Beverly Meyer – GABA, Vitamin K2, and Weston A Price – Podcast #51

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Dr. Justin Marchegiani invites Beverly Meyers for this podcast interview and gives us a lot of information about Vitamin K and GABA and why there is a need to get our neurotransmitters well-balanced. They also discuss protein digestion and its importance for GABA production.
Beverly Meyers

Beverly Meyer has been a nutritionist for the past 30 years and she shares with us her own story battling with Celiac, Addison’s and Graves’ disease as well as transitioning off the pharmaceuticals onto the more natural herbal approach. Discover more about the Paleo diet and whether one can get enough Vitamin K from a food-based source. This interview also touches upon the impact of dental health has on one's growth and the uses of EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques.

In this episode, topics include:

1:20   The neurotransmitter GABA

6:06   The neurotransmitter GABA

24:55   Weston A. Price and his nutritional journey

28:10   Activator X and vitamin K2

41:20   1 pill for 1 ill, diet comes first








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Info on Beverly Meyer: Beverly has been a nutritionist for over 30 years in San Antonio, Texas and is the author of the DVD titled, The Diet For Human Beings. She is a gluten-free Paleo Nutritionist and Natural Health practitioner. She is a blogger, podcaster, patient, animal lover, and sometimes a pretty funny person.  Her goal is to help you (and herself) feel better!

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hey, there!  It’s Dr. Justin Marchegiani here with Beyond Wellness Radio and we got Beverly Meyer?  Did I say it right, Bev?

Beverly Meyer:  Yes, that’s right.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Great!  Awesome!  And Bev’s website is and Beverly, we’re really happy to have you on the show today.

Beverly Meyer:  Thanks for having me on, Justin.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Alright, great!  Well, I’m on your site right now and I know, you know, you’ve put a lot of information out there on Vitamin K and GABA, and I kinda wanna get a take on where you wanted to start?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, let’s talk about GABA because it’s–it’s a trans–neurotransmitter that most people including your regular physicians have never heard about.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  And yet it’s been a life-changing discovery for me when I found out 10 or 15 years ago that I basically had a life-threatening deficiency in the neurotransmitter GABA.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  So let me give you a really short course in neurotransmitters and I write about this a lot in the blog.  Basically, there are 4 main neurotransmitters.  Two that are excitatory, I call them the go-gos.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Ahh.

Beverly Meyer:  Dopamine and acetylcholine.  They help us work and focus and move and think and–and burn and–and go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  And then there’s two inhibitory neurotransmitters, serotonin and GABA.  G-A-B-A.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  And these help us relax the muscles and digest our food and sleep and laugh and make love and–and just be at ease.  And it’s like the 4 tires on your car.  You need the 4 neurotransmitters really, really well-balanced or your brain, the electricity in your brain does not fire properly.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it.  Got it.

Beverly Meyer:  This is really cool because it’s–serotonin and GABA, everybody’s heard of serotonin and you may not know what it is or what it does except you can associate it with the word depression, but it does so much more than that, and GABA also has–has many, even dozens of functions in the body as the serotonin, but they’re like brakes in your car.  And if–if all you do is give it the gas, give it the go, go, go, go, which is kind of how we are living today in modern life.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  Everything is a go and a sudden and a right now and an or else which is very sympathetic nervous system.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  And it’s GABA and serotonin’s job to help keep us in that parasympathetic mode where we are healthy and happy.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Okay, got it and that parasympathetic is the healing, relaxation, digestion.  Where the sympathetic is the–the go, go, go, stress, stress, stress, break down, break down.

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, and there’s the–the go-go neurotransmitters are not necessarily sympathetic nervous system but they are very active.  You know, the work, the move, the exercise, the, you know, physical and emotional focus.  But we’re also locked up into anxiety and insomnia and perfection and speed these days that it’s really easy to–to burn out these neurotransmitters that help keep us calm and GABA has a strong relationship with gluten and gluten antibodies also, so–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Ahh!

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, so that was a real key for me, it’s that it’s–it–it’s like okay but why does it get so low, I could take and passion flower and help support my GABA every day for the rest of my life but it would be nice to know how did I get this way, wired and tired.  How did I get so burnt out and exhausted?  But I can’t sleep and so this–this ties right in with adrenal burnout.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it.   So can you talk about protein to–

Beverly Meyer:  But um, uh-oh, yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Go ahead.  Yeah, can you hear me okay?

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, I was gonna say I forgot where I was gonna go with that sentence so, but that I’ll turn it back to you for the next question.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, no problem.  So protein, right?  All protein becomes broken down into amino acid and amino acids essentially can become, L-tryptophan will become our serotonin, the L-tyrosine to our dopamine.  Can you talk about how protein digestion is important for GABA production as well?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, no.  Actually, that’s the chemistry of how we produce GABA is not something that I’m particularly familiar with so I can’t talk about that.  But–but I can tell you that we naturally produce GABA but we can run short of it if we overuse it.  And yes, like all amino acids it’s–it is based in some form of a protein breakdown–breakdown but of course, there are many enzymatic reactions that have to happen for anything you eat to become something else.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.  Isn’t L-theanine one of the main amino acids behind making GABA?

Beverly Meyer:  I don’t think it’s a component of GABA.  It’s–it actually kind of helps, well, it helps your body produce GABA and/or as a substitute for GABA and theanine is something that–that many people do tolerate, many people don’t tolerate it, and it can–some people have really great results with theanine.  Personally, I never did.  It just–it just didn’t work for me.  I think I probably was missing some of those co-factors–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Co-factors.

