Natural Herbal Support to Help Reduce Inflammation | Podcast #323

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Inflammation is our bodies' natural response against infection, injuries, wounds, and other forms of harm. However, inflammation can cause problems too. It is when some conditions are causing continuous inflammation resulting in tissue injuries along the way. 

In this podcast, Dr. J and Evan Brand talk about some herbal remedies that might help you deal with yours or gear you to avoid unnecessary inflammation. Although there are anti-inflammatory drugs available in the market, some of these lead to unwanted side-effects or, perhaps, not useful. 

For people with inflammatory issues, it's also good to consider natural herbs to manage it. Some natural herbs you can try are turmeric, ginger, and green tea since some evidence claims its effectiveness. These are generally safe, but it's still good to consult or discuss this with your physician to make sure that it fits you.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

In this episode, we  cover:

1:27       Natural Herbal Support for Inflammation

4:09       Key Ingredients for Reducing Inflammation

11:08     TNF Alpha Pathway, Cox Pathways

16:54     “You are what you digest from what you eat”

18:03     Natural Cortisone & Natural Anti Inflammatory

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And we are live. It's Dr. J here in the house with Evan Brand. Evan, how are we doing today man? What's going on? 

Evan Brand: I'm doing good. I'm feeling better. I don't think I even told you about this off the air. But I had a bat house on the side of my house. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: A bat house? 

Evan Brand: Yeah, bat house. Yeah, to try to get to try to get some bats to basically, you know, take take residents there. So they would eat all of our mosquitoes. And they never came. And I was up on the ladder. I don't know, this may be two months ago now. And I was up on the ladder. And I was unscrewing the bat house from the house. And as soon as I did that, I noticed it was a wasp nest in there. And as soon as the, as soon as I saw that, a wasp landed on my hand. And last time I got stung, it hurts super bad. And so I wasn't thinking straight, I thought, okay, there's a wasp on my hand, I'm gonna get stung, it's gonna hurt, I might shake my hand and fall backwards off the ladder, this is really bad. So I just turned around and just jumped. And it was probably not crazy high, but maybe eight feet up. And I just jumped and just tried to like, you know, cushion my fall as much as I could and kind of roll after I landed on the grass. But ever since then, man, I've had a little bit of some cervical, I probably need to see a chiropractor. I haven't yet but I've had like some cervical tightness. And if I sleep the wrong way, it like flares up the cervical tightness. And so I've been using some herbal anti inflammatories and nutrients that we can dive into to help me. But I wanted to tell you that and see if you had any other suggestions of things I should be doing. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: That's really great. Yeah, so we're going to be talking all about inflammation. And we'll be talking about natural herbal support to kind of help her natural functional medicine support to help kind of reduce that inflammation. Now, structurally, in your situation, there's probably some level of inflammation directly to that area. So some level of soft tissue, whether it's active release technique, or myofascial just to kind of help with that tissue. Because when it gets strained or damaged or inflamed like that, it can get a little bit fibrotic, you can get some scar tissue, it can maybe lose some blood supply and oxygenation. So getting some good movement in that tissue to kind of help with oxygenation, make it more pliable, helps making sure those joints are moving well. So really good chiropractic adjustments through there to make sure everything is moving well, alignments, good. So those are the first things out of the gates that I'd be pursuing. Outside of, you know, just some good soft tissue support in your own like a good massage guns helpful just kind of day in day out. And then seeing good massage therapists, maybe some red light to kind of reduce inflammation, too. I think that's great out of the gates. And of course, you know, we can kind of go into all of the different natural anti inflammatory, inflammatory support that we use typically in practice, and we'll talk about what what you're using already as well. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, I appreciate it. I need to get back in touch with my myofascial lady. I just haven't reached out to her yet. But I think she left town for a while. So she's still around. I should probably try. I just got fearful I thought, Oh, god, what did I do to my spine? Am I screwed forever? You know, you hear about these people having like car wrecks. And you know, my wife used to work in a chiropractor's office, and she would see people that were injured from 20 years ago. And I'm like, ah, why, like, surely it doesn't have to be that way. And I think we have some good strategies that can definitely shorten the recovery timeline. Let me just talk about the topical aspect first. This one thing's been very beneficial. It is a company called Ned. Hello, Ned is their company. And they actually just send it to me like a year ago, just as like a free Hey, we want you to sell our products. Here's some free stuff to try out kind of thing. But I loved it so much. I bought more of it, but it's called a body butter. And it's just loaded with CBD oil and frankincense and a bunch of other essential oils. It has Arnica in there. So this is just a topical body butter. And I tell you, if I put that stuff on, it's a significantly reduced pain. And my range of motion is almost 100% if I'm using that topically, so CBD Arnica frankincense, you know, something like that a good blend, or if you like by that body butter, that might be a good option topically.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: I like that. That makes a lot of sense. So out of the gates, what's the first thing so more than likely you get some kind of a mini whiplash? I'm guessing you kind of fell more into flexion. Right? 

