Addressing EMF, 5G and Improving Your Athleticism – Justin Frandson | Podcast #379

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Exposure to artificial radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has increased significantly in recent decades. Therefore, there is a growing scientific and social interest in its influence on health, even upon exposure significantly below the applicable standards.

In this video, Dr J and Justin Frandson discuss the possible harmful effects of EMF and 5G on our well-being and what the strategies are to keep our athleticism and overall health performance. To find out more, make sure to like, subscribe, and watch out for more evidence-based health tips!

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we cover:

0:00 – Introduction
0:28 – Athleticism
4:57 – Concussions
16:03 – EMF
25:30 – Correlation vs causation


Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Hey guys! It’s Dr. Justin Marchegiani here, really excited. I have Justin Fradson on today's show. We're gonna be talking about 5G, EMF, natural ways to help eliminate that, reduce it, neutralize it and also talk about improving athleticism as well. Justin, welcome to today's show. How you doing, man?

Justin Frandson: Really great. Thanks Dr. J for having me on.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, awesome. And you got a new book that's out called athleticism, whole body, whole brain performance. Can you just kind of what inspired you to write this book and what are some of the key take home points you want to highlight out of the gates.

Justin Frandson: Oh yeah, I'm pretty stoked on this book, I  must say, this is my life journey just. Oh, and between those two hard back cover so, I mean, I started working with the athletes about 25 years ago. Started I had a Scripps clinic in La Jolla and work with the amateur and professional athletes develop sensory, motor, nerve work for sports performance. We do whole body, brain training, ambidexterity, and I treat concussions and do a bunch of stuff.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: OK, that's very cool. So let's talk about the, the, the ambidexterity training. What does that look like? What are some of the exercises? What are some of the therapies you run your athletes through to improve that?

Justin Frandson: Well, we're one of the only sports performance programs that actually has an ambidexterity program. And that's great. The crust of it I think is, is to really get these bodies being a whole body and whole brain.Performer. So we do everything from juggling to washers to cup stacking. Uh, a lot of martial arts stuff as well. Stick training, just coordination with the hands and integrating with foot movements.Those are some of the ambidexterity stuff, just with the hands that people would think of. We also do the same things with the rhythms, with the feed and then everything's nonlinear semi circles figure eights connecting to the infinite flow of the universe.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So is someone coming to you and saying, hey, I wanna be a better athlete? These are some of the skill sets that I need in my sport and then you kind of come in and recommend various kind of modalities within your clinic. Is that how it works?

Justin Frandson: Yeah definitely and then or I get bridge training post PT guys Sir kind of fed up with PT and or their sessions have expired and they don't know what to do. They're kind of left high and dry. So we bridge that gap all the way to high level performance and then do a lot of treatments as well for injury recovery like a stretching therapy and brain and trainment, light, sound, frequency, vibration, those are all my go to.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. And so when you have people that come in from PT, what do you see some of the big shortcomings of PT that maybe prevent some of the people that see you? Like why they're not healing all the way? There are certain modalities or shortcomings philosophically or modality wise that are missing in that? That you kind of bring delight, if you will.

Justin Frandson: Definitely. I really feel PT's are some of the most gifted facilitators out there, but unfortunately a lot of them are held within the restrictions of billing and so they're just going to ice, they're just going to do 5 minutes of yeah, fascial work. They're not able to do, use their gifts to the extent that they use them. So I think that one of the downfalls of the PT system is a really locked into the insurance space method and protocols most of our PT or excuse me post OP physical therapist so your session has expired. You certain point then you're pretty much you're done. I mean you then there are where do you go? And I have that same experience. I tore my ACL playing basketball while dunking on a guy and when I landed, he then bends his knee in the side of my knee and tore the ACL. And went through PT out of scripts clinic in La Hoya where I was officed out of. So the Orthos brought us in there and to work with the PT in them so they could have the system. So I'm like OK, I'm going to use this PT even though I got it three from a handful of other PT's, well, he starts billing me. It was like $750 to ice my knee for the first visit. And then and three weeks, four weeks, four weeks in I had expired all my, my and I had like I had. I had like the best insurance he could have and I was done in like a month and so. And then he had built the just crap out of me. And so I'm going this is just a flawed system. And it ended up being my niche where I could take over that bridge, bridge that gap to where they really missed out on.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: OK, got it. And so when you see people that have come in with concussions, what's your first step to addressing that outside of the, you know, the conventional model, right? The conventional model a lot of times is like sunglasses go sit in the dark corner maybe? Don't, don't fall asleep for a little bit, right? Is there anything else you're doing that's kind of specifically improving healing? Anything nutritionally, anything neurological exercise wise, to kind of help facilitate that healing?

