
The Cholesterol Myth The Cholesterol Myth By Dr. Justin Marchegiani If you’ve only been told what the general public has been told about cholesterol and heart health, you probably believe cholesterol is one of the prime culprits behind heart disease. But do we... Read More
Top Health Benefits of Omega-3s By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients with powerful immune system modulating and anti-inflammatory properties. It is crucial to ensure your body has enough omega-3s, as a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids is among the top 10... Read More
How Sugar Feeds Illness How Sugar Feeds Illness By Dr. Justin Marchegiani America takes first place… as the top consumer of dietary sugar in the world. Our sugar consumption is a major player behind the skyrocketing rates of chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and... Read More
How To Boost your Immune System So You Don’t Get Sick – Dr. J Podcast #163 Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about immune health, which is such a relevant topic this flu season. Learn how sugar contributes to a weakened immune system and find out why vitamin D is important in supporting one’s immune... Read More
Causes of Insomnia and Sleep Solutions By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Around half of the population reports difficulty falling asleep. 1 in 3 adults will suffer from insomnia at some point in their life, and only 31% of high school students report getting a full 8 hours... Read More
Natural Solutions For Dandruff Fungal Overgrowth – Dr. J Podcast #162 Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about dandruff in today’s podcast. Learn what causes it and explore other possible underlying health conditions like gut infections involving bacteria, yeast, fungus or parasites. Gain an understanding on how functional medicine practitioners... Read More
Leaky Gut and Autoimmunity – Dr. J. Podcast #161 Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand dive into a discussion about the link between gut infections and autoimmunity. Gain knowledge about leaky gut, how it occurs in the body and it’s connection to Hashimoto’s. Explore the different stressors which affect... Read More
Top Anti-Aging Foods By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Everyone ages, the question, therefore, is not will you age, but how will you age? Will you suffer from chronic pain and inflammation, develop diseases such as dementia, diabetes, and cancer, lose your mental capacities or... Read More
Fibromyalgia Natural Solutions – Dr. J Podcast #159 Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand discuss about Fibromyalgia including its cause and symptoms. Learn how some of the symptoms connected to it such as anxiety, depression, IBS, memory problems are also seen in other health conditions. Listen as they... Read More
Hacking the Holiday – Dr. J Podcast #160 Dr. Justin Marchegiani discusses different options, substitutions and modifications that can be made during the holiday season. Learn about what ingredients to use in some of the traditional Thanksgiving dishes including the turkey, stuffing and gravy that can help to... Read More
Depression Solution – Dr. J Podcast #158 Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk about depression and anxiety. Listen as they discuss some of the possible root cause of such condition. Understand the mechanism of depression and anxiety medications and learn why they may not be the... Read More
Reversing Autoimmune Disease By Dr. Justin Marchegiani When your immune system response can’t distinguish between your body and any toxins you’ve ingested, the result is called ‘systemic inflammation:’ when your body attacks its own tissues. Your body might intend to fight off an... Read More