Beverly Meyer:  To–uh-huh.  To help shift it and that’s when I found that the passion flower did a much better job for me.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  How does the passion flower help increase GABA?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, it’s got all the raw materials and it basically just says, “Here.  Here’s the GABA, do you want it?”  At as–trying to buy a supplement called GABA on your shelf.  Strangely, straight GABA is actually not the right thing to take.  The GABA itself has to be in a form that’s slightly altered for your body to be able to use it as a supplement.  So it can be called pharmaGABA or phenibut, but it’s phenylbutyric acid and phenyl–well, it’s a longer word than that but that’s one way that you can try GABA.  So there–there are different ways you can try it, the pharmaGABA, the passion flower, some theanine.  But some interesting things have also produced GABA and that is alcohol, heroine, and marijuana.  And one of the whole series on addiction is that basically our brain say, “You know I am in such need of GABA that I will turn to alcohol, heroine, or marijuana to provide that GABA that I need to survive.”  It’s kinda–kind of a different way to think about–I have a lot more compassion for people now that I realize, “Wow, they were really out of GABA, too, just kinda like me,” and I didn’t end up as bad as that but I had basically what was finally diagnosed as partial seizure disorder.  And–and I actually started on low-dose anti-epileptics about 15 years ago and I’m telling you within a week, I felt like a new person.  It–it really gave me hope that, “Well, I’m not going to just die or fade away at the age of 50-something that I can–I can come back and, of course, I don’t take those anymore,”  but they provided a pharmaceutical, a form of GABA, that my brain could use to manage the brain waves.  Because that’s what we’re talking about.  We’re talking about electricity in the brain and GABA governs them, the even stability of electrical flow from left to right in the brain, and so you can imagine if it’s out of balance, if it’s unstable, the GABA deficiency symptoms which I write a lot about can be diarrhea or constipation, high blood pressure or–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  Low blood pressure, insomnia, or even narcolepsy.  Excess sweating–so GABA is all about stability and–and thinking that the brain does not obsess about those 75 emails that you didn’t do or that one that you did.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  All that obsessive OCD stuff that a lot of us don’t acknowledge that we–we really are struggling with.  It’s very GABA-related and–and people get hold of couple of bottles of passion flower.  I have those in my online store and you stick in your–your purse, your kitchen, your car, your kids’ backpack and life becomes a lot easier.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it, got it.  And I know you mentioned addiction and drugs, they’re–they’re basically stimulating GABA, right?  I mean, it’s not a building block for GABA.  It’s kinda like whipping a tired horse, is that correct?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, they’re not repairing–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  The temporal lobe–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Stored.

Beverly Meyer:  Malfunction.  They’re not restorative but they are providing.  We all know that, you know, for most people if you’ve had a hard day and you have a glass of wine, you tend to relax.  I mean, it’s–there it is.  So it is providing some of that GABA as a relief but–but and obviously we have to look at the lifestyle factor that have caused your brain to be so overloaded.  And remember earlier I was starting to mention that there is a gluten antibody linked here as well and that ties in to what are called the GAD65 enzymes.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  GAD65, right.

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, and–and very related to GABA utilization in the body but can also be hampered by gluten antibodies.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right, and that’s those dysdiadochokinesia type of movements where people may be have those jitters, almost like an intention tremor so to speak and you can see that and gluten can easily–gluten antibodies can easily be created that actually go in and attack that GAD65 enzyme which actually create that GABA, correct?

Beverly Meyer:  Right.  And remember when you talk about any kind of a tremor, what you’re talking about is exactly that unstable firing that I was talking about.  It’s kind of like part of the brain is firing–tu, tu, tut, tut–tu, dut–tu, tu, tu, tu, tud–tut–if you will.  And–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  The–instead of just an even–tut–I’m just making this up.  But instead of an even tut, tut, tut, tut, tut, tut, that you want.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  And–and so yes, active tremors are–are and Tourette’s, ataxia, stumbling, these can be very strong clues for–for severe GABA deficiencies.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani: And obviously giving someone passion flower that has a gluten sensitivity and they’re making all these GAD65 antibodies, you have to get them off the gluten, right?

Beverly Meyer:  Absolutely.  That’s the–my motto on my website and my podcast, is food first, that we’re not running lab tests, we’re not doing anything.  I’m taking your history but until we get your diet really, really clean and get everything we can think of that might have some antibody and blood sugar impact on your body, ‘til we get that stuff out and get the nutrient-dense rich foods and fats in there, then we start over and completely take the history from scratch, because you’re a completely different person.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Exactly.  Now there are a lot of people that say GABA can’t cross the blood brain barrier.  It’s too big of an amino acid.  So what’s your take on giving an herb like passion flower, giving an amino acid like L-theanine, and then also doing the pharmaGABA sublinguals?  What’s your take on those three?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, that’s the reason why you don’t use straight–a product that’s just called straight GABA and this is a little odd, but straight GABA can cross the blood brain barrier but that’s one reason why you don’t want to use it.  I know that sounds backwards but this is why you want the–the phenyl–phenylbuterate form of it that it actually has a different pathway.  So if–if someone takes straight cheap GABA, just GABA on the label, and feels calmer and much more relaxed, that’s actually diagnostic of–of what we call leaky brain syndrome, just like there’s leaky gut.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right, yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  Leaky–leaky brain, leaky lung, leaky gut.  The three big–three big places that we leak.  So–so GABA is not supposed to be able to cross the blood brain barrier but the altered form can and this is also where the herb seems to do just a stellar job, is that it–it enables that package to be delivered.  And–and it doesn’t have to be sublingual.  It–it can be a pill.  Sublingual is fine, too, for the–the phenylbuterated form.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it.  So if someone’s taking GABA and they’re getting a benefit from it, and we know such a large percent of the population more than likely has leaky gut just from grains and stress and infections, etc.  Does that mean someone shouldn’t use GABA if they’re getting a benefit from it, if they’re getting that right relaxation effect?

