The Gut-Brain Connection: How Your Digestive Health Impacts Mood, Energy, and Hair

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The intricate relationship between gut health and overall well-being has become a focal point in functional medicine. Dr. J and Evan Bran, two experts in the field, recently discussed the profound impacts of gut health on energy, mood, and even hair quality. This article delves into their insights, highlighting the importance of a healthy gut microbiome and the role of functional medicine in addressing these interconnected issues.

The Hidden Culprits: Gut Infections and Mood Disorders

Many people suffering from mood disorders may be unaware that the root cause could lie in their gut. Dr. J shared his personal experience with H. pylori infection, which led to significant mood issues. Surprisingly, there is published literature linking H. pylori to anxiety and depression. A simple search on PubMed for “H. pylori mood” or “H. pylori anxiety” reveals several studies on this connection.

However, H. pylori is just one of many potential gut infections that can affect both the immune system and brain function. When running functional lab tests like the GI Map, practitioners often find multiple infections, such as Klebsiella, which can have far-reaching effects on a patient's health.

The Problem with Conventional Approaches

Unfortunately, the conventional medical approach often fails to address these underlying gut issues. When patients visit psychiatrists for conditions like anxiety or OCD, they are typically prescribed medications without investigating potential gut imbalances. This “Band-Aid” approach, as Dr. J describes it, may provide temporary relief but fails to address the root cause of the problem.

Medications like stimulants or SSRIs can put the body in a constant sympathetic (fight-or-flight) state, making it difficult to relax, heal, and maintain hormonal balance. Over time, this chronic stress response can deplete hormones and exacerbate health issues.

The Environmental Factor: Glyphosate and Gut Health

The conversation turned to the impact of environmental factors on gut health, particularly the widespread use of glyphosate, a herbicide commonly used in agriculture. Dr. J shared a USGS map showing the estimated use of glyphosate on agricultural land in the United States. The map revealed alarming levels of glyphosate usage, especially in the Midwest and along the Mississippi River.

Studies have shown that glyphosate exposure can negatively impact gut microbiota. A recent study published in Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (June 2023) found that even low-dose glyphosate exposure alters gut microbiome composition and modulates gut homeostasis. The study highlighted that beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium were particularly susceptible to glyphosate exposure.

Functional Medicine Lab Testing: Uncovering the Root Cause

Functional medicine practitioners like Dr. J and Evan Bran rely heavily on comprehensive lab testing to identify underlying gut issues and develop targeted treatment protocols. Some key tests they frequently use include:

GI Map Stool Test: This advanced stool analysis provides a detailed assessment of the gut microbiome, identifying beneficial bacteria, pathogenic organisms, and markers of inflammation and digestion.

Organic Acids Test: This urine test offers insights into various metabolic processes, including neurotransmitter production, mitochondrial function, and detoxification pathways.

Chemical Profile and Glyphosate Testing: As an add-on to the Organic Acids Test, this profile can measure levels of environmental toxins, including glyphosate, in the body.

These tests allow practitioners to create personalized treatment plans that address the specific imbalances and toxin exposures affecting each patient's health.

The Importance of Addressing Gut Health for Overall Wellbeing

The experts emphasized that gut health impacts far more than just digestion. A healthy gut microbiome is crucial for:

Mood regulation and neurotransmitter production

Immune system function

Nutrient absorption and metabolism

Hormone balance

Detoxification processes

Hair and skin health

By addressing gut health through diet, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplementation, many patients experience improvements in multiple areas of their health.

Practical Steps for Improving Gut Health

Dr. J and Evan Bran offered several practical tips for improving gut health:

Choose organic produce when possible, especially for items on the “Dirty Dozen” list

Opt for grass-fed, organic meats to reduce exposure to antibiotics and pesticides

Incorporate probiotic-rich foods and supplements to support beneficial gut bacteria

Consider specific supplements like Akkermansia muciniphila to enhance gut barrier function

Prioritize protein and healthy fats in meals, especially for children

Implement detoxification strategies to help remove environmental toxins like glyphosate

The Impact on Future Generations

The experts also discussed the long-term consequences of poor nutrition and gut health on future generations, referencing the Pottenger cat experiments from the 1950s. These studies demonstrated how nutritional deficiencies could be passed down through generations, potentially contributing to the rising rates of infertility and chronic health issues we see today.

Call to Action

If you're struggling with mood issues, fatigue, digestive problems, or unexplained health concerns, it's crucial to consider the role your gut health may be playing. Functional medicine offers a comprehensive approach to identifying and addressing the root causes of these issues.

Dr. J invites you to schedule a free consultation at to discuss your health concerns and explore how functional medicine can help you achieve optimal wellness. Don't let underlying gut issues hold you back from feeling your best – take the first step towards better health today.


  1. Aitbali, Y., et al. (2023). Low-dose glyphosate exposure alters gut microbiota composition and modulates gut homeostasis. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 100, 104122.
  2. USGS. (2019). Estimated Annual Agricultural Pesticide Use. Retrieved from
  3. Pottenger, F. M. (1983). Pottenger's Cats: A Study in Nutrition. Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.



Recommended Products:

Brain Support

Gut and Immune Support


Recommended Lab Tests:

DSL GI-MAP Genetic Stool Test

Mosaic Organic Acids Test (OAT)

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