
Addressing Mold and Mycotoxins|Dr. J Podcast #209 Have you been feeling dizzy for no reason that no matter what you do, it just keep on getting worse? There are many things that could be causing it but, you just might want to check your house. It could... Read More
The Harmful Effects of H. Pylori How Functional Medicine and the Paleo Diet Can Address H. Pylori A majority of world’s population have H. Pylori bacteria living in their stomach. This damaging bacterium has been revealed to be the main source of fatigue and other common... Read More
Carnivore Diet Experiment with Caitlin Weeks | Podcast #208 Carnivore diet is a type of diet which involves eating almost nothing but meat for about every meal. If you are looking about changing your diet, take it on someone that’s been doing it full-bore! Watch the video as Dr.... Read More
New Year, New You: Easy Steps For A Healthier You It is common practice to set New Year’s Resolutions: weight loss, a better self-care routine, implementing new habits or cutting out old ones. However, with 80% of New Year’s Resolutions failing by February, we need to reassess our goal-making. How... Read More
Menopause, Perimenopause, Hot Flashes, and their Natural Solutions | Podcast #207 In today’s podcast, Dr. J. and Evan Brand discuss the different symptoms of the menopausal stage. Watch as they tackle in detail the transitional years of menopause, or perimenopause and the different natural ways to minimize the effects of hot... Read More
Mitochondrial Nutrients on Fat Burning with Evan Brand | Podcast #206 Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell. They are the tiny organelles inside cells that are involved in releasing energy from food. Their efficient function very much depends on one’s lifestyle and diet. Watch the video... Read More
Thanksgiving Celebration, Healthy Ingredient Substitutes | Podcast #205 It’s the holiday season: a season of gathering, celebration, thanksgiving. Where there’s occasion, there are also foods. Part of preparations should not only include serving the best in the menu but also the idea of a healthy ingredient substitute. It’s... Read More
Improving Your Kids Gut Health | Podcast #204 In today’s podcast, Dr. J. and Evan Brand discuss different ways to improve your kids gut health. Watch as they tackle about unconventional methods in dealing with gut bugs, why your kids’ behavior at school might be related to their... Read More
Brain Health and Nootropics with Evan Brand | Podcast #203 In improving brain health, don’t take the quick fix. There’s more to talk about than just taking supplements. One must deal with diet, lifestyle, and digestion. More importantly, the more one helps the gut, and the more one’s going to... Read More
Skin Health and Autoimmunity | Podcast #202 The skin is a window into what's happening in the gut. While it is true that a lot of potential skin irritants are everywhere, one might try to consider that everything going on on the inside is reflected on the... Read More
Creating a Healthy Home | Podcast #201 We all care so much about the sense of wellness around our home. But sometimes no matter the cleaning that we do, we wonder why we still feel not comfy, and healthy. Chances are, we’re missing out important details -... Read More
Common Childhood Infections, Digestive Health, Gut Issues, Bacterial Overgrowth | Podcast #200 Kids are more sensitive than adults, but gut bugs don't discriminate based on age. Do you want these little critters to devour your child's health? Today's podcast talks about food consumption, infection, bacteria exposure, and kids' health. Watch and know... Read More