Evan Brand: Yeah, yeah. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So you probably had a little whiplash because you probably went forward and then your body had to like kind of seize up to kind of stuff that forward flexion and so it probably just strained you probably had a little spray sprain strain in those back ligaments in the neck. And so getting some good soft tissue out back there will help making sure that joints are moving appropriately will help the problem with like ligamentous tissue, it's more a vascular, right, you don't get great blood supply. Or like if you strain your muscle like a muscle belly issue, right, it's going to heal a lot faster because that tissue is just more vascular, it's got a lot more blood flow. So anytime you have a vascular tissue, you really need good soft tissue support to really help break down and break down fiber optic tissue, scar tissue and then help that will improve oxygenation and that will improve blood flow. And of course, you know, soft tissue and or red light therapy are all going to be amazing things to really work on the on the blood flow and the inflammation reduction aspects. So that's good out of the gates. And of course like my good thing in my line, we use something called curcumin supreme. Which is a liposomal curcumin, I like that. I think that's excellent because it has natural anti inflammatory pathway. So like the big inflammatory pathways that you're going to see a lot of the medication use are going to be the Cox pathways right cyclo oxygenase pathways. And so like cyclooxygenase, two and cyclooxygenase one are going to be some of the big ones right? Now we can do natural herbs to kind of help produce Cox one and Cox two. So Cox one typically will be reduced by things like aspirin or n sets the problem with these things that can be a little bit more irritating to the liver into the gut. So maybe acutely, it's okay, but chronically not the best, right? And then we have Cox two as well which these were like the old fashioned, like Vioxx drugs, remember, those, like 15 years ago, caused a lot of stroke and heart issues. Those are like our Cox two pathways. So Cox one and Cox two are some pretty good ones, that major pathways. And of course, we have like our prostaglandin e two, which is an inflammatory pathway as well. And prostaglandin e two is what drives constriction. And it's what causes more platelets and more stickiness to happen. And so we want to work on reducing some of those pathway. So we want to knock down prostaglandin e two, what's the best way to do that? Well, high dose fish oil or fish oil in general, of course up a really good whole food, pasture fed kind of paleo templates, it'd be great. And you're going to reduce a lot of inflammation coming from conventional meats. Again, healthy grass fed pasture fed meats better, right? Less arachidonic acid, which feeds that PG net prostaglandin to pathway, of course, keeping the insulin and the grains and the refined sugar, all that crap in check, all of that inflammation feeds these Cox two and Cox one. pathways, right. And so we want to inhibit those pathways, we want to block them. So more Cox one, Cox two, the more inflammation is going down those pathways. So all the dietary crap sets the table, like my analogy is, imagine you walk into a kitchen and the gas is on the burner. Okay, let's say it's been on for a couple hours you smell it? Well, let's say you pull out your lighter, right? Just a little spark, boom, how's it gonna explode? Okay, but if you did it without the gas there, no explosion? Well, it's the same thing. If you have the gasoline going, that's a systemic inflammation from all of these things we chatted about, that allows the little spark of an injury like that, to set off this whole inflammatory cascade, that's going to be a lot more, let's just say amplified in the wrong direction, if you will. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, that's, that's a great analogy. So let's kind of spotlight some of the the key ingredients that we use here. Now some of these we can provide to our clients and to me personally in blends, and then some of them we can do in isolation. So I think the the best one or kind of the best combo for me is really some of the enzymes and then plus tumeric and the boswellia I think that's been kind of my game changer because I noticed that when I added some extra serapeptodase into my system, I have a blend, I'm using the has some in there, but when I added extra serapeptodase, and also some lambro kinase, my issues, definitely, I would say I felt definitely more mobile, like I have more blood flow. And then of course, my hands and feet were warming up too. So I just know from like a circulation standpoint, that that's also helping and then we know that tumeric has like an anti coagulating ability. So whether it's like a tumeric tea or like you mentioned a life was almost a product or even just like a standardized curcuminoid product, something like that is going to be awesome.