Adrenals and Allergies: Uncovering the Root Cause

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Allergies are a common health concern affecting millions of people worldwide. While many turn to over-the-counter medications for relief, understanding the connection between adrenal function and allergies can provide a more comprehensive approach to managing symptoms. Dr. Justin Marchegiani, a functional medicine expert, explores this relationship and offers insights into addressing the root cause of allergy issues.

Understanding Allergies

Allergies typically manifest as itchy eyes, runny nose, post-nasal drip, coughing, and sneezing. These symptoms are primarily driven by an overactive immune response, resulting in excessive histamine production. Histamine is released when the body encounters allergens, triggering the familiar allergy symptoms.

The Inflammation Bucket Theory

Dr. Marchegiani introduces the concept of an “inflammation bucket” or “stress bucket.” This metaphorical bucket represents the accumulation of various stressors that impact our immune system's ability to function optimally. These stressors can include:

Food allergens (e.g., gluten, dairy)

Digestive issues (insufficient enzymes or stomach acid)

Chronic stress

Poor sleep quality

Environmental toxins

As this bucket fills, the immune system becomes less adaptable and more likely to overreact to allergens, leading to increased histamine production and allergy symptoms.

The Adrenal-Allergy Connection

The adrenal glands play a crucial role in regulating the body's stress response and immune function. Cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenals, has a significant impact on allergies:

Low cortisol levels can lead to an overactive immune response and increased allergy symptoms.

High cortisol levels can compromise gut barrier integrity, potentially exacerbating food sensitivities and allergies.

Balanced cortisol levels are essential for maintaining healthy IgA (Immunoglobulin A) production, which is crucial for the body's first line of defense against allergens and pathogens.

Addressing the Root Cause

To effectively manage allergies, it's essential to address the underlying factors contributing to immune system imbalance and adrenal dysfunction. Dr. Marchegiani suggests several approaches:

Dietary modifications:

    • Adopt a low-histamine, anti-inflammatory diet
    • Eliminate common allergens like gluten and dairy
    • Consider an Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) diet as a starting point

Natural antihistamines:

    • Quercetin
    • Stinging nettle
    • Bromelain
    • NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)

Environmental interventions:

    • Use high-quality air filtration systems
    • Perform regular sinus flushes to remove allergens and reduce inflammation

Stress management and sleep optimization

Targeted supplementation to support adrenal function and balance cortisol levels

Functional Medicine Lab Testing

Functional medicine emphasizes the importance of comprehensive testing to identify underlying imbalances contributing to allergy symptoms. Here are some key lab tests that can provide valuable insights:

Adrenal Function Testing: A 24-hour salivary cortisol test can help assess cortisol rhythm and identify patterns of adrenal dysfunction. This test provides a more accurate picture of cortisol production throughout the day compared to single-point blood tests. 

Food Sensitivity Testing: IgG food sensitivity tests can help identify delayed hypersensitivity reactions to specific foods, which may contribute to overall inflammation and immune system dysregulation 

Gut Health Assessment: Comprehensive stool analysis can reveal imbalances in gut bacteria, the presence of pathogens, and markers of gut inflammation. This is crucial as gut health directly impacts immune function and allergy susceptibility. 

Nutrient Status: Testing for key nutrients like vitamin D, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids can identify deficiencies that may compromise immune function and increase allergy susceptibility 

Environmental Toxin Screening: Assessing the body's toxic burden through urine or hair analysis can reveal exposure to environmental toxins that may be contributing to immune system dysfunction [

By utilizing these functional medicine tests, practitioners can develop a more targeted and personalized approach to addressing the root causes of allergies and adrenal dysfunction.

Call to Action:

If you're struggling with chronic allergies and suspect adrenal dysfunction may be playing a role, it's time to take a proactive approach to your health. Dr. Justin Marchegiani and his team of functional medicine experts are here to help you uncover the root cause of your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Don't let allergies control your life any longer. Take the first step towards optimal health by scheduling a free consultation with Dr. J at During this consultation, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your health concerns, learn about advanced functional medicine testing options, and explore a comprehensive approach to managing your allergies and supporting adrenal function.

Remember, true healing begins by addressing the underlying causes, not just masking symptoms. Reach out today and start your journey towards a healthier, allergy-free life with the guidance of Dr. Justin Marchegiani and his experienced team.



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