Beverly Meyer:  No, but it does mean that they need to come and talk to Dr. Justin and find out how they’re gonna help manage the antibodies and the leaky gut, and the–all those debris and–and inflammation in the body.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it.  So what you’re saying it’s a sign of something deeper, it’s okay to use it but you really got to put your attention on the gut, the diet, the stress, the sleep, the whole nine yards, the big picture, right?

Beverly Meyer:  Absolutely.  It’s all about food and lifestyle.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Wow!  I know we’re kinda just got into the GABA part and it’s–it’s very interesting.  Can you tie this back a little bit into your story?  Because you’ve been a nutritionist for a very long time.  I think 30 years, you said.  Can you talk more about your story and then kinda get back in–into what we’re talking about here?

Beverly Meyer:  Yes, I’m in my 60s and I saw my first natural health practitioner in 1972, when–when the even the word natural health practitioner was a very odd thing to say.  People had no idea what you were talking about.  So this body is–just had a hard time and it wasn’t until I was in my 40s that–that the celiac disease got confirmed.  I’d already been off of wheat, but when I discovered how much better I felt off of gluten and then off of all the grains and then off of all the dairy and then off of nuts and then off of nightshades and then off of eggs, I laughed with people in–in the Paleo diet when I have them on my show or I’m on their shows and I say, “You know, I was eating Paleo before it had a name.”  So I just–I just figured this stuff out for myself because I’d been really so sick most all of my life and I’ve also had a history of extremely poor adrenal function.  The first saliva test I ever ran on anybody was on myself and when I got it back, there was just a little flat straight line and number 1 straight across the bottom of the page.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Wow.

Beverly Meyer:  And I called the lab and I said, “There’s something wrong with your report.  It–it–there’s no cortisol here.”  And I didn’t tell them it was me and they said, “Well, you know, you need to call this patient.  They need to be in the hospital immediately.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Whoa.

Beverly Meyer:  I said, “Well, you’re talking to her.”  And I have 2 patients after this, so you know, that was a big wake up call for me.  I had severe Epstein-Barr Virus at the time.  I had a really bad concussion.  I was going into menopause.  You know, you just–wow, really, really bad time and I never did get–which is what they told me.  But I did understand that it was time to–to really seriously get help or I was not gonna make it.  So that was quite some time ago but here I am, you know, running my businesses and podcasts, and I don’t travel to Costa Rica or whatever anymore.  I don’t–I just don’t do that.  I control my environment and my food very carefully and then things in this body work–work pretty well.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Also you had the autoimmune condition Addison’s where you were literally attacking your adrenal glands.

Beverly Meyer:  Yes, absolutely.  Celiac, Addison’s and Graves’ disease on top.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Wow.

Beverly Meyer:  So my poor thyroid since I didn’t have any adrenal function, the thyroid was in high gear trying to help me, you know, stand up and pump blood and then the–the gluten wasn’t all out at that time either.  So that kinda took the thyroid out but I knew I could get that back and that’s when I went and basically said, “Alright, what’s underneath all of this?”  And that’s when I found out about the–the electrical malfunction in my brain and the–the temporal lobe–temporal lobe dysfunction where the GABA is–is working.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So the first thing you did was to kind of help balance that brain chemistry for you.  Was it the passion flower or were you doing the sublingual GABA?

Beverly Meyer:  No, the first thing I did was get on a low-dose anti-epileptics.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Okay.

Beverly Meyer:  And that’s because, you know, when I–I had an amazing neurologist of which there–there is no one like him.  He’s–he’s a crazy man but he totally saved my life.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Wow.

Beverly Meyer:  And but he, you know, he showed–we did–he does very elaborate testing and brain scans, stuff nobody else does and he said, “You know, you have no GABA function.  You’re at 15% of normal, and you know, that you’re probably having low grade seizures and probably have had them for a long time.”  And I burst into tears and it was, you know, he was like, “Oh, don’t be upset.”  I’m like, “I’m not upset.  I’m so happy.”  You know, when somebody finds an answer, you know, that–that gives you a whole new sense and he said, “Well, I know your background, you’re–you do naturopathic counseling and herbs and supplements and foods, would you be willing to take a prescription drug?”  And I burst into tears again and I said, “You had me at the word seizures.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Wow.

Beverly Meyer:  So I took very low dose drugs and with a lot of muscle testing to confirm which drug would work best for me and what dose and he–this man was brave enough that he honored that.  He said, “You tell me which of these you handled the best and what dose is right for you.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And so how did you transition off the pharmaceuticals onto the more natural herbal approach?

Beverly Meyer:  Basically I–at that point, I–I just stopped working and basically stayed home in a beautiful environment that I have here with nature and animals, my 2 horses, and just basically kinda withdrew to the cave, well, you know, went to ground to just eat and–and rest and not have obligations because it’s this constant pressure on us now for–for performance, obligation, and speed that I think is–is really killing us and so I’m kind of on a mission to help people.  Look let’s get this diet but then the next thing we gotta do is, you know, is we gotta take a serious look at your life and your belief structure.  You know, all these leftover stuff from your parents multiplied by a hundred, you know, by everything, your peers and on TV and stuff, and learn how to take control of your own life and say, “You know what?  That doesn’t work for me and–and I’m not gonna do that.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it, got it.  So you were on these epileptic drugs to help balance the brain chemistry and then you transitioned over to the–some of the herbal approach and that made a–a big difference.  You were able to come off the drugs when you transitioned over?

Beverly Meyer:  Yes, and that’s also when I found out that I did have celiac and so–and then running a–the Cyrex Labs Array for gluten antibodies and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So 5, Array 5 on that one?