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, I like it. So if we kind of break things down by Cox one, Cox two, there's also the locks pathway that's like the the leuco trying pathway or the light bo oxygenase pathway. Alright, so lipo oxygenase versus cyclo oxygenase. These are both going to be inflammatory pathways. So if we start with like the Cox, one pathways, things like ginger are also going to be very helpful in that. So ginger is really good. Excellent. You can also do things like you mentioned lumberg kinase, or serrapeptase, that's gonna just sit in your bloodstream, you're taking it away from food, it's not like a digestive enzyme. And that's going to help hit all these inflammatory chemicals that are in the bloodstream, it's going to start breaking them down and digesting them. And we already talked about the fact that we have a lot of platelet aggregation. So what that means is over time, those platelets are going to increase scar tissue and in decreased blood flow. So what are the enzymes are going to do is they're going to break up those platelets isn't help improve blood flow, improve oxygenation and improve nutrition. So and it's also going to decrease scar tissue formation. So part of the enzymes are helping blood flow. They're reducing. They're increasing oxygenation, and they're reducing scar tissue so then it helps a lot of the other nutrients also work better. So we already talked about like, some of the Cox one stuff is going to be ginger. We talked about that already. Some of the Cox two things are going to be things like curcumin, lipids, omo curcumin, and my line I have one called Curcumin Supreme, which is a really good one. And then you already mentioned a couple things earlier like Frankincense or boswellia. That's also going to be another cyclo oxygenase ACE inhibitor and the thing I like about boswellia or frankincense, it's the same thing. By the way, guys, frankincense is the essential oil version of that frankincense, you can kind of put topically on it. And then you can also take boswellia internally, so you can kind of hit it from both ends, which is really good. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, also omegas, I am boosting up my omegas, I'm doing about five grams per day of pure omega, that's my formula. It's a triglyceride form of omega as it works amazing. And then also, I'm doing extra course attend, just to really help you know, I've had some histamine issues after getting exposed to mold. So for me, I do course attend with an enzyme, there's a special enzyme we use, it's a course it's an enzyme blend that I love. And I actually may start manufacturing it soon. But for now, I'm just mixing these. And the course attend for me is a mast cell stabilizer. Now I don't know about like trauma, necessarily physical trauma, aggravating mast cells and creating a histamine release. But it would make sense if there's a stress response from the body, you may be pulling out more histamine, I'm thinking of like a, I don't know, a car crash or some sort of immediate trauma, you're probably going to have some histamine to really help increase inflammation, but overall, you don't want that long term. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: 100%. Yep, that makes a lot of sense. So there's other pathways you mentioned, right? So the course attend, like you mentioned earlier, that's going to help with the TNF alpha pathway. So TNF alpha is another inflammatory cytokine. So think of a lot of these cytokines are like inflammatory chemical messengers, we have cytokines, we have interleukins, we have nuclear factor, Kappa beta, we have TNF alpha, these are all these chemicals, signalers. And so when we have inflammation happen, these type of chemical messengers can amplify inflammation, the effects of inflammation, systemically. And the problem with inflammation is it's helpful in the short run, because it helps drive blood flow and helps the healing repair process. The problem is, is when it hangs around too long, right? So for like an acute injury, it's probably good. I think part of the reason why that pain and inflammation is there is to keep you on your butt, so you're not continuing to damage that area. So I think part of it is, it's Hey, you hurt yourself, let's kind of like rest a little bit right part of its that it's also going to aggregate a lot of immune cells to help heal the injury, preventing infection, it's also there to help with healing the body up, right, because the body is not about performance when it's injured, it's about band aiding the crap out of that area. So the problem with that is the body doesn't care if it laid down a whole bunch of scar tissue. And that area is now going to be less flex, less flexible, and less mobile. It just wants the body to heal. So now you have to say, Well, I'm also interested in performance too, right? So then you have to look at the fact that like, Okay, I'm going to reduce inflammation, I probably should still be more mobile, I'm sorry, less mobile moving less, because my body wants me to move around less. I'm reducing the inflammation, pain naturally. But I still have to make sure I don't overdo it. So you have to make sure if you reduce the inflammation, you still don't overdo it because your body's creating that pain to keep you from not moving as much. You probably want some movement, but not as much to hurt yourself. And then number two, you really want to remodel that inflammatory scar tissue. And that's where you know, massage, soft tissue work, adjusting, maybe some some rolling, some foam rolling, gentle things like that to kind of help realign that soft tissue. So it's more functional and structurally stable. That's better in the long run.

