
Autophagy: Anti-Aging, Self-Eating Cells! By Dr. Justin Marchegiani The word “autophagy” comes from the Greek “auto-phagein” which means “self eating.” Autophagy is a normal process in which compromised cells are cleared away. Even a healthy person must undergo autophagy, it’s one of the body’s... Read More
Coffee: Does it Affect the Adrenals? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani There’s no doubt coffee is an efficient way to get the day started strong–but does the temporary energy boost lead to an energy loss in the long run? Let’s dive into the pros and cons of... Read More
Boost Your Longevity and Mitochondria – Collagen Amino Acids with Dr. Friedlander Podcast | #256 Boosting longevity and mitochondria are some of the things that people are so interested to know because they want to know the secret in living longer, as well as the quality in their year’s energy focused cognitive function. Join Dr.... Read More
The Thyroid, Adrenal and Microbiome Connection | Podcast #255 Together with Evan Brand, Dr. Justin talks about the adrenal, thyroid, gut, microbiome, brain connection and a lot more. Go through this podcast to discover more about functional medicine world. Dr. Justin Marchegiani In this episode, we cover: 4:13 Potential... Read More
Nutrition is Science-Backed Medicine By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Nutrient: “a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.” You Are What You Eat Why do people change their diet? While popular answers are to lose weight (fat), or to get... Read More
Insomnia – Mold Toxicity and Detox Can Affect Your Sleep | Podcast #254 A healthy sleep makes a big difference in our overall health. With a good sleep, we help our body recover from all the stress as well as rejuvenate all the lost energy and repair cells. Today’s podcast talks about insomnia... Read More
Eating A Plant-Based Keto Diet By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Eating a ketogenic diet has reached mainstream popularity, often referred to as a diet full of meat and cheese. If you are interested in the fat-burning health effects of the keto diet, but turned off by... Read More
What Do Your Fingernails Mean? | Podcast #253 Our nails primarily serve as a cover for the top surface of our fingers and offer some degree of protection. Did you know that a person's nails can say a lot about the state of their health? Nails serve as... Read More
Heart Rate Variability Tracking, ETRF and Keto Mojo with Dave Korsunsky | Podcast #252 For this podcast, Dr. Justin is with Dave Korsunsky of Heads Up Health to discuss this new software program that measures their health in new ways and can also be connected with your different health wearables. Know more about how... Read More
How to Address and Test for Mold in your Home with JW Biava | Podcast #251 Mold is a common bacteria found in our homes where we spend most of the time resting. If left untreated, mold can cause different illnesses for you and your family. In this podcast, Dr. Justin and JW Biava talk about... Read More
Mood Imbalances and their Root Causes | Podcast #250 Depression, being the #1 cause of disability in the US, has tons of other mood issues that come along with it. Some psychiatrists are not telling what are the things that caused us mood issues,and what should we do to... Read More
Skin Issues from Die-Off and Food Reactions | Podcast #249 Food has a major impact on the microbiome, and the microbiome has a major effect on the skin because the more we put stress in our gut, our body will use a major means of detoxification to deal with that... Read More