Beverly Meyer:  It used to have the GAD65 antibodies in–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  With the gluten and they no longer do.  And that’s when it all went, you know, ding in my brain that, “Oh, my gosh, this is a–coming from a lifetime of gluten and so on.”  And so you just–you keep finding out where to do and tightening it up as–as you go.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And when you’re working with your patients getting them to go gluten-free, are you doing just a straight gluten-free or are you doing a grain-free where you’re getting them off of all grains?

Beverly Meyer:  No, I’m–I strongly encourage them to go full Paleo, as–as strong and as far and as fast as they can because I want people–we all know that if–if you’re drinking 12 Cokes a day, you know, you’re gonna feel a little better if you get down to 6 Cokes a day–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  But you know, you–you really don’t know who you are or what your chemistry is all about until you get to a–I call it, go to your corner.  You know, it’s like when you’re in a–a boxer and you’re in in your fight and they ring that bell.  You go to your corner and–and you get taken care of in that corner.  You get to sit down, you get–you get water, you get to rest, you don’t have to think about anything.  You know it’s your safe place.  And I want people to experience a big enough change in food can create a place where they can feel, “Oh, I feel much better.”  And that if they stray out of that, they can experiment with, “Okay, that didn’t work,” or “Well, okay, that wasn’t so bad, as long as I only did it once or twice,” and this, the whole point as you know, Justin, is to give people the power to–to take care–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  Of themselves and not be relying on you, otherwise, we’d each have a million clients, and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  You know, we’re overbooked and we’re overworked, too.  And we want to people to understand here’s what I think your biggest areas you can help yourself are and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  And I’m gonna hammer at these until I feel like you’re–you’re getting somewhere and then we’re gonna look at the adrenals and some supplements and this and that and mercury fillings and all the rest.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, that’s a good approach and with my patients very similar–almost all patients for the first month, at least we’re on a strict autoimmune Paleo approach where it’s really just meat and vegetables and maybe a little bit of low sugar fruit and again, no–not even white rice.  Again Paleo has kind of been co-opted a little bit where white rice is now Paleo and potatoes, white potatoes are Paleo, so I just keep it really strict to an autoimmune Paleo and it sounds like you’re doing something very similar.

Beverly Meyer:  Absolutely and–and you know, when sometimes people have that–a rough time the first week or so because they’re so addicted to the gluten and the dairy and the sugars and all that, but some people, you know, within 36 hours, they’re already like a new person and–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  And then they trust you.  They’re like, “Oh, my gosh!  This is a little hard, but wow!  I think my whole life is about to change.  What do I do next?”  And–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  They’re excited for what’s gonna come next.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, diet is one of the biggest factors that can push your body into a pro-inflammatory, you know, you’re inflamed to an anti-inflammatory state where you’re healing and that has a huge effect on the gut like you mentioned, if you have GAD65, you’re–you’re messing up your brain.  If you have GAD65, you probably also have a leaky guy going on there.  Can you talk about how brain health and how GABA is tied in with the gut especially if you have a leaky gut issue?

Beverly Meyer:  Our genetics are a little bit in trouble as it is.  Our genetics are a little bit in trouble.  We’re–we’re not born very strong right now, a lot of us.  We’re already having problems as-as children and so, we’re not developing the strong immune systems that–that we should be.  So it–it really does get back to the generational strength of the immune system and what we’re fed.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Wow!  Because I know in the pre-interview we were talking about that.  We were talking about Weston A. Price and the Activator X and Vitamin K.  I think this is a really good time to shift gears a little bit and talk about some of Weston A. Price’s work and kind of dovetail into Vitamin K and how that’s so important as we grow over the structure of our face and health.

Beverly Meyer:  Well, yes and the first thing I wanna say about Weston Price is that the–the man was incredibly brilliant.  His work is incredibly brilliant and it’s–to me it’s a shame that a lot of people have taken his work and used that as an excuse to eat non-stop, you know, wheat and rice and oats and–and bread as–as long–­but I soaked it first–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  Before I eat, so I just have to throw it in there that I–no matter how many great things I say about Weston Price, it’s what some of us have done with his work that I just wanna caution people about, but Weston Price was like the original Jungle Man, you know.  He–in his–he was already well up in age in his–in the 1930s, 1940s as a dentist, and his patients’ teeth were falling apart, you know, each generation would come in and like they’re–they’re faces were getting narrow, they’re palates were more V-shaped–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  Instead of a wide U–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  Shape.  The teeth were crowded.  They were having health problems.  The narrow chins, receding chins, and he was determined that this had something to do with nutrition and that he wanted to find out what.  So he went all over the world with his wife, back in times when, you know, you had to take 17 trains and 3 camels–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  To get anywhere.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Absolutely.

Beverly Meyer:  And then lived with isolated peoples from the Outer Hebrides in Scotland and–and up in, you know, at the Inuit, the Eskimo, the African tribes, whatever and he spent years with people cataloguing what they ate and what they used–oh, that particular oyster or mussel they used and when do you use that?  Oh, you used that as soon as the woman knows she’s pregnant.  That’s really interesting.  He documented all these stuff and took thousands of photographs of big wide smiling cheekbones which these people had and they had all of their adult teeth and no cavities.  And when he put all his research together, what it all boiled down to–this is so interesting–his book, Physical Degener–Nutrition and Physical Degeneration–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Degeneration, right.

Beverly Meyer:  Is a really interesting book.  It’s not a hideous, boring textbook.  It’s actually really pretty interesting, but anyway, he put all this research together and said, “Here’s the bottom line.  No matter where you are, no matter what you eat, all these people I spoke with had 10 times the amount of Vitamin A, X-factor,” that he said these are fat-soluble vitamins and they have 10 times the amount we have in the United States in the 1930s and 40s, and golly, we were still eating organic and fresh ground nuts and seeds then.  So that’s–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Exactly.  There was no conventional food back then.