Justin Frandson: Well, the first thing I do is they go to a chiropractor. So the first thing I do? So go to Chiro, get everything adjusted. Make sure everything is structurally in place. I mean, that's number one. When they come to see me, what I do is what I do. They work on sensory nerves so I level their horizon and get them connected to their center line, which is basically obviously their longitude latitude line. One thing I know where they are in space, everything will start to heal.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So how does that work? Is that upper cervical type of stuff? How do you do that?

Justin Frandson: No, through light therapy and muscle lights. OK, you are soggy.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: OK. And so what's the input? You're adding light or anything else to help that?

Justin Frandson: Light and I use essential oils and I use muscle testing and energy work to do it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. Excellent. And so someone comes in, they have these concussion issues, right? You're using these different modalities and that's you're seeing that helps celebrate healing. Are you doing anything with a red light? Are you doing anything with nutrition at all?

Justin Frandson: Well yeah, I mean like red light is what we use, so I actually use GRT light most of the time Umm. And it's red LED and infrared and it has different policies and mechanisms and then I'm actually using essential oils as well and nutrition is huge because your stomachs, your second brain. So, right. I had a guy who just had a client actually two days ago. Crazy. You bring this up, but he put a breath mint. He's 14. Little kid got a concussion and I had seen him three times prior and I'm working on his nerves, on his REM patterns and he was, he held in the beginning of going right to left on his eye movements without moving his head, just moving his eyes.He put them in his mouth and I go to retest his eyes, and he goes weak. And guess what? Events are full of artificial… about his nervous system.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That makes sense. Nutrition plays a major role, whether it's additional toxicity coming in through junkie sugars or artificial sweeteners or potential food allergens or junkie fats, right. All those things matter. And what kind of diet changes do you make, I mean, most people that I see that come to me and they've seen PT in the past, most very rarely even look at nutrition or anything in that realm or get extra nutrients to help build back connective tissue or joints or bones. It's kind of ignored 100%. You see it also, already conventional medicine too. What kind of changes do you make out of the gates in those areas?

Justin Frandson: Well, the big thing is looking at all the different stressors of the body and you gotta look at what John rates like down regulates the nervous system. And so comically food, drink, air, EMF. So food is just basically eating real stuff like eating a real balanced intake. That's a real food that's not modified, that's not real in pesticide, herbicide and also growing in the garage. That doesn't come out of a bag and from an industrialized manufacturing plant. So some of the basic stuff on that. I love structured and structuring the water. Just get hydration down, have them start to own their power a little bit.More and then sleep is the other biggest thing which our grounding bags help with. So kind of normalizing a full spectrum of these athletes and you know that that's where we're really diving into.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Any specific diet recommendations, are you making sure proteins are adequate? Or is there a certain amount of protein you want people to eat in relation to their weight? Half a gram per pound? One gram per pound of body weight? What does that look like for protein?

