Natural Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

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By Dr. Justin Marchegiani

If you suffer from allergies, you’re not alone–seasonal allergies affect an estimated 40 million to 60 million people yearly. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. There are several underlying factors that make a person more prone to having allergies, and several natural solutions to increase your resistance to these immune triggers.

What Causes Allergies?

All aspects of health are important pieces of the puzzle: air quality, diet, exercise, sleep, stress, etc. Whenever we burden our body with stress–whether it be eating a gluten-containing muffin, or having a fight with a loved one–it adds a drop into our stress bucket. Too many drops, and the bucket is going to overflow. When our immune system is overloaded, it will react to an otherwise harmless substance, like pollen, as if it were a dangerous foregin invader.

The risk of developing seasonal allergies is increased in individuals with a co-existing condition, like asthma, food allergies, pregnancy, and even stress and trauma. These conditions affect your immune system, contributing more drops to the stress bucket.

Allergies are an immune system disorder. The body overreacts to a harmless substance by producing antibodies to attack, causing common allergy symptoms.

Common Seasonal Allergy Symptoms:

In addition to the above pre-existing conditions, anything which weakens the immune system will contribute to the stress bucket, leading to allergies. Recent surgery, physical trauma, underlying illness, and lack of sleep included!

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What are other stressors on the immune system? A poor diet is a biggie. Gluten, sugar, alcohol, and processed foods all weaken the immune system, leaving you more susceptible to gut imbalance (which affects the immune system), sickness, and yes–seasonal allergies.

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies


By eating an anti-inflammatory diet, getting enough sleep, and implementing some of the remedies above, you can reduce your allergy symptoms significantly. Allergies are not a sentence–you have the power to take charge of your health.

If you’d like help managing your allergies, click here to consult with a functional medicine doctor and start feeling better today!

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