Beverly Meyer:  No.  So we were eating pretty well, but as he said, people’s facial structure was already collapsing in and that’s–that was his impetus to–to research this.  So it turns that his X–Activator X is what we know as Vitamin K2, not K1 but K2, and that indeed A, D, and K really must be all taken.  You–you don’t wanna just have 1 or 2 without the others, and that’s why cod liver oil has Vitamin A and Vitamin D but it has no Vitamin K.  So you–you must take supplemental K2 if you’re gonna take any kind of Vitamin D and that includes the cod liver oil.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And what if you had enough grass-fed butter in your diet?

Beverly Meyer:  Well–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Would that be enough for the Vitamin K2?

Beverly Meyer:  Possible and that’s a good question, Justin.  It–the–the best ways I can tell people to read a quick summary is on my website.  There’s a blog post on–there’s two blog posts on Vitamin K2.  One, for its effect on heart disease and the arteries and plaque in the arteries; and the other is on structure of your face and facial bones and cheekbones and your teeth.  And there’s a podcast, too.  So, people can really get deeply into this and what was your question?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yes, we were just talking about it–because the big sources of Vitamin K2 from what–

Beverly Meyer:  Oh, yeah.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I know is grass-fed butter, also egg yolks as well.

Beverly Meyer:  Yes.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So if someone is consuming good healthy egg yolks and good healthy grass-fed butter, can they get enough Vitamin K in that from a food-based source?

Beverly Meyer:  Possibly.  Possibly.  Possibly.  And the pastured egg yolks contain some Vitamin K.  Pastured, spring, grass-fed, organic butter has some Vitamin K, but not a lot.  It’s–it’s, you know, you’d have to eat like 10 lbs of butter a week or something.  I forget the statistics, it’s on my blog post.  But the combination of–of true, fermented foods, pastured egg yolks, pastured butter, and then of course, the more pastured animal fats and organs we eat, we–we can accumulate and–and maintain some Vitamin K, but really at this point at my life, the only supplements I take are Vitamin D and Vitamin K2, and in the summer, I don’t really take much D because I’m out with the horses.  So the other richest source of Vitamin K, it’s emu oil.  But a particular emu oil, it’s–it’s in my story.  You may wanna put it in yours, too, and it’s a heritage species of emu.  It’s not the emu oil people use for cosmetics and massage lotions.  But these are from male emus and they–they have this fat storage like a back strap down their–down their backs and the males, emus, sit on the eggs for 6 weeks and live on this Vitamin K fat storage and the other nutrients that are–that are there.  They live on that.  They never leave the nest and–omega 3, 6, 9, anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense food and you can get it in a capsule.  It’s called Walkabout– Walkabout Emu Oil.  It’s pretty amazing stuff.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Wow!  Very cool!  So you’re kind of taken us down the story of Weston A. Price and all the different cultures he discovered and I think he even came into the conclusion that the healthiest cultures are the ones that were eating animal products and also to note, I think Price actually went into this as a vegetarian or thinking that the vegetarian diets were going to be the healthiest but I think that he found the opposite.  Is that correct?

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, he just said, he had an open mind.  He was just, you know, he was just a wonderful person.  He said, “You know, something’s wrong with people, our bodies–”  He calls it–he calls it injuries, facial injuries.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  That–that you have the narrow face and narrow chin and narrow palate and receding chin, and narrow hips.  He said this was gonna lead to fertility problems and depressions and anxieties and dental problems, and all these stuff.  He totally predicted it all and–and really I’m kind of a poster child for, you know, Weston Price will take one look at me and he–he’d say, “See, there you go.  That’s exactly what I predicted.”  Because I am–I’m very–I’m very tall but very narrow, and you know, my whole body is–is that way but my palate is, too.  And that seems to be my latest breakthrough in the last couple of years is discovering that I can re-shape my palate even at my age and take the–move my lower chin forward just by wearing some dental appliances, not by surgery, and take the pressure off the brain stem and all of this.  I just–I had a miraculous decrease of my anxiety as I just began to move the tiniest bit of–to move my lower chin forward.  So it’s just–it’s really interesting work.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  So how does–how does someone find someone that specializes in that type of work?

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, good question. There–there’s some information about that on my website, but if you do some search, there–there’s a whole new types of dentists now, just like in naturopathic doctors.  There’s new types of dentist now.  There’s a field they call sleep dentistry.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  And the sleep dentist can go one of two ways.  They may go into the CPAP to this we’re gonna fix your–your sleep problems but you’re gonna have to wear this CPAP and to have surgery on your airway, etc.  Or the other ones that say, the problem is–is that your lower jaw is compressing back on your airway and you’re tongue is in the wrong place.  You don’t hold your tongue out well.  And they have, I call them retainers, but they’re–they’re mouth pieces, mouth appliances.  Some you wear in the day and some you wear at night that just re-positioned the jaw and the ones at night actually holds your jaw open for you, just enough to open the airway.  So you don’t want jaw surgery, so you can look for the more enlightened dentist–you can even–you can Google sleep dentistry in your area.  The name of one of the dental appliances is called the Mora, M-O-R-A.  M-O-R-A.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it.