Justin Frandson: Yeah. I haven't really gotten too granular with them on that. I just say balance it out. What I do look at is we have an MCT oil called Lean Oil. So it's from the palm kernel, so it's medium chain triglycerides.That's right. So they're the very fattest fuel. Uh. But you gotta kick in the oldest people valve, get some protein in the body. Yeah, first thing in the morning. I mean, these are some things that I like to do. Uh, and? That's kind of where I go out and I'm not big on digitally quantifying like these specific ratios and it just feeds your body what you feel is right for you and does your food really well and dying, but enough fuel in your system too, so you're not burning adrenaline. You're burning fuel.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, that makes sense.Absolutely.Yeah, I mean I thought protein is really important because if you're athletic and you're using your muscles, you're creating this breakdown, your body trying to heal that back up. So proteins and it'd be really important. Also protein is going to be very blood sugar stabilizing, very satiating into preventing you from overeating, obviously good fats or super important because every cell in our body has a good healthy cell membrane and we need good healthy fats whether it's coconut oil or good healthy grass fed pasture fed animal products. We want to really be avoiding a lot of the junkie more inflammatory process fats Omega 6 trans fat. So I think that's, you know, important to have those components dialed in for sure. That makes a lot of sense. What's next? So you see patients, they come in to you, your. What's the next step the average person's missing to make themselves more athletic? Like, if you could do one thing with the average person, what would it be outside of some of the things we're already talking about now?

Justin Frandson: Well, the first thing I recommend to them is to start balancing more, so when you're probably the number one thing I dressed in the book. If you don't balance, you can't do anything. So that's the biggest thing. I think right behind that would be flexibility to have some range of motion and once they get established a functional range of motion. Then you go into the stability components, and then we start to develop a foundation that we build on for speed, power, coordination, and it is just a human disguise of limits. And it’s unilateral versus jumping off of both feet and you just take the athletes and our new dimension.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, that's why I always like unilateral work, because I find that you can really show weaknesses to people. A single like deadlift for unilateral kind of opposite arm pull. I feel like when you do things that are unilateral it really exposes a lot of weaknesses. and imbalances in the body so that that's really good. Plus you don't need a lot of weight, you don't need a lot of load. When you're rolling, you're only using half of that foundational stable unit. So that's cool. Yeah. What's one thing?

Justin Frandson: Yeah. But the other thing real quick is I've been doing a lot of B3 bands. And which is blood flow restriction and, I found that's really helpful for me because of limited time for workout. I'll throw on the ban, it boosts my nitric oxide buildup and endothelial vascular growth factor. So I think more growth factors.That, you know what, I'm in my 50s, so, uh, I could use all that I could get right now naturally, and that's been a fantastic way. And my strengths improve, my speeds improve. So for a quick workout, those B3 bands have been awesome for me.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. And the goal of those bands is like a rubber band, almost like what they do if they were to take your blood, they wrap it around there and that's restricting blood flow. And then as a result, it's what, increasing growth hormone, increasing NO2, essentially.

Justin Frandson: Yeah. The nitric oxide is oxide for it and what happens is, you develop these buffers and you just develop more growth factors from it. But B3 bands have Airways in that restriction, so you're not starving the muscle of oxygen, you're just constricting it. So my whole thing is like resistance. Resistance and the subtle resistance are vascular systems that just don't have it until you put a ban on it. The two activities that restrict or provide resistance for your respiratory system are swimming because you're exhaling into the water or playing a horn instrument as a musician. Other than that, we don't develop that respiratory system with resistance. So there's ways to look at fast resistance, respiratory system resistance versus just traditional strength training resistance and so that's why we're looking at all these components.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very cool. Excellent. And so you are also very passionate about EMF and you sent me a couple of goodies which I appreciate. You sent me some EMF kind of neutralizing crystals, a Faraday bag, a couple things and they have a website, EMF rocks. Let's talk a little bit more about EMF and just kind of some of the negative impacts out of the gate that you see, for instance, with your athletes that you work with?

