
The Good, Bad, and the Ugly of Your Gut Bacteria  By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Did you know that the bacteria in your gut has a huge effect on your immune system? Your gut houses 70% of your immune system. Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) reside... Read More
Why You Keep Getting Sick, and How to Boost Your Immune System | Part 2 By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Outside of  taking antibiotics for an infection or Tylenol for a fever, most people don't have many alternatives for how to boost their immune system. There are many immune-boosting supplements out there. My goal is to... Read More
Do You Have Symptoms of Anemia? Depression, Fatigue, and Leaky Gut By Dr Justin Machegiani Three general types of nutritional anemia. Iron This is hypochromic microcytic anemia. B vitamins (B12, folate, and B6) Especially in normochromic macrocytic anemia (megaloblastic) Pernicious anemia This is caused by an autoimmune disease in the stomach affecting... Read More
Paleo Apple Crisp Grain – Free Dessert By Dr. Justin Marchegiani This Paleo apple crisp recipe is amazingly simple, tastes great, and even leaves you feeling good after you eat it!  I am always a big fan of using whole-food ingredients (things you can pronounce) that provide good... Read More
Functional Thyroid Lab Testing By Dr. Justin Marchegiani I see patients all the time in my practice who tell me they have low thyroid symptoms, like fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, depression, cold hands, and cold feet. If the TSH test doesn't show up... Read More
Blood Sugar and Hormone Stress By Dr. Justin Marchegiani More than one-third of the country has a condition known as metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome has some important features that are seen in nearly all cases, and these are blood-sugar imbalances and insulin resistance. When blood sugar... Read More
How to Use Resistant Starch to Improve Your Gut Health By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Introduction to Resistant Starch With resistant starch, we have two main kinds regarding our application. Type II: Unripened banana flour Type III: Cooled potato flour The banana flour is great and is what I personally use... Read More
Do You Have Symptoms of a Parasite Infection? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Many people have symptoms of a parasite infection and don’t even know it! Research shows that a significant proportion of the population has a parasite infection. Parasite infections can cause many symptoms, and the most difficult part about... Read More
My Lab Tests Are Normal But I Still Have Symptoms By Dr. Justin Marchegiani I see patients all the time in my practice that tell me they don’t feel right, yet their medical doctor tells them their lab tests are normal. The typical response from the average medical doctor will... Read More
What Causes H. Pylori Infection…The Most Insidious Infection Around? By Dr. Justin Marchegiani What causes H. pylori infection? Did you know that over 50% of the population has an H. pylori infection (1)? Dr. Marshall, the scientist who discovered H. pylori, won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2005... Read More
Brain Fog Symptoms and How You Can Fix Them By Dr. Justin Marchegiani Do you have brain fog symptoms? Ask yourself the following questions: Do you have a hard time remembering things? You feel like you’re living your life in the fog? Do you forget where your car keys are... Read More
Gluten and Depression —A Strong Connection By Dr. Justin Marchegiani A recent study of non-celiac subjects shows a strong connection between gluten and depression. In conventional literature, only people that have celiac disease are supposed to be sensitive, but we now know you don’t have to... Read More