Beverly Meyer:  And there’s another one called, Alf, A-L-F, and there are now also pediatric orthodontists that are getting into this big time because they’re seeing these young patients coming in, you know, 3, 4, 5 years old already with these narrow pointed chins and they know they got a lifetime of dental problems ahead of them so they start the youngsters on a kind of like an athlete puts in his mouth before he goes to play football–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  But they’re not, you know, so hideous but they’re little soft, pliable shapers that they teach the children to wear when they sleep, so that they–while their jaws are really malleable, can–can re-shape that palate and then I, of course, have to throw in there.  It’s like, “Yes, and don’t forget to give them a little emu oil, too, for that Vitamin K.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And that’s great.  When I was growing up, I was a big–I sucked my thumb a lot.  I was a big thumb sucker so I created that V-shaped arch and I had to wear an appliance for years to kind of bring my arch back and I know, nutritionally I wasn’t in the best shape when I was younger.  So again, good nutrition is really important.  How do they know what the shape of the mouth should be?  Are they just kind of using a kind of measurements and basing upon, you know, where the bite should fall or where the jaw alignment should go?  How did they figure out what’s normal for you?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, you–the first question is what’s normal for a human?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  And that’s where you go back to Weston Price who like I say took thousands of photographs of people’s faces and teeth, and so we-we know what is normal–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  How it looks, right.

Beverly Meyer:  For a human face to look like.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  How’s that quantified though?

Beverly Meyer:  What–I’m not quite sure about your question.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Are there certain measurements they’re looking at to–to figure out exactly, “Hey, you’re, you know, you’re front–”  I’m not familiar with the dental terminology but you’re incisors are this much up or your canines or this or that, to objectify it.

Beverly Meyer:  I don’t know.  I just know that–that when you see a person with a narrow face and, therefore, narrow cheekbones and you know, that narrow face, you know, if you–we’re used to seeing people with very narrow faces now, long and narrow faces.  It’s unusual to see people with–with wide faces and strong jaws, kind of like George Clooney for ex–we-we call them, you know, handsome.  George Clooney and Arnold Schwarzenegger because of that wide cheekbone and strong, squared jaw.  So that’s what we’re looking for, the jaw doesn’t point and drop down, that the face isn’t narrowing and that the palate itself is as fully spread and expanded as it can be.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  You know, when you watch TV, one of the interesting things that Price talked about–I think it was Price–was the rule of thirds, and that’s the bottom part of the chin that goes up to the bottom part of the nose, that should be one-third of your face.  While the bottom part of your nose to the brow area–

Beverly Meyer:  Eyebrow.  Uh-hmm.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  The second-third and then the eyebrow to where the hairline starts should be third-third.  And you should–when you watch TV, you can see lots of people that either have a small middle third or they have a small lower third where you could see that really small chin.  I can think of a few actors on TV but I won’t name though, and then also the other big thing is it’s clinically relevant is a big forehead.  A larger third forehead is a big sign of gluten sensitivity that’s actually–I forget which journal it is–but they said it was clinically diagnostic as–as a criteria for gluten sensitivity.

Beverly Meyer:  Wow.  It’s–it’s really fascinating stuff but it–you know, it gets back to gluten and Vitamin K2 and–and then they’re gonna all get back to the temporal lobes in the brain which is right at your TMJ and your ability to create and utilize GABA and it all ties in.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, it does.  In Hollywood, you know, we think of like George Clooney of someone of that as being attractive and you know, what really is attractiveness and a lot of it comes down to fertility and health.  If you would look at the Westin A. Price book, you can see these–the different tribes they go to, you can see the tribes that are eating that healthy diet, you can see the robust shape of their face and you can see the ones that deviate just one generation.  It’s a massive difference.

Beverly Meyer:  That’s right.  That’s right.  So I–you know, I–I don’t know too many people that have all 32 adult teeth.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I know.  That’s true.

Beverly Meyer:  That’s pretty rare, yup.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And there’s a plastic surgeon, his name is Dr. Marquardt and he created something called the Marquardt mask.  And he’s basically quantified attractiveness and with this number, I forget what the exact number is, but he finds that there’s this evenness that needs to be within all parts of the face and that’s–all people that are like the most attractive, so for instance, he’ll overlay it with Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt and you’ll see it’s like perfect.  And then he’ll overlay it like with someone that you may not see being attractive and you could see the–where things don’t line up.  So it’s kinda interesting how this Weston A. Price thing formation and health kinda ties in to attractiveness which is interesting.

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, it’s facial recognition, you know, the toys we make for children have the wide set eyes and you know, the mouth is in a certain place and it’s–it–we train early on for facial recognition.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  But it’s interesting how Hollywood is almost telling us the opposite where we have these super skinny emaciated girls–

Beverly Meyer:  Right.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Who are modeling now and it’s like we’re almost trying to be tricked into what health is now and what attraction is now and it’s almost the opposite.  What’s your take on that?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, I–absolutely.  You know, I–I wish I had a nice robust body instead of my narrow crowded body.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right, right.  Exactly.  Well, is there anything else you wanted to tie into on the nutrition Weston A. Price and–and just overall health?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, I think, and again, the point I wanna stress with people is–is when, in you, I’m sure you get your share of people this way, too.  They wanna jump straight to the supplements.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  And okay, maybe they’ll–diet or maybe they’ll even do a lot of change in their diet but we’re still trained in that culture, one pill for one–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yes.