Justin Frandson: Ohhh, yeah doctor J. I mean, I saw an endurance athlete come through and this one.Higher arm when weak from wearing a smartwatch on his wrist. And so I'm like, oh wow, yeah, get that radiation off your wrist. His whole arm just got better. It got stronger again without me kind of radiation. Was it hooked up to Wi-Fi or was it just like a simple what kind of signal was it? Was it Bluetooth? Yeah. So it's Bluetooth. They're about 2.45 billion waves per second of one directional wave form. So let's breakdown the.Difference of why that's so challenging for our body. We're built on scalar waves. Distributed equally in every direction. Man made stuff. Whether it's electricity, dirty electricity or wireless, they're all basically one directional wave forms or they don't work. So when you put something on your wrist like Wi-Fi at 2.45 billion waves per second when our body optimizes that one to eight when we sleep and heal an 8 to 12 when we're in the alpha state when we're in the flow state, we're competing. That's where really close with the Schumann resonance of Earth, which is 7.83 Hertz so, when we add in 10 zero speed and it's a one direction polarizing waveform, that's localized radiation when someones weak or toxic or just has a sensitivity to it for some way shape or form even too young old. Their blood type is an RH negative.Those people will be more sensitive to EMF.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And so what kind of EMF are we talking about? Like, are we talking like the Apple Watch? Would my small little Fitbit that's charting my steps be enough to throw me off?

Justin Frandson: Oh yeah, that muscle tests weak with that fit. Now out of the gate, they're having challenges. And they had to lower the signals kind of where Josh still made a documentary movie called Take Back Power on the smart meters. They were ramping up these smart meter signals. They had to notch it down because everyone was getting sick and couldn't sleep. Same with fit that it's still now enough where you'll task a week with it. So I would never, I mean again, this is my whole deal, Doctor J is we gotta get back to listening to your body and how your body feels, not having something tell you how it feels. This meta universe is not OK. It's not the direction that we want to go into.

Dr. Justin Frandson: So is there any technology you recommend if someone wants to kind of track their steps or make sure they're doing enough activity during the day, what's the best way to do that? Is there a certain way that you could adjust that so as a lower lower drain on you?

Justin Frandson: Yeah, I haven't really dove into the lesser of the evils. What I would say is. You only test athletes. We've established a baseline, maybe in the midpoint and point, and the task we're not doing day-to-day. So know your stuff the day, track them and then use that as your baseline to say, hey, yeah, I feel like I did a few less than I did, you know, or I did way more today. And you'll know that your body will just feel it. You don't need something to tell you how you slept or what you did. You have to.Look into yourself to start to feel again.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That makes sense. And so what's the, what's some of these wireless signals, what's the mechanism? What's actually happening? How is it disrupting us? You kind of went into it a little bit more. I want to make sure I understand. Like how is that actually happening at a biochemical level there?

Justin Frandson: OK, so when we introduce one-directional waveform. What happens is there's an oration effect in our body, it's just a secondary effect. Doctor Martin Paul talks about the voltage gated calcium channels opening up less. Yep, letting the positive team into a negative cell, in turn causing tremendous cell and DNA damage. Once that vibration secondary effect happens, what I've seen clinically as people's eyes, their teeth, they're large and they're thymus and then they're large intestine are the four primary areas that decharge EMF. We can use our grounding bags to tap on them and recharge those areas. I'll go into that a little bit, but then the next level is what we see are cognitive, so focus, memory, behavior, anxiety, fatigue, stress, lack of sleep. They're gonna be the first signs of EMF toxicity and challenges that people will feel especially.Actually.You know, athletes and they're gonna make poor decisions, you know, when they're competing. So this is a huge thing. So the other thing is, you're going to see more non trauma concussion symptoms, so you're gonna see basically headaches, more severe headaches, so, migraines. Uh, in the years. Muscle twitching, bloody noses, I mean, these are all the different things that you're going to see. It's going to be nausea, fatigue, tremor. Ears, bloody noses, and you go to Vancouver talked about this, the first attack of U.S. embassy workers on foreign soil with microwaves. You know, that was that's a real deal. These guys are sick for months and then the hospital and they couldn't get better because they were so toxic, then you go into the bigs, cancer, suicide, diabetes, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular, and then, now after fertility and yeah, so I see a note here. Yes, today’s stress. Yes 245 ways per second destructores water. Yes, 60 gigahertz, which is a 5G level, changes what oxygen molecules are made out of as well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And so we have different kinds of Wi-Fi, right? You could have the EMF put it in that camp. We have EMF maybe on our wrist from our smartwatch. We can have our Wi-Fi signals in our House, right. And then we're going to have cell phone towers, especially the 5G, those, those kinds of the big ones or is there anything else missing?