Evan Brand: Oh, yeah. Good point. I forgot to mention that. It's not called the Theracane but it's similar. I've got this wooden like cane from like a physical therapy office like it's a, it's a wooden cane basically, and it's got the wheels on it. I've been kind of digging that into my upper mid back area kind of work in my traps. I've been just doing some light stretches. I've been doing some lateral pull downs, I love lat pull downs, I've been doing some seated rows. I've been doing my roll machine. So just gently trying to work the area. And I do that after I take these enzymes. And I do notice that it definitely warms up the area and I do feel more loose. So I'm trying to think of you like you and I always talk about you have this stacking effect, right you've got the anti inflammatory diet as the foundation, you've got the omegas coming in to hopefully help lubricate reduce inflammation. We've got the anti histamine anti mast cell course attend. We've got the ginger working on the Cox pathway, you've got the tumeric you've got the boswellia. I mean, that's just really the synergistic thing here. And I'm not I haven't taken a single aspirin. So I'm not actually in pain anymore. But like I said, if I sleep wrong, it might kind of flare me up. So I don't think I'm fully out of the woods yet, but I think I'm 95% there. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Correct. That's good. So in general, we kind of have our Cox pathways right. Now, arachidonic acid can feed those pathways. So a lot of excess omega six junkie, refined omega six excess junkie animal products can definitely feed those pathways that sets the table like I mentioned gas in the kitchen right below spark and can take it off. And then we have our natural herbals like like ginger can help with Cox one. Fish Oil is actually For Cox two at high doses now if you do high doses of fish oil, you can increase what's called lipid peroxidation. Because fish oil is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, it's more unstable, right? It's got a lot of these. It's got more double bonds in it, right? omega three means three double bonds, the more double bonds that are there, the more unstable the fatty acid is to heat and things like that, the more let's say it can be oxidized. So having extra vitamin C, or extra vitamin E on board when you're taking extra fish oil, just to make sure you don't have oxidation is great. And we already talked about things like systemic enzymes talked about, like, you know, curcumin, liposomal curcumin is better due to the absorption, or something with black pepper in it helps with absorption to already talked about things like Frankincense or boswellia is great, you could always do some white willow bark, which is kind of how aspirin is naturally made, right? aspirin works more on Cox one. So aspirin is going to be your other natural source. And you can do white willow bark, which is the natural form of aspirin, which is great. There are things like Tylenol, but Tylenol works more on the central nervous system perception, right? So it decreases the nervous systems, perception of pain. And then of course, at the extreme example, we have opiates, which block the pain receptors in the brain, the the opiate receptors in the brain, not the best thing because you're just decreasing perception of pain. Obviously, the opiates are way more addictive, right. But we can block some of these natural pain perceptions with CBD oil. So CBD is another great way to reduce perception of pain. But we got to be careful of, you know, Tylenol, or things like opiates, you know, opiates due to their addictive qualities. And Tylenol actually chronically can reduce gluta file and you can just type in Tylenol and low glutathione level. So if you're taking Tylenol longer term, you definitely want to take it with NAC and or some cloudify and just to be on the safe side. But in general, we want you to try to do more of the herbals and more of the natural stuff out of the gates because that really, really, really can help reduce inflammation. 