Beverly Meyer:  Ill.  You know, and I–I’m sure you had this, too.  I’ve had people walk in in my clinic and say, “You know, I have diabetes and–and high blood pressure and I’m–I’m prone to blood clots, which pill should I take?”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  And, you know, I–it just blows my mind that–it–that people can even generate that question in their own mind that it doesn’t have anything to do with you and you just need somebody to give you the pill, and that it really does come down to your food and lifestyle and–and your ability to–to however it works to get good deep counseling on the patterns that run you.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Uh-hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  I’m personally a big fan of EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, and remember when I told you when I was diagnosed first and went on the low-dose anti-epileptics and was so sick–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  And basically just retreated home to the cave and–and that’s really what I did.  I did EFT, you know, 10, 20, 30–a little note, tiny notepad and pen on my person, literally 24 hours a day and when a thought would come up and I can feel my heart rate go up, that anxiety would come up and you know, which I know now is the brain that’s firing, and I’d write down what were you just thinking?  Aha!  I just had that thought.  Well, what would someone still think when they hear this and that, you know?  And–and literally write down what was that thought or even in reading a book, I’d be calm and happy reading a book and then suddenly, I was like, “Wow, I’m feeling a little anxious.”  Did I–was I thinking something?  No.  What did I just read?  And even to go back to some passages and say, “Wow!”  Yeah, that just triggered some pattern for myself, too, about that reaction.  So I–I really kept great notes on that and then I would do the EFT tapping on those patterns and to this day, I still do EFT, and I work with other different kinds of therapists and hypnotherapists, whatever works to address these patterns, but the first key is to become familiar with those voices in your head, the ones that say, “Oh, that was stupid.”  Well, great.  Write that down, you know.  You–you got to know those demons, I said, and I joke about–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  It on my blog posts.  I say, “You know, it’s just like jukebox.”  And that one that says, “Well, that was stupid.”  That was, you know, that was D42.  And the one that says, “Oh, they just don’t know.  They–they, I’m smarter than they are.”  Well, that might be A11.  You know?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  They’re just buttons that you push.  And you know, get to know them and if it pops up, you can, laugh at it and go, “Oh, my gosh, it’s A11 again.”  And, you know, “I’ve heard you before, I know who you are.”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  And it–it’s the ability to just take on and acknowledge, “Yup, there’s that–there’s that thought.  There’s that pattern.”  And–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I’m a huge fan of EFT.

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I’ve been–I’ve been using it for a couple of years.  I recommend my patients.  I use it or for all the different practitioners.  And just for everyone listening, it stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.  It was a technique derived from Dr. Diamond in the 80s and I think Gary Craig then took it and turned it from temporal tapping or tapping solution to EFT and it’s a great technique to neutralize negative emotions that are trapped in our nervous system to speak.  Can you talk more about how you use it with your patients?  Are you trying to find out what that negative thought is that you labeled A2 on the jukebox?  And do you–just talk about that emotion as you go through the various tapping points?

Beverly Meyer:  I don’t take that responsibility of teaching and working EFT with my clients.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Okay.

Beverly Meyer:  Sometimes I–I will and we will, I say, “Look, let’s just–let’s get away from this table and let’s go sit over here and let’s talk about this great technique.” Because I have found it so useful for anxiety, but it’s also terrifically useful for pain and other physical symptoms and you know, for example, if you notice a pain in your right elbow and it’s not usually there, or even if it’s usually there, and you kind of focus it, make a distinction about that pain.  Is it–is it stabbing, is it throbbing, is it itching or whatever?  And you make up a phrase to use even though I have this stabbing pain in my right elbow, I love and accept myself deeply and completely, and that’s kinda your little setup and off you go from there.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  And as you tap through the points, and–and this is so easy for your listeners, you–you can learn this in, you know, 10 minutes, the 7, 8, 9 tapping points, it’s ridiculously easy to learn, and–but as your tapping on things, sometimes the thing behind it will start to peek out.  You know, maybe your tapping on–even though my feel–even though I feel really hurt right now that that person said that about me, I love and accept myself deeply and completely, and if–as your tapping on it, your emotions may shift from anger to sorrow, to guilt, to revenge, and each of those, just let you keep following that trail of–of that emotion and how it lives in you and to even, like I said, it paints a picture of that feeling, that phrase, that emotion that you can recognize again when you see it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Got it, yeah, I do the same thing.  I refer out to various YouTube videos or even online Skype practitioners that will work through some of my patients that have deeper stuff.  I–I think it’s definitely a great way to neutralize it because it’s–it’s all subconscious.  How do you get to your subconscious mind outside of that or maybe hypnosis?

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, well, you pay attention and you do learn as you go.  But you know, you could–I can do EFT easily in the car or at the stop sign.  You know, I’m–I’m rushing, I’m late, and I’m–I’m gonna tap.  You know, on the fact that why do I do this?  Why do I make myself late?  And then I rush and then I get all, you know, A2 and B9 about, you know–what are people gonna think?  Or what if I–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yes.

Beverly Meyer:  Don’t show up?  Or how–what’s?  They’re gonna think badly if I’m 10 minutes, and I’m like, “Whatever.”  It is just–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  It’s all just worthless trash but it’s–it’s useful to use–to understand yourself and then you just tap it out and have a big sigh and then you feel a lot calmer.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  That’s good.  I love that.  Very good.  Well, is there anything else that you wanna touch upon that you find really important for our listeners to know?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, I’m just gonna–I’m gonna give a little plug for my DVD here, The Diet for Human Beings, because it’s–it’s the only DVD that’s gonna help teach people how to eat a Paleo diet and why.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  It’s–it’s simple to watch.  It’s easy to understand.  It lets you understand the glucose-insulin cycle, and–and why starches make you feel bad and you know, what to eat and what not to eat.  It’s just an easy way.  If you’re not gonna read a bunch of books to learn what you’re doing and why and when–when your girlfriend or your parents or your–your co-workers says, “Why are you eating that way?”  That you can actually answer intelligently instead of, “Oh, it’s that Paleo thing.”  You know?  And then you know, that’s not very empowering.  So it–it’s just–it’s an easy way for people to learn and then pass it on to their spouse or their daughter.  So here, you know, you may not watch the whole thing on me but sections 10, 11, and 12 just sound just like you here in and hand them the DVD, so it’s a great tool and then they can watch it and pass it on, too.  So I just needed to say that.  It’s–I think people will just go straight for the Paleo recipes but they don’t understand, you know, it’s a rule.  No grains, no–give me pancake that’s Paleo and you know–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Exactly.