Justin Frandson: Yeah. So we categorize it into three different types? Yeah. Milligauss magnetic resonance would be one where you get a magnetic resonance where you get a milligauss meter. That is in the 50 to 60 waves per second spectrum. Then we do dirty electricity, which is a static in the line. It measures amps to volts. That would be 4000 to 100,000 waves for a second approximately. And then you have the acoustic meters, the radio frequency meters that measure for the wireless signals from 50 million to several billions per second. So there's meters to actually quantify and those stressors and those levels of each of those singles. So wireless would be any wireless signal Alexis, NASA units computers that aren't hardwired. Uh, you're others smartest.Of the self driving mechanisms and cars, all that stuff off your it's all wireless. The Dirty electricity would be static in the lines from bad wiring, grids crossing outside your home, rats heating lines, signals going in and out of a junction don't meet.That would cost static transformers on LED lights inside these new homes will cause lots of jury electricity and then the the milligauss is all the electricity in your home.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So what do you actually do about it? Right, because these stressors are all around us. You're not going to get rid of Wi-Fi. You won't even get rid of cell phone towers. Obviously you could do your best to be far away from them or from, you know, at least not to have one right on top of your kids school right nearby. You do your best to kind of mitigate exposure, especially when you're sleeping, you can control some of the Wi-Fi in your house hardline, or turn it off when you sleep. What can, what are the actual practical things outside of like don't do it or don't use it?

Justin Frandson: Practical for. Well, I want to dive into something else, too.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Sure. Let's go ahead. Let's hit that first thing, and then we'll come back to it.

Justin Frandson: OK. Yeah. So there's a book I want everyone to read. It's called the invisible rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. Have you heard that one?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I Have. I heard of the author before.

Justin Frandson: Yeah, he's one of the biggest names in EMF, and if you guys haven't read it, I highly recommend it. He categorized as a history of electricity and life and correlates every major pandemic to spikes in the in the.Increased electrification of our atmosphere. So let's do a little physics and biology lesson here. Our atmosphere is made of Ether and plasma, OK, these waveforms travel through these plasma waves and particles travel through because of that is our air. We're connected. We are one with the universe, alright. This is how we are made off of scalar with. So everything has a residence that carries a frequency and on man made stuff is all one directional or one word, so if you're standing up outside of it and you're in the sunlight. You're not in the sunlight in one spot and then out of it in another spot. It distributes equally in every direction or biofield of our body resonates. It doesn't just go out like straight out of your right ear. It's a residence all around you, the human residence of Earth, you're not in the residence in one spot and then out of it in another. It's up there. So that's what these scalar waves are based on. And so this book, the invisible rainbow. Anything before 1918? Uh, well actually let me backup anything we've had since 1889 were solar flares, we're cosmic shifts. That's where people have got sick. So they called the flu the flu because it would fly in when there was a solar flare, a cosmic ship. People's bodies would adapt and then, you know, they get better and then we move on to someone you know because their body just adapted when they needed to at the level they were capable.That's what we saw before 1889 when we introduced electricity in the homes. So we got home with electricity got shoes on so we're not grounding and 1918 winner introduced radio waves that was the that was the first the Hong Kong first excuse me that was that was, uh, 1980 Spanish flu and then satellites in the Van Allen belt where the Hong Kong flu, World War Two radar and then 5G for the last two years. So basically what these doctors are saying like Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Zac Bush, Kelly Brogan. I mean all these and they're and MD's, you know, not that MD's other and they'll say, well, I'm more of a Cairo guy myself, but this, these doctors that have been medically trained are out there saying that electricity stressors is an environmental toxin and a biotoxin, and what we're doing is we're adapting to these toxins and that's what's happening right now.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: OK. How do you distinguish correlation versus causation because at the same time the last 100 years you know we're doing a lot of other stressors being introduced whether it's toxicity and our food nutritional deficiencies, you know excess antibiotic usage as a lot of other things. So how do you make the correlation of these things happening, but is it really dry? Is it really the root cause or is it just another stressor that our bodies are having to deal with, among many others?

