How Your Beauty Products May Be Harming Your HealthBy Dr. Justin Marchegiani When we work to optimize our health, we spend a lot of time focusing on what to put in our bodies. However, what we put on our bodies deserves our attention, too. From shampoo to hairspray,... Read More
Methylation, MTHFR and Genetic Testing with Dr. Tim Jackson | Podcast #177Welcome to another podcast episode! In this video, Dr. Justin Marchegiani talks about testing for genetic disorders that cause developmental and motor dysfunctions. He talks about what’s happening during the genomic expressions of genes that cause these disorders and the... Read More
Heavy Metals and the Gut Connections – Podcast #175In today’s podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand discuss the link between heavy metals and the gut connections. Listen as they talk about how heavy metals affect the gallbladder functions and the outline of things that affect these functions.... Read More
Clostridium Difficile and Leaky Gut – Podcast #174In this video, let's join Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand as they talk about the link between Clostridium Difficile and Leaky Gut. Clostridium Difficile is a bacteria found almost everywhere and can cause symptoms like diarrhea, fever, and abdominal... Read More
Neurological Assessments – Brain Health and Other Issues | Podcast #173Dr. Justin Marchegiani welcomes Dr. Russ Teams, a functional neurologist who practices in Arizona’s leading chiropractic center for Functional Neurology and Functional Medicine. Join them as they engage in a very informative conversation about brain health and the conditions affecting... Read More
How Fermented Foods Can Heal Your GutBy Dr. Justin Marchegiani What Are Fermented Foods? You may be familiar with fermented foods and beverages such as bread, wine, and beer. Ethanol fermentation gives us alcohols and bread, but there is another type of fermentation, lactic acid fermentation,... Read More
2018’s Newest Food Trend: Moringa[caption id="attachment_23628" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Rolling in this new year are a variety of new health trends. One that’s worth its buzz? Moringa.[/caption] By Dr. Justin Marchegiani The Moringa oleifera tree native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas has been... Read More
Natural Remedies for PMSBy Dr. Justin Marchegiani 75% of women are affected by premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the effects of which range from physical pain to emotional distress. While it is a common belief that PMS is just an unfortunate consequence of being a... Read More
SIBO, Yeast Overgrowth, Mood Issues & More – Podcast #169Your gut affects your health in a variety of ways, and it's not just about digestion. The health status of your gut can influence the immune system, your weight, and even your mood! In today's part-podcast and part-Q&A video, let's... Read More
Broccoli Sprouts: An Anti-Aging and Anti-Cancer SuperfoodBy Dr. Justin Marchegiani Broccoli and other members of the cruciferous vegetable family (kale, brussel sprouts, etc.) are known for their numerous health benefits. However, it is just being discovered that young broccoli sprouts may contain even more powerful properties... Read More