommend taking iron food supplements on its own or adding some probiotics or herbs to the mix? Well, it depends. So I mean, in the context of COVID-19, I would not want to be adding any additional iron, unless we're someone that's a vegetarian and we know iron is very low, or a woman that's menstruating. Quite a bit, or we know that we're not dealing with infection, we're just dealing with a malabsorption issue, and or maybe a poor diet issue because we're vegan or vegetarian. So those could be possible players. It just depends. I would need more context. Tina writes in what dose of vitamins for children's six years old? Well, I mean, I would need a little bit more reference on that. Like what for vitamin C for cod liver oil, I can just give you like vitamin D, you'd probably be fine with two to 3000 I use a vitamin D right now at least maybe for a month and retest. I would say on the vitamin C side, you could probably do a gram to just monitor loose stools. Here's your kit. Your child's tools are getting loose, we just back off on that. That'd be a really good you know, first thing, okay.

And again, there are some herbal immune supports that you can get for your kids I use one called immunoberry for my son, I have a couple and we use that and we do like one full dropper twice a day on that. Alright guys, hope that makes sense. Any other questions? For me, and let me know, was fun chatting, I just want to bring you guys some good Intel. I don't want you guys to be scared. I want you guys to be in the driver's seat. No one's talking about offensive measures that can be done. Everyone's talking about flattening the curve, which I think we done right, I showed you the data on that we've already done that. I think at this stage of the game, we you know, when the right health authorities come out and say it's time I've been getting a lot of the Healthy People out there first is going to be smart, because we're going to develop more herd immunity, and that will prevent the infection from being passed around. All right, and then if you're in that really compromised group, then it makes more sense to me to be a little bit more quarantine, keep a little bit more distance in the meantime, and let everyone have a good chance to develop herd immunity first. And then number three, do all the immune boosting things, especially if you're if you're of that older age. You know, make sure you're digesting your protein well if you need some hydrochloric acid, get that in there. Get your vitamin D Get your C up, if you need to proactively be on some glutathione or NAC do that in the meantime to really support your immune system and just kind of use common sense. I mean, people know when they get sick or if they're immunocompromised, they kind of keep distances right. So I think just kind of do that. And if you're stronger and healthier, I'm okay, still use common sense. Listen to what the you know, your local people are saying some places in the country are really strict right now. Some aren't. I don't want to get you guys arrested and tell you to do the wrong thing. But just do all the right things offensively to keep your guy's immune system strong. Why are young people with strong immune system is dying? So that's that's news crap, right? Of course, people will die that are young. Of course, the problem is we don't know anything about their background. And we need to know the statistical significance of that. Are we talking point 2% point 1% of the population, we have to know it as a percentage. So we can get a perception I can tell you like in the state of Massachusetts, where I'm from Started article saying one, not one person under the age of 60 has died of this and that was in mass. I've seen it in Italy, the average age of death in Italy was 79 and a half. So what you're saying is not statistically significant by any means. And just to kind of give you guys an idea, the flu this season so far has killed 150 pediatric patients that's between zero and 18. Okay. So you're not seeing a puff piece. What think about a flu seasons? What, 90 days 100 days, you could almost see one to two people killed every day of the flu but you're not seeing an X ray on those young people killed by the flu every day. You're not okay. Because there's not an emotional investment there is now so just know that that's happened before and the media has responded differently. Now it's happening again, and they're responding differently. So just think right. Context is everything context brings you comfort, okay? contacts brings you comfort, is coconut or dates, sugar, a good surface. Dude, um, coconut sugar is and have a glycemic index to 15. So it'll be okay. It's still sugar, sugar more natural, but it's still going to be sugar. So that's okay. If you want to put it on that 20% cheat side, I typically would recommend something that would be we would have no sugar in it. And now the more the stevia or the monk fruit, first, maybe a little bit of birch trees out what's all second or third Be careful animals can, if they eat it, they could die. So be very careful with that. And then the more natural, slower sugars maybe second or third, but again, they are still sugars is lipids, omo vitamin C equivalent to vitamin C from food sources. So vitamin C like was almost you'll need less of a dose to increase your vitamin C levels when compared to, you know, a buffered vitamin C number one and then number two food sources. I mean, it just depends; it would probably absorb a little bit better for sure. [inaudible]

Is it okay to take Zinc in how many mg? I would say in Zinc you can take anywhere between 10-30mg, you could do a Zinc Sulfate, or Zinc Aspartate, this would be totally fine. The Zinc Glycinate, usually a good Zinc bound to a good clean amino acid is good. 10-30mg, and again in the Covid-19, Dr. Zulenco kinda had a clinical trial or more of a case study, he said 800 patients did not wanna pass from Covid, and they had a 99.9 success rate and he was doing 220-230mg of Zinc. That’s very acute. And again, Covid-19 a disease, SARS Covis-2 is the virus. Covid-19 is the disease, it’s kinda like HIV is the virus, AIDS is the disease. Okay, just kinda keep that in mind. People are combining the two. Ordered supplements from your store, I usually have them shipped to Detroit but can’t cross the border now. Will you ship it in Canada? Yes we can Dale, absolutely no problem. Sometimes there’s a little bit of delay with customs right now but we have no problem with that. I have a lot of Canadian patients. Mark writes in, could sudden loss of eyebrow hair be due to low thyroid, Yes it could be. Also see if there’s low temperature with it. And if you’re concerned we can always get you tested thyroid. If you need to order that, go to, click on the lab tests section, and there will be a place for a full thyroid blood test that you can click on, order and get a prescription for and go to your local test lab, even today if you wanted. Labs are pretty sterile with protocols, our worst case just waits till everything is good to go.

It was phenomenal chatting with everyone. I'll be back maybe later on for a live Q&A on all topics outside Covid. I hope you enjoyed the podcast, if you enjoyed, give a thumbs up, sharing is caring, comment down below, share to friends and family and if you want to reach out to me personally for a consult, we'll put the link down for you guys. Alright have a good one, take care y'all. Bye.


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