Justin Frandson: Well, that's a great question. I mean you no one can argue that all these combinations of stressors don't add up to be a stressor, but I think, when there's a breaking point, like look, we can call and talk to someone across the globe instantly, I mean, right? So there's no scratch in your head that you can broadcast something instantly. There's no scratching your head that there's a shift in the atmosphere.Yeah, that's gonna mess up our REM patterns. So there's too much there for me to go and do that EMF is not often the number one stressor right now. Zach Bush will say it's glyphosate for the last 40 years of research.I'll go back and say, hey, look at the invisible rainbow. The bibliography is 150 pages, so most reference books for reading and this is 1889 when it starts. So, there's no scratch in your head. For me, I live in Newport Beach, California. Healthiest place on the planet. No one gets sick in June, so this year everyone was getting sent to everyone. But a lot of people were getting sick in June. That's when they ratchet up and turn stuff up. People's bodies will shift. There's times where there's going to be higher levels of certain stressors that are going to be that shift, and that's what I feel are these triggers for. A lot of these major pandemics and Tom Cowan and a former MD turned in his license, but he'll say when you pollute the ocean, you know the Dolphins will get sick. Yeah it's not backed off and given  that often a virus or hey let's look at their genes you know and in 2020 all get sick now that would be stupid. So we're looking at things like it's all environmental toxins that are the challenge here and I feel the top two or you know, EMF, obviously the 5G and then glyphosate.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Totally makes sense. No, I think that's a big one for sure. And So what can we do about it with the EMF, right? I mean, there's different devices that you can plug into your outlets to kind of help clean up some of the dirty electricity you shot me over, different things. What we can do is like a Faraday bag and you can put your phone in that or turn your phone off, or definitely don't sleep near it. Definitely don't keep it right on your person, especially in your pockets next to your genitals or sensitive tissue. You mentioned crystals and different things like that or rounding math. Let's kind of go over the top three to five things that the everyday person could do. That's pretty easy and simple.

Justin Frandson: Yeah, well. First, I distinguished the difference in products out there. So if someone's looking for a product to clear. Basically what we want to look at is, is it a GMO product or is it an organic product because we all want to get it, we all don't want something that's been modified. So for me, I look to the healing power to kick off her residence, to create a coherence with us. So we hand my crystals. The crystals have moisture, magnetic properties in it, you know, that's where our money bags look like.The other man made devices are devices that are looking to over power another device like. That's a futile effort, so that's a genetically modified signal, that's non-native, that's looking to replicate what nature already does. So, my first thing is awareness and understanding of the different products that are out there, because if you're going to look at a product.To solve this. You gotta look to nature to do it.There's no one who is more intelligent and has those medicinal qualities like Mother Nature. So the first thing would be our grounding bags in your home and you not having bags in your home, you're outside and you're getting grounded outside so you're getting barefoot your touching a tree, you're gaining bodies of water. You're doing your grounding protocols outside.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And the goal of grounding is what like you, the goal is you dispersing some kind of positive ion charge in the body. Is that what you're doing?

Justin Frandson: Yeah, so one of my favorite books is called Electric body Electric Health by Eileen McKusick and she talks about your body being a body battery. You get a negative ionic charge from Earth, and we pull those electrons from it. You get a positive charge from the unpolarized light of the sun coming from above. And then breathe in the minerals and hopefully we get it from our food, but this is how our body battery recharges. And so we're getting that, getting grounded by nature, being outside, so the sunlight will do it.Getting in those resonances, the negative charge we'll deal with the bodies of water, touching trees barefoot, laying down on a picnic. Gardening, climbing rocks, all that good stuff like that's gonna get you that grounding, that negative charge. So that's how our body battery works.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's good. So you really happened and dispersed a lot of those positive ion charges which you're going to accumulate when you're around a lot of these wireless frequencies. Is that correct?

