
Patient Resources – Click Here! Welcome to the members area!  In this area, you will have access to exclusive content, reports, and videos that you won't find anywhere else. Your new-found health will thank you. If you're not already a part of our health newsletter,... Read More
Bone Broth Soup By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Here is a great recipe for bone broth soup that is very high in collagen. Collagen contains high amounts of how hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid has anti-aging qualities especially helping with skin health, skin elasticity, wrinkles and overall... Read More
Paleo Lasagna By Dr. Justin Marchegiani This lasagna is paleo approved, anti-inflammatory, is unbelievable tasty and  you won't even know there aren't any noodles in it.  If you are trying to get away from pasta and grains, this a great meal to... Read More
Is The Food You Eat Causing Your Migraines? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani The food you eat on a daily basis has a profound effect on your body being in a pro-inflammatory state or an ant-inflammatory state. The more inflamed you are the faster your body breaks down. The... Read More
Chicken Soup Paleo Style By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Chicken soup made in a crock pot is the best way to make chicken soup.  This soup is anti-inflammatory and provides many great nutrients to help improve gut health.  There's no need for noodles as you will... Read More
Natural Solutions To A Good Night Sleep By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Did you know that over 40% of Americans suffer from insomnia on a daily basis? According to the national Center for sleep disorders over 10-15% of people deal with chronic insomnia on a daily basis. Another... Read More
Why The Weight Won’t Come Off? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani There are many people out there who are on a gradual course of adding 1-2 pounds of weight every year, with no real end in site.  When you're in your early 20's  the average persons metabolism... Read More
Grain Free Pumpkin Muffins – Great Holiday Treat! By Doctor Justin Marchegiani Grain Free is the elimination of all grains including wheat,  rice, corn, barley and oats.   A grain-free diet has been proven through the personal experience of hundreds of people worldwide who have experienced significant relief from... Read More
Low Carb Pumpkin Pancakes! By Dr. Justin Marchegiani This is an awesome recipe for the fall season.  It's low carb, low sugar, no food allergens and tastes super great! Here's the recipe as follows: -four large eggs -1 cup of canned pumpkin -1/2 a... Read More
Food Allergies and Joint Pain | Linkage By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Food Allergies and Joint Pains The body can be allergic to any food, therefore any food allergy is capable of causing inflammation and arthritis Most doctors who are specialized in treating arthritis and many other joint... Read More
Why Is Your Brain Starving? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Alzheimer, dementia  and other neuro-degenerative diseases are on the rise with no real end in site.  Many people aren't aware that you don't get Alzheimer, Dementia or neruo-degenerative disease in your 60's, 70's and 80's.  These... Read More
Gluten Free Chocolate Pudding! By Dr. Justin Marchegiani This is a healthy gluten free chocolate pudding that is low carb with zero guilt.  This dessert contains no added sugar, gluten, or dairy and contains only healthy fat from coconut. You won't believe something that... Read More