Beverly Meyer:  You wanna understand what you’re doing and why, and so you could have a little discernment.  I have a pet peeve of Paleo treats.  You know?

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yup.

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, these date, blueberry, coconut honeyballs.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  The same amount of sugar.

Beverly Meyer:  I’m like, that is–that is not a Paleo food.  So you know, anyway, that’s–that’s­it’s an easy way to teach yourself what to do and why.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, I think that’s powerful.  I think all people need to understand why there’s power in why.  I remember people, you know, it still happens today.  People ask me, why do you eat that way?  And I just–I looked down on my watch and I say, “How long do you have?”  Well–

Beverly Meyer:  That’s–that’s why I did the DVD.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah.

Beverly Meyer:  I got tired of explaining it to and they get tired of hearing it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right, I hear you.  And then again, people ask you.  You can recommend them to Dr. Meyer’s website and then also from the podcast as well to get more info on this, because knowledge is power especially if you are applying the knowledge.  That’s the most important thing.

Beverly Meyer:  Yes, it is.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Well, I wanna leave you with my last 2 questions that I ask all my guests.  If you were stuck on a desert island, what supplement or nutrient would you bring with you?  And I think I already know.

Beverly Meyer:  Well, I won’t need D on that–on that–on that desert island but I might need some Vitamin K.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I knew it.

Beverly Meyer:  But for sure, I’m gonna make sure I have enough saturated fat because I do think humans evolved to eat saturated fat and not all proteins have high quality saturated fat, you know, an equatorial fish does not have as much omega 3 as a cold water fish.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.

Beverly Meyer:  So I would have some–some–some good source of omega 3s with me along with that emu oil.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yeah, just your luck you’re on a desert island with coconuts then you get the saturated fat from there as well.

Beverly Meyer:  That–that’s true.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Very cool.  So with our listeners here, what would be like the last 3 suggestions that you kinda wanna highlight, underline, what are the big 3 take homes for people just to kick more butt?

Beverly Meyer:  Number 1 is get off of gluten as if you’re life depended on it and you had a firm diagnosis of celiac disease.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  And by gluten, all grains you mean, correct?

Beverly Meyer:  Well, first gluten.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yup.

Beverly Meyer:  I mean, maybe not first, but I mean especially I want people to treat gluten as your lipstick has gluten in it, your hair dye has gluten in it–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Hmm.

Beverly Meyer:  You’re handling the pet kibble that you’re tossing back and forth from the bowl to the bin and you’re breathing all of that dust with wheat flour, and this is why I say, to really learn all the sneaky places that you may think you’re gluten-free but you’re not.  And because we wanna get those antibodies under control as quickly as possible.  So that’s number one, is no matter what, gluten-free and just–just tell people you have celiac disease and it helps the waiter, you know, he doesn’t have to listen to your story.  Just–he knows what to do.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Exactly.  Exactly.  Just say you have an allergy, your celiac, that’s it.

Beverly Meyer:  That’s right and I’m gonna die on your doorstep if you don’t–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Yes.

Beverly Meyer:  Listen to my order.  And that will–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Thank you.

Beverly Meyer:  Get their attention.  Number two–

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Two.

Beverly Meyer:  Would be know yourself.  Listen to those patterns in your mind and learn them and what triggers them and whose pattern was that anyway?  You know, who’s the one that said, “You better make straight A’s.”?  And–and you’re still knocking yourself out trying to straight A all your email responses and, you know, know yourself and–and handle those–those drivers in your brain.  And number three, do a saliva test and check your adrenal status because sometimes it’s high, sometimes it’s low, sometimes it’s normal, sometimes it’s mixed, and I had no idea how sick I was until I did that saliva test and that’s what it took for me to finally–for me to finally wake up and say, “Oh, my gosh.  I’m in big trouble.  This is no joke.”  And saliva test is a hugely useful test for cortisol and all the male and female hormones, too, as long as you’re at it.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Well, I–objective data can be incredibly motivating for people to make a change, change your diet, so I’m in full support of that, doc. That’s great.

Beverly Meyer:  Alright, well, thank you so much.  And by the way, I am not a doctor, so I don’t use the term doctor.  Although in Texas, you’re allowed to use the term doctor and call yourself an ND, which I–very opposed to people that have been to one weekend call themselves doctor and ND, this and that.  So I try to be very cautious about the use of that term doctor for those who deserve it and had been to medical school.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  I understand.

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, and for your–all people listening to this, don’t–you know, you should really question your practitioners, “What medical school did you go to?  What year?  Did you graduate and how long have you been practicing this particular specialty I’m consulting you with?”

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Right.  And most–most medical doctors have that zero nutrition training at all in their medical school.  So again, you’ve been doing this 30 years so we appreciate your info and your input and Bev Meyer’s site is, could you reiterate–

Beverly Meyer:  Nope.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Your podcast as well?

Beverly Meyer:  Yeah, it’s ondietandhealth.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Oh, ondietandhealth.  We’ll have that in the show host,

Beverly Meyer:  Dot com, and that’s my twitter and Pinterest is ondietandhealth.  My Facebook is BeverlyMeyerOnDietAndHealth, it’s a long name and the podcast is primaldietmodernhealth.  So you got that ancient food but the best of modern healthcare.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Awesome.  Well, thanks, Beverly.  It was so great having you on the podcast.

Beverly Meyer:  Thank you, Justin.  Those are–your great questions, you’re a wonderful interviewer and very thorough.  I’m sure with your–all your own patients.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani:  Well, thank you so much.


-EFT intro video:
-The diet for human beings:


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