Justin Frandson: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And how does the crystal work? How do the crystals work and do you have to keep them in the bag so they don't get dehydrated? Can you take him out?

Justin Frandson: Yes, exactly. They have to stay in the bag and they're sealed and you use it as is, so you keep it sealed. They come like this. And there's about 1 pound of crystals in here. They work the same way nature does as they kick off a resonance to convert the one directional wave forms and then they feed us the electrons. So that's the way Mother Nature works. That's why it feels so good to go to the beach and get grounded and going? You're recharging your body battery. Literally, scientifically, that's the physics and the biology that's occurring. So, as far as using these protocols, well, you can do is you can accelerate this product going to your body. You can hold it top on it. Cover your eyes. Cover your teeth. Cover your thymus. Cover your large intestine one at a time and that'll accelerate the medicinal properties to recharge you. Because when people have layers of toxicity sucking their energy field and biofield. They're going to be more sensitive to EMF. If they have toxicity internally they're going to be a more sensitive EMF, so an internal flush would be protease, digestive enzyme and then apple cider vinegar. That will be a very subtle detox for internal stuck EMF. External, you've got your grounding protocols outside and you gotta do the tapping with the grounding bag inside.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: OK, that's cool. And with the crystals there are certain types of crystal people can look forward to. I mean obviously we, you know we'll put your site below is a good resource but is there any specific kind of crystal that you find works better.

Justin Frandson: Well, yeah, they're the average person won't be able to find it, unfortunately. Amethyst Shanghai black tourmaline. They are known to have Tesla property or magnetic resonance. Well what happens is they're getting overrun too quickly with all the access to EMF in our world. So we had to deploy a 1 pound bag of crystals of hand mine that would have moisture with the magnetic, so the combination of the moisture with that Mech properties is what allows them to be exponentially stronger for repelling EMF. So the average person is never going to find these colloid crystals anywhere. They're hand mine, they're over 85% of here. You're not gonna find the purity and be able to bring that rest to your home like we have with fees.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. And so the average person can do what with the crystal just put it in, put it on the night stand when they sleep to help kind of provide a filtration of a lot of the EMF frequency. Can they just get a small one, put it on their person. How do you use it?

Justin Frandson: Yeah. So Doctor Justin, when you put it on your bed. At the head of the bed. And if it's not on it,  If it's under it.Lean it against the leg of the bed, at the head, the back. They'll sleep 30 to 50% better.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's cool. That's good to test it. I mean, the whole idea crystals always seem a little out there for me, but. You know, I get it like we can't see Wi-Fi, we can't see all these things around us and we know everything does have a frequency to it. So the more you can kind of harmonize that or or or neutralize the negative impact of these frequencies, it makes sense. We know there's a stress component, especially 5G. And so crystals are one big tool. What else? Anything else we can do that simple? You mentioned the internal stuff, you mentioned enzymes, apple cider vinegar, you mentioned some clays or binders, what else?

Justin Frandson: I mean those are some great things to do. People like carbon C64. I like doing methylation so I like to open up methylation pathways. So I need methylfolate, it is great. You gotta do magnesium. I like some calcium as well as magnesium. And it's probably one of the biggest things that everyone really needs, like on a day-to-day basis. This is uh, uh, but for EMF protection, just keep hydrating yourself. Get some good distilled water with some minerals in it. That'll be the most mineral dense water will do. And then structure it. That would be even better.So those are kind of the things that we're looking at.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very good, Justin. Well, we had a bunch of good things today. We'll put the links down there below as good references for your site where they can get more information. Any other coordinates or information you want to leave to the listeners here?