Evan Brand: Yeah, well said. Yeah, and the acetaminophen glutathione yeah, it's a big problem. So that's why I stayed away. So people listening, if you're didn't jump off a ladder like me, and you've got osteo arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, or sports injury, or you're just trying to heal up maybe post operation, these things we talked about today may be something to implement. And then obviously, working on all the other root causes too, because you are not just what you eat, you are what you digest from what you eat. So if you're doing all these good nutrients, but you've got some type of malabsorption issue in the gut, you've got ridges on your fingernails, you've got thinning hair falling out here, you may need to look deeper at the gut and try to find some of these more root cause issues that led you to that amount of inflammation or slow recovery in the first place. So if you need to reach out, please do so. Our websites are That's for Dr. J. He works worldwide via phone, FaceTime, Skype, zoom, whatever. And then me Evan Brand, So, please reach out if you need help. We love helping you guys. This is just a wonderful situation that we're in to be able to help people across the globe get solutions to their health issues.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Absolutely. And one last thing to comment is people talk about what we know about cortisone and prednisone injections, right for chronic pain, right? This is a common thing. Well, what's our natural cortisone? What's our natural anti inflammatory? Well, our adrenals. So if you have weaker adrenal is going into this stuff, you may not be able to make good amounts of our natural kind of anti inflammatory hormones like cortisol or cortisone, right? This is important. Now I had a family friend come up to me recently, they had chronic pain issues. And it was asking me some questions about things. And they were telling me Oh, I just got a cortisone injection. It's doing really great right now I said, Well, number one, that's that's a really big mistake. I said, you can do a cortisone injection only, only one if it's really debilitating, and you need that to buy you time to fix the underlying issue. The problem with any injections of steroids is they start breaking down the tissue and the cartilage and the ligaments and the bone in the joint. And actually, over time, they'll stop giving you cortisone injections in an area after two or three injections sometimes, so then now what now you're kind of stuck. So the only way ever support a cortisone injection, is if that's buying you time to do all the other stuff and the pain is so debilitating, you're just doing that to buy you time because if you're not figuring out and doing all the other stuff, while that quarter zones working, you're just going to just repeat its pattern over again three to six months later. And that's not a good situation. So ideally, you maximize the low hanging fruit, hopefully you won't have to go to that. And then if you have to go to it, you at least use that time to do more of the right things regarding soft tissue chiropractic work anti inflammatory, there's another device we we use here we'll put a link below for the newbie device which is a bio electric device that I have and I use that helps reduce inflammation with special bio electric wavelengths. Electricity wise that reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, help improve the muscle integrity in that area. So the muscles take over the stress the joints and the ligaments and that's cartilage would normally absorb right we want our we want our shocks to absorb The force not the sensitive material in the in the vehicle so to speak, right we have shocks for a reason. Think of shocks in your body as like muscles. Think of the sensitive tissue as ligaments and cartilage, right? Those are going to be more a vascular right poor blood flow the muscles more vascular. So what's good let the vascular shocks absorb most of that issue most of the inflammation and for so I'll put the link down below for that too. So you guys have that for references. Anything else, man? 

Evan Brand: Yeah, the sauna. The sauna has been helping me too. I love sitting in there. Yeah, that obviously warms me up to so I have the infrared heaters in the front and then the ceramic around the edges. So I do try to rotate make sure that the infrared does hit my back and it does help me quite a bit. So that's also another beneficial thing. Epsom salt baths are very helpful potentially using a floatation tank, a float tank with just tons of Epsom salt and their magnesium and that's that's also another great strategy. So hope this helps people and take care yourself. Like I said, if you need to reach out please do or look forward to helping you soon. 

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: We'll be right over recommended products down below so you guys can see that and take advantage of the things that we use clinically for our family, ourselves and our patients worldwide.


Audio Podcast:

Recommended product:  

Curcumin Supreme

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