
Dirty Cure for Depression (No Really, It’s Dirt!) By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Rates of depression have been skyrocketing. Teen depression rates leaped by more than 60% over the course of only three years. As a society, our mental and physical health is seriously declining. While feeling unhappiness, dissatisfaction... Read More
How Our Emotions Affect Our Physical Health By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Your sense of health and wellness is determined by a combination of things, including how you feel emotionally, psychologically, and mentally. An exchange of messages is constantly taking place inside of us. Researchers have found that... Read More
Thyroid Testing and the Importance of TSH | Podcast #214 There are different symptoms of thyroid issues that need to be considered in thyroid testing. These are symptoms that are subclinical, the less talked about and the typical. A bit overrated? Find out more and learn from Dr. J’s interactive... Read More
Healing Properties of Reishi, Maitake, and Turkey Tail By Dr. Justin Marchegiani When you think of mushrooms, you might think of something you eat. Perhaps you think back to childhood, being told not to touch mushrooms growing outside, as they might be poisonous. You might even think of... Read More
Peri-Menopause and Female Hormone Balance Solutions | Podcast #213 Peri-menopause can be hard on some women. It brings fatigue, mood swings and sleep troubles, a stressful transition that can last for months or years before menopause. In today’s podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani explains the process of peri-menopausal stage and... Read More
Is Blue Light Hurting Your Sleep? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and fluorescent bulbs are the most commonly used sources of illumination. These bulbs are regarded as brighter and more energy-efficient than other bulbs. LED bulbs are not only the common lighting in homes,... Read More
Mold and Mycotoxins | Podcast #212 “You don't just magically become sensitive to smells, you become sensitive to smells after you get exposed to mold” - Evan Brand. In today’s podcast, Dr. Justin Marchegiani discusses Evan Brand’s personal journey on molds and mycotoxins. Listen and learn... Read More
The Carnivore Diet: Eating ONLY Meat By Dr. Justin Marchegiani The Carnivore Diet has recently gained a lot of popularity. In essence, the diet is very simple: just eat meat. The concept of eating only meat can be hard to wrap your head around- it goes... Read More
Tom Brady’s Performance Secrets | Podcast #211 Did you know that the secret to a good performance in anyone’s career does not only involve the physical well-being? In today’s podcast, Dr. J. discusses Tom Brady’s performance secrets. Watch as he discusses the important things that Tom did... Read More
Ketosis and Safe Natural Sweeteners | Podcast #210 If you’ve exceeded the pleasure that you’re getting out of pizza, cake, wine and everything else, diets may not just be suitable, as they are temporary.  In order to get that lasting change, you really need to engage in a... Read More
Understanding the Benefits of Adaptogenic Herbs for Your Adrenal Health By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Stress is at the root of many modern illnesses. Though some stress is necessary for keeping your immune system agile and for helping you stay alive in dangerous situations, prolonged and persistent stress can contribute to... Read More
Herbs to Support Digestion By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Digestive issues are so common that many people don’t know that the way they are feeling isn’t normal. Time and time again, patients will come back to tell me that they can’t believe they aren’t bloated... Read More