Justin Frandson: Yeah. Thanks so much for having me on you got.I just really wanna encourage you to understand physics and biology and what health really is. And good health is really connecting above and getting grounded into nature and smiling and living and touching and hugging each other and being together and that's that's the answer. That’s the essence of living for life, having fun and smiling. A smile is the most contagious thing on the planet. So there's bioenergetic resonances that naturally occur in nature that are stronger than anything. And I want people to stop living in fear and understand what true health is and that our viruses are just our adopted system at work. We're dead proteins that we produce so there's No Fear, there's nothing flying around to kill anyone. We just smile and live for life and you guys the most important thing you can do right now for your health is to do all those and make sure you're getting out in nature and getting grounded by nature and then when you're inside use your  grounding bags and then also establish pro, turn your Wi-Fi off, turn your electrical off in your bedrooms. Create your home into a really quiet resonance so it's closer to as human residence, not these one directional, billions of waves per second when you're trying to sleep and heal.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Very good, Justin. I appreciate it. What are your sights again? We have

Justin Frandson: We have clinics all around the country and then is where we have our curated health and performance products and that's spelled athletic SM for those of you who have trouble spelling athleticism.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: OK, perfect. I will put links down below. People can get access. Oh, by the way, Faraday bags. How, how do you use those by the way? And do you always keep your phone into a Faraday bag? Is it only at night when you're kind of putting your phone away?

Justin Frandson: Yeah. So we have two sides of the Faraday bags. Thanks for asking, Doctor J.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: How does it work, by the way? How does it even work? Like, what is it exactly?

Justin Frandson: Yeah. So people think of Faraday, they think of a very change where no frequencies going in and out of our static bags are 7 millimeters, so frequencies go in and out of them. So that's the difference. But there's a physics component that when you put a polarizing positive charge inside of it, it fairly back squash it to what bio would consider safe levels and muscle testing. Applied kinesiology, would our body would feel safe levels that we can handle now what also happens so it dampens the signal strength of your cell phone to safe levels, your phone may or may not ring inside there, but what it also do is is it's it does is it stops the data harvesting so it slows down the aggregation of all the information, they're coming from you. That's the drain on your battery. That's why everyone's battery dies so quickly because they are listening to everything. They're aggregating every bit of your information every second of the day. They know all your biometrics now, if you're giving him your retina scan, your voice, your face, your Palm imprint, I mean these. These are some of the most individual imprints of your body you don't want to use for commerce so avoid using fingers, palm print, voice, Retina Face, imprint to get access to your phone, you don't want that information. You don't want to use it for commerce because they know your passcode, they know where you live, how fast you drive all this information. They're just aggregating, sending it to AI to create this meta universe, so as much as I love technology is allowing us to connect where we probably one of because you're more in Texas and I'm in California but this stuff is cool, we just have to develop proximity protocol with it and understand that it's enhancing and certain times and then when you're not using it and get it away from you. They’re already back. If you have to sleep with your phone on at night, make sure things inside the bag are tested and put in there, seal it. You'll have the best night sleep, your phone will still ring and you won't have the thing tapping on your shoulder all night long. Saying talk to me, talk to me. This is that it's essentially, that's what it does. It's always looking for a signal.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Is your phone safe if you put it on airplane mode and it's on you? Is it safer? Is it still less signal?

Justin Frandson: Way better. Way better, because there's not that wireless looking for that signal. So definitely get it. Get in airplane mode. The next step would be to save your battery because they're still gonna aggregate through airplane mode. They're always having these signals on these.Telecommunication companies, they want all your information. They're beaconing stuff. So they're always doing this called surveillance marketing. It's why Apple's a multibillion dollar company. It's not an office selling devices. Yeah, they sell a lot of devices, but.It's this marketing that they're doing and listening to. They're selling your information. That's where they're really making the substantial revenue from. So slow down this aggregation information actually on your biometrics and we'll be able to stop this meta universe and really get back to connection with God and getting grounded by nature.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, with a lot of these tech companies you are the product, it's good to keep your privacy and keep it yours. You know, have control over that. So I like having tools that put kind of these controls back in your hand. So Justin Fradson, really appreciate today's podcast and we'll put links down below for some of the some of the good products.That we talked about here today, and I'll put links to the books that we chatted about in the show notes as well. Have a phenomenal day, Justin, great chatting with you.

Justin Frandson: Hey, thank you, Doctor J, man